

[ C H A P T E R  T W O ]




    “So, who is that actor that you were having a crush on?” 


    “I did not have a crush on him.” Yongsun huffed, and shot him a glare. “And, he’s not an actor either.”


    “A comedian?” He asked to which he earned himself another glare in return.


Eric loves to tease Yongsun, it was always fun to see her reaction. He knew when he was acting up earlier when they were talking about Yongsun’s ideal type with her friend during the filming, the editors would make it seemed like he was jealous, but he wasn’t. He was never the controlling type, and he didn’t really care that much about ideal types in general. He believed ideal types are almost imaginary, it’s something you built on all the best characteristics you’ve gathered from each person, and to him, choosing to date someone who matches one’s ideal type didn’t really make enough sense to him — he finds it to be almost greedy because ideal types are absolutely perfect, and it’s impossible to date someone who is absolutely perfect.


Yongsun, on the other hand, mentally cursed her friend, Eunha for bringing up the fact that her ideal type wasn’t him awhile ago, but she couldn’t really blamed her either because she was right — her ideal type was never him before, she had to agreed with that. But over a period of time, she has learned that you don’t always necessarily ended up with the ideal types you had in your mind all along. It was like with degrees and careers, you could be majoring in one thing and ended up doing a completely different thing later in life. 


Her eyes landed on the man sitting across from her, and for a quick moment, Yongsun wondered what if he had taken the job in New York instead of coming to Korea — who would she ended up with as a partner in this show, and if they both would ever had the chance to cross each other’s path again. She guessed they might never even get the chance to know of each other’s existence, and maybe he might even fell in love with someone else she didn’t even want to imagine. Taking a sip of the rice wine they were drinking, she disregarded the thought because there was no use dwelling on the whole what ifs when clearly they both are happy with what they’re having right now.


She introduced one of her best friends to him for today’s filming. It would seem like nothing really special to someone else, but to her, her friends are like her deepest secrets, and she’d only shared them with someone she really treasured and trusted. Her private life has always been a secret to everyone else, because she felt like if she let them in on her private life too much, they’d find her even more vulnerable than she already is. Not many know of her private matters, and many started rumors because of it, but she didn’t care because she’s already resolved to only share it with someone she held dearly in her heart.


    “Have you heard that next week would be our last filming?” 


It wasn’t too obvious, but she saw a slight drop in his facial expression. He tried to pull a reassuring smile, and gave her a small nod as a response. Yongsun felt like, he too, hasn’t actually prepared himself for it yet even though he was always prepared for everything. It was ridiculous to both of them that they would actually be saddened over this news, because they’re definitely still going to see each other even after they wrapped up next week’s filming, but Yongsun guessed it was the fact that with the lack of cameras as an excuse, they both knew they won’t be able to see each other in public, or supporting each other in public like they could anymore.


    “We’ll still see each other.” 


His response sounded more like an affirmation, a reassurance he tried to tell himself but Yongsun didn’t mind, because she knew they would definitely try to find ways to see each other despite their crazy schedules.  She raised her bowl of rice wine towards him, and offered him a smile so he’d know that she’s ready to take on this together with him — they’ll make it work, she knows it deep down in her heart.


The staff would gradually bid them good bye and left gradually one after another. It was until the last group of staff that they both decided to leave the rice wine store as well. Yongsun blamed it on the alcohol inside of her that made her a tad bits too courageous than usual to suggest that they both stroll around the night market a little bit more longer before going back home, and Eric blamed the alcohol inside of him as well for agreeing to her rather risky suggestion. 


In return, he suggested that he’d take her home just to be safe because it was already very late as it is, but she giggled and waved him off.


    “Of course you have to, we’re going to the same home.” 


    Eric raised his brows in confusion. “You’re drunk.” 


Despite his initial thought that Yongsun was drunk from the rice wine, they both found themselves cuddling against each other on their bed in their Ddongie Home with Sleepless in Seattle running on the television across from them, while munching on the snacks they brought earlier. Maybe he was the one who is drunk to not realize that this was the home she was referring to. 


Eric wasn’t sure if his attention was on the movie, or on the woman next to him. He knew she loves watching movies, but he never know how focused she would be when she’s watching one. Occasionally, she’d look up at him and feed him a piece of snack, and occasionally he’d planted soft kisses on top of her head to which he caught her smiling at it. 


He guessed perhaps she wasn’t actually that focused on the movie.


Eric had absolutely no idea when did they both fell asleep, but he woke up to the next morning with their heads against each other while sleeping in the same position they were cuddling in last night. She was still sleeping peacefully against him, their empty bags of snacks lied on the other side of the bed, and their television remained on despite their movie ending since god knows when.


Thinking that she might be late for any of her schedules, he reached his hand out in attempt to wake her up, but instead she grumbled and wrapped her arm around his waist so she’d be hugging him tighter. Snuggling her head closer into his chest, she fell back asleep almost immediately. 


He tried again. 


This time, she fluttered her eyes opened, and Eric expected her to freak out about being late and jumped out of bed, but instead she stared at him confusedly. 


    Reaching his hand out to caress her cheek, he said, “Wake up, you’re gonna be late.”


    “For what?” 


    He shrugged a little. “Your schedules?” 


    She closed her eyes again. Pushing him gently so they both would slid down onto their bed and lay down comfortably, she mumbled in a muffled voice. “I don’t have any today.”


Eric was planning to go into his studio later today, and perhaps worked on a few songs but he guessed that can be rearranged since a particular sleepy someone here seems to enjoy using his arms as her pillow — not that he’s complaining though. Planting a soft kiss on top of her head, he went back to sleep with his face gently pressed against her head. 


Neither of them really need to say it out loud to know that they wouldn’t mind waking up like this next to each other every morning, but somewhere in the back of Yongsun’s head, her subconscious mind wished they hadn’t fall asleep in that position last night, because now her back was killing her — but, Eric didn’t need to know that.



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TTahgaseTT #1
Chapter 19: this fanfic gives me butterflies 🥺🦋 2 years late I just wanted to say thank you for writing this beautiful story 💗
soaleiousav #2
Chapter 19: Can you make a sequel??? Pls.
Chapter 4: oh oh ohbo
Chapter 2: i ing miss them already.. .
I just finished the wgm Ddongie couple and I wanted more. Though Im a huge moonsun shipper, it'd be nice if the both Solar and Eric dated. That's why I'm here to drown my poor poor self into fanfics.
HotPotatoSweetPotato #8
Chapter 9: Ohhh was this an actual show and if yes can you link me?
moomooradish #9
Chapter 19: Thank you for this wonderful story and best of luck with your classes!