
the commemoration of the school's foundation day is the favourite annual event of every student. it is a week-long celebration. all classes are suspended to give way to the programs.
the intramural activities are highlights of the celebration. but above all the games being held, the of the sports activity is the basketball competition.
although the season had started two months ago, the finals always happen during the foundation week, a reason every game is a big event. the university is coming to a stop as spectators are swarming into the stadium like bees during each game.
you love watching but you avoid days when simon's team gets to play. you just hate it when he shows off. you even hate those girls screaming for his attention.
but just as every rule has an exception, for you, it would be today.
having no classes for a week meant not seeing irene too. the last conversation you had with her was more than a month ago, when she warned you about her boyfriend. you know she'd be here to support him so you took that chance to get a glimpse of her.
it was easy for you to enjoy the game because simon wasn't part of the starting lineup. byulyi also picked a strategic spot for you to easily get a glimpse of irene across the court.
it would have been perfect if the creature didn't get his chance to play, but the coach let him in the last five minutes of the fourth quarter.
and just as you thought, it was an opportunity for simon to show off. he was lucky to get a successful hoop from the three-point line after his sixth attempt--yup, sixth attempt.
it's no big deal for the team as their score was way ahead of the opponent. however, what he did next made the crowd go wild.
feeling victorious, simon proudly raised his right hand and pointed at irene, showing everyone that the shot was for her. the crowd turned their attention to the blushing girl who's now hiding behind yongsun's shoulder.
what's weird is you still find her perfectly cute even though you're feeling jealous now. how you wish those smiles were meant for you.
it's been a week now since your last class together. although you don't get to talk normally, seeing her subtle smiles at you during classes and those quick eye contacts are assuring you you're still close, that she's just near.
but moments like this, it's different. she's making you feel you're just someone she can easily forget.
"i don't like him," byulyi muttered.
you didn't take your eyes away from the scene, looking at how irene's friends are teasing her for what her boyfriend just did.
"me too."
"jeez. do you think she's serious about him?"
you shrugged.
byulyi turned her attention back to the court. "tsk. that chick will be a waste..."
you kept silent as you follow simon with your eyes, envying him for getting the girl of your dreams for his girlfriend.
"but you know, dude, i think there is something..." byulyi trailed off, totally getting your attention. "do you remember what happened at my birthday party?"
you smiled a little at that, feeling butterflies in your stomach at the memory of it. "we were drunk, dude. she wouldn't have kissed me if she's sober."
"no. i wasn't pertaining to the game. i'm thinking of the dance floor."
"dance floor?"
"do you still remember what you did there?"
you tried to recall. "w-we... we danced..."
byulyi chuckled. "no, seul. you didn't. you were hugging there, whispering into each other's face."
you looked away for a second, trying to recall that scene.
"you were in your own world there, just the two of you," byulyi further added.
you turned back to byulyi. "and your point?"
"i can't read what's on her mind but i'm sure of what i saw there," she said, her eyes following the game. "she was flirting with you, man."
"i... i don't know..." you said, not sure how to take it. "it would be great if that was true, but y--"
"go ask yourself this question first," byulyi interrupted. "do you think she will allow herself to be close like that with me?"
you opened your mouth but can't think of a comeback for that.
byulyi continued, "she told you 'some of her friends' like you, right? then how come she's the one with you during that party, considering that she has a boyfriend? and those boxes, what do you think is her motive for still sending those?"
"she said it's her way of thanking me for saving her," you said.
byulyi doesn't look convinced. "there is a real reason behind that, seul, and she's not telling you that. remember, i have one class with her and yongsun? our class schedule always ends during lunchtime. her vain boyfriend could pick her up every day. guess what? he doesn't. he only picks her up on her classes with you."
that new information surprised you. "really? why?"
"you tell me."
you turned to look at irene and saw her smiling at yongsun while they whisper something to each other. then your eyes went down on the yang pendant hanging around her neck.
"he thinks i like her..." you told byulyi, remembering the last talk you had with irene. "even so, it wouldn't matter. the girl is obviously in love with him."
byulyi scoffs. "no. you don't get it. he's acting that way because he's threatened by you. he's threatened because he knows you can steal the girl away from him. does that make sense?"
you were about to speak but byulyi beat you to it.
"we're both aware that irene is a catch, right? but why do you think, out of all the people crushing on her in this campus, simon is only guarding her against you?"
"because... he knows we're close...?" you said, unsure.
"because irene is letting herself to be close to you," said byulyi, smirking. "and she's doing that because she likes you. stop being a dense bear. i seriously think you owe her something. she's already giving you the signs. don't you think it's time you act up?"
"b-but she has..." you didn't finish your sentence, you were pointing at simon on the court.
"nah. don't mind him. what if she's just waiting for you?"
"i don't think so, dude. if she really likes me then she should've broken up with him a long time ago."
byulyi sighed loudly at your stubbornness. "i don't know. i guess she has her reasons. i know women, dude. i'm not sure how deep it is, but that girl over there." she pointed at irene's direction. "she likes you. i'm sure of that. and she's done her part. do yours."
you bit your lip as you look at irene and imagining how it'll be like if you confess to her.
byulyi tapped your shoulder. "do it now, seulgi. you wouldn't want her to get tired of waiting, do you?"
"there you two are!" said hyojung, showing up during the last two minutes of the game.
"oh, hey, hyojung. where you've been? game's over soon," said byulyi, moving a little away from you to give hyojung enough space to sit between you.
hyojung sat comfortably, resting her bag between her legs. "i was in the library researching for my term paper due next week. oh, before i forgot..." she opened her bag and took out two small pringles cans.
"researching when there are no classes?" asked byulyi, absently taking one can handed to her. "jeez. you are something. and thanks for this."
"well, it's not every day that people aren't thinking of studying, you know," said hyojung, handing you the other can. "it's hard to look for books when you have competitors."
you stared in wonder at the pringles handed to you. you know there's no rule you're not allowed to accept other presents. however, you're not sure why you kinda feel guilty you'll be eating another pringles aside from the ones irene is sending you.
hyojung gently slapped your arm. "it's pringles. hello! what's wrong with you? it's your favourite, right?"
"of course! my all-time favourite. thanks, hyojung," you said, acting cool. it was after tasting it when you realised how hungry you are.
"wow. you two look like you haven't taken lunch yet, have you?" asked hyojung, turning to you and byulyi.
"seulgi and i watched after our meeting in the dojo," said byulyi.
truth is you held off lunch a bit because you wanted to see irene here before the game ends.
hyojung didn't say anything. her eyes roamed around and spots irene. she let out a disappointed sigh before turning to byulyi. "so, when's your game?"
"tomorrow noon. seulgi and i are surely gonna compete."
"wow. that's exciting, huh?" hyojung shifted back to you. "do you think you could beat byulyi this time?"
you smirked at that. "we'll see..."
"are you going to watch my fight with seulgi?" asked byulyi.
"of course! i wouldn't let an event like that miss. have you guys promoted the game?"
"yeah. we did. but we don't think anyone's coming," you answered.
"it's basketball's championship tomorrow," said byulyi. "we're sure all the people will be here."
"oh. right..." hyojung wrapped her arms around you and byulyi's shoulder. "don't you two worry. even if all the people will be here to watch the game, i'll be there in the dojo to support you."
you secretly wish irene would come too. but she'll surely be here watching the game to support her boyfriend.
but knowing that hyojung is always there for you made you feel a little better.
as expected, all the students are cheering in the stadium for the finals.
your dojo, even after opening all the windows and doors wide to attract attention, was running low with the audience. there were less than ten people who came to watch.
since there are only seven aikido members, four females, and three males, the game is over within an hour only. like last year, you and byulyi were left to compete for the finals in the female division.
it was a tough fight with her. it always has been. byulyi was the champion last year after defeating you with flying colours. this year, you are focused to take the championship from her to help with your scholarship. the principal promised you a hundred per cent support next semester if you win this.
you were already getting tired. the idea of wanting to give up is already kicking in. byulyi came to you and pinned your hands on the floor. getting all sweaty, you sneaked out from her grip and grabbed her two hands instead for a counter.
she evaded with a side pin, and then gave you a low strike. after that, she attempted for a straight punch which you've already expected. you evaded and gave her an elbow wrap. you took that opportunity to use her strength and perform an arm crossed throw.
byulyi fell on the floor, lying down on her back. the game ended after that.
it was after your sensei announced that the game is over when you realised you won.
you helped byulyi got up and she congratulated you while messing your hair. hyojung ran towards you excitedly, jumping up to hug you.
after the awards, hyojung went ahead to attend a party in their house, promising she'll treat you some other time.
it's already getting dark and creepy when you went out of the locker room. no one was in the hallway. they could all be in the stadium, still watching the game.
byulyi invited you to watch but you declined, not wanting to see simon. she enticed you by saying irene will be there but you declined again, saying you just want some rest for the day.
as you were about to approach the intersection, a walking figure caught your eyes. you stopped on your tracks upon recognising the figure.
of all the people you would see at this hour, you didn't expect it would be irene.
"hey," she said, stopping a few meters away from you. "going home now?"
"yeah." you wanted to tell her about your victory but then she might not be aware of your game. "i... i'm surprised you're not in the stadium..."
"i was. i'm going back there now, i just..." irene raised her hand holding a bottle of an orange gatorade.
your heart dropped. so she went out to buy her boyfriend an energy drink.
"congrats..." said irene.
"you had a game earlier, right?" she asked. "i heard you won. that's great."
you scratched your nape. "oh. yeah... well... thank you..."
"so... this is my humble gift for the champion..." irene walked over to you and handed the energy drink.
you stared at the bottle. "for me?"
"yeah. this is your favourite flavour, right? i always see you bring one in the classroom."
it surprised you to hear that, didn't know she's noticing you in that way.
irene's face shifted into worried. "you don't like it?"
"no... um... i'm sorry..." you stutter. "i just didn't think... i... i thought it's for..."
it took irene a few more seconds to process your inarticulacy. "oh. no... no... i bought it for you..."
"awe. thank you." you smiled at her.
"i want to give you something different today, aside from those pringles," she said. "it seems that i'm not the only one giving you pringles lately."
so, she saw hyojung with you yesterday at the stadium.
"so, uh, i gotta head back to the stadium. the game's ending soon," she said.
"yeah. thanks again for this, and for still sending those pringles."
maybe you should start getting used to having quick talks with her like this. you don't like it but it's better than not talking to her at all.
"you take care, seulgi-ah."
you almost melted at how she mentioned your name. "you take care too."
she smiled at you one last time before she walks away until her image disappeared around the curve.
you were ready to go the opposite direction when you heard her call.
"seulgi..." she's standing on the curve. "i just don't want to let this opportunity pass to let you know how great you are earlier..."
you stood there in silence, not sure what she meant.
"what you did there, that was a nice throw..." she added.
nice throw? your mouth fell open. "y-you were there?"
she giggles. "i really have to go. see you." she left in a haste after that.
you were left standing there, eyes blinking. you looked at the gatorade in your hand and stared blankly at the direction where irene disappeared.
so, she watched your game?
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71 streak #1
Chapter 23: I smile!!
71 streak #2
Chapter 21: I smile!!!
71 streak #3
Chapter 18: Nice
71 streak #4
Chapter 9: DAMN YOU Hyojung
71 streak #5
Chapter 8: What a day indeed
71 streak #6
71 streak #7
Chapter 5: DAMN IT
71 streak #8
Chapter 3: ..........
71 streak #9
Chapter 2: Damn
71 streak #10