Soft Spoken Confessions


(Youngjae's Perspective)


Once Youngjae got home from work, he brewed up a new batch of tea and transferred it to the pitcher. Right as everything was getting done, Daehyun arrived with a gentle knock on the door.


It was easy to tell something was on his boyfriend's mind as soon as Youngjae laid eyes on him. Even more so with the stammery way Daehyun greeted him, the way his eyes darted around and refused to settle on one thing, and the way his fingers fidgeted against his mug of tea once he'd taken a seat on the couch.


As Youngjae joined him on the sofa, he ran over the days in his head to recall the last time he'd seen Daehyun so out of it. His first thought was the day they'd fooled Youngjae's parents. He'd been pretty nervous that day, but so had Youngjae, and Daehyun's nervous tendencies were surprisingly muted then compared to right now. So he continued backtracking the days until it hit him.


The last time he'd seen Daehynu this way was the day he'd opened up about his ex girlfriend.


Alarms blared in Youngjae's head, and he was immediately overtaken by the need to hold Daehyun close and let him get out whatever he needed to. But he reined that in and instead set his tea on the coffee table and moved closer, rubbing the junction between his neck and shoulder blades in what Youngjae hoped was soothing. “Is everything okay, Daehyun?”


Daehyun tensed briefly at the touch, then relaxed into it. “Um, I-I uh- Well, um... It's- I'm-” His lips twitched around, mouth trying to form words of explanation but clearly not able to settle on anything. He eventually let out a frustrated sigh and drank basically his entire mug of tea in a few large gulps. “I've been-” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat to rid it of the raspiness. “I've been trying to figure out how to... how to talk with you about... about this all day... And I-I haven't figured out how to?”


Youngjae hummed his understanding and gently coaxed Daehyun to set his empty mug on the coffee table before taking one of Daehyun's hands in his free one. “If you were to say it without thinking, what would come out?”


He blinked confusedly, like the idea of saying something without thinking about the words first was the most foreign thing in existence. Then he stared down at their joined hands. “I have to leave tomorrow,” he admitted quietly.


'Okay, this is a start!' Youngjae could work with that, even if those sirens in his head were blaring even harder now! “For how long?”


Daehyun gulped nervously. “Two weeks. I'll be back at the end of May...” Then he hesitantly brought his gaze up, and despite the guarded look he had up, Youngjae thought he looked more like he was awaiting judgement than anything.


“Were you worried I'd be mad at you for this?” Youngjae gently squeezed his hand, and his heart ached at the half hearted sigh Daehyun gave. It wasn't confirmation, but it was at least part of the problem if the way Daehyun's shoulders sagged was anything to go by. “I'm not mad at you,” he softly assured.


He adjusted their position so Daehyun was resting his head on his shoulder, and Youngjae used the hand he'd been using to rub his back to cart through his hair instead. Daehyun let out a content sigh as he practically melted into Youngjae's side. Youngjae continued holding his boyfriend close and soothing him as he ran over the rest of what the problem could be in his head. The conclusion Youngjae came up with was based entirely on Daehyun's previously stated worries.


I'm scared you'll be like her.


His heart ached at the recollection, and even more so at the idea that Daehyun's brain was potentially trying to convince him that Youngjae would find reason to be the same with Daehyun's sudden and prolonged absence. But what Daehyun's brain didn't realize was that Youngjae was entirely faithful through and through, and there wasn't anybody or anything in the world that could change that about him!


Youngjae resolved that the best way to prove it was to continue on as he had been, showing his care, his love, and his support for his boyfriend in whatever ways he could manage! With enough time and effort, Daehyun's brain would certainly be able to wrap around the idea eventually.


“So where are you going?” Youngjae asked.


“Um... a cruise with my parents.” Youngjae didn't miss the dejected tone in Daehyun's response.


He didn't have much when it came to Daehyun's parents. Zelo hated them passionately, and Daehyun had only said two things about them. That they were displeased at him dropping out of medical school, and when it came to him breaking up with his ex girlfriend, they took her side over his. So Youngjae didn't consider them good people, and Daehyun clearly didn't either if he sounded so bummed about going on a trip with them for two weeks.


“I'm guessing that this trip isn't a good thing?”


“I uh... Maybe? I don't quite know?” he responded confusedly. “It's like... It's good because, if I do this, I never have to deal with them again. I can finally get them off my back, and I can be more the person I want to be...” Daehyun's voice sounded distant and longing with his explanation, then he let out a dejected sigh. “But... But it's also bad because my parents... They aren't good people. They're giving me no choice but to go. Things will just get worse for me otherwise...”


“What do you mean by they're giving you no choice and that things will be worse?” There was a brief moment Daehyun tensed against him, then Youngjae felt a tiny puff of breath on his shoulder. His explanation swam through Youngjae's brain, but he was having a hard time grasping it without further details.


If Youngjae had to guess, the time it took Daehyun to finally respond was spent trying to figure out how to answer. Either that or determining if he was willing to talk about it. “Do you remember when I told you that my parents weren't happy I dropped out of medical school?” he wondered shakily.


Youngjae looked down at him and nodded. “I do.”


Daehyun kept his eyes focused on their interlaced fingers and his lips nervously. “Well, I've been having to pay them back for the tuition,” he admitted. “And- And they said if I- if I went on this cruise with them, then they'd consider that debt cleared. But also if I didn't go, then they'd bill me for the tickets they already bought for me.”


Youngjae's thoughts swam around with all sorts of things, but it settled on one point. “They're blackmailing you into going on a trip with them?”


“Is that what it is? I-I thought blackmail was like... They have to have something bad over me for it to be blackmail, and I-I... I've never misbehaved in my life,” he sniffled, and Youngjae held Daehyun tighter against him. “Zelo thinks they're- they're trying to g-get control of me again. I-I told him I um... wouldn't let them, and I mean that.” Youngjae was proud of the determination in his boyfriend's voice, despite how strained it was. “I-I also didn't tell him about the- the money problem, so um...”


“I won't say anything about it,” Youngjae assured, and amidst the sniffles and trying to keep the tears from slipping out, Daehyun let out a tiny sigh of relief against Youngjae's shoulder. “Do you think they're trying to get control of you?”


He shrugged limply. “Maybe...? I-I don't know, but if they are then...” He gulped audibly before shaking his head. “I-I won't let myself live like that again. I can't... Even if it means I-I have to put up with no one but them for two weeks, I-I'll do it if it means I won't have to put up with them years from now.”


Youngjae's heart ached at the way Daehyun was trembling against him, and as he continued to soothingly run his fingers through his hair, Youngjae brought his focus into figuring out how he could make things easier for his boyfriend. He definitely couldn't go with him on this trip, even if that was the best way to keep him from his parents...


Then it struck him! “Well, your parents just said you had to go on the cruise, right?” he asked, an idea hatching in his brain.


He nodded. “Umma's exact words were 'All you have to do is go on a cruise with us, Daehyun... Do that, and we'll consider the debt paid',” he clarified methodically as he recalled the words verbatim.


That was the exact sort of clarification Youngjae was looking for! “Then they never said you had to spend that cruise time with them,” he pointed out.


Daehyun froze momentarily, the realization striking him. “They... didn't...”


“So, if you were to just... do things your own way rather than trail along with them... Well, they couldn't get mad since you only agreed to go, not necessarily to do things with them,” Youngjae offered. “And if they do, that's on them. Not you. You said you weren't going to let them get control of you, and you meant that. I know you do.”


It was Youngjae's hope that his confidence in him would instill Daehyun's determination even further...


Daehyun hummed in thought, the vibrations from that tickling Youngjae's shoulder. “I do mean it... If I... If I approach things that way, then... then maybe the next two weeks will be more manageable.”


Youngjae was relieved to hear the lighter, calmer tone Daehyun spoke with, and he was proud that he'd brought that about. “Besides, it's not like you can't call me or Zelo if you need us, right?”


“I mean, I definitely planned to keep in contact during the trip,” he said. “Or I planned to try, at least... I don't have the best of phone services, so reception might not go through very well. So, if you don't hear from me, that's why...” He reluctantly pulled away, and Youngjae caught a glimpse of teardrops stuck in his lashes before Daehyun used the back of his hands to wipe them away with a tiny sniffle. “Thank you, Youngjae.” Then he pressed a quick yet gentle kiss to Youngjae's cheek, the feeling of Daehyun's lips lingering on his skin.


“You're welcome!” he beamed, managing to steal a quick kiss from his boyfriend's lips. “When do you have to leave tomorrow?”


“Um...” He began to fiddle with his fingers, then paused that to instead take Youngjae's hands in his. Almost like he was so used to Youngjae taking his hands when they were fumbling around that he'd rather default to that from the start. “The flight leaves a little before noon.”


“Would you like me to drive you to the airport?” Youngjae asked as he squeazed Daehyun's hands lightly.


“Eh?” He blinked rapidly before bringing his gaze down to their interlocked fingers. “Don't you have work tomorrow, though?”


“Yeah, but I can easily ask Kyungsoo to fill in for me,” Youngjae responded. He'd filled in for him enough times that he'd certainly return the favour! His default fill in may be Yongguk, but he and Jieun were taking a much needed vacation as an anniversary of sorts, so Kyungsoo would have to do. “If you'd like me to, then I absolutely will. I'll drive you there, and I'll pick you up too, of course. Depending on whether or not you have to go back to work immediately, you could spend that weekend with me at the lake house and recharge?”


It was a few more blinks to process the words, then he nodded slightly, lips upturning into a gentle smile. “I-I'd like that.”


'While I'm asking what he prefers, I may as well ask if he wants to just stay with me tonight,' Youngjae decided. “Would you also like to spend the night down here? Or would you rather stay up in your apartment and just come get me tomorrow morning when you're ready to go?”


“I'd uh... It would probably be more efficient if I just... stayed the night here,” he answered. “I do still need to pack, though. So um... I should probably go do that.”


Youngjae nodded his understanding. “That's fine. You can go up and pack, and I'll figure out something to put together for dinner!”




The next morning wasn't too different a routine to Youngjae's work days. He still got up around the same time, still woke himself up by tiredly eating breakfast, and he still left the apartment around the same time. The only differences were Daehyun's presence and the contents of breakfast.


At this point, Daehyun being up before him was ordinary. Even if it baffled Youngjae that Daehyun could just get up without any alarms or someone telling him to wake up. It definitely put a wrench in Youngjae's plans to get up before Daehyun and get some muffins going with the last bit of strawberries, but he ended up doing it anyway while Daehyun watched the weather channel.


Daehyun might not normally eat breakfast, but Youngjae wasn't about to let him walk into that airport without the energy to face his parents better! He could avoid them when they were on the boat, but he couldn't actually avoid them at the airport or the flight there. There was no getting out of that, unfortunately!


It was two for each of them, and Youngjae decided he'd send the last two up Zelo's way once he'd gotten back from taking Daehyun to the airport. Youngjae eagerly chomped into his immediately. After Daehyun warned him about the dangers of taking such big bites, he nibbled into his own and let out a pleasant hum of satisfaction.


All the efforts put into refining the recipe were so worth it for that response!


The car ride to the airport was one part idle chatter and the other part humming or singing along to the radio. They'd thankfully avoided any sort of traffic rush on the way there, and much too quick for Youngjae's liking, they were pulling into the airport and to the curbside drop off. He'd offered to park and go in with him up until he walked into security, but Daehyun declined and said he didn't want to risk his parents catching sight of Youngjae. Daehyun wanted to keep his boyfriend as far from them as possible, and Youngjae figured that was probably for the best.


“Well, here we are,” Youngjae declared as he geared his car into park. He looked over at Daehyun with what he hoped was a confidence instilling kind of look, and he saw that Daehyun was in the process of mentally preparing himself with steady breaths.


After a few more rounds of inhales and exhales, he nodded a slight bit. “I... I guess it's time to do this...”


“You can do this. Two weeks and then you'll never have to deal with them again,” Youngjae reminded as he unlocked the doors.


He nodded a bit more firmly, then his lips nervously. “Um, Youngjae?”




Daehyun settled his eyes on Youngjae, his fingertips pressing against each other in nervous spurts, and the words that passed through his slightly parted and upturned lips were a soft spoken confession. “I love you.”


Those three words sounded so beautiful in that gentle voice of his, and Youngjae felt like he could fly as he spread into an affectionate smile and placed a tender kiss against Daehyun's lips. Youngjae knew he didn't need to say it back based on how Daehyun melted into the meeting of their lips, but that wasn't going to stop him from doing it! “I love you too, Daehyun,” he breathed out after reluctantly pulling away. “I'll be patiently awaiting your return. Until then, please take care of yourself.”


Daehyun nodded, a breathless grin on his lips. “I'll do my best to.”




So... next chapter's gonna be a real ~fun~ one, yeah? Got some ~fun~ things in store for the next chapter...

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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 45: I can't believe it ended ㅠㅠ This chapter was beautiful and I loved all the small details to let us know what is going on with the others ~~

I loved this story from beginning till end, and I'll probably never stop re-reading it! It was so amazing, thank you for sticking with it despite all and giving us a great ending <3

(I'm so happy you did the drabbled fic, I'll be sure to read it ^^)
Madbabybap #2
Chapter 44: I loved this chapter with the brothers talking about the past~ I, also, can't get enough of Youngjae's and Daehyun's sweet words to each other <3

I'm so sad it's gonna end soon... It's been so long and to think there is only one chapter left :( I hope for a beautiful finale!
Madbabybap #3
Chapter 43: Such a nice chapter!! I love the progress on the preparations and Youngjae and Daehyun's talk at the end! I'm really happy that they try to work out the relationship with his brother and I am looking forward to their meeting!

On a side note, I have to say I love the pacing of the story! The things happening are not rushed (I would describe it as someone narrating to an audience with anxiety and so they always warn them before things are happening because they don't want them to feel overwhelmed with too much information) and I really like this kind of writing!
Madbabybap #4
Chapter 42: Woahh this was such a great chapter!

The whole talk was so satisfying to read! He was so strong and he handled it perfectly. Things are looking up!

On a side note, I get incredibly happy whenever I watch Youngjae and Daehyun's interactions. Especially at how they both know so many things about the other and so they know how to handle situations (for example the water thing; I didn't expect it but it truly warmed my heart!)
Madbabybap #5
Chapter 41: Thank you for the update!!

This was such a rollercoaster of a chapter (in a good way of course!). I was so shocked at the end. I don't want to spoil anything, but this phrase towards the end made my blood run cold and suddenly I saw things from such a different perspective... It makes me so angry. I can't believe that I didn't see it coming, but I really can't believe the nerve of these people to want that for someone (they 'care' about).

The whole thing is so shocking really...

On a side note, I love it when Daehyun speaks up his mind. Considering his past, he has come such a long way and I'm so proud to see the development of his character (along with Youngjae's)!

I'm really dying to read what will happen next!
Madbabybap #6
Chapter 40: Whoa!! I'm so looking forward to the next chapter! This is taking such an interesting turn and I am dying to know what will happen!

I'm still not used to them being all lovely with each other (in the way that I still fangirl when that happens). I can't with all this cuteness! Loved the chapter!

I also love the realistic way you portrait Daehyun's anxiety, that even after five years he still has his moments and Youngjae is helping him when it happens, rather than Daehyun getting over it.
Madbabybap #7
Chapter 39: I really enjoy reading Youngjae and Daehyun's relationship now that they are more open with sweet words and gestures! It truly warms my heart~ I, also, want to see what will happen with Youngjae's mother. I hope things will go well!

I like the change of writing style (I'll have to re-read the story at some point :D), especially since it didn't change much from their perspective.

Also, Youngjae's hair is sooo good like that!
Madbabybap #8
Chapter 38: It was such an amazing and lovely chapter I nearly cried (I thought that would be the last chapter so that might have been part of the reason). I swear, every time Daehyun calls Youngjae 'sweetheart' my heart just melts~ So many things have happened in the chapter my heart can't handle it~

Thank you for the lovely update!!
Madbabybap #9
Chapter 37: It's so good to see updates to the story! I've been stressed these days so this was a very happy surprise! The story is progressing so well that I'm sad it will probably end soon, but I'm glad you are writing anyway! This chapter was really lovely!
Chapter 36: I miss you so much, I’ve been away as well after Dae enlisting but now I’m back and see your update makes me feel so happy ~\(≧▽≦)/~~