Troublesome New Comer

Eden Project

"Kang Hyewon, you are late!"

The homeroom adviser sternly says as she eyes the new student with a piercing gaze which— surprisingly did not scare Hyewon one bit.

"Sorry ma'am, I got lost on the way here."

Hyewon retorted calmly, as she proceeds towards the center front of class. The homeroom adviser then asked the new comer to take her time and introduce herself which Hyewon politely agreed to do.

"Im Kang Hyewon a new student from Busan. I had an accident before the initial assessment and welcoming, which confined me for a month. With that being said, I want to make something clear. I do not intend to play games. I am here to take the number 1 spot in this school, and I see you all as rivals."

Everyone gasped at Hyewon's blatant remarks. Never in a life time could most of the students in Enozi give out such confidence filled words, and even if they did a few weeks later their enthusiasm to be on top suddenly drops.

"I think she's just all talk."

"I know right."

"I bet Yujin from Star section Class-3 whose a middle schooler could definitely beat her."

The class started to murmur as if they are all little bees buzzing out unwanted information. 

Hyewon remained unbothered and immediately walk towards the vacant seat near the window at the back of the class. 

Everyone's eyes followed the raven-haired as if they are all hungry Hyenas trying to intimidate their prey, but the thing is— these so called Hyenas thought Hyewon was a helpless bunny; when in all fact, she's a mighty lioness, because of being ignorant to Hyewon's threat a student stood up and tried to play a stupid prank on her. The student grabbed Hyewon's wooden sword and called it disgusting and hideous. The whole class laugh but Hyewon is unamused. She then faced the other woman and landed her fist straight to the latter's pitiful face. 

The whole class fell on dead silence when the other woman was knocked down— unconscious on the cold marbled floor. The homeroom adviser was so surprised that it took her a few seconds before she could process everything. Once her clouded mind started to light up, She ran towards the commotion and immediately attended to the unconscious woman.

"Kang Hyewon, meet counselor Bae Yoon Jung at detention after class."

The adviser glared at the fresh blood before she helped the unconscious woman to be carried to the infirmary.






"Hey! Chaeyeon sunbae!!"

A tall woman shouted as she run towards Chaeyeon at full speed. The blonde almost got startled when she saw how fast her favorite tall underclassman is approaching her.

The tall woman then suddenly stops right infront of Chaeyeon as if she's some kind of vehicle who had hit its emergency brake.

"Sunbae! I heard the new student got into trouble. The one with a wooden sword and raven-black hair who was behind a month."

The tall woman blurted out which made Chaeyeon contort her face in a puzzled look. The blonde then continues to think whom her underclassman was talking about until it hits her.

The tall blue haired woman was talking about Hyewon, but things doesn't add up to the blonde about the recent information. In the short span that the blonde had knew Hyewon. She knows well that the raven-haired woman would not get herself into trouble unless necessary.

"Where's the new student now, Yujin?"

Chaeyeon asks as she picks up a book from her bag and flips it.

Yujin pressed her chin in between the gap of her index finger and thumb and started thinking. She then clicked her fingers together after remembering what she heard from the halls earlier.

"I heard from an upperclassman that the new student is at miss Bae Yoonjung's counseling room and is serving her detention by sitting in seiza until someone picks her up."

Chaeyeon suddenly giggles after hearing about the very light punishment given to Hyewon. 

"Well, the student dorm head would pick her up anyways so I guess we don't need to interfere."

Yeji muses from the side as she starts packing her stuff.

The slit-eyed woman then looks at her watch and headed out after registering what time it was.

"Looks like someone is going on a secret date again."

Ryujin amusingly uttered as she put her elbow and lean closer to Chaeyeon's shoulder. The group then followed Yeji using their eyes until the slit-eyed woman disappeared from their sights.

"It's just a good thing she's a daughter of one of the board members of this school. Because if not she'll be kicked out already."

Ryujin hisses as she shakes her head talking to the group.

"You are just bitter over the fact that Lia chose her and not you."

Yena butted from the sideline which made Ryujin a bit pissed. She then clicked her tongue and stomp towards her seat and take her sling bag and left immediately. Leaving a laughing Yena and a puzzled Yujin.

"You really like dropping bombs like that huh."

Chaeyeon muses as she closes her book and puts it away in her bag. She then sling it across her body and looked towards Yena and Yujin.

"Lets go. Im hungry already."






"Woah! You really held the seiza! Im surprised you didn't get a leg cramp."

A voice suddenly echoed inside the counseling room, where Hyewon is serving her detention. The raven-haired then opened her eyes to see whom was the person talking.

"Hello, there new blood. Im Son Chaeyoung. Im the student dorm head. Nice to meet ya!"

A short woman who probably stands around a hundred and sixty centimeters; greeted the almost meditating new student. Hyewon only smiled at her and immediately stand to give respect to her senior.

"Sunbae! It's nice to meet you."

After a full ninety degrees bow, Hyewon streches out her hand for a formal shake which Chaeyoung found funny— instead of giving the woman a hand shake, Chaeyoung drapes her arm towards the slightly bowing girl and cling them to the latter's neck and gave Hyewon's hair a bit of a mess. After the she giggled and instructed Hyewon to follow her.






"Wooooah! This place is huge!"

The raven-haired marvel as she steps inside her dorm room. With Enozi's reputation she did not expect less but she would be lying if she said it just reached her expectations and that's it, because the whole room exceeded it ten folds.

The room is painted with white with a whole king sized bed and a chandelier dangling from the ceiling. The whole exterior screams expensive that she can't stop jaw dropping at every corner.

"How can a school like this be funded? I mean this one room alone can cost millions! And that amount of money is no joke! I can buy myself a restaurant with that!"

Hyewon exclaimed to the dorm head as she spun around and throw herself on the soft matress. 

Chaeyoung just giggled at the younger woman infront of her, while she eyes the gold watch she's wearing.

"Okay! Time for house rules. First one is breakfast starts at 6am, there is no lunch here because mostly all the students are in the Lecture halls at that time of the day and the cafeteria is incharge of lunch, Dinner starts at 7pm. Second, public baths are open from 8pm to 11pm. Usually each year level takes turn on using the baths but you can come in there anytime as you please as long as you are still on the time given. Third, you cannot bring and Eve here, you'll be punish for a whole year of community service. Lastly, you can never have an affair with your co-Adams. It will lead you to expulsion, but in some other cases you did fall for another Adam I suggest you go and keep it a secret to everyone. Unless you want to give up you Adam rank and be an Eve. Welp those are house rules aside from those you can do anything as you please."

Chaeyoung smiles after handing down a sheet of paper to Hyewon with the house rules printed out and a few hygiene necessity packs to last an entire month.

"So, this hygiene packs goes for a month then at the same date next month I'll be knocking again at your door to give you this again, and the cycle continues. So, without further ado, I will have my leave. And Again welcome to Kingdom Enozi. If you need anything I will gladly help out~"

Chaeyoung gleefully muses as she yet again take a look at her watch and wave the new woman goodbye.

Hyewon was so delighted to have the big room for herself that she Immediately step out of her clothes and flopped her tired half body onto the white sheets. She intended to try the bath but her exhaustion from her first day got the best of her and now she's lying with her stomach down while she drifts off to dreamland.





"Now this is some good information. Kang Hyewon."

A woman with red wine hair grins as she looks at the paper she's holding. 

"Since you have done a great job. I should reward you."

The woman muses again as she lift the chin of the person infront of her seductively with her index finger. 




Yehey! I finally got to update and it's still boring aroumd this chapter nothing happening yet. Anyhows.


I got my Bloom*iz album already!! Huhuhuhu. Im happy!! But at the same time not because my luck over Chaeyeon is nowhere to be found!! Huhuhuhu! Not even one Chaeyeon PC, but i did got some Hyewon so all is well~


Anyhows thank you for reading and have a great day everyone!!



Thank you for giving this little wreck of a story a read! Im forever grateful~



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Born_forthis #1
What manga is this based off? I wanna read
I knew the plot was so familiar. I read this manga once upon a time.

I'll be looking forward to how you'll incorporate the girls into this.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 6: bomb drop! nice one old man Ha!!
sclocksmith #4
Chapter 5: That rich kids. Instead of betting, you all can donate that money to me XD
Chapter 5: heejin, chaewon, and minjoo sweeties...
1761 streak #6
Chapter 5: can't wait to see who wins the bet!!
nicz04 #7
Chapter 5: i really can't wait for the next update~ update soon author-nim!
Chapter 4: So far the plot is interesting. Thank you for this!
1761 streak #9
Chapter 4: What a what?!?!
sclocksmith #10
Chapter 3: Is it Iz*one x JYP AU? hehehe so many characters here.