Welcome to Enozi Kingdom

Eden Project

"The last male to ever survive has now taken his last breath because of old age."

That was the headline.

It's been 30 years since earth had lost all it's male occupants, leaving all females to propagate what was left off by them. 

During 20XX an epidemic that became a world emergency in just days— took the world by storm. This disease targets the Y-chromosomes of humans which the males have. Women started to bring forth female children and no male has been produced ever since. From there one by one the males started to decrease and the leaders from all over the world came to a conclusion that males should start donating their for preservation and research purposes. The world government built a bank that is made to keep more than enough, until the world can find cure about that virus whom wiped out the Y-chromosomes.

Until now, no cure has been made. The government and everything are now ran by women all over the world.

The new government divided the women into two factions. The Adams and The Eves. Adams are the women who runs governments and important matters, they also run the roles as the new males of society while Eves are the one who goes and bring support to Adams; and also bring forth a child. They also hold the role of the new women of society. The government called Project Eden. There is also a rule the government imposed. An Adam can never fall inlove with the same role as them. If they ever try to break this rule one must step down and become an Eve.

During the epidemic a school situated in an island around the tropics, was establish to train women into their designated roles.

Roles were sorted out once the child had been brought to life. They are already branded to be Eves or Adams. With all this happening the government still seeks for the cure for the Y chromosome eating virus.

Now it's 21XX, almost a hundred years have passed and kids are sent to the school the government built to train Adams and Eves. It is as if they were inlisted into military when they reached a certain age. Everyone mostly do the same there, the school is divided into two, the place of the Adams and the place for the Eves, every month there is a party at the banquet hall that invites every Adam and Eve in the school to mingle with one another. Some Adam uses this party to get the Eve of their dreams and some uses this to get to see the Eve their family wanted them to marry after they graduated.

It has been like that since forever, and not until a certain Adam broke that reputation of the school, some years ago. Now another Adam from that bloodline enters the school but no one knows who she was.


Not until today.







A woman wearing a white polo and a blue necktie called out while she holds her sandwich with a little bite on the upper left corner. 

The new comer seems anxious about something yet the blonde shrugs it off and greeted her with a sweet welcoming smile.

"Good morning Yena. You're early today."

Yena shook her head, she looks at Chaeyeon in disbelief. As if the latter haven't heard the news.

"Buddy! You know right?"

The blonde gave the pouty woman a puzzled look. She has no idea what her friend was talking about that her puzzlement hightens. 

"Guess, you don't know about it. Well we got a new student! and looks like she's a month late."





"Enozi Kingdom, atlast I have set foot on this place."

A woman with raven-black hair and a piece of wooden sword strapped at her back, slowly approached the school's towering gates. 

It has been her goal to get admitted to the acclaimed school for one reason. To redeem her Family, especially her mother whom was a victim of the government's Project Eden.






"So this is What Enozi looks like inside. Its huge! But I need to get to homeroom."

The new transfer student muses as she take up fast steps towards the first building she saw. She had assumed it was the main hall towards the student's lecture rooms, but before she can even reach the building a sound of a crying cat caught her attention. She lifted her chin up— only to be greeted by a woman falling from the tree. The said woman has pale smooth skin, sliky blonde hair that is tied up in a ponytail and is wearing the same uniform she has. A white polo with a blue necktie partnered with pants complimenting the color of her necktie.

"Oh my god! Im so sorry!"

The blonde apologizes as she stood up and reach for the raven haired girl's hands. The transfer student gladly took it and slowly stood up from the ground. She then swats the few dust that was stuck on her polo, after that she made sure the wooden sword latched on her back is not broken, before she averted her gaze at the taller blonde whose infront of her.

The raven haired woman almost lost her balance after she saw the person infront of her. 

She was carrying a cat in her arms while looking worried at the new unfamiliar student. 

"Im fine."

The raven haired woman muses as she slowly takes a step away from the close proximity being given by the blonde. 

"Are you that new student everyone is talking about?"

The blonde smiled brightly.

The raven haired woman only nods awkwardly. She did not mean to make such a flashy entrance at this school, but what could she do. She was stuck in the hospital for a month because she carelessly saves a cat from being hit by a car, saving the cat but not including her. For a month she had to endure the life of having a cast on her left arm and right leg. 

She grimace at the thought of going back to the hospital. Nothing but bland food, white walls and curtains. It's like hell in one building. The boredom inside that institution is unbearable that the thought gave the transferee cold sweats.

"Hey? You sure your alright?"

The blonde questions again this time looking more intently at the new student. 

The raven haired girl just lets out a sigh and nods. The blonde gave out a blinding smile as she took the little cat off her arms and present it to the transferee, which made the raven haired girl a bit startled and thought how peculiar the woman in front of her is.

"He was stuck up on the tree and was crying so I tried saving her, but I slipped. So again. Im really sorry."

The blonde sincerely bowed her head down. 

"Im Chaeyeon, Lee Chaeyeon from the Sun section class-1."

After introducing, the blonde reach out her hand with that unfaltering bright smile.

"Chaeyeon?....Well..Im Hyewon, Kang Hyewon. Nice to meet you."






"Where in the world is Chaeyeon!! Class is about to start!"

Yena pouted as she rapidly taps on her table using her index finger. Chaeyeon is five minutes late to her usual time and this is unusual for the blonde. Because firstly, she's panctual and second, the only time she got late like this is because she had run into an accident.

"Hey, Chill out. It's not like she's dead or anything. Besides it's Chaeyeon. She'll never skip class! Remember that time she had an accident and injured her arm, but still got her here."

Ryujin jokes.

Ryujin is one of the top students in school along with Chaeyeon, Yena and Yeji. They are also from families of the upper starta of society. These group of students lead the Adam Faction of Enozi to heights that even the previous generation can not achieve, well they are not called protegés for nothing.

"Yeji! Can you message Chae for us! Yena here is being a worry wart!"

Ryujun cheekily stated which Yeji gave a thumbs up and Yena, a pout.






"Wow! I can't believe you have no sense of direction at all!"

Chaeyeon amusingly muses as she skips infront of Hyewon.

Hyewon agreed to Chaeyeon's offer to be taken to her homeroom, because Enozi is too big for her to navigate, and for simply her having no sense of direction; or whatsoever.

"I really never had a chance to go out much, that's why."

Hyewon stated as she kicks into thin air. 

The walk feels like an eternity of travel. It feels so slow that Hyewon thought of dragging Chaeyeon and make a run for it, but before she can even do so. Chaeyeon stops on her tracks which the occupied Hyewon lightly bumped onto. 

"Okay! Nebula section, Class-1. We are here!"

Chaeyeon smiles as she read the sign hanged infront of the classroom door. After that she looked back at Hyewon who is now looking a little bit nervous while tidying her uniform and practicing to stand straight. 

"Good luck on your first day!"

Chaeyeon giggles as she pats Hyewon's shoulder. She then took this chance to get at the back of Hyewon and push the new student closer to the door.

"Okay, gotta leave you here. Im actually a bit late for my class."

Chaeyeon then smiled widely again as she run towards the other direction.

"Lee Chaeyeon. Such a peculiar friendly character."





Hello people~

So here if the first chapter of this little series of mine. Things are just starting and welp it'll probably take some more time before their relatiinship progresses. 

To tell the truth this story was suppose to be a one shot but I was writing too much that I ended up dividing them.



Im still not yet done writing this. Hahahahha


Anyhow, hope you will stay with me until the end~ 

See ya again on the next chapter


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Born_forthis #1
What manga is this based off? I wanna read
I knew the plot was so familiar. I read this manga once upon a time.

I'll be looking forward to how you'll incorporate the girls into this.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 6: bomb drop! nice one old man Ha!!
sclocksmith #4
Chapter 5: That rich kids. Instead of betting, you all can donate that money to me XD
Chapter 5: heejin, chaewon, and minjoo sweeties...
1761 streak #6
Chapter 5: can't wait to see who wins the bet!!
nicz04 #7
Chapter 5: i really can't wait for the next update~ update soon author-nim!
Chapter 4: So far the plot is interesting. Thank you for this!
1761 streak #9
Chapter 4: What a what?!?!
sclocksmith #10
Chapter 3: Is it Iz*one x JYP AU? hehehe so many characters here.