Sick pt. 2 : being apart

Life Could Be A Dream
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Mina scrolled through twitter as she saw all the tweets about her best friends and girlfriend.


‘omg dahmo are girlfriends!’


‘saida cider cheer!’




Mina sighed.  She had to stay back in Japan with her family due to being sick.  She was at the hospital, but her parents came and got her.  Staff had to leave so they let her go.


“Mina, how are you feeling?  I made you some rice.” Mina’s mother made rice every time Mina felt sick.  It was a tradition.


“Thank you.” Mina set down her phone and took the rice bowl from her mother.  


“You miss her, don’t you?” Mina’s mother pointed to the text messages on the screen.


Dubu💕: We just made it to Korea!  Have fun in Japan and take meds!  Love you~


Mina slowly nodded.  Mina’s parents knew about Dahyun and her when they first started dating.  Mina introduced Dahyun as her “Band mate girlfriend” and her parents loved Dahyun more than she did.


All of the sudden, Mina’s phone started ringing.


‘Dubu💕is calling’.


Mina’s mother walked out and Mina answered the phone.




“Minari~ I missed your voice, sorry if I am bothering anything!”


Mina’s heart lit up, “No, please, stay.  I miss your voice as well...”


“How was your day?”


“It was

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neccar 146 streak #1
Chapter 4: As a person who dealt with similar issues with Mina(anxiety and such mental illnesses), this chapter was quite nice. Dahyun being there for her, that "I love you", these things are what a person in these conditions want.
Chapter 4: My heart :(((
16 streak #3
Chapter 4: Cute and I wish Mina an awesome recovery
16 streak #4
Chapter 3: Cute af
neccar 146 streak #5
Chapter 3: Aww this is so so cute!
Chapter 3: So damn soft >///<
AffidaRahma94 #7
Chapter 3: Aawwww so sweet... Get well soon dubu-ya minari....
Chapter 2: haha, cuute!

neccar 146 streak #9
Chapter 1: It's short but I laughed at the "you hurt Dahyun" part. I hope you can do another chapter or another one shot with this amazing ship.
Chapter 1: is it already done? its short, but thanks author-nim.