Kicking and Screaming Extra: Leisure Time Together

Loose Pages

Title: Kicking and Screaming Extra: Leisure Time Together

Pairing(s): YunJae

Rating: PG 15

Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slightly Rated

Length: One-shot

Summary: Yunho and Jaejoong have some time free from their tight schedules and are going to spend a few days together for the first time.

Author’s Note: This is an extra for my Fic Kicking and Screaming that I wrote for Jaeho_Xchange Fest 2019, click on the name to read it if you like ^^



Kicking and Screaming Extra

Leisure Time Together


Returning to the cabin was something both were expecting with impatience. Jaejoong stayed awake during the entire trip this time enjoying the view and chatting with Yunho. Holding hands is a plus, it's something silly maybe, but Jaejoong likes a lot when they hold hands while one of them is driving even if it's just for a moment.

It is nice having their free days coinciding at last and the chance of spending more time together instead of the usual hurried dates mostly spent on each other's place.

The bad part of leaving early and having very little sleep is that when they arrive, Jaejoong is totally worn out and doesn't have enough energy like following his lover to the nearest town to buy diesel for the generator and some other things they didn't bring with them. This time the actor made sure of bringing with them a good quantity of water bottles and frozen food for the three days they are planning on staying at the cabin.

Yunho makes a joke about his lack of energy and he leaves him sleeping on the sofa and brings him a pair of blankets.

Jaejoong is woken up with a kiss when it's already past noon.

"I already prepared some food, are you hungry sleepy head?"

"Yea," says Jaejoong yawning and stretching his arms feeling a lot more recharged.

They eat happily and Yunho tells Jaejoong the story of the cabin and how he ended being the owner. They make plans of lighting a fire later when they finish tidying up; having a dishwasher and not many dishes to clean really, helps a lot. They're going to have a very corny and romantic staying at the cabin enough to erase or at least ease the bad memory Jaejoong left the past time.

"I have a surprise." Yunho signals an aerial outside the window and a widget on the ceiling. "That helps to improve the reception so we have signal, a mobile coverage amplifier, and-"

Jaejoong kisses him grateful, "thank you!"

Yunho laughs seeing the other actor taking out his phone eagerly, he knows how Jaejoong loves to post a lot on his SNS to maintain contact with his fans.

"So many messages... my mom too."

"Are you going to call her? Tell her I say 'hi... itadakimasu'” Yunho gives his lover a backhug and kisses his cheek and his neck.

“So… now I’m your meal.”

“And I’m very grateful for that.”

“Oh my… you’re so cheesy!” Jaejoong says tilting his head to give more room to his boyfriend while dialing his mom’s number.

Hello?!” the woman practically screams when she picks up. “Joongie! Why you turned off your phone? I wanted to talk to you!

“Mom,” Jaejoong moves his phone away from his ear and puts the speaker, “you don’t need to yell.”

I don’t understand this thing you gave me, I prefer my old phone.

“Mom, with this one or the other one, still you don’t need to yell.” The actor chuckles hearing his mom huffing. “How are you, mom?”

Fine, fine… just this cat that’s driving me crazy. I think she wants a boyfriend because she wants to get out at any cost,” she giggles and her son can hear the cat purring. “I miss you, Joongie. How are you, my son?

I’m doing fine, mom, and I miss you too.

Yunho lets Jaejoong go so he can talk with his mother comfortably and checks his own phone smiling listening to the conversation his lover is having.

He has received some messages from his manager. Hojun reminds him that he has to be on time at the sets of the movie he’s filming in three days but he wishes him a great time at the cabin. He’s thinking on going to chop some wood so they can light a fire. The younger actor doesn’t pay too much attention to what his lover is saying until he hears something about a dinner.

I’m telling you, Joongie, this time the girls are good. The three are the most beautiful and intelligent you could ask.

“Mom, I won’t go out with the three. If each one is that marvelous then you shouldn’t have picked the three.”

If I had to choose one… then Sheery is the best one.

“Then I’m going to see only her but, I’m not promising anything. I don’t know if we could get along as well as you expect.”

Yes!!” the woman says happily. “I know she’s perfect for you.

“Let’s see, mom.”

Dinner at seven next Friday and don’t worry, she’s very discreet. She’s not going to tell anyone you two are dating.

“I hope so.”

I love you, my son. I have to call her.

“Love you too, mom.”

Jaejoong hangs up and hears the door being slammed but he doesn’t give it too much thought. He needs to call Changmin and tell him about the date but decides to do it the next day. He goes to the bedroom to unpack his bag and take a bath. He can see Yunho working with the wood outside the cabin from the living room, they have a very nice night ahead.

Once he’s refreshed and wearing comfortable clothes, Jaejoong waits for Yunho to come in when it’s already dinner time but he’s busy repairing something at the shed so he entertains himself preparing the food and serving everything nicely on the table. He checks the site “YunJae is Our Magic” enjoying the new theories from their fans over their coincidental clothes even when none of them actually were planned and he decides he’s definitely going to buy couple shirts. He chuckles at his own corniness noticing that the header of the page has changed for two pictures of their rings, which definitely proves their fans have eagle eyes and he’s proud of that because in fact, those are their couple rings, well, one of three pairs they have… until now.

Yunho refuses to enter just yet, despite of the crescent darkness and Jaejoong doesn’t insist but he’s bored and starts eating his dinner and until he’s finished, his boyfriend is still missing.

The cabin can be as picturesque as it wants but the shadows of the night definitely take away a lot from its charm, especially when he’s not spending the romantic night he had planned.

He hits his head with the table and he realizes he fell asleep at least for thirty minutes.

“You should go to sleep.” Yunho opens the fridge and takes a bottle of water.

“Yunho,” Jaejoong smiles still sleepy, “your food is cold now. Would you like-”

“I’m not hungry. I’m gonna take a bath.”

Jaejoong frowns, “is anything wrong?”

“Huh? Nothing.” Yunho gives Jaejoong a short peck on the forehead too cold for his lover’s liking. “Go to bed.”

Jaejoong doesn’t have the chance to say anything as Yunho quickly disappears through the hallway going to the bathroom. He puts the food on the fridge and goes to the bedroom knowing perfectly well that something is wrong. Even trying his best for not falling asleep too soon, he opens his eyes when the room is dark but he’s alone in the bed.

Yunho is covered with the blankets he brought for Jaejoong in the morning sleeping on the sofa facing the backrest. Suddenly he feels a weight over him and he wakes up to see the other actor accommodating himself between him and the backrest.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to sleep.” Jaejoong says like if it wasn’t a big deal squeezing his body there. “Since we’re together, there wasn’t a single night when we didn’t sleep together being at the same place and I’m not talking about … just sleeping… and you’re not going to ruin my record.”


“You won’t tell me what’s happening so I’m just going to sleep.” He moves his arms to embrace his lover. “If you keep backing away you’re gonna fall. Stop moving!”

Jaejoong tries to sleep and be as comfortable as he can in the narrow space but nor the position nor his boyfriend grumbling help him to get to sleep. After a long moment closing his eyes to force himself to sleep and holding Yunho so he doesn’t fall, he’s finally feed up.

“Are you going to tell me what the hell is happening or I’ll have to kick your to make you talk?”

“I told you that nothing-”

“And I’m telling you that that’s bull, so, you better tell me or-”

“Don’t you need to sleep so you can preserve your beauty for the date you have next week?”

“I-” for a moment he’s at loss of words. “This is for what I told to my mother?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“What a pity. We’re gonna talk now.”

“Okay, you wanna talk, let’s talk about all the months we’re together already and you didn’t tell anything to your family or how you’re gonna have a ing date with a ing woman and-”

“My mom does these things because she doesn’t like to see me alone-”

“But you’re not alone!”

“But I didn’t tell her yet! It’s not something easy, ‘you know, mom, I’m seeing a guy now… I guess I’m in a experimental stage…’ and-”

“A experimental stage?” Yunho sits astonished.

“You know I not meant it like that… you know what I mean!”

“Then what about ‘I’m sorry mom, I’m going out with someone now, and this someone is going to be so ing hurt if I go on a date and with this marvelous ing woman’, eh? what about that?”

“I- I’m sorry… I just-”

“You know what? Let’s go to the bed, here is too suffocating.” Yunho stands up and goes to the bedroom leaving Jaejoong still lying on the sofa.

Jaejoong goes to the bed some minutes after and Yunho is already on his usual side to sleep showing him his back, he gets under the covers and tries to give him a backhug but Yunho rejects him quickly.

“Jaejoong, sleep already. If you try to touch me again, I’m going to sleep on the floor.”

“I’m sorry…”

“No. I am sorry, because I misunderstood. I thought we both were in a relationship but it seems you were just experiencing having with a man... I'm telling you, don't touch me!"

Jaejoong withdraws his hand and faces to the other side, this is far of how he had imagined it’d be their first night at the cabin, he was ready to create some good memories there but he had managed to worsen those from the last time. This was way worse than hitting Yunho with a pan and leaving him on his own as revenge for kidnapping him, he knows he really hurt Yunho this time.




The next morning, Jaejoong wakes up early, when Yunho is still sleeping, he was really tired for all the work he forced himself to do after all. He has time to take a long bath to think about them while polishing every nook and cranny of his body. He leaves the room wearing a simple white shirt and comfy blue jeans and makes a call.

He's sure of what he wants from now on and feels like whistling when he prepares breakfast and takes the tray with him to the bedroom where he thinks Yunho is still in. He finds it empty, not just that but he notices the closet is jar open and the things he unpacked are gone.

"Yunho!" He storms out of the cabin looking for the other and finding him standing next to his car. "Where the hell is my bag?!"

"Jaejoong," Yunho says calmly, "I was about to go for you. Get in the car. I called Changmin and he's going to be waiting for you at the main roadway to take you back to the city."

"What? What about the food and the cabin... we-"

"Forget about it. I'm going to return to clean up and throw everything."

"Yunho..." Jaejoong sees his lover putting his bag in the car and he knows everything is screwed up.

"Jaejoong. Get in."

He complies docilely accommodating his body on the passenger seat. He gets rid of the sandals he was wearing and curls his body over the seat lifting his legs and hugging them there.

"Seat belt."

Jaejoong doesn't move. Yunho knows he's sulking now and he hates seeing him so without spirit.

"Jaejoong, look-"

"I'm sorry, Yunho," he says looking at the driver's side, "I know I'm still awkward and careless. It's the first time I really care for someone this much... the first time I really love someone and it's scary. I don't know how to act sometimes."

"Jaejoong, I think we rushed this… maybe we should take a time to think things."

"No... It's just-" Jaejoong interrupts what he's saying and moves to the side holding Yunho by the collar of his shirt. "You're cruel. I'm telling you that I love you here."

Yunho kisses him, roughly and deeply. Jaejoong receives gladly the kiss, pouring hi soul on his response, he maneuvers to recline the driver's seat and straddles his lover barely leaving his mouth.

This is how he wanted their little escapade to be, full of lovey dovey hot steamy moments.

"You're so unfair, Jaejoong..."

"And you're wearing too much clothes." The actor manages to yank Yunho's t-shirt and kisses and the exposed skin. He likes this position having his lover at his mercy and being in the car fuels his passion.

“Is this another of your fantasies?” Yunho s Jaejoong shirt while his partner is working on his belt.

Jaejoong smirks in that way Yunho knows he has something planned and gets rid of his own pants helping Yunho to remove his, only the necessary to reveal his prize though.




They are totally spent in the afterglow of their passionate rapture. Jaejoong lazily laying over Yunho and this one is still trying to catch his breath.

“And you say that I have endurance issues.”

“That was A M A Z I N G…”

“Perfect…” Jaejoong shifts a little but Yunho holds his body against his tighter. “Do you still want a break? Because I don’t want it.”

“Jaejoong… are you sure you want to do this for real?”

“I talked with my mom. I told her that I’m seeing someone and that I don’t want to hurt you so I can’t date with anyone else. Wait!” he says perceiving Yunho’s annoyance because he did only what he said Jaejoong should have done, “I told her that I’m in love and I’d like to introduce you to her soon… I know she’s going to adore you. Because I love you, with all your oddities and your maddening meticulousness… with you big heart and your long fingers and-”

Yunho kisses him, holding his nape, “I love you too with everything that implies loving the super y, crazy and perfect Kim Jaejoong.”

They spend some moments inside the car in the same positions, talking about nothing important really, it’s a time more to enjoy each other company than having a serious talk.

“Are we going to use the alcove bathtub?”

“Even the shed.” Yunho chuckles amused seeing Jaejoong’s face so close to him turning red.

“Can I top?”

“Aren’t you on top right now?”

“You know what I mean!”

“Are you going to be patient? Every time you do, you want to you rush everything and I told you, preparation is an art.”

“I know…” Jaejoong pouts. “Didn’t I do a good job with myself just now?” He grins with eyes sparkling lustfully.

“You’re my biggest weakness, Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong receives another kiss and he takes it like a yes and he’s happy but suddenly feels sleepy. “Can we stay here a little more?”

“Don’t you mind the sun is hitting your ?”

“I read somewhere that sun in the helps you to synthetize vitamin D better… and it takes away the sadness.”

Yunho laughs heartedly. “Where do you read those things? You know they’re not true, right?”

“Of course, baby, I just enjoy being with you like this.”

“And I love having you like this but someone could see us and I hate the idea of anyone other than me seeing your perfect .”

“Who could come here? We’re away from civilization and if they didn’t listen to us when we were doing it, they won’t come now.”

“Except for Changmin, I told you I talked with him and he was going to wait for you but now probably he’s on his way here.”

That’s all that is needed, Jaejoong sprints inside the cabin taking his clothes in a rush.

Yunho laughs again following after. It’s going to take a while cleaning his car but it’s just a little price, after all, he knew from the beginning that things between them weren’t going to be unchallenging but even when it’s not easy dealing with their fame, their schedules and their quarrels, every little moment they can spend together is definitely invaluable.







A/N I really wanted to post this one for YunJae’s 13 anniversary or for Yunho’s first solo anniversary but I’m so freaking slow checking and correcting (and still have many mistakes hehehe 3)

Anyway, I hope you can enjoy it. Don’t forget to take a look to the new stories from Jaeho_Xchange Fest 2020, this year the stories are based on songs from the boys.

Thank you very much as always for subscribing, voting and commenting. (´ ˘ `)♡~

Thank you for reading it ^-^


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I decided to mark it as complete because most of the stories are one shots. I'll keep adding more stories including some rated. Thank you for reading it ^-^


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 7: Thi fic was soooo cute 🥰. I feel all fuzzy inside.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 8: I git confused in the end.. anyway. JJ deserves to be without YH, there is no excuse for cheating, once trust is lost, there is not going back. I applaud YH.
Maribeth787 #3
Chapter 12: I loved it! They're in love and strong together, I hope they can have the children they want
Thank you!!!
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 12: Although now I’m going to be with the curiosity if JJ is pregnant or not. I’m so happy that YH loves JJ unconditionally. Great story development.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 11: I got scared that the story ended right there, i got happy when I read there is 2nd part.. it’s so good..
Chapter 12: really cute happy ending ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 12: Definitely enjoyed reading the second part as well... them showing their affections for each other even before they confessed it out loud and others recognising then immediately were fun. They both were perfect for each other. Anyway, I had fun and hope to see more of your short stories ^^
PS will take a look at your chaptered fics as well later!
jjbrownsugga #8
Chapter 12: That was a nice read. Thank you for sharing it with us and for the updates about your other stories.
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful story I loved every part of it and the ending too is too heart felt and I hope they can gave what they desire
Chapter 11: When will you update T.T