The tables have turned

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Chapter 12


No matter what Sehun said he was definitely getting soft, Kai thought as he left Sehun's office. Even so, the soft, old man had still managed to talk him into spending another fortnight in the presence of the iest female he had ever come across. But she was also the most intoxicating one. He could feel his preparing for some serious ing just by the thought of the woman. He had never experienced such a lack of control before meeting her and the fact troubled him.

At least he had been honest about their affair. He had even bought an engagement ring for her, only to have her dump him, and make him feel like the worst sort of idiot to ever be swayed by a woman. He had fallen head over heels for her fresh scent and alluring body. So much that he had wanted to keep her forever. He shook his head. It was no need to think of what could have been.

Still, the sight of her had triggered memories of her body draped across his own, his enveloped in her tight sheath as she gasped in pleasure. How had she been able to act so naturally when they were together? She had seemed so honest about wanting both him and his body -- to the extent of having strong feelings for him.

He remembered the red blush that had spread across her skin as she screamed out her release and kissed his mouth so sweetly. How could anyone be such a good actress? To make him believe so wholeheartedly that she cared for him just as much as he cared for her. Maybe Sehun was right after all? Maybe there were some genuine feelings there after all?

If that were the case, he needed to change tactic if he was ever going to find the correct answer. Right now she was as testy as ever and even though his body was ready for some hard ing, he doubted she would indulge him. But maybe he could persuade her the same way she had persuaded him? H'mmn, that was a thought. If Sehun was right that might be the only way to storm the fortress and make her body tell the truth for once. Past experience with her had taught him that she was much more indulging once he got her heated up a bit.

He chuckled as he imagined how she would feel about having the tables turned for a change. To let her play the part of a -starved human trying to avoid being seduced -- but failing miserably. That might give her something to think about. He would just love to teach her a lesson about choosing her opponents more wisely in the future. This was a game they could both play.

He tried to convince himself that revenge was not one of his motives, but it was a part of the total. He wanted to own his own company, but making that woman do some serious crawling after what she had done to him, was not to be underrated. He would love to teach her a lesson about playing with the feeling of others -- especially his.

The plan was set and he quickly returned to Sehun's office.

"Do you have an office for me?" he asked Sehun.

"An office? What for? I thought you were going to seduce Krystal - not work?"

"I need a room where I can do the seduction. I don't like audiences."

"What's wrong with a bedroom?"

"If you can lure her near one I'll prefer that. But in the meantime..."

"All right, all right. I'll give you an office. Here, try this one," Sehun said and handed him a key. "But try to keep her quiet, will you? I don't want the whole company thinking it's now allowed to have during working hours."

"I'll do my best. Thanks, uncle." Kai chuckled and headed for his new office.


The office was perfect for him. A large desk was placed in the middle of the room, and along one of the walls there was a large couch. It was perfect for seduction with a smooth surface and the low arm rests. He sat down and enjoyed the view through the windows. All of them were facing the city. He looked toward the rest of the office area. The lack of glass walls meant any nosy colleague would only hear but could not see the seduction that would happen in this room. The room was just what he needed, and Kai was very pleased.

It was just perfect, he chuckled. Now, he just had to lure his prey in the right direction. He ed his jacket and laid it on the couch. Next, he undid his tie and placed it on top of the jacket. Since he had been dazzled by the revelation of some skin, he wondered if the same thing applied for a certain ex-secretary. Either way he had nothing to lose for trying.

He ed the top three buttons in his shirt and did the same with his sleeves. Rolling the sleeves up to his elbow, his tanned arms were quite noticeable against the white fabric in his shirt. That would have to do, he concluded. Getting rid of the entire shirt was much too obvious. Now it was time a hunt a certain recalcitrant female and makes her temperature raise a degree or two.



"And get me that Henderson file as well, will you?" Krystal ordered her secretary.

"Yes, ma'am," Sandy replied and walked hastily over to the file room to collect the files. Krystal concentrated on the contract in front of her again. This one had to be waterproof. They didn't want another incident where the contract was full of weaknesses to be exploited.

She had to tell them to make some revisions if this was going to work properly. She reached for her notebook to write down the adjustments she needed. She would have to arrange a meeting soon so they could get it written out in the proper legal terms.

Lawyers' language was not her department, although it did seem that if you only wrote it boring enough, it would sound right. She chuckled as she read a particular trying passage. This contract would do very well to lull her to sleep at night. Maybe she should try some bedtime reading? This reading material would surely solve all her sleeping troubles once and for all.

"Having fun?" a deep voice interrupted.

She jerked her head up and saw Kai leaning casually against the doorway. He had ed his shirt and looked comfy and much too tempting for his own good. His tanned skin revealed the muscles she knew was just as hard as they looked. She felt like her tongue all over his skin. His smile was more worrisome. When last she saw him he had been angry, and this sudden change in demeanour was suspicious. He was up to something, but what?

"What do you want?" she asked icily. "If you have trouble finding the door I can always call someone to give you a hand."

"My sense of direction is just fine, as you should be well aware of," he said smugly. "I decided to stay for some time."

"What for?"

"Recalling some old memories and perhaps creating some new ones," he said smugly while giving her a heated look. "Perhaps you would care to join me?"

"No. Not particularly," she replied quickly and bent her head down to the contract again, hoping that ignoring him would make him vanish as quickly as he had appeared.

Instead he came closer and placed his large hands on top of her desk and leaned toward her. She looked up. His face was only a few centimetres away from hers. She could not help but stare at his mouth as his lips moved to say something she barely understood. The room temperate seemed to have risen a few degrees and she felt her body feeling warmer.

"Are you sure about that? I seem to remember you liked joining with me only a few weeks ago," he drawled as he reached out a finger and moved it slowly along her chin line.

She felt herself being drawn closer to his mouth as his words resonated through her ears and made her entire body tingle. Her lips separated and her body began to tremble as his mouth closed in on hers and she felt a tiny peck from his lips as her eyes closed to the exquisite sensation pulsing through her body at the light touch.

At the same time, Sandy came rushing into the office and gave a surprised squeak as she dropped the files on the floor with a loud bang.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll come back later."

"Don't worry," Kai answered in a relaxed tone while retreating only slightly away from Krystal's mouth. Still he held her spellbound by his eyes as he continued. "I was just about to leave." He retreated, giving Krystal a last heated look. "But, I'll come back later." He gave Sandy a smile before he casually wandered down the corridor.

"Phew, who was that?" Sandy said while looking just as flabbergasted as Krystal felt. They both stared after the retreating figure

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Pls update this is my fave story
Chapter 14: updateeee
Miraclecouple #3
Chapter 14: Thank you for the update ....??
Miraclecouple #4
Chapter 13: Please update this story........
dinolastelle #5
Update soon author-nim~
dinolastelle #6
Chapter 13: Omg this is so funny I love it. I miss this so much! Thanks author-nim
1882 streak #7
Chapter 6: I love how childish they are and that's so cute ㅠㅠㅠ I'm so soft uwu
tracy22 #8
Chapter 12: Its been so long since ive found a good kaistal fic here. Keep up the good work, authornim!
Will patiently waits for ur update ❤️
Chapter 12: Waiting for the (M) Chapter kekekekek
dinolastelle #10
Update soon please~