Stranger’s kindness 🥀🦋

Two years of hope 🥀❤️
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He sniffled and wiped his tears afraid to be caught by anyone he knew around here, he told himself to be strong but here he ended up crying like baby since ever he saw jisoo sliding the wedding ring to his beautiful wife’s finger. 

“ H-he seem to happy so I can’t ask for more .” He’s murmuring to himself, somehow the weather was sunny but not anymore as clouds start gathering and he’s standing there while people rush back to their homes after the wedding ends. 

“ Want some cigarette ?!”

Jeonghan flinched , and wiped his tears eventually before looking up at this handsome tall man as if he was an idol or something, he’s wearing black hat and above his suit, he wore a black rainy warm coat . 

“ I-I don’t smoke, more importantly, who are you ?!”  He’s already done with this damn wedding and there appears man out of nowhere offering him a cigarette. 

“ That’s unfortunate, I’m Choi Seungcheol , a close friend to that brat’s wife .” 

Jeonghan’s eyes widened, soon looked away sadly while rubbing his right hand , trying to warm himself in this freezing weather , it was lower than -3 although it was afternoon. 

“ Why so sad about a straight guy ?!”

Jeonghan’s breath hitched. 

How did he know ?!

“ What the hell are you saying ?!”

The male smirked , lightening up his own cigarette . 

“ I knew , the way you run away like this , all the wedding ceremony you were trying to fight your tears i’m i wrong?!”

Jeonghan’s eyes widened , nibbled his lower lips as he felt his heart clinch . 

“ Y-you’re wrong ~.” He snapped , tears streamed down eventually , tried so hard to keep it hidden there but he couldn’t , the handsome guy looked at fragile slim beautiful young man with warm glances , opened his umbrella and held it for the younger who’s wiping his following tears , to keep him unseen by people he held the umbrella with worried glances . 

“ Just for today I will hold this for you , cry as much as you want .” His soft warm tone , the way he said it like he knew how he’s broken , like he feel him . 

He kept crying while the man watching him , it’s start to pour , the man didn’t even protected himself by the umbrella but kept holding it for him .

He was too broken to even notice that , and being not able to sleep for the past few days , Jeonghan got dizzy after crying, causing him to faint while he heard the man calling for him. 




He woke up blank, opened his eyes to see the sun already setting from this wide beautiful window. 

Where is he ?! 

He recalled everything and his cheek burned , looked around the room . 

, this is so embarrassing, he cried his heart out and fainted on a man’s arm he don’t know , did he carried to him to his home ?!

He stood up , stepping slowly to the door . 

“ S-Seungcheol-shi ~” he peeked there from the bedroom to see a maid passing by, she glanced to him and smiled softly . 

“ Oh , you’re already awake !! , Young master’s waiting for you downstairs .”

Jeonghan cracked . 


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wi2nqs #1
Chapter 22: I'm sorry that i'm not left any comment at your story. But i think your wrote a very good story and i enjoy read it veey much. I'm waiting for your update always. Fighting!!!!
CheollieFans #2
Chapter 22: I didnt left any comment but im anticipate your writing everyday. Every morning im so excited if i get noti for your story. Sorry my english is bad idk how to compliment someone. But anyway your writing is great and i hope i can read your story for a long time along w svt.
Chapter 22: It's not like that we love your story so much we don't know how to compliment your story anymore because it's too good keep writing we are always waiting for your update
changmin20 #4
Chapter 21: congrats!!! another complete story. the ending was sweet and full of love, omg, their life is exactly what I've always dreamed of TT. thank you thank youuu
changmin20 #5
Chapter 20: In seungcheol's power we trust xD! Happy ending plaesee
changmin20 #6
Chapter 19: hannie is too nice, he's sacrificing a lot too TT i just don't understand seungcheol's father, he forced cheol to date someone else's daughter just for business while he himself told cheol to accept his step mother because he loved her?????
changmin20 #7
Chapter 18: Cheol! Come and rescue hannie >< you aware of this already, why did you still leave him alone? D:
ververthesecret #8
Chapter 17: aw in previous chapter i was about to say i want to read more about seungcheol and his family. we've known quite enough about jeonghan but seungcheol was a true secret box. thank you for prolonging the story as well as fulfilling my silent wish... as if you could read my mind! xD this chapter was really good, let's see what they were gonna do to protect their love, it sounds like seungcheol's father would not leave them alone easily
changmin20 #9
Chapter 17: Oh lady why are you updating so fast and with a very very interesting chapter?? By the way i want to ask about the movie you mentioned, Room. I want to watch it because last time i watched a movie you recommended it was amazing! I've searched but there're some movies with the same title. Is it this one you talked about?
changmin20 #10
Chapter 16: I guess mingyu finally found his true love......? It's time to let go