
"i can't believe she did that!"
byulyi's voice echoed in the locker room when you told her what happened between you and hyojung last week.
"do you think it's my fault?" you asked, sitting on the iron bench beside byulyi. "i always knew she likes me somehow, i just didn't think it was that serious."
"is that the reason you guys have been quite off these past few days?"
you nodded. "hyojung says she'd let me enjoy my time with irene for now while waiting for me to come back to her."
byulyi nodded too. "and are you even getting any progress with irene?"
you shook your head, pouting slightly. "we don't talk. we're kind of in 'secret friends' status right now."
byulyi chuckled. "secret friend your face. you guys already kissed and made out and you'll call each other friends?"
"she was high. she doesn't know what she's doing," you reasoned.
"i think she knows what she's doing. she just doesn't know how to stop herself from doing it," said byulyi. "remember, low inhibitions? i'm sure she was aware whom she's with that night."
you eyed the floor for some time, remembering how that night went and how you badly want it to happen again. it's like a dream coming true. irene was so vulnerable and she willingly submitted herself to you.
you're now wondering if things would have been the same had she been with simon.
before your thoughts could drift further, byulyi nudged you. "stop daydreaming, okay? you're still with me."
feeling hopeless, you brought your palms to my face and groaned. "ugh. why am i having a hard time getting close to her? we're already in the process, you know. it's just that things are going so slow right now."
"things are going slow because you're a slow bear." byulyi flicked your forehead. "say you get the chance to talk to her alone, would you confess?"
you shrugged. you don't know.
"psh. coward," said byulyi.
"hey. it's irene we're talking about here, okay? i'm not like her exes who think of her as a trophy."
"yeah. i know. that's why i suggest you come to my birthday party this weekend." she winks at you.
"i gotta pass that one, byul," you said, putting on your rubber shoes. "you have lots of friends. i don't want to walk into a room full of strangers. i won't last long in that."
"aish. you and hyojung are just the same, afraid of the crowd." byulyi rolled her eyes. "too bad, i just invited 'them' and 'they' said yes."
you looked at her. "them?"
"those two hot chicas, yongsun and irene." byulyi gestured her hands in a coca-cola bottle shape.
you abandoned your shoes, totally focusing on byulyi. "and how did you do that?"
"are you undermining my charming skills?"
"i'm not. but you guys don't even know each other. duh."
"don't know each other? meh! i know them, dude. i even have their phone numbers," she said, waving her phone at you.
"how did yo--"
"we're in the same english class. the professor combined our classes last week because theirs had been dissolved."
"and how did you get their numbers?"
"we're on a group project at the moment so we're kinda in contact with each other."
your jaw fell. "you're not kidding me, are you?"
byulyi shook her head. "why would i joke on something like this?"
well, she's got a point. "are you sure they're coming to your party?"
"i'll be renting an entire bar for the party. those girls won't let something like that pass."
"and you're sure hyojung's not coming?"
"positive. she already said no before i invited yongsun and irene." byulyi elbowed you. "so, you're coming, right?"
how can you even resist an offer like that when byulyi had practically set everything for you?
"fine. you won."
"all right! finally! you're getting laid, seul!" byulyi punched her fists in the air.
"what! the hell! i'm not like you!"
byulyi burst out laughing. "hey. loosen up. i'm just kidding! i'm doing this for you, okay? c'mon. i've done my part in helping you. it's time you make a move on your own."
you turned to her and raised your closed fist. "thanks."
"anytime, bear." byulyi fist-bumped you. "sigh. what would happen to you if you ain't got me around?"
"you should give me a special gift for being a good friend, huh," said byulyi, playfully punching your arm. "i'll take care of yongsun and make sure you make it count with irene, okay?"
"make it count? you mean like flirt with her?"
"flirt. . whatever you want to do."
your eyes widened in shock. "have you forgotten that she has a boyfriend!"
"you're not gonna ask her to be your girlfriend, okay? you're just gonna find out if she's interested or not," said byulyi, like it's just a simple thing for you to do. "use the 'flirt-back method' i use to gauge all the girls out there."
"flirt what?"
"flirt-back," byulyi reiterated. "i know being blunt and bold isn't your style so you need to find subtle ways to hit on her. if she flirts back then you know she's into you too."
you stared at byulyi for a moment thinking if that's something you can do. but yeah, it would be nice to find out if irene's interested or not.
"am i being clear here?" byulyi asked after hearing no response from you.
"i... i don't know how..." you finally admitted.
"don't worry. just watch me and learn from it. you're a fast learner, right?"
you smiled in defeat and shook your head. "fine. fine. fine, sensei."
the deafening music inside the nightclub is setting everyone to party mood. the disco lights are spinning around the dark place.
you're sitting alone at a table while nursing a glass. your eyes are glued to the dance floor, watching people enjoy the music.
this party reminds you of the last school party. you'll be a hypocrite to say you're not expecting anything like that to happen again.
you finally spotted byulyi going up the stairs with a wine in hand.
byulyi approached you with a wide grin. "hey. how's it?"
you stood up and gave her a hug. "happy birthday, dude. may you finally settle on a serious girlfriend now."
"haha! funny. funny." she tapped your back and pulled away. "so, you ready?"
you cleared your throat. "are they even coming?"
"yes. i promised them a vip room so they could enjoy the party without chaperons and do anything they like." byulyi glanced at her wristwatch. "they should be here any minute now."
you puffed your cheeks and blew air out. you're nervous. you badly want to be alone with irene tonight but you don't know what to do once she arrives.
byulyi's eyes darted towards the bar entrance. she took a sip of her wine before saying, "speaking of the devils."
you looked in the same direction and saw yongsun and irene walking inside arm in arm. both were wearing skirts and heels.
a hand landed on your shoulder. "give me a moment. let me greet my guests," said byulyi, not taking her eyes off the two ladies. she went down the dance floor to approach them.
"lucky bastard," you muttered when you saw them hug and cheek-kiss byulyi. you continued to observe them, specifically irene, while they talk, leaning closer to better hear each other from the loud noise.
you heaved a sigh, wondering what irene has done to you.
you're just standing there, staring, not sure why you like everything that she does. her simple gestures, those little smiles, the way she flips her hair, even her odd expressions. everything about irene is just beautiful.
even if there are millions of reasons to hate her, you couldn't. no matter how many people tell you to stay away from her, you just can't. you could make up all the excuses in the world to justify why you can't but it just all boils down to one thing:
you like her.
you like her a lot.
no... erase that. you love her.
yes, you love her and you don't know why.
and even there are no reasons, no ing reasons at all, the hell, you don't care. you are in love with her.
and if there's any chance, even the slightest chance, even just a spark of hope that she might feel the same way for you, you will hold it with both hands just to be with her even if everyone around you tells you not to.
because seriously, you badly want to be with her.
your thoughts were disturbed when byulyi raised an arm, signalling for the staircase.
knowing they'll come up now, you panicked. you walked around to one side of the floor thinking of what to do and walked back again to the other side still clueless.
you're already entertaining the thought of hiding when you saw them on the same floor now. you sat back on the chair and pulled your phone out to pretend to do something.
you heard footsteps nearing. then the footsteps halted.
"seulgi, is that you?" yongsun called out. you stood up, acting a bit surprised. "oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, jumping at you and hugging you so hard you almost stagger down. "i can't believe you're here!"
"i can't believe it either. haha." you responded, hugging her back with one hand.
yongsun broke away from the hug and turned to her friend. "look who's here, rene."
you wish you could read what's on irene's mind. her expression doesn't seem to give much of it. it's too underrated to say that she was apathetic but it's overrated to say that she's shocked.
irene finally gave out a smile and raised her hand for a little wave. "hi, seulgi."
"hey there," you replied with a coy smile, trying your best not to melt.
before things could get any more awkward, byulyi spoke, "would you girls be kind enough to accompany my friend tonight? the majority of my visitors are from my block so she's pretty much alone in this party."
yongsun hooked her arm through yours. "i'm surprised hyojung didn't come here, huh?" she looks at byulyi. "of course, it will be our pleasure to entertain this cutie here. thanks for inviting us again, byulyi."
byulyi spread her arms wide. "of course. what is a party without the two of you in it?" it earned a little giggle from yongsun and irene while you roll your eyes at the overused line.
"how many girls have you used that line with?" asked yongsun.
"not much. just on selected few," byulyi responded with a smirk. "why, you don't like flattery?"
"i can handle sweet-talking," said yongsun, leaning her head on your shoulder. "i always have the hots for a sweet-talker."
byulyi laughed and gave you a knowing look. that's when you realised that yongsun just flirted back with byulyi.
irene crossed her arms as another smile spreads across her face. she tilted her head aside to hide it.
"ooh. this will be a fun night." byulyi stretched an arm out asking for yongsun's hand. "why don't you accompany me downstairs to get some food and drinks for us?"
yongsun took her arm off yours and held byulyi's. "i like that idea." she turned to irene. "why don't you two talk for a bit while we get snacks?"
you and irene looked at each other.
yongsun held irene's shoulders. "sit down there for a while," she said, guiding her friend to a chair and pushing her down to sit. "just relax, okay?"
"sun-ah..." irene sort of whined to her friend.
"we'll be quick," said yongsun, tapping irene's shoulder. "and don't worry, i won't tell him."
you raised an eyebrow as a pang of jealousy hit you.
"seulgi," byulyi called out. she discreetly raised a thumb up, signalling for you to make a move. you don't know what else to do as you watch her and yongsun walk out.
that's when the loud music occupied the silence between you and irene.
you swallowed a lump in your throat, trying to compose yourself. you don't know when you'll get the next chance to be with her alone so you have to make this count.
pretending you're not bothered, you swiftly walked to the table and sat where you were sitting before--which is in front of irene now. she is looking down at the dance floor.
you rested your chin on your upraised hand and stared down at the crowd.
"i didn't expect to see you here," she said.
your eyes drifted in her direction. "hmm?"
"i mean, you rarely go to school parties, right? you just attended the last school party because you're part of the committee."
"yeah..." you said, smiling and nodding a bit. your eyes went back to the dance floor. "i guess i can't say no to byulyi."
irene smiles. "so, are you okay? like are you even enjoying yourself right now?"
"yeah. i'm fine... i guess..." you said, trying to ride along. little did she know that she's the only reason you are here.
"not your kind of place?"
"it's not that. it's just that byulyi has lots of friends and i was feeling alone a while ago."
"you're not really into this, are you?"
"it depends. i barely know someone here," you said, glancing at her quick. "i was somehow relieved to see you and yongsun come."
"i have to admit we were a bit shocked too with the number of visitors," said irene, shifting to face you and crossing her arms on the table. "so are you feeling any better now?"
"yeah," came your response with a slight nod. "i'm happy that you came over."
that was your initial attempt of trying what byulyi taught you. you kept your eyes on the table, afraid to see irene's reaction. it silenced her, you are sure of that. and you're nervous now thinking, wondering, how she will take it.
maybe you should not have followed byulyi's advice.
"me too," she whispered. you raised you head to look at her because you surely heard it even with the loud noise. she pursed her lips before giving out a smile. "i'm really glad to see you here."
you should thank someone for making the entire place dimly lit, making it hard for irene to notice your blushing face.
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64 streak #1
Chapter 23: I smile!!
64 streak #2
Chapter 21: I smile!!!
64 streak #3
Chapter 18: Nice
64 streak #4
Chapter 9: DAMN YOU Hyojung
64 streak #5
Chapter 8: What a day indeed
64 streak #6
64 streak #7
Chapter 5: DAMN IT
64 streak #8
Chapter 3: ..........
64 streak #9
Chapter 2: Damn
64 streak #10