Beyond The Scene

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Hoseok and you dated for around 1 year, he was deeply in love with you. He thought you were the one for him, you were his world but you broke him with one lie. He hated you as much as he had loved you and now you meet him again. He is prepared to have his revenge and make your life a living hell.



I did it, I did it for money...I never loved you. Those words haunted him til this day. Hoseok was sitting in the waiting room before their final concert in Seoul but his mind trailed off. 

Jin nudged Yoongi tilting his head to indicate Hoseok was at it again. Whenever he wasn't busy or focused, his mind will slowly drift into deep thoughts.

"You're thinking about her again?" Yoongi asked when he finished fixing his mic. Hoseok looked up at s and he knew he couldn't lie and say he wasn't thinking about her. He was trying his best to forget her but whenever he thinks about her, he just felt angry at himself and her. Angry at himself for trusting her so easily and angry at her for using his feelings for her greed.

"Come on Hoseok, it's been almost a year since anyone has heard from her. She's facing the consequences of what she has done to us." Namjoon said putting aside his concert notes. 

"I know." Hoseok sighed leaning back onto the sofa.

"Then why are you still thinking about her?" Jimin asked curious but cautiously.

"I want her back." Hoseok replied.

"What?" The members asked shocked at Hoseok's confession.

"I want her back..." He repeated and leaned forward with his elbows resting against his knees and chin to his crossed hands. His lips curled before saying, "I want her back so I can pay back all the pain and suffering she has caused me...and our group." 

"Do you really think she'll crawl back here and let that happen?" Taehyung asked.

"You do know, she's not stupid. If she was able to fool all of us to then go ahead and backstab us, I think she'd be smart enough not to show her face around here." Yoongi responded seriously with his face turning sour just by thinking about the damage she had caused. The members were angry at the thought of her hurting Hoseok and it nearly broke him. He lost his sincere smile.

Hoseok kept quiet and thought about it deeply, "I know...but I really want to give my own revenge. She broke me." 

Jin came over and placed his hand on Hoseok's shoulder, "Forget about her, she's not worth your time and thoughts." 

"30 mins left!" The staff called as he poked his head inside the waiting room. 

"Let's go...don't think about it too much." Jungkook got up from his seat and walked over to Hoseok, grabbing his arm and the members walked towards the stage.

Standing at the lift to get ready for their opening, someone was being yelled at the side by a staff member causing them all to turn towards the noise. Hoseok's face changed and he gave a smirk, she did indeed return.


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194 streak #1
Chapter 21: Enjoyed reading...!
194 streak #2
Chapter 13: 🥰
Chapter 19: UAAAAA! This was so cool, loved it!
oooooh! Can't wait to beinge read this!
Thanks *-*
exokyunglu #5
Chapter 19: Aww it's the end already :( this was such a lovely story to read, I'm loving the series of how we are getting each member from yoongi to hoseok and now it's taehyung. I'm excited for the next adventure. This story though was so heartbreaking in the beginning i'm so glad it all turned out well in the end and she got her justice. Now that Hoseok and his fiance are engaged I hope we will get a wedding in one of the future stories, whether that's in taehyung's or another member (if you plan to write for each member or just a few that's up to you).
I did see in the notes that you have now added names to the female characters, i'm quite glad, it's easier to read and understand between which character is which rather than saying the letter y/n each time, cause i wouldn't say my own name lol.
Chapter 20: Such a beautiful story.

Looks like Taehyung is the next one.
exokyunglu #7
Chapter 18: The nerve these so called parents have. Pssht make them rot in jail the whole family.
Ronski #8
Chapter 16: Such a good book, i have been crying off and on I love the angst and happy ending . I can’t wait for the next chapter thank you
exokyunglu #9
Chapter 16: One word... Sohee that evil b****
Chapter 16: must be Sohee.....