XII. Yes

Finally, Love
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Seungwan found herself seated on one of Seulgi's bean bag chairs. She glanced at her watch again. 12.45am.


 Seulgi lazily walked back to her bed and seat on its edge. "Why did you come here all the way here?"


 Seungwan laughed nervously and scratched her nape. "I just needed some answers?"


Seulgi pouted childlishly and whined, "You couldn't wait 'til the the morning?"


The other smiled sheepishly and ducked her head in embarassment, "I'm sorry,"


Seulgi laughed this time at the embarassed hamster. "I'm just joking! Good thing I wasn't into full hibernating mode or else I wouldn't have to answer the door,"


Suddenly, Seulgi's phone rang by the bedside table. The bear looked at the clock hanging by the wall. "Seriously, why do people want to talk to me at this hour?" Seungwan chuckled and urged Seulgi to pick up the phone.




"Seul! Good thing you’re still awake!" the other line exclaimed excitedly.




Seungwan knew that voice. It was clearly Joohyun.


"Unnie, why did you call? Do you realize what time is it now?"


Seungwan didn’t know what to do so she just looked at the room. She really haven’t been in Seulgi’s dorm since she used to avoid hanging out with Joohyun before. The room was simple but looks like the type of room you see in blogs. Very Seulgi like. She noticed that the bear owned a vinyl player placed at the far end of the room so she stood up and scanned the discs. Maybe I should just give her one of these.


“Uh-huh… Nope, I’m not alone,” Seungwan heard the bear said.


“What are you talking about? You really have a dirty mind, unnie! Seungwan’s here!” the girl snapped her head towards the bear with widened eyes. Then she heard a scream from the phone that Seulgi even had to move the phone away from her ear.


“Unnie! You’re so loud!” Seulgi whined when she placed her phone again on her ear.


“Yes… I understand…okay. See you unnie, bye!” the bear ended the call and placed her phone on the table again. She faced Seungwan with still widened eyes and chuckled uneasily. “Looks like Joohyun unnie will come,”


“What?!” Seungwan almost dropped the disc she was holding. Good thing she still had a nice reflex.


The bear made a peace sign at the hamster, “I’m sorry, when I said that you’re here, I’m sure you heard that dolphin scream, right? She said how will you go home at this hour so she asked me to tell you to wait for her and she’ll bring you home,”


Seungwan slapped her forehead in response. This isn’t supposed to happen. I need to understand and know some things first and I wouldn’t be able to do that when Joohyun’s always that close.


Seungwan thought of a plan. She sat back on the bean bag and said to the bear with determination, “Okay, Joohyun’s place is nearby so we maybe have 15 to 20 minutes to talk. Tell me everything you know, Seul,”





The two jumped in their seats when they heard the doorbell. Seulgi stood up but Seungwan urged the bear to just sit down. Seungwan walked to the door and was greeted by a bare-faced Joohyun with just a pajama pants and hoodie on. The girl even had a specs on. Oh God. How can she look so adorable even at this hour?


Joohyun stood by the door with hands on her hips, ready to reprimand the younger. “Why are you here, Seungwan?”


Seungwan knew she was in trouble but had to bit her lip to stop herself from smiling. Too cute. “I just wanted to talk to Seulgi, that’s all” the younger tried to reply nonchalantly.


“Why can’t you do it over the phone then?”


“It’s just too important,”


“Why not in the morning?” the older quirked a brow.


“Just as I said, it’s too important,”


“Then what’s that important thing you two have to talk about?” Joohyun asked impatiently.


Seungwan smiled teasingly and bopped the older’s nose. “It’s a secret,” Omygod. Why did I do that?


Joohyun looked at where the younger’s finger had been and Seungwan chuckled at the older’s look. “You’re cross-eyed, unnie,”




Seungwan pulled the older inside and closed the door behind. The two noticed the bear coming out of her room with a pillow and comforter in her arms. “I’m gonna sleep on the couch. You two share the bed.” Seulgi ordered dismissively.


“What are you talking about?” Seungwan squeaked.


Seulgi placed her pillow on the couch and settled in quickly. “Look, it’s already late. You two should just sleep over since it’s Saturday tomorrow. Plus, we can’t possibly fit in my bed and you’re my guests so, shoo!” the bear said again dismissively and closed her eyes. “I’m gonna hibernate soon, so don’t be afraid to make noises,” Seulgi added and chuckled lightly.


Joohyun reddened at the comment and glanced at Seungwan who was already blushing. She saw the younger opening then closing it again. “Might as well settle in. It’s really already late,” Joohyun commented and started walking to the room. Seungwan had no other choice but to follow the older to the room. It’ll be really hard to catch a taxi at this hour.


When Seungwan entered the room, she saw Joohyun already removing her glasses and placing her phone by the bedside table. When Joohyun felt Seungwan’s presence, she smiled apologetically. “I don’t know if you’re too uncomfortable with this so I can just sleep on the floor.”


“Look, I know Joohyun unnie can be very difficult. But trust in me when I tell you that she’s different when she’s with you. I’ve never seen her like this before,” Seungwan remembered what Seulgi said to her a few minutes ago.


Seungwan waved her arms quickly. “No, no, no, no! That wouldn’t be necessary. We can just share the bed.” The younger walked over to the other side of the bed.


“Alright, settle in then,” Joohyun replied and got under the covers.


Seungwan did the same and sighed comfortably. The bed was so soft. She noted to ask Seulgi about her bed in the morning. She took a peek at the girl beside her and noticed that Joohyun already had her eyes closed. There’s still some safe distance. I think that’s good…for my heart.


“Are you comfortable?” Joohyun suddenly asked.


Seungwan almost broke her neck on how fast she looked away from

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Favebolous #1
Chapter 4: Hahahaha
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 23: Cute 😍
Chapter 23: so cute I'm in love with this story
Chapter 22: lots of butterflies in my stomach with this chapter 🥰🥰
Chapter 20: hahahaha extremely cute that they are fighting for Wendy, we already know who her true love is, but it is good to see her being fought for
Chapter 15: my heart huuurts
Chapter 14: what do you mean marriageeeeee? I'm in shock
Chapter 11: Jealous joohyun is so cute, I have to thank chan for making her pay more attention to her wendy 🤣🥹
baejoonism #9
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update!! 😍
Chapter 23: I hope Seungwan's father isn't too stubborn. because I want to continue to see their intimacy