XV. Leave

Finally, Love
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Wendy takes everything back. When she said she wanted to know everything, she did not expect to have a bomb exploded right in her face like that.


She stands there, flabbergasted, as Irene mouthed words to Jennie she could not hear nor understand anymore.


“The announcement of our marriage will be all over the news tomorrow”


The words rings in her ears.


Does she not deserve some happiness? Even after all the times that passed, she really will always be just a fool in love.


She is broken out of her reverie when she felt a hard tug from Joohyun’s hand. She looks at the older but she was met with an unusual clouded eyes that she cannot understand. Seungwan feels dumb. Why is she even here again?


Joohyun says her goodbye to Jennie when Seungwan still hasn’t talked and the other just smiled at the two as she walked back. Maybe it was a trick of the eye but Seungwan swears she saw a faint smile on the older as Jennie waved at them. Was that the reaction you should have when your ex informed that your marriage is suddenly arranged?


Joohyun closes the door with a soft thud and heaves a sigh before looking at Seungwan.


“I’m sorry you had to witness that,” Joohyun said quietly


Seungwan shook her head, unable to form a reply. She just knows her voice will crack if she tries to speak.


Joohyun walks away from the door and goes to the kitchen. Seungwan already misses the warmth. She had to close her hands into fists to stop herself from yearning.


“You know, we’re dating and stuff like that so you had to be there,” the older added.


Seungwan feels like it was a slap on the face. She really is nothing to Joohyun. A friend, perhaps. But Seungwan cannot take everything now. She have to protect herself, at least this time.


Seungwan closes her eyes and finally speaks, “I have to--- I have to go,” the younger said hurriedly as she gathered her things in the living room.


Joohyun walks out of the kitchen, holding a cup of glass. “What? We still haven’t talked and the guys are still inside,”


The younger fishes her phone from her pocket, “Uhmm, actually my friend just texted me right now, something about an emergency and stuff,” she reasons.


Joohyun drinks from her glass and walks towards Seungwan. “Oh. Okay. Do you need me to bring you there?”


Seungwan shakes her head profusely. “No—no need, I will manage,” She needs to get out of there. Fast. “Just tell the girls I really had to go,”


Seungwan rides the bus home. She put her earphones and drowned out the rest of the world.


Didn’t she leave her home to prove something to her parents? That she is not just a girl who can be pushed over to things that they like.


Right now, she just have to get back to her old self and focus on improving herself. “You can do this, Seungwan, you will get through this,” she thought as she tries to stop her tears from falling in public.


But at least for tonight, Seungwan wants to forget. Her phone starts buzzing, she is pretty sure it’s from the gang. There are numerous messages from Joy, Seulgi, and even Yeri, but the person she secretly wanted to receive from, none.


She decides to answer Joy’s 18th call.




“Unnie!!! Where the heck are you?!”


“I—I have to go to my friend, it’s an emergency,”


“I know, that’s what Joohyun unnie told us, but really…where are you?”


Seungwan sighs.


“This is me, unnie. I know something happened between you and Joohyun unnie tonight, but I just want to know that you’re safe,”


“Don’t worry about me, Joy. I’ll be fine. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive home,”


“You better. Now, don’t drink too much, okay? Call me if ever you need a lift home,”


Seungwan laughs at that. “Yah! I will not drink. I’m not a drunkard like you,”


Joy fake gasps, “Hey! Stop hurting my feelings, unnie. Anyways, my phone’s always open. Call me when you need me,”


“Okay. Thank you,”


“Anytime, unnie.”



Seungwan finds herself walking in a park near her dormitory building. It’s almost midnight so there are really no people around the area. She spots a bench and decided to rest there for a while.


She thinks of when did she start yearning for Joohyun. She knows all too well that she and Joohyun were supposed to treat each other like girlfriends. Seungwan had to fend off her parents and not let herself be known in the university that’s why she agreed to Joohyun’s request but to the older, she wasn’t so sure why.

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Chapter 23: Baby hands. Oh my! It's been so long since I heard it 😭🤣😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 4: Hahahaha
Nat25nat #3
Chapter 23: Cute 😍
Chapter 23: so cute I'm in love with this story
Chapter 22: lots of butterflies in my stomach with this chapter 🥰🥰
Chapter 20: hahahaha extremely cute that they are fighting for Wendy, we already know who her true love is, but it is good to see her being fought for
Chapter 15: my heart huuurts
Chapter 14: what do you mean marriageeeeee? I'm in shock
Chapter 11: Jealous joohyun is so cute, I have to thank chan for making her pay more attention to her wendy 🤣🥹
baejoonism #10
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update!! 😍