Part 2.

Make a wish

She arrived at the company at 10:35am, to be precise oh. She went on foot, this morning was sunny and warm. It was impossible to see such a beautiful nature through the tinted windows of their working car. She wanted at least that day to enjoy a warm spring day. The manager agreed, and she joyfully went on foot.

She could breathe easily, a gentle warm breeze was pulling at her hair, a ray of sunshine was warmly smiling at her from the opposite windows or shop windows that she passed. The mood rose with every step. She did not hide her face, sometimes gave autographs, thanked the fan that she loved her. But this rarely happened, fans respected her freedom. Passing by the next tabloid, DaHyun paused, reading with interest the following announcement from their director:

Wait impatiently for a new artist who will amaze your imagination not only with his voice, but also with a beautiful melody. He was chosen from millions of applicants, and he is truly worthy of being in our company. His name is Kim Daon."

- Kim Daon? Almost consonant with my name. Strange, the director never spoke to me about him. I wonder how he sings? What is his voice? PD-nim is hard to please. No, no, if he wanted to introduce us, he would call JiHyo-unnie as the leader of our group. So something else - she decided to speed up the pace, find out why Director Pak Jin-yeon called her.

She entered his office at 10:54. He was just listening to another disc with a demo version offered to him by one of the interns. Once again surprised to see what talented children he has in his company.

- Come in, DaHyun. It's good that you came, I need to discuss something with you. Do you want some coffee or tea?

-Tea, if possible - her lower lip, - said DaHyun, looking into the wall.

She became nervous sitting opposite the director. But it turns out that you don’t need to be nervous, the director just wanted to discuss her last work with her. DaHyun also forgot that she sent him a melody composed at night. She also wrote the lyrics, though it was spoken more on behalf of the guy, not on the girl. I thought that the director would not understand her, but he was sympathetic.

So their conversation flowed smoothly for an hour, and then something clicked and DaHyun found herself in complete darkness, in some kind of space, without windows and doors. She did not have time to get scared because someone else had come to replace her. The girl’s shell disappeared , as the girl’s memory disappeared, now the hazel eyes of the 23-year-old guy looked at the director.

-Thank you for coming on time, Kim Daon. I love when people are punctual, it says a lot - kindly commented on such a sharp appearance in front of him a guy instead of a girl.

-I don’t want to be late, your message said that you would like to discuss something with me. I was curious why such a famous producer is looking for a meeting with me, I came to find out - just said the beautiful baritone.

Not only the appearance has changed, and the clothes have somehow changed. The guy was completely different from Kim DaHyun, the only thing Pak Jin-yeon noticed was that the smile remained the same, contagiously bright. He was in a dark suit and tie, stylish with a needle.

Short-cut hair, with a reddish tint. One ear was pierced, but no earrings hung in it now. One ring on the index finger of the right hand. Embossed shoulders, pianist's fingers, athletic figure. Plus, an amazingly sensual voice that makes goosebumps. Park Jin-yeon felt all this instantly, although the guy only said a few words.

-I heard your recording, I liked it, - the director said shortly, the guy raised an eyebrow in surprise.

- Record? I didn’t send you anything.

- Now - I turned to my recording device, found the recording that I was listening to recently, turned it on. A beautiful melody with a sad motive poured from the speakers. Kim Daon listened carefully, then a smile flickered on his lips, he nodded his head:

- Yes, my record. Probably my sister or parents decided to play a trick on me. Sorry, but I'm not interested in becoming a stage artist. I recorded this melody for the soul.

-But how then did this record get to me? I was told that she was from you - the director pretended to be looking for something on the table.

- You cannot search, I believe, but an error occurred. You see, my whole family wants me to show my creations to the whole world. They want everyone to hear my melody, because it gives so much warmth and tenderness. These are their words, not mine - the guy laughed softly, tapping a rhythm on the table.

- Why are you so negative about the scene? - Seeing that the young man hesitated with an answer, he quickly added. - Sorry, I don’t want to press you if you don’t want to ...

- I'm afraid this is due to the fact that I can quickly run out of breath, and simply cannot continue to write. I'm afraid to lose myself in the battle for glory - after not hesitating for a long time, I decided to tell the truth. You yourself must know, Director, how the scene affects people, their desire. There are people who are strong in spirit; there are those who are tempted to be a star, and lose their heart for this pursuit.

-Wise words for your age, young man. I like you more and more. I understand that I have no right to insist, but as you look at how to work with me.

-I will think, but I do not promise to agree. Please forgive me, Director, but I need to go. There are unsolved cases that I would like to solve today - I got up, bowed, left the office.

-Don't let him out of sight, - he ordered someone by pressing a certain button on his mobile phone. He did not have enough to lose Kim Daon. - An intelligent guy, and the melody is very beautiful, I would like to hear his lyrics. I am sure these words already exist. Miss Im, please invite the Kim DaHyun family here and call TWICE.

- Tell parents that the reincarnation has begun? - Asked his secretary, dedicated to the affairs of DaHyun.

- Yes, let me know. It's time to discuss it all over again. We waited a long time, for three whole years, and honestly, I already thought that the Kim family was joking after reading science fiction. But, if I hadn’t seen it today, I would not have believed it.

- We thought that this reincarnation would happen three years ago, but for some reason it was delayed. Till today.


Eight girls enjoyed their free time, when JiHyo's phone rang no one was particularly surprised, they knew for sure that they were calling out of work. JiHyo was just spinning in the kitchen when she heard her melody, wiping her hands with a towel, went into the living room where she left him, pressed the “call” button, answered:

- I'm listening to. Oh hello - she politely greeted someone on the phone, listened a little, nodded her head, said. - In half an hour we’ll be - disconnected, and then called out loudly.- Girls, pack everything in the living room!

Those who were already covering their ears with their hands to muffle the loudness of the leader’s voice a little. The rest came up in seconds. The question was written on everyone’s faces: “What's the matter?”

- They called from the company, the director urgently calls us. At least the fees, according to the voice of Secretary Im, I realized something serious. 10 minutes, she warned, walking to her room. Mina, Sana, and Nayeon followed her, trying to find out more along the way:

“You yourself heard how much time I spoke.” We find out there, in the director’s office - the leader waved away, taking clothes out of the closet and going behind the screen to change clothes. - Hurry, girls.

After leaving the hostel after 14 minutes with a tail, they got into the car, the manager quickly drove off and drove towards the company. He did not know anything, he himself was notified 15 minutes ago. Winding, he drove them after 10 minutes. When leaving the car, Sana noticed her parents and brother DaHyun, they also went towards the company.

- Hello - the girls politely bowed, they answered the same. Anxiety and relief reflected on her mother's face. Father held his face. The brother was grinning.

Together they took the elevator and together entered the office of Director Park Jin-yeon, who went out to meet them.

“It's true, what did you tell us?” Has this really happened? - Mrs. Kim hastened to him. - He's here?

“He recently left, but my people are watching him.” We know what to do if something goes wrong, the director assured her, affectionately patting her hand. “Girls, good thing you came so fast.” Come to me. Something unusual happened here and we need to tell you something.

“We couldn’t get through to DaHyun,” JiHyo began, but the director suspended her:

“You will not be available until her phone for another two or three days,” he said the last words with an interrogative sign, addressing the girl’s mother.

“We ourselves do not yet know how long its absence will take.” We waited so long, for three whole years, and then you call us and tell us what happened - this time everyone saw a joyful smile on his mother’s face, his father, standing next to her, relaxed. “Can we see how DaHyun has changed?”

- Yes, we took a photo, but first let's talk - alluding to the excited 8 girls who heard oddities from DaHyun's parent. “They don't understand anything.”

“Ah, yes, girls, my DaHyun members!” Let's talk, I need to tell you something about our family curse ...


Kim Daon walked slowly along the street, looking at shop windows. From the very morning he decided that he needed to go and buy new clothes and new shoes. Passing by the shop windows, he saw in which suit he had to go to meet the director of the company JYP. The only decent suit that he had saved since school, only instead of a bow tie, a tie bought for the first salary. I had to spend all my money then, but it was worth it. Not so embarrassing.

“Here, nothing shines for me, with my salary — looking at the glossy signs of fashion stores.” “If I accepted the invitation of Director Pak, I could buy one.” But you need to become an idol, and I don’t want to be one. Idol , what kind of word is that? A screaming crowd, it will blunt me, I will not be able to write anymore, I will be under their cap, they will crave from me what I cannot give. No, no, it's too depressing . I'd rather stay a little-known musician on YouTube .

He walked through a busy market, turned towards the park, his legs led him to the pond, where young ducks were splashing gaily.

“And what am I doing here?” He asked himself, having regained consciousness after a mental battle to accept offers or not.

He was so thoughtful that he did not notice how he came here. He watched ducklings swimming along the surface of the river, mother duck splashing near the shore and quacking when one of the guys throws pieces of bread. He felt fun, he laughed out loud when two ducks and a drake rushed off to distill for a piece of bread, thrown a little further from the coast.

“I wish I was born a duckling, the only thing that would concern me was food and offspring.” No need to think about anything else.


In the office of the director of the company, silence filled the free space, making recognition even more significant. 8 girls with misunderstanding and disbelief listened to everything that their girlfriends parents knew about them.

-What I will tell you now is true. You just have to believe in it - Mrs. Kim began, nervously her fingers, she looked back at her husband for support, and he left her, put his palm on her trembling hand. - Our family is rather unusual, strange things happened to each of us in due time. You probably noticed that our DaHyun is a very bright person ...

-Honey, you're not talking about that, - the man patted his hand, looking fondly at his wife. - Here you can’t explain in words, you need to show.

- Show? Do you really soon ... - that the woman, that brother DaHyun jumped from their seats, turning to him.

- Quiet, quiet, no, it's too early for me. I can only show for two minutes, no more, just so that they understand - the man reassured them, then turned to 8 girls, asked: - Watch carefully, although this is immediately noticeable.

The girls sat and looked in bewilderment at the elegant man standing in the middle of the office, who closed his eyes and whispered some words, folding his hands on his chest. The next thing they saw struck them so much that some of them fainted, the rest (except for the Kim family and the director) were sitting with their mouths open in shock, trying to understand with their brains what they were seeing.

Father DaHyun after whispering some words turned into a woman.

In a woman?!

Beautiful, elegant woman with ash-black hair to the shoulders. She smiled at them and said: Hello.

Wow! It's not a dream?! Maybe they have the same dream ?!

“No, you are not in a dream, girls, everything that you see - in fact - was assured by their director, watching with interest the reverse transformation from woman to man.”

- Such a reincarnation takes place in 20 years, lasts only three days, sometimes a week, the longest happened with Minho, cousin DaHyun, a month. Girls turn into guys, and guys into girls. Why we don’t know, and honestly stopped fighting this, Mrs. Kim waved it off, taking all the love and comfort from her husband’s embrace. - We were worried about our daughter, because her transformation happened later than in 20 years. If I had stayed longer, I’m afraid we would have met already at the funeral - here Mrs. Kim could not restrain herself, cried, turning away from everyone for a short while. Then, calmed down a bit, continued: - I'm so glad that she was able to do it.

-Sorry, but DaHyun knows who she is ...- she didn’t know how to finish JiHyo’s question, recovering from everything she had heard and seen.

-You see, girls, when we first reincarnate, we don’t remember what happened before our reincarnation, - Mr. Kim tried to explain, looking at his family.

-That is, Daon has become Dubu now, and he absolutely does not remember you - he bluntly said how he cut off, brother DaHyun. - He does not remember what your name is, nor the fact that he was a member of TWICE. Now Kim Dong is a blank sheet, not filled with any memory of your entire 3 year life as your friend.

-In the sense of DaHyun doesn’t know about us at all? Are we strangers to her?

-For him, - Brother DaHyun corrected. - Daon doesn't know anything about you; DaHyun remembers everything. Only when Daon becomes DaHyun again will she forget everything that happened in the guise of a guy. I understand that everything is confusing and incomprehensible, but let's discuss everything later. Now the most important thing, where is Daon now? And what does DaHyun look like now? Mr. Pak, can you show us a picture? - asked the head of the family, interrupting questions from all sides from excited girls.

-Yes, of course - rummaging at his desk, the director said, then taking out the photo, he handed it to Mrs. Kim.

Everyone crowded around her and looked at the new DaHyun.

-She is beautiful, - whispered Mrs. Kim admiringly. - Our DaHyun has become a charming guy, dear. And I can only imagine what he is thinking about now, being in the city.

Dzin - the phone was trilling, the director immediately picked up the phone, a minute later announced:

-Daon is coming back here. So said my agent, who was specially provided for his protection. He heard Daon say this to himself, so when he comes, it would be better for you, Mrs. Kim not to be in my office.

- Yes of course. Girls, we’ll talk later, we’ll try to explain and explain everything intelligently so that you better understand how things are now. Take care of our boy, Mr. Park. He is the same as our DaHyun, his character has not changed at all, his appearance has simply changed.

-Do not worry, I will do everything to protect him from any inclement weather, - the director promised, escorting Kim's family from his office. Closing the doors behind them, he turned to the waiting girls, said:

-I hope you understand how serious things are, girls. And I hope for your understanding and support of DaHyun. I think Daon is coming back to say that he has changed his mind and will be making his debut in my company. If this happens, you will be a sombe for him ...

-If Daon is the same as DaHyun, then we will find a common mode, director, - JiHyo firmly said, taking full responsibility for them on the leader’s shoulders. - We will support him, and we will do our best to make friends with him. May he have sweet, kind memories with us.

- The words of a true leader. I believe you girls ...

-Hello, - Kim Daon peered open the door to the director’s office. - I'm sorry to bother you again, but your secretary was not there. Oh hello, - he bowed politely, seeing in the office not only the director, but also 8 beautiful girls. He was shy, lowered his eyes to the floor, hesitantly trodden on the spot. - I'll probably come back later.

-No, come on in, Daon-si. Meet your future sombe, group TWICE.

- The future? Are you so sure that I came back to answer yes? Hmm, in some ways you were right, director - the guy smiled, straightening in his back, smiling warmly at the girls. - I'm sorry that I was rude and did not introduce myself first. Hello, I’m Kim Daon, the new artist of your company, my debut will take place on October 20 this year. I hope you and I will find a common language - his eyes mischievously flashed, forcing girlish hearts to overflow with tender charm.

“Nice to meet you, Dah ... Daon-si.” Girls, 1,2,3 ...

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guys, I’m done so far, but maybe I’ll add more chapters soon


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Chapter 2: There will be more? :3
vinthar31 #2
Chapter 2: Really good...fantastic like manga