Shooting Star


(Daehyun's Perspective)


Two weeks.


That's how long it'd been since Daehyun had come home from a tiring day of classes and work to find that blasted note on top of the boxes by the doorstep. Boxes filled with his things, neatly stacked.


My boyfriend's moving in tomorrow, so I need you to move out. I conveniently packed all your things for you so you wouldn't have to. You're welcome, and take care! -Sunhwa


The boyfriend she'd cheated on him with for at least a year, possibly more, was moving in with her. At no point in the few months they'd been forced to still live together after he called it off with her had she mentioned this, so it'd really caught Daehyun off guard to come home to all his belongings packed and ready to go.


He'd been busting his off since he ended their five year relationship to find a different place to stay that he could live with his waiter's salary, but there was nothing. Nothing that Daehyun would be able to afford on his own, at least, and no one was looking for a roommate.


Two weeks he'd been living out of his car, juggling medical school alongside a part time waiter's job. Going to the gym just so he would have an opportunity to shower, spending hours in the laundromat to make sure his work outfits were washed. Coffee shop hopping for free wi-fi to see about apartment listings. Only sustaining himself on food from those wi-fi visits and the one free meal he got per work day at his job.


It was tiring, and Daehyun was just about ready to throw in the towel.


Staring up at the clear night sky from his place laying on the hood of his car, Daehyun let out a long exhale, foggy breath heavily visible against the wintery night. 'I really ought to get back in the car before I freeze out here.' With a lean up, Daehyun's eyes fell upon the river, frozen over due to the cold temperatures in the air. He slid off the hood of the car and instead of getting back in his car like he planned, he grabbed the railing of the bridge, leaning his weight on it slightly.


'I can't live like this forever,' Daehyun mused solemnly. Even if school had just ended for the semester and students were given a reprieve for winter holidays, that didn't help the fact that he was technically homeless.


Of course, there was the option to go move back in with his parents. His parents who, when he called to inform them that he and Sunhwa were no longer together, told their son there was no way he'd be stupid enough to call it off with such a lovely woman who kept him in check so well. Even explaining the situation, they'd been on her side...


There's no way she'd do that to you, Daehyun. And even if she did, it would be because you weren't treating her well enough! If you knew what was good for you, you'd try to make it up to her rather than calling to tell us you've lost the only thing you had going for you.


With a heavy heart, he drooped his eyes closed and dug his gloved fingers into the railing harshly as tears began to prick at his eyes. 'What do I do now? Where do I go? Do I give it up, or should I keep it up? I've got no one to turn to at this point...' The only person Daehyun had ever considered a friend, he hadn't spoken with in years for a multitude of reasons that all revolved around his parents and Sunhwa hating him.


Daehyun's throat constricted as he choked out a sob and let the tears silently flow. 'It really does seem pointless...' Bleary eyed, he looked up at the sky again. Catching the sight of a quick streak across the sky, Daehyun closed his eyes and made a wish. 'Please, I need an answer... Do I keep going? Do I give up? What do I do?'


Breath shaky as the tears stung coldly against his cheeks, Daehyun recalled a memory from shortly after he had graduated and had announced his plans to his only friend. His friend that he needed to lie about just to see.


The teen in front of him stirred his coffee, a look of worry on his dolled up features. “Hyung, I don't think that's a good idea...” he trailed, eyes stuck on the swirling of his drink. “She hasn't treated you decently since she graduated last year.” With a pout of his glossed lips, he darted his eyes up to meet Daehyun's. “She'll walk all over you just like your parents do.”


Zelo, I appreciate your concern,” Daehyun started, poking at the dessert on the plate in front of him, “but I'll be fine. I... wouldn't do it if I didn't want to.” Daehyun offered him a weak smile, one his best friend raised a brow at.


I don't believe that one ing bit, hyung.”


Daehyun shrugged at him, not meeting his intense gaze that was accentuated by perfect wings. “My parents are practically shoving me out to live with her. I'm already enrolled in college over there thanks to them. The only thing left to do is actually go there,” he explained, sparing his cake another poke with his fork. “I wanted to let you know before I left.” Some of the hair that had been tucked behind his ear fell, and he pushed the fake strands back over his shoulder.


It doesn't have to be like that, though,” Zelo said quietly. Their eyes met, and Zelo flashed Daehyun a saddened smile. “You could stay with me and Umma... You know she also considers you like a son,” he offered, a tiny flicker of hope in his gaze.


Things are already in motion, Zelo,” Daehyun declined softly with a shake of his head. He couldn't look at Zelo as he continued speaking. “I appreciate the offer, though.”


The silence was thick between them as Zelo drank his coffee and Daehyun finished his cake, brain already yelling at him for eating too much like his parents and Sunhwa did. He tried his best to enjoy his time out crossdressed with his best friend because with the situation his parents were corralling him into, this would probably be the last time they got to do this...


“The offer still stands, so if things don't work out... call me,” Zelo decided as the two of them were leaving. With a dramatic opening of his baby blue sequined fan and a flip of his wigged hair, he added on the female moniker he'd given Daehyun for occasions such as these, “Daena.”


Hesitantly, Daehyun pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and pulled up Zelo's contact information. Right before he clicked to call, Daehyun paused. That had been three years ago at this point. Three years, and he hadn't even so much as texted him since that last outing. Zelo would've just graduated high school and would definitely have moved on to the next chapter of his life...


'Would he even want to talk to me? Is his number even still the same?'


With a gulp and some rapid blinking to get rid of the tears that had collected in the corners of his eyelids, Daehyun decided to take the chance. The worst that could happen would be that this was no longer Zelo's number. Daehyun steadied his shaky breathing as the phone rang in his ear. After many rings, Daehyun thought to just give up since Zelo clearly wasn't going to answer, but right as he was about to end the call, Zelo's voice sounded through the speaker. “Daehyun, is everything okay?”


Daehyun cleared his throat of the sob that wanted to come out and instead responded with a poorly masked tremble in his voice. “I uh... I need somewhere t-to stay, and I...” He bit his lip and took a deep, sniffly breath in through his nose. “I... remembered y-your offer, and I uh... I was h-hoping that it still... still stood.”


There was a humming on the other line. “Well, I don't exactly live with Umma anymore since I moved out for classes earlier this year, and my roommate and I don't have space in this apartment for another person to live,” he explained slowly.


Daehyun's breath caught in his lungs, and he scrunched his eyes shut in the vain attempt to keep the tears in. Tighter, his free hand clasped against the railing while the tears spilling out from his eyes chilled against his face in the cold night air. 'Scratch that, the worst that could happen would be Zelo not being able to help me.'


If Zelo couldn't help, then Daehyun didn't know where he could find help... He managed to get his panicking thoughts together enough to formulate a response so he could get off the phone. “I-I see, well-”


But an apartment just opened up in the complex I live in!” Zelo interjected quickly, effectively stopping Daehyun's attempt to get off the phone. “The place is currently unlisted since the guy just moved out not that long ago and the owner wanted to make sure it was in tip top shape before putting it on the market. Rent's cheap since this place is noisy as hell, so you should be able to afford it if you have a job,” he explained animatedly. Then he tacked on, “You have a job, right?”


Y-yeah,” Daehyun stammered out.


Good, good! Do you want me to talk with the complex owner about you taking the apartment, then?”


That'd be great, Zelo,” Daehyun breathed out, a tiny smile of relief forming on his lips as he stared out over the frozen river. “Thank you so much...”


A bright chuckle sounded from the other end of the line, and suddenly, things didn't seem so bad. “You're welcome, hyung! Let me get off the phone so I can speak with the owner. I'll text you the address so you can head on down this way. I live on the third floor in 301, so you can come on up,” he rambled, excitement evident in his voice. “And Daehyun?”


“Uh, yeah?”


I expect you to tell me what's happened over the years, okay?”




“What do you mean you've been living out of your car for two weeks?” Zelo exclaimed, eyes wide as stared down at Daehyun. His look was incredulous as he tangled his fingers into his black hair.


Currently, Daehyun was seated on the couch with a nice mug of hot chocolate that had done wonders in warming him up. Zelo insisted that Daehyun stay the night with him to catch up, so that's what they were doing.


The owner was more than willing to let him have that apartment. In fact, they were thrilled they'd be able to fill it so quickly without even having to put it on the market! It just needed some last minute touch ups, then Daehyun would be set to move in. It would take until the end of the week to make sure everything was in order. All Daehyun had to do now was wait...


That of course, led to the two of them being seated on the couch, Zelo's long legs propped up on the coffee table as Daehyun vaguely explained the events that led up to this. Of finding out half a year ago that Sunhwa had been cheating on him... Of how he'd stayed on the couch there while he tried to find a different place to stay because there was no way he was going to live back with his unsupportive parents... Daehyun had also offhandedly mentioned that he'd been kicked out two weeks ago, but that had caused Zelo to sputter out his own drink and clamber to the kitchen to clean himself up before angrily storming back to into the living room.


Daehyun silently took a sip of his drink and watched as Zelo began pacing. “There's no ing way I'm letting you leave my apartment to go stay in your car until your apartment is ready! It's the end of December, it's ing cold out there! Why the didn't you call me sooner, hyung?” His hand motions were exaggerated, steps loud against the hardwood floor as he stomped back and forth.


Staring at the tiny marshmallows that decorated the top of his beverage, Daehyun let out a little sigh. “Didn't think you'd want to talk to me after I uh... after I... abandoned you,” he whispered against his drink, sinking into himself in hopes to avoid more yelling. After a tiny sip, he continued, words only getting quieter as he spoke, “How was I supposed to talk to you again after I ignored you for so long? How could I call up my friend that I'd treated so poorly to ask for help? There's no way you'd consider me a friend after all this time...”


Zelo stopped in his tracks, eyes scanning over Daehyun before his gaze softened. “Hyung, of course I still think of you as my friend. My best friend, actually,” he said gently with the tiniest of smiles.


Wh-what?” Daehyun set his drink down on the coffee table so he wouldn't spill it on him from the shock. “We haven't spoken in three years and... you consider me your best friend? I didn't even go to your graduation...” He hid his face in his trembling hands as the nerves tightened his chest.


Zelo dropped down next to Daehyun on the couch and laid a hand on his shoulder. “You remember growing up together, right? How you'd always come running down your parents' long driveway just to greet Umma and me when she drove up to babysit you...”


Daehyun nodded, recalling the many times he'd scraped his knees up as a kid doing just that. It was the cause of many scolding yells from his own Umma, telling him to not to be so careless and to contain his excitement better. It was hard for him to help it, though!


You'd come over to my place almost every weekend, and you'd play dress up with me,” Zelo fondly recalled, tone light as he reminisced. “We'd get into my Umma's closet and pick the fanciest things she owned, parading proudly throughout the house with our horrible makeup jobs we'd done for each other.”


The corner of Daehyun's lips twitched up slightly. “And Umma Choi would always tell us we looked beautiful. Even though we each looked like a hot mess.”


A giggle left Zelo's lips, and Daehyun began to fiddle with his fingers instead of hiding his face. He glanced over to see Zelo brightly looking at him. “Exactly,” he sighed happily. “But we got better over the years... Daena.” He winked Daehyun's way at the usage of the nickname he'd given him back during their days of dressing up together.


Only because Umma Choi taught you how to do it since you decided in middle school that you wanted to be a cosmetologist,” Daehyun commented lightheartedly.


You know, I'm actually in school to be a cosmetologist now!” he happily declared. “With Umma's and your support throughout my childhood, I wasn't ashamed to chase my dreams and do what the I wanted with my life. I'm the only guy in the classes, and I get strange looks, but they don't phase me because I know I'll always have my umma's and my friends' support.” He patted Daehyun's shoulder before continuing, “The friends I have now do support my choices, but they didn't shape me to be who I am today. Umma and you did.”


Daehyun furrowed his brows. “I did?”


Yeah! Despite being swamped with schoolwork, you'd come over and let me practice on you with Umma's guidance.” Zelo leaned against the back of the couch and let out a long sigh. “Even after your parents told you to have nothing to do with 'a freak like me', you'd still come over and help me practice my makeup skills, hyung. Even after you and Sunhwa started dating and she'd called me disgusting, you'd still come over and help me,” he recalled, tone souring at the mention of Daehyun's parents and ex girlfriend.


Daehyun recalled those times well. His parents were displeased at Zelo's dreams and insisted that he was a bad influence. Sunhwa said a man wanting to focus on beauty meant to be feminine was creepy and gross. When she was around, she tried to keep Daehyun too occupied for him to be able to do much else than his schoolwork or being with her.


Zelo only ever advocated for anybody to look pretty, though, not just girls. And he didn't even think people who didn't wear makeup were ugly, he just liked wearing it himself! But there was unfortunately a social stigma around males wanting to do that...


Not that they listened when Daehyun told them this, so in the end, he just lied to them whenever he went to Zelo's place. “You had a goal, and I wanted to help with it.” Daehyun had learned early on in his life that he wouldn't be able to pursue anything he wanted because of his parents' wishes, but that didn't mean he couldn't help his friend achieve his own dreams!


That's exactly why you're my best friend, hyung. Even if you'd never spoken to me again, no one else could take your place in my heart,” Zelo stated firmly, punctuating his declaration with a sharp nod. “That being said, I want to help you, too. And right now? That means letting you stay on my couch until the apartment is ready. Later? Hopefully giving that what she deserves!”


Daehyun's hands had finally stopped trembling enough that he felt better about holding his drink. So he grabbed his hot chocolate and took a sip. He squinted over the edge of his mug at Zelo's last sentence. “That's... not necessary, Zelo,” he declined.


I want to wring her neck like a chicken, hyung,” Zelo spat, hands making a strangling motion to the air in front of him. Daehyun raised an unimpressed brow at his friend. “She hurt you! The deserves it!”


Briefly, the words from his parents that Sunhwa's treatment of him was normal and also justified for misbehaviour rang through Daehyun's head. With a sigh, he finished up the last of his hot chocolate and set the empty cup back on the coffee table. He needed to choose his next words carefully because Zelo certainly wouldn't accept it if Daehyun said his treatment was deserved. “She's uh... not worth the trouble? I'd... I'd rather leave that part of my life behind me and focus on... the next chapter of my life. Okay, Zelo?”


After a moment, Zelo nodded his understanding. “Okay, hyung... For you, I'll forgo getting revenge,” he agreed. “But if she ever tries to get back into your life again, though-”


I won't let her.”




As Daehyun stepped down from the top floor down to ground level on his way to work that next afternoon, the distinctive sound of a melody being played on the piano sounded throughout the complex. He stopped on the final flight of stairs, taking in the mellow sounds from the instrument being played.


Briefly, a calmness washed over him, and the longing in his chest for better times to come was placated momentarily. Despite the tune making it seem like he had no worries, Daehyun still suppressed the urge he had to sing along to the familiar tune. Singing was something that had never been welcomed by his parents or his ex, so it most certainly wouldn't be welcomed by a stranger...


He couldn't listen for long, though. He still had to get to work! With the piano tune continuing in the back of his head, he walked out into the winter air to go to work.


Thankfully, this complex was closer to his job than Sunhwa's place had been, so he could easily walk there rather than drive. Living out of his car for two weeks had made it so he really didn't want to use his car unless he absolutely had to.


Work being closer meant the medical college was further away, though. He wasn't looking forward to when the semester started back after winter holidays in a few weeks. He'd never wanted these classes, but it wasn't like there was anything else he could do, and he'd already put three years into it...


Daehyun inwardly prepared himself for the long evening to come and stepped into Shortstub's, clocking in a bit earlier than normal. One of his coworkers who'd also just arrived, Jaehan, watched as Daehyun shirked off his winter coat and hung it at the back. “Did you walk here?” he wondered.


Daehyun unwrapped the scarf from his neck to hang it with his coat. “Yeah.”


I can tell. Your cheeks are red from the cold,” he commented with a wave of his hand. “Car run out of gas or something?”


Daehyun put his gloves into the pockets of his coat for safekeeping. “No.”


Why'd you walk then?”


Easier.” Daehyun elaborated further as he tied the work required apron around him, “Moved to a place that's closer to here. Using my car would've been inefficient on gas.”


Are you going to walk back to your new place in the snow?”




It's supposed to snow this evening,” Jaehan informed. “Didn't you watch the weather channel?” As a matter of fact, he hadn't. Daehyun's mind had been a bit preoccupied lately to worry about what the weather was going to be like. “The look on your face tells me you didn't,” he chuckled. “Need a ride home after your shift, Daehyun? I can spare you one if you need it.”


Daehyun dismissively waved a hand at his coworker. “The place I'm staying at is basically around the corner,” he pointed out. “I'll be fine. Thanks for the offer, though.”


Work was business as usual. Putting on a smile and taking orders, smoothly dodging other waiters and waitresses in the busy restaurant environment. The restaurant held a jovial and warm atmosphere despite the snow that'd started to fall from the sky not too long after Daehyun's shift had started. The chatter of various families and friends mixed together alongside the upbeat songs from the restaurant speakers.


Throughout the whole evening, Daehyun translated the tunes from those songs as if they were being played through the keys of a piano. Piano instrumentals had always calmed his brain down well, especially during his days of playing the instrument himself. If he lucked out, maybe the piano player of the apartment complex would be playing when Daehyun got home from work!


Fortunately, there weren't any incidents at work. No crazy patrons thinking they could get their meals for free if they complained enough, no bumps into the newbies and causing a catastrophic pile up of broken dishes and fallen food...


Both of which have happened to Daehyun before, but he was the newbie at the time. Thankfully, the boss at the time was very understanding, and he hadn't been fired despite just starting out and making a mess of everything. That boss ended up getting a different job earlier this year and promoted one of Daehyun's fellow coworkers, Jun Hyosung, to the managerial spot.


Like the manager before her, Hyosung was also very good to her coworkers, trying to help out where she could and lighten their load!


Hyosung and him got along decently, but Daehyun never really knew if it was okay to call other people friends without them explicitly stating it. And since Hyosung hadn't said anything like that, she was designated as 'coworker' in Daehyun's brain up until her promotion. Now it was 'boss'.


She'd offered Daehyun a ride home tonight like Jaehan had, but he declined with the same reason from earlier. As he clocked out, she called after him, “Don't freeze your toes off, buddy!”


It had snowed far more than a little, so the walk home was arduous despite it being such a short distance. No one in their right minds were using the sidewalks, so they hadn't been shoveled at all. Snow covered his shoes, coated his socks, and by the time Daehyun pushed open the door to the apartment complex, he couldn't feel his toes.


Unfortunately, there wasn't any piano melody in the hallways or stairwells. While it was a shame, Daehyun guessed the pianist was asleep and inwardly hoped whoever it was slept well.


Zelo had warned him that this place was noisy, but it wasn't until now that Daehyun really got to experience it. The whole walk up the stairs to Zelo's top floor apartment, Daehyun heard various things coming from the different apartments. The one that stuck out the most was a couple yelling at each other about cheating, and it hit close to home in Daehyun's heart and mind.


Since he didn't have a key, he had to knock on Zelo's door to be let in. That was a chore because loud music sounded from behind the door and it seemed like his knocks weren't being heard. Daehyun didn't want to pound on the door because that would be impolite, so instead, it was average knocks once a minute until the door finally opened.


It wasn't Zelo who finally answered the door about ten minutes later. The unfamiliar man, with blonde hair that was darker at the roots from his natural hair colour showing, narrowed his eyes into slits. Confusion was evident in his features. Then, the confusion was all gone, and he smiled brightly. “Oh, you're Daehyun hyung.”


“Um, yeah... That's me. Are you uh... the roommate?” The elusive roommate that had already been asleep by the time Daehyun arrived last night and was already gone by the time he woke up this morning.


“Yeah!” The roommate nodded happily, eyes nearly closing as he smiled wider. “Zelo's told me a lot about you. I'm Moon Jongup!” He waved Daehyun in after a tiny head bow in introduction. “He's been worried about you ever since he got back from his classes, hyung.”


And how long has that been?” Daehyun kicked off his shoes by the door with the rest and peeled off his wet socks, grimacing slightly at the feeling. 'I ought to invest in a pair of snow boots or something if I'm going to be walking to and from work during the winter.'


A few hours at least.”


Well, I was-” Daehyun yelped as lanky arms grabbing him and interrupted his train of thought. It took massive amounts of concentration to not panic further as he was dragged across the apartment, the wet socks falling from his grasp and to the floor.


Hyung! Where were you?” Zelo worried as he plopped Daehyun down onto the couch next to him, arms still tangled around his frame.


Daehyun held a hand over his rapidly beating heart, attempting to will the panic away because it was just Zelo who was here, not Sunhwa... “I-I went to work?” he squeaked, somehow managing to break free of Zelo's grasp. “I-I... told you that I have a j-job, Zelo.”


He huffed and crossed his arms. “I know that, hyung. I meant what the were you doing out in this weather without your car! Why didn't you drive to work?”


It was a few more steady breaths before Daehyun could respond. Slowly, to make sure that his panic ridden nerves didn't make him stutter all over the place. “I work at the end of this street, Zelo... That hardly warrants me driving.” It took Daehyun another moment to realize that Jongup had turned off the music during the height of his panic.


Jongup plopped himself down on the other side of the couch. “Oh, you work at Shortstub's?” he questioned.


Daehyun simply nodded in response.


“I haven't been there in a while. Does Hyosung noona still wait tables? She used to give me the kids menu so I could do the word searches,” Jongup recalled cheerily.


Uh, sometimes? She took over as the manager earlier this year,” Daehyun responded. “She uh, actually offered me a ride tonight... But I declined since this place is right down the road. It'd be very... gas inefficient.”


Zelo's unimpressed gaze bore right into Daehyun's soul, and it made Daehyun's nerves spike enough that that he began to scratch at his cheeks lightly with gloved fingers. An unfortunate habit that he'd picked up over the years. But he had enough sense to stop himself before he got too distracted with the autonomous action and instead heaved himself off the couch to take off the rest of his winter garb.


“Being gas inefficient doesn't matter when you ing freeze to death, hyung,” Zelo sighed. “It's cold and it's snowing. If this happens again, either accept the damn ride or call me? I'll come get you.” Daehyun opened his mouth to speak while he was putting his gloves into his coat pockets, but Zelo held up a hand to shush him. “You might think you're being a bother, but you're not. People wouldn't offer the help if they didn't mean it.”


Daehyun pouted as he took his scarf off. That had been exactly what he was thinking... “I'll just check the weather before work,” he bargained, throwing a glance back at Zelo while he bundled the scarf in his hands. “That way, I'll just take my car if it's supposed to get bad.”


So long as you don't go walking in this weather again,” Zelo decided with a firm nod.


After a quick shower, things had settled down in Daehyun's mind enough to where he wasn't feeling so on edge in panic. Jongup and Zelo were on the couch watching the news on television. Given that the couch was Daehyun's bed for the next few days, he had no choice but to wait them out before he could sleep for the night.


As the three of them were adjusted on the couch, only halfway paying attention to tomorrow's cold weather, the music on the weather channel reminded Daehyun of the smooth melody he'd heard from before he went to work. “Does a pianist live here?” he asked, glancing between the other two on the couch with him.


Yeah, down on the first floor,” Zelo answered, eyes not leaving the television as he decided to flip through the channels. “Why?”


I heard them playing when I was leaving for work, and it was...” Daehyun paused as he looked up at the ceiling in the hopes of finding the appropriate word. “Nice?” It wasn't the most eloquent word, and it was also very vague, so he rambled to try and get the point across better. “Relaxing? Soothing? Um...” Daehyun began to fumble with his fingers and ignored the amused look both Zelo and Jongup were giving him.


Unable to find the words, Daehyun just let out an exasperated noise.


He plays every day at the same time unless something comes up,” Jongup said.


'If I'm going to be hearing this guy play his piano all the time, maybe he'll accept suggestions?' Even if he didn't take the suggestions, Daehyun decided it would still be a nice reprieve from his thoughts just to hear him play. “Does he... take requests?” he wondered.


“I think so?” Jongup hummed in thought a bit before shrugging. “You could always ask him yourself. He's one of our friends, so you'll probably end up meeting him at some point.”


Daehyun wasn't too sure he liked the idea of asking the pianist to his face about song suggestions. Maybe he'd feel more comfortable with that after meeting him? Until then... 'Maybe if I stuck my request to the door or slipped it underneath?'


“In case you're curious, his apartment is the only first floor apartment with something on the door.” Zelo decided to just hand the remote to Jongup instead of continuing to cycle through all the channels. “But wait until you move into your apartment before requesting anything,” he added on. “You'll hear better from the second floor than you will here with our music.”




Shortstub's = Longhorn's Steakhouse.

I asked Bansha for a fancy restaurant name, and she originally said Olive Garden. We went back and forth on how to make the place Daehyun works at be Olive Garden but not named that because I don't want to use an actual place that exists (Chartreuse Plot would've been the name for that, might still use it later). Then we got to talking about Longhorn's, and Shortstub's made me laugh, so yeah.

Then we went and ate Longhorn's because we got to craving it after talking.

This chapter is brought to you by Empty (feat. Jaehan) by Daehyun. Otherwise known as the only reason Daehyun's coworker is Jaehan.

Introduced: Daehyun/Zelo/Jongup

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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 45: I can't believe it ended ㅠㅠ This chapter was beautiful and I loved all the small details to let us know what is going on with the others ~~

I loved this story from beginning till end, and I'll probably never stop re-reading it! It was so amazing, thank you for sticking with it despite all and giving us a great ending <3

(I'm so happy you did the drabbled fic, I'll be sure to read it ^^)
Madbabybap #2
Chapter 44: I loved this chapter with the brothers talking about the past~ I, also, can't get enough of Youngjae's and Daehyun's sweet words to each other <3

I'm so sad it's gonna end soon... It's been so long and to think there is only one chapter left :( I hope for a beautiful finale!
Madbabybap #3
Chapter 43: Such a nice chapter!! I love the progress on the preparations and Youngjae and Daehyun's talk at the end! I'm really happy that they try to work out the relationship with his brother and I am looking forward to their meeting!

On a side note, I have to say I love the pacing of the story! The things happening are not rushed (I would describe it as someone narrating to an audience with anxiety and so they always warn them before things are happening because they don't want them to feel overwhelmed with too much information) and I really like this kind of writing!
Madbabybap #4
Chapter 42: Woahh this was such a great chapter!

The whole talk was so satisfying to read! He was so strong and he handled it perfectly. Things are looking up!

On a side note, I get incredibly happy whenever I watch Youngjae and Daehyun's interactions. Especially at how they both know so many things about the other and so they know how to handle situations (for example the water thing; I didn't expect it but it truly warmed my heart!)
Madbabybap #5
Chapter 41: Thank you for the update!!

This was such a rollercoaster of a chapter (in a good way of course!). I was so shocked at the end. I don't want to spoil anything, but this phrase towards the end made my blood run cold and suddenly I saw things from such a different perspective... It makes me so angry. I can't believe that I didn't see it coming, but I really can't believe the nerve of these people to want that for someone (they 'care' about).

The whole thing is so shocking really...

On a side note, I love it when Daehyun speaks up his mind. Considering his past, he has come such a long way and I'm so proud to see the development of his character (along with Youngjae's)!

I'm really dying to read what will happen next!
Madbabybap #6
Chapter 40: Whoa!! I'm so looking forward to the next chapter! This is taking such an interesting turn and I am dying to know what will happen!

I'm still not used to them being all lovely with each other (in the way that I still fangirl when that happens). I can't with all this cuteness! Loved the chapter!

I also love the realistic way you portrait Daehyun's anxiety, that even after five years he still has his moments and Youngjae is helping him when it happens, rather than Daehyun getting over it.
Madbabybap #7
Chapter 39: I really enjoy reading Youngjae and Daehyun's relationship now that they are more open with sweet words and gestures! It truly warms my heart~ I, also, want to see what will happen with Youngjae's mother. I hope things will go well!

I like the change of writing style (I'll have to re-read the story at some point :D), especially since it didn't change much from their perspective.

Also, Youngjae's hair is sooo good like that!
Madbabybap #8
Chapter 38: It was such an amazing and lovely chapter I nearly cried (I thought that would be the last chapter so that might have been part of the reason). I swear, every time Daehyun calls Youngjae 'sweetheart' my heart just melts~ So many things have happened in the chapter my heart can't handle it~

Thank you for the lovely update!!
Madbabybap #9
Chapter 37: It's so good to see updates to the story! I've been stressed these days so this was a very happy surprise! The story is progressing so well that I'm sad it will probably end soon, but I'm glad you are writing anyway! This chapter was really lovely!
Chapter 36: I miss you so much, I’ve been away as well after Dae enlisting but now I’m back and see your update makes me feel so happy ~\(≧▽≦)/~~