The date

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Chapter 14


If Sehun only knew what he was planning he would not have given him the address, Kai chuckled to himself as he rang the doorbell of Krystal's apartment.

"Who is it?" he heard her ask from the other side.

"Someone who wants to apologize," he replied sweetly and held up the bouquet of red roses he had just bought. He heard the door chain being removed and the door unlocked and revealed a mildly surprised Krystal staring at him.

"What is this?"

"Flowers for the beautiful," Kai answered sweetly as he gave her the flowers. "I sincerely hope you can forgive me the brutish behaviour and maybe join me for dinner?" He held up the Indian take-away he had brought along.

"What on earth? Have you hit your head or something, Kai? You don't seem to be quite yourself."

"Ah well, I had a chat with Sehun and he gave a few words of advice about how to court a woman properly," he replied sheepishly.

"Always the gentleman, Sehun is. And what else did he tell you about proper behaviour?" Krystal asked humorously as she studied the sheepish expression in Kai's face.

"A lot of things, and very useful too, I hope." He reached for her hand and held it to his mouth as he kissed her skin lightly. "He told me a woman liked to be worshipped and invited to fine dinners with good wines." He pointed at the bag right next to him. "That's why I brought white wine to go with the Tandoori, of course."

"Oh?" Krystal replied while staring at Kai as still in shock by his complete turnaround.

"May I come in?"

"Sure, why not. As long as you behave, I might take the chance."

"Of course I'll behave. Sehun taught me that dinner only included good food and intellectual conversation. And no before date number 15. Or was it 25? He's old school after all."

"Poor Sehun. I must have cost him a fortune to court Emma, then," Krystal laughed as she went to put the flowers in water.

Kai opened the wine bottle and poured them both a glass. "Here you go," he said and gave her a glass.

"Mm, smells good," she said and took a sip. "Very nice. What is it?"

"French. Borgogne district. The best there is. If you would join me we could spend the honeymoon there."

"Didn't Sehun say anything about being too forward, Kai?" Krystal said laughingly.

"Nope, he must have forgotten. All right, you can pick the destination then. Only make sure the beds are soft and the food is good."

"Stuff some food into that mouth, will you?"

"Okay. I found out you liked Indian so I brought some Tandoori."

"My favourite. Who told you?"

"A little bird called Amber."

"That traitor. What else did she tell you?"

"Nothing important," he replied while laying out the food.

"Tell me!"

"She only described what she would do to a certain part of me if I hurt you. Nothing worth mentioning," Kai shuddered visibly.

"Ah, so that's why you've located some manners, is that it? Afraid that poor little Amber will castrate you?"

"She was quite persuasive, let me tell you. Now, dig in."

She did and they both enjoyed the meal as the conversation floated easily back and forth and covered their favourite movies and books as well as tales about their travels.


Krystal laughed heartily as Kai talked about Warrens troubles at their latest hunting trip and how he had managed to fall into the ice-cold river and how it taken three men to pull him ashore again.

"Poor Sehun. He's not much of an outdoors man, is he?"

"Nope, too comfortable with Emma's home-cooking, would be my guess. He's gotten soft."

"Well, I'm sure you use every opportunity to take him down a peg or two."

"That's the least I can do when he does the same for me. Sehun is the only one that can make me feel like an ill-mannered school-boy in about 30 seconds time."

"I think I know what you mean," Krystal smiled at him. Then she cleared as in taking a break before charging into more difficult territory. "So, you have quite gotten over that prank I pulled on you earlier?"

"Which one?" Kai smiled knowingly as he noticed her face getting red.

"Uhm, know which one I'm talking about."

"Yes, that one. The cockteaser prank. Actually, it's one of your best so far, but I would say the photos were a close second." Krystal just coloured even more and seemed quite ashamed for a while.

"You didn't like the coffee-prank then?" she suddenly asked.

"Nope, you ruined the taste completely. I still haven't gotten over it. I'm still drinking instant cappuccinos ever since you started sabotaging my coffee."

"Uhm well, I did have some help in that department, you know."

"I know. Otherwise you would never have gotten anything done." He paused for a while before sitting back in his chair. "This reminds me that the score is totally in your side, by the way."

"What do you mean?"

"If I count every prank you pulled on me, compared to the one's I pulled on you, I would say you're still leading with about 20 points."


"So perhaps it's about time for me to even the score," he said and slowly bent closer to her, looking into her eyes and keeping her spellbound.

"I...," she started then gave a yelp as she heard the sound of a lock closing and the cold feeling of metal against her skin. She glanced down and noticed a pair of handcuffs dangling from her right arm. Immediately, Kai took the other end of the handcuffs and closed it over his left arm, effectively tying them together. "What are you doing?"

"Evening the score, as I said."

"But, but...?"

"Finished eating, darling?"

"Look, Kai, the Dating-for-dummies-guide doesn't say anything about chaining your dinner partner to you during dinner."

"It doesn't? I might have misunderstood something, then. I always thought it would be the dessert," Kai said sweetly.

"Well, I suggest you unlock this thing at once," she snarled at him, raising the chained right hand of hers.

"What? Can't you manage with only your left hand? I'm sure you're still able to lift your fork."

"That's not the point. Besides I've finished eating."

"Good, then we can get on to more fun stuff," Kai smiled.

"Fun? It will be absolutely thrilling to watch the cops take you away if you don't remove these handcuffs, right now."

"Now, now, darling. You won't call anyone. The only thing you'll do is stay right here with me and continue this nice evening. Besides, I don't have the keys with me."

"What? What lunatic uses handcuffs and doesn't bring the keys?"

"A lunatic that knows what he wants. The keys are at my hotel. I put them in the safe until I needed them - in a few days time."

"And what do you suggest we fill those days with if we're going to be stuck together like this?"

"Ah, I have a lot of good ideas but I'll be generous and even let you suggest a few positions if you like."

"I have an idea right now, to be exact," she snarled at him and got up. Dragging him after her, she headed toward the phone. Realising her intent, Kai stopped completely and she could not move an inch.

"Get moving!" she said icily.

"Naw. I don't like that particular idea. I'm sure a nice shower would be a far better idea."

"A shower?"

"Yes, a warm one. Or perhaps a cold one and then we can add the heat ourselves," he winked at her.

She ignored him and pretended to move back to the table, before suddenly turning and raising her knee in a quick motion and directing it at his middle, trying to kick him where it would hurt the most.

"Whoa, there," Kai shouted and instinctively blocked her kick with his leg. Before she managed to blink he advanced on her and bent down and placed his right arm behind her knees and lifted her up to his chest. She screeched as he bounced her up and let her land on her chained arm.

"Ouch," she screeched at him while sending daggers his direction.

"That was not very nice. And here I had your best in mind all along."

"Let me down this instant!" Krystal said coldly. "I don't care about your dating activities right now."

"Don't worry. You will soon enjoy them very much. Where's your bedroom?"

"Bedroom?" She turned pale. Before collecting her wits and using her free arm to punch every part of him she could reach.

"So impatient," Kai laughed and moved quickly to the nearest room and dumped her on the bed. Following her down, he lay partly on top of her and raised her arms over her head.

"The only bad thing about this plan is that it limits the positions we can try."

"Use your imagination then and simply call Sehun," Krystal glared at him before trying to wrench herself free of him again and kicking him somewhere that was sure to hurt.

"You are a bloodthirsty wench today," Kai concluded while he struggled to restrain her.

In the end he placed his legs between hers and still held on to her arms. He smiled at her as the struggle had painted her cheeks red and she was breathing harder. She stopped struggling and at the same time, Kai lowered his directly at her pelvis and rubbed it slowly over her .

She froze at the same time as ual awareness streamed through her body and her starting preparing for the body that had given her countless pleasurable moments. Still, it would not do if Kai found out how easily he could arouse her. She had wanted him out of her life as quickly and as painless as possible. Especially since realising her feelings for him was far stronger than his were for her.

"Get off!" she commanded him.

"Aroused, are you? You are supposed to enjoy the heat -- not try to evade it at all costs," he smiled at her before placing his hand on top of the thin fabric that covered her warm . He rubbed her slowly and the idea that he could easily feel her wetness through the clothes was making her blush profusely. He noticed both, as he smiled even broader and bent his head down to kiss her lips.

Her breath hitched just as his warm lips met hers and she opened to him immediately as pleasure merged through her entire body. She had missed this. Missed the feeling of complete abandonment and the intense pleasure of simply feeling his skin next to hers. To feel his warmth seep into her cold body and make her starve for more of his touch, more of his body. Catching herself, she remembered her resolution and stopped responding to him. He moved his lips slightly away from hers and looked at her, noticing her heavy breathing and red cheeks.

"It's okay," he said as if understanding her fight against he

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Pls update this is my fave story
Chapter 14: updateeee
Miraclecouple #3
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update ....??
Miraclecouple #4
Chapter 13: Please update this story........
dinolastelle #5
Update soon author-nim~
dinolastelle #6
Chapter 13: Omg this is so funny I love it. I miss this so much! Thanks author-nim
1882 streak #7
Chapter 6: I love how childish they are and that's so cute ㅠㅠㅠ I'm so soft uwu
tracy22 #8
Chapter 12: Its been so long since ive found a good kaistal fic here. Keep up the good work, authornim!
Will patiently waits for ur update ❤️
Chapter 12: Waiting for the (M) Chapter kekekekek
dinolastelle #10
Update soon please~