Prologue 3

if my words fail...
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Remember that day I dragged you to hike up a mountain and the trail was really closed as you said so? I thought you would say “I told you so.” But you did not. Instead, you said you would surprise me and you really did when you drove me to a hill where you can fly kites. You even made me one because you know that I had never done it before. That was one of the happiest memories I had of my entire life.

Wheein's heart had raced with anticipation as she had convinced Yongsun to join her on a hiking adventure. They set out early that morning, the air crisp and the sun just beginning to paint the sky with hues of orange and pink. Wheein had promised Yongsun breathtaking views and a day full of adventure, but their excitement soon turned to disappointment when they reached the base of the mountain.

The trailhead was blocked by a sign that read, "Trail Closed for Maintenance." Wheein couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, knowing that Yongsun had initially been skeptical about the idea. She had expected Yongsun to say, "I told you so," with a playful grin. But to her surprise, Yongsun's reaction was quite different.

Yongsun turned to her with a mischievous glint in her eyes, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Well, it seems the mountain has other plans for us today," Yongsun quipped. Wheein's heart swelled with affection for the woman by her side.

"Really?" Wheein asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Yongsun nodded, her hand reaching for Wheein's. "Instead of the mountain, how about we find our adventure somewhere else? Something even more magical." Yongsun's words were like a promise, a whispered secret that made Wheein's heart skip a beat.

As they turned away from the closed trail, the world was filled with possibilities, and Wheein couldn't wait to see where Yongsun would lead her next.

Driving away from the closed trail, Wheein couldn't contain her curiosity as she followed Yongsun. The minutes and hours passed in suspense, and the anticipation in the car was almost palpable. They stopped by multiple rest areas and they even had a food trip. Yongsun's eyes glittered with a sense of adventure, and Wheein's heart raced in sync with her girlfriend's. This was already magical but where could Yongsun possibly be taking her?

The landscape changed as they left the mountain behind, and after long enough, they arrived at a secluded hill that overlooked the city. Wheein's eyes widened as she looked around, taking in the breathtaking view. The city sprawled below them like a mosaic of twinkling lights, and the open sky stretched as far as the eye could see.

Yongsun parked the car, and with a playful yet mysterious smile, she turned to Wheein. "Close your eyes," she instructed.

Wheein's heart quickened, and she obeyed, her pulse racing as she imagined what surprise awaited her. She could feel Yongsun's hand on her shoulder, guiding her as they stepped out of the car. Wheein's other senses heightened—the sounds of the wind rustling through the trees, the scent of the crisp, clean air, and the anticipation that hung in the atmosphere.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now," Yongsun said.

Wheein blinked her eyes open, and she was met with a scene of pure wonder. They stood on a grassy hill, and in the distance, the city lights were beginning to twinkle like stars on Earth. But what truly took Wheein's breath away was the colorful kites dancing in the breeze, filling the sky with vibrant hues.

Tears welled up in Wheein's eyes as she turned to Yongsun, her voice filled with emotion. "Unnie, this is... this is incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

Yongsun's eyes shone with delight as she held Wheein's hand. "I wanted to surprise you with something special, something that would take your breath away."

Wheein felt a deep warmth in her chest, and she couldn't help but smile. "You already have," she replied, her heart overflowing with love for the woman who always knew how to make every moment unforgettable.

The sun bathed the hill in a warm, golden glow,

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Chapter 5: We people do stupid things sometimes. It’s great they work it out together and build a stronger bond. Nice to see you back here :)
Chapter 5: it's good to see you back! nice prologue btw ^^
weird-salad #3
Chapter 4: this is so heartwarming 🤗
Chapter 4: This is so wholesome! I love reading the moment behind every paragraph Wheein wrote 💙
Thank you!
Chapter 4: I could read this forever. I like to witness their simple moment that took special place in their hearts. It’s so warm.
Chapter 3: Beautiful. Such an ideal couple, so love, much care, and thoughtful. Anyways, I like the part when Yong said the 3 words to her pup the most hehe.
Chapter 2: Soooo cute haha I would be mad if I was Yongsun but she’s definitely an angel. My two ultimate ships here is the best I could wish for 🥹 thanks!
Chapter 1: Awww romantic 🥹 The angels are so sweet.
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 2: Yaaaay new wheesun story!
Chapter 3: Oh wow Wheein did work hard to make up to Yongsun 🤣