Así Fue

Loose Pages

Title: Así Fue

Pairing(s): YunJae

Rating: PG 13/15

Genre: Romance, Drama

Length: One-shot


Forgive me if I'm making you cry,
Forgive me if I'm making you suffer
But, it's out of my hands...
But, it's out of my hands!
I've fallen in love...
I've fallen in love...
I am in love...
I don't love you anymore!
I've fallen in love
With a divine being;
A kind lover
Who has taught me
To forget
And forgive...
I'm being honest with both him and you:
I love him and I have forgotten all about you.
If you want to,
We can be friends:
I will help you to forget the past!


Author’s Note: This story is based on Juan Gabriel’s song “Así Fue” in the voice of Isabel Pantoja

Full Lyrics  /  Music


Así Fue

Thus it Happened


Normally, he wouldn’t care; normally he’d concentrate on his current relationship. Except that his current relationship was awful, and it couldn’t even be considered a real one and that was it.

He decided to make the call after seeing him casually one day, waiting for someone outside a pets’ store. It was weird, he hadn’t thought on him in a very long time because it was painful. It was always painful to think on what he had lost in exchange of more “fun”.

He kept waiting for the other to arrive. He didn’t think he wasn’t going to come because he said he would, and he believed him. Yunho wasn’t the kind of promising falsely, he himself was, but Yunho wasn’t. Then he waited but after fifteen minutes had passed from the agreed time, he wondered if maybe the other had changed too and became the type of person to tell white lies. Maybe he pitied him when he called him so desperate asking for a meeting and agreed to meet him just because he wanted to end the call. He sighed and sipped on his coffee again.

He loved Yunho. He’d be lying if he said otherwise. Their love was calm and with a high dose of corny romance, but he got bored. He started desiring more excitement and craziness, but his lover seemed to be happy with their situation. That’s why when his ex-lover started to call him, he didn’t reject him straight away, but he encouraged him somehow to keep looking for him. Yunho didn’t suspect anything, not about the calls, not about the meetings, not about the motels he visited with his ex. Yunho remained unaware of his infidelity, happily oblivious to their situation.

Eventually, he realized that despite of the extra excitement he got by cheating, it wasn’t fair for Yunho, he was a good man and deserved the truth. At the end, he didn’t tell him the real reasons why he ended their relationship but Yunho ended finding out. He didn’t care when he was already free to continue with his affair.

He moved to a fancy apartment where his lover could visit him whenever he wanted. He had a bank account with enough money to have a distended lifestyle without having to work. He was happy or so he thought.

It happened again two days after they celebrated their anniversary. He dared to insist about going on a trip again and didn’t react on time to avoid the blow on his face. Later, the excuses and the words of regret and the promises of not repeating it again came. He was glad of not having to go out so he could hide on the apartment until the swelling was gone. He wasn’t stupid and he knew it was going to happen again, so he decided not to make him mad. Deep inside he knew it wasn’t his fault; after all, his lover’s violent behavior was one of the reasons why they broke up in the past before his relationship with Yunho.

Years had passed and his situation didn’t change. He felt like if he was in a golden cage, except that he could leave whenever he wanted although he was going to lose his comfortable lifestyle, that lifestyle that left him only dullness and a hole in the soul.

During all that time, he thought on Yunho a lot from time to time, especially at his lowest, and he missed him, he missed how he was with him, how happy they were with their tranquil boring romance and he had enough time to regret letting him go during the long nights spent alone in his enormous and fancy apartment. Very late he realized that what he felt for Yunho was love and that his relationship with his current lover wasn’t more than an illusion that was destroying him in all ways. He was resigned though, after all, it was him the one who ended things with Yunho.

His way of thinking changed when he saw Yunho again, as handsome as he remembered him, his heart bit wildly and he decided that he deserved a chance to do things right and get together with Yunho again. Only with him, he was sure, he was going to have enough courage to end his ill current relationship with a man that only used him when he wanted an escape from his wife and his responsibilities.

Then he called. Getting the number wasn’t easy but he did it and he was ecstatic when his request was finally accepted, but now, waiting inside that private both of that coffee shop, he wondered again if it wasn’t everything just an illusion and Yunho never agreed to find him.

“I’m sorry. My meeting extended more than planned and I couldn’t even call you to tell you I was going to be late.”

He was finally there with him and it seemed unreal. He couldn’t believe that after so long, Yunhowas with him again smiling like in the past or maybe not like in the past, not yet.

“I saw that article about you in that business magazine you always liked to read. They really like you.”

Yunho smiled, “you know how it is, they have to act like if they really liked me so I can comply with all their requests for pictures, included that one where I’m with a very large dog… I didn’t think I was going to be with a dog that large in my life,” he chuckled.

“I think they like you for real. You always have this talent to be loved by other people.”

They talked a lot, with three cups of coffee each. They were an old pair of friends catching up for the time they weren’t able to meet. It had been years, but he didn’t have too much to tell and Yunho didn’t forget to casually tell him how happy he is.

“Yunho…” he started hesitant, “I’ve been thinking a lot about you… about us… we were happy, right?”

“I thought I was the only one truly happy with things like they were. Wasn’t that what you told me?”

“I know,” he swallows thickly; “I have been always an expert in talking nonsense and ruining the most precious things.”

“All of that is in the past now so it doesn’t matter anymore.” Yunho said softly and checked his wristwatch and the other knew their time was running out.

“I’m sorry. I know it’s late and it doesn’t have much importance, but I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry and that I still love you… maybe more than I did in the past. Time taught me a lot and-”

“To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to ever hear you say that, especially not after the way you ended everything between us-”

“Yunho…” he interrupted, “I know I shouldn’t be doing this but… in the past, we both made mistakes and-”

“You know very well that it wasn’t my fault, I mean, our separation wasn’t my fault,” said Yunho raising an eyebrow, “you said that I wasn’t the person you wanted to be with and I accepted it. Of course, I didn’t know that you were cheating on me.”


“I loved you, I really did,” Yunho sighed, “I felt like dying when you dumped me. I thought that there wasn’t going to be another chance for me to fall in love again, but I was mistaken. I met new people, ty relationships as well but at least I knew my heart wasn’t dead and that I could love again. I was healed from my heartbreak enough for others to break my heart again.”

“If you’re suffering now… why can’t we-”

“Because I’m not suffering anymore, I did after you and before you too. With you I imagined a complete life full of happiness, but I realized all of that was just my delusion. You left without leaving any room to hope, you only left me uncertainty and hurt. And still I wished you luck, I wished you made the right thing… I wanted everything with you, I truly believed that you felt the same.”

“I did… I still do… if you give me the chance, I could-”

“I met someone, he’s my partner now. He’s wonderful, the most beautiful person I loved.” Yunho said and saw two thick tears streaming down the other’s face. “I’m sorry but I’m in love and he is the one I want by my side for the rest of my life.”

“Is he really that great?”

“I love him like to anyone before… with him I learnt to forget and forgive…”

“Yunho please…”

“If you want, we can be friends. I can’t offer you anything else than my friendship. I’m sorry if I’m hurting you but I don’t have feelings for you anymore.”

Everything was already said. There was no hope and he knew it well. It had been too absurd of him to think that Yunho wasn’t over him yet, even worse knowing he knew about his infidelity when they were still together.

They went out the coffee shop together talking about how nice the place still was and the moment of parting ways arrived when Yunho’s driver stopped his car in front of them and waited for his boss to get in.

“Look, I know it’s none of my business but…” said Yunho hesitant, “you don’t need me or anyone if you want to leave that toxic relationship you’re still in. I can see the bruise despite of your makeup,” the last thing he said it with a hint of anger, but he didn’t do more, “be brave.”

A gentle kiss on the forehead and Yunho was gone. He saw the car going away and forced his legs to move and go to look for his own car, a car of the year, he got in to drive to his expensive and immense apartment. He had to stop after some minutes because his sight was blurry with tears, he hadn’t cry in a long time, he didn’t allow himself to cry because it was like admitting defeat and he wasn’t going to give his abusive lover the chance to see how broken he was.

He calmed down enough to clear his mind and make up his mind. He wasn’t going to give up, he was going to try his best to get back Yunho’s love. He was going to be like his best friend who was still trying to go back with his ex despite of knowing that it was hopeless. He had told his friend that he should give up because as he said, his ex-boyfriend was absolutely happy with his new relationship and it seemed that the new guy was never going to let him go. It was ironic how much he told his best friend he should give up and now he was decided to get Yunho back.

He was about to start the engine again when something caught his attention in the square next where he had parked his car for a moment. It was a couple meeting, two men, they just have seen each other and though the one who was waiting was angry at first because the other was late, his anger subsided as soon as the other embraced him and kissed him there without a care of people’s murmurs or shocked expressions. It was more than obvious that for the just arrived guy there was nothing else more important than his partner and for the other one was the same if the involuntary goofy smile on his lips was something to tell. He left after watching them a little more.



His apartment was cold that night while he was sitting in complete darkness in his living room, or maybe it was always like that, but he hadn’t noticed in all his extent. If he could go back in time… he’d make sure of not repeating the same mistakes. Now, he knows he wouldn’t care if Yunho would’ve never make it with his business, if he still was a dreamer, he wouldn’t care about it at all.

He thought on his current lifestyle, his expensive closet, his apartment, his car, all his fancy accessories, his bank account… he’d give up everything happily if only he could be the one Yunho was holding now but, the same as his best friend Hyun, he’d have to give up, because he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he was never going to be able to be in the place of Kim Jaejoong, the one and only for Yunho. He knew him well, as Hyun’s ex-boyfriend, he knew too that he loved his friend, but never, not even once, he had looked at him the way he was looking at Yunho when they met earlier when he saw them. The most painful part for him, it was that him too… Yunho had never looked at him like he was looking at Jaejoong.

Sometimes regret comes too late.



A/N2: This is kind of an extra for Killing Me Softly (click to read if you like^^), more like a side story

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I decided to mark it as complete because most of the stories are one shots. I'll keep adding more stories including some rated. Thank you for reading it ^-^


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 7: Thi fic was soooo cute 🥰. I feel all fuzzy inside.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 8: I git confused in the end.. anyway. JJ deserves to be without YH, there is no excuse for cheating, once trust is lost, there is not going back. I applaud YH.
Maribeth787 #3
Chapter 12: I loved it! They're in love and strong together, I hope they can have the children they want
Thank you!!!
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 12: Although now I’m going to be with the curiosity if JJ is pregnant or not. I’m so happy that YH loves JJ unconditionally. Great story development.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 11: I got scared that the story ended right there, i got happy when I read there is 2nd part.. it’s so good..
Chapter 12: really cute happy ending ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 12: Definitely enjoyed reading the second part as well... them showing their affections for each other even before they confessed it out loud and others recognising then immediately were fun. They both were perfect for each other. Anyway, I had fun and hope to see more of your short stories ^^
PS will take a look at your chaptered fics as well later!
jjbrownsugga #8
Chapter 12: That was a nice read. Thank you for sharing it with us and for the updates about your other stories.
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful story I loved every part of it and the ending too is too heart felt and I hope they can gave what they desire
Chapter 11: When will you update T.T