chapter 08

Here We Go Again


Few days after Dahyun agreed to try to date Nayeon, she have been going out often with the brown haired girl. The older girl would surprised Dahyun by coming to her practice without telling her beforehand. Just like that one time when Nayeon came unnoticed in the afternoon straight after her lecture, she made the younger girl surprised of her uninformed presence. Nayeon would do anything to make her girl happy, to see that sweet lips forming a crescent on her pale face. She would do anything just to see Dahyun play soccer on the school field again because she has fallen in love with this determined captain club, who is eagerly sweating and panting on the green field with her fellow teammates that late afternoon.


“Nayeon?” Dahyun called with her face lit up in a great surprise. As soon as she saw Nayeon on the side of the field, she immediately approached her when the practice paused for a break.


“Did I missed your text or something?” She asked the older girl at the bench. Her face puzzled a bit by her sudden presence.


“No, you didn’t miss anything.” Nayeon explained with a giggle.


“Then, how come I didn’t know you were coming today?” Dahyun chuckled, but part of her feel bad for not welcoming her girlfriend properly despite being secretive about their relationship. After all, they weren’t exclusive yet or at least that’s what Nayeon have in mind. Meanwhile, Dahyun is still unsure about them so she just went along with the older girl.


“Because it is meant to be a surprise.” Nayeon told with a toothy smile. “So… surprise!” She giggled making Dahyun to laughed too.


“Aw, that’s so sweet. I would hug you if I’m not sweating right now.” Dahyun told her honestly.


“Nonsense, you are still going to hug me anyway.” Nayeon responded while spreading her arms to the young girl. “Come, give me your best hug.” She smiled as she waited for Dahyun to respond.


“Are you sure?” Dahyun asked again, chuckling in embarrassment. Why on Earth did I even suggest this idea if I’m going to be shy to do it? She thought in her head while her face begin to flushed.


“Hell yeah.” Nayeon answered without hesitation, which made her seems to be a little impatience.


So Dahyun begin to move closer to Nayeon as she awkwardly spread her arms in front of her before she pulled the older girl for a warm yet sweaty hug. Nayeon smiled wider and bury her face onto her neck. She personally adore the mixture of Dahyun’s sweaty scent and the sweet fragrance from her jersey. Nayeon wished they could stay like that forever, she like the way Dahyun wrapped her not-so-masculine yet thick arm around her waist and the way Dahyun made the college girl’s heartbeat to pick up its pace. She is in love with Dahyun at that moment.


Other times, Nayeon would take Dahyun for a ride every after practice outside their residential area. Dahyun begin to love night ride accompanied with music as she find it relaxing and fun especially when she is with Nayeon who is very good at making the atmosphere lively. They even had dinner together but most of the time, they would just grabbed snacks and have random conversation at the park.


“I honestly have never seen grasses this green before.” Nayeon told Dahyun as they were sitting on top of the fresh grass at the park beside a big tree that is opposite to the lamp pole.


“Really?” Dahyun asked with a shock face, while she grabbed her coke next to her lap for a drink. “Is this your first time visiting the park?”


“Sort of.” Nayeon answered.


“So you’re not a nature person?” Dahyun asked again after gulping her fizzy vanilla.


“I mean sure I like nature like the one in pictures. But I’m more of a crowd person, you know what I mean?” Nayeon told.


“Like you prefer hustling cities over quiet green park?” Dahyun said.


“Yeah, I enjoy being in the crowd. It makes me feel less lonely. Don’t you feel the same?” Nayeon asked the younger girl this time. “I mean considering that you play soccer, don’t the loud crowds ever excite you?”


“Yeah sure they do. But sometimes it gets too much.” She chortled a short laugh. “I personally wish I could get away from the crowds.”


“Wow, that’s quite surprising coming from a popular girl like you in high school.” Nayeon teased, but she also meant it.


“How do you even know I’m popular? I am not.” Dahyun laughed in embarrassment.


“Aw, a humble one too.” Nayeon teased until Dahyun’s face turned red. She really enjoyed making the younger girl blushed as she find it cute when Dahyun's pale face turned into slightly red. She wrapped her arm around her for an embrace while Dahyun lean her head on her shoulder. Despite getting shy by the compliments, Dahyun has already become comfortable with Nayeon that it amaze herself because she felt rather less nervous around her older female friend- slash girlfriend- now.


And of course this made Chaeyoung wonder what her best friend have been doing and why was she missing for the whole week without her. Because after all, she still doesn’t know about her friend’s coming out so Dahyun kept her dating life into a secret too. However, Chaeyoung noticed how often Nayeon has come to visit her friend in the school or how often Dahyun went ahead home without her, so she got the idea that Dahyun must have been hanging out with Nayeon again after school. A little jealousy hit her when she thought of Dahyun might be replacing her with Nayeon.

They are left with another week before the month changed, the students especially from the sport clubs were busy planning for the upcoming sport festival in August. This include Dahyun who has been practicing for the tournament every after school. Chaeyoung is also busy with her taekwondo club as they were planning to set up a simple defensive lesson as their activity for the booth game. The two best friends need to attend meetings too to plan fliers for the event along with the members from the other clubs.

Today is especially tiring to Dahyun because her homeroom teacher ordered her class to clean the multi-purpose hall during the last period. It was said that the hall will be used the next day for an assembly about the sport festival- announcing the official availability to the public. Fortunately, that will be the last thing she need to do before her soccer practice.

When Dahyun wanted to go to the girl’s lavatory, she decided to change into her sport attire as well since it is already the last period. She walked along the corridor of the hallway to go to her locker and to take her small bag containing her sport gear before heading to the restroom. She is aware that she is alone at the moment because the corridor is quiet and peaceful, so she decided to take her time by walking at a slower pace to save her some energy.

Suddenly, a loud thud grab her attention. The sound was coming from just ahead of her so she tried approaching to the source. The first thing she see when she is at the scene where the sound was made is a fell over box- specifically a suggestion box made by the student council, lying on the ground. Dahyun figured that someone must have knocked it over and speaking of which, the next thing her eyes laid on is the person responsible for it- sitting on her against the floor.


“Sana?” Dahyun’s eyes widened in shock at the blondie’s presence.


“Oh, hi Dahyun.” She grinned while brushing off the dust from her back while she attempt to stand on her feet again.


“What are you doing?” Dahyun asked with a bewildered face.


“I was writing a suggestion note for the school but my hand got stuck on the hole that when I tried to pull it away, I ended up stumbling.” Sana explained, which is now slowly making sense for the younger girl. “But don’t worry because my hand is already free, you see.” She showed her red fist to Dahyun.


“I can see that. And it’s getting a little red too.” Dahyun noticed, her face is showing concern. “But what are you doing inside my school?” She asked, immediately changing back the topic.


“I came here to see you.” She beamed with a smile. This made Dahyun blushed for some reason, that her heart jumped when she saw that smile- a heartwarming smile instead of her usual flirty smirk.


“O-okay.” Dahyun’s eyes waver, glancing back and forth from the ground to Sana until it finally fixed to the blonde girl when she realized that the blondie is not wearing any pass around her neck.


“Wait, how did you get in here?” Dahyun asked. Even though she kind of expected the answer but she wished she was wrong.


“Oh, I sneak in.” Sana giggled cheekily, curling her fingers on her lip.


Oh god, I knew it. Dahyun place her palm on her forehead when she guess it correctly. This is going to be a trouble, not only for her but for myself too. She thought as she tried to think on how to handle the situation- how to tell Sana to leave silently.


“Sana, you’re going to get me into trouble so I will need you to-” Dahyun cut her own sentence when she saw a teacher crossing the hallway from a distant. “HIDE!” She urged.


Dahyun didn’t even give Sana a chance to react when she quickly grabbed the older girl by the hand and immediately leave the hallway to go inside the lavatory that was fortunately just ten feet away from them. Lucky for them, there were no one inside the girl’s rest room so Dahyun let go of Sana’s hand and sigh in relief.


“What was that about?” Sana asked. Clearly having no single idea what she had put Dahyun into.


“Like I said, you’re going to put me in trouble because you’re not supposed to sneak in inside a high school without being permit by the authority.” Dahyun explained in mild panic. She is already a little frustrated by the college girl for her reckless behavior.


“You see, it already sound too complicated and that is exactly why I decided to sneak in instead of getting a pass from the authority.” Sana insisted, trying to defend herself.


Dahyun became more annoyed. “You’re doing the exact opposite.” She clarified to the older girl, just in case she isn’t being clear enough to make the latter understand that she is doing the wrong thing.


“Okay fine whatever.” Sana finally put her fault into acknowledgement. She crossed her arm and was about to leave the restroom when Dahyun pulled her by the arm.


“Where are you going?” The younger girl asked.


“Um, leaving?” Sana said in a sarcastic tone while narrowing her eyebrows. When Dahyun was about to say something, she heard footsteps ascending from the hallway. Again, she immediately pulled Sana with her by her hand inside to one of the stall while her other free hand cover Sana’s mouth who was grunting when she was being pulled abruptly.


Familiar voice murmured from the hallway to the restroom. It was her classmates talking to each other while entering the restroom. Dahyun and Sana remain quiet inside the stall, pretending to be nonexistent for a while. She didn’t realize how small the stall is until she is trapped inside with Sana. Her heart is beating fast again when she noticed how close she is with the older girl. She quickly free Sana’s mouth from her grab when their face got a little closer from each other. She felt like it’s a dejavu all over again when she begin to pick up the situation she is currently in has happened before too, with the same girl but at a different restroom. Dahyun bit her lower lip when she caught Sana staring at her with a flirty glance. She couldn’t exactly tell if it’s just her or if the older girl seem to be enjoying the situation at that moment. Truthfully speaking, Dahyun kind of like it too- mostly the thrill feeling but just a teeny weeny bit- or at least that’s what she told herself.

Sana her lower lip before she smirked seductively at the younger girl who is blushing so hard that her face is looking as red as a tomato. She enjoyed teasing the high school girl with her flirty winks that she try not to make any sound of giggle. Thus, she bit her lip while Dahyun’s face flushed in embarrassment.

Seconds felt like hours when they were inside the stall, Dahyun plead inside her head for her classmate to leave the restroom so she can stop Sana from flirting with her inside that uncomfortable small space. Not longer after that, her prayer has finally been heard when the restroom suddenly become quiet again making the place empty, leaving only the two of them. Dahyun heave a sigh of relief. When she decided to go out from the stall, she got hold by Sana who is suddenly taking interest of the small bag Dahyun is carrying in her hand.


“What’s inside?” She asked out of pure curiosity.


“My soccer jersey.” Dahyun answered hesitantly.


“Oh, are you playing soccer today?” Sana asked, although it was already obvious.


“Yes.” Dahyun answered again.


“Are you going to change to it?” She kept asking.


“Yes.” The latter answered, suddenly feeling suspicious of the older girl’s sudden interest.


“Then let me help you change.” Sana said. It’s so brazen of her to say it, but her action is bolder. She tried ing Dahyun’s uniform. Of course with Dahyun’s automatic reflex, she pulled herself away from Sana who is laughing satisfyingly.


Is it weird to say that I see it coming? Dahyun thought, feeling annoyed of herself for having a correct instinct again but yet failed to dodge it.


“I’m just kidding.” Sana laughed. She really look like she is enjoying this, Dahyun thought again while letting out another sigh.


“You need to leave either now or after the last period end.” Dahyun told. “But judging by the time, I guess you need to stay and wait for everybody to clear the hallway.” She said again after glancing on her wrist watch.


“I don’t mind waiting inside this stall with you.” Sana tried flirting again.


“I-I can’t stay with you. I need to go back to the hall.” Dahyun stuttered.


“Can I come with you? I can wear your uniform while you change to your sport attire.” Sana suggested. Dahyun isn’t sure if Sana is being serious or if she is fooling around again that she blinked her eyes a couple of times to process her words.


“That sounds like trouble. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Dahyun thought. I mean it’s so innovative of her but it’s so risky, she said inside her head.


“Then you have no choice.” Sana stated, making the younger girl confused.


“Hm?” She raised her eyebrows.


The college girl pushed Dahyun gently against the stall, trapping the latter using both of her arms. Her face is moving closer to Dahyun and she can smell her minty breath- from a mint flavoured chewing gum that Chaeyoung gave her during lunch time. Dahyun’s cheeks are turning red again, her eyes closed shut while her heart is pounding hard inside her chest. Sana smirked while pressing her forehead onto Dahyun’s. Then what made Dahyun to open her eyes in surprise is when Sana pressed her nose against her, making the gap between their face to become smaller and closer.

Close, Dahyun panicked on the inside. She is way too close.


“Dahyun, escape with me.” Sana whispered softly- and not to mention, seductively- making the younger girl to almost collapsed when her legs become wobbly.


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wow look at all these dust! it's been sooooo long, phew. but guess what? CHAPTER 10 IS UPDATED!! thank you for the wait!! I owe you guys big apologies for not updating for the couple of months TwT ❤️


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Chapter 11: still waiting for you to come back (ಡ᎔ಡ)
Mineminer92 #2
Chapter 11: These rascals! Playing with their own hearts 😅💞 Can’t wait to see what will happen close to the party and how Nayeon and Sana’s talk will turn out!
Wolfdemongod8 #3
Chapter 11: Just found this and I'm loving it please update soon
Chapter 11: Niceeee!! Can't wait to you're next update... i hopefully you will update soon Author-nim. ?
Chapter 11: Dun dun duuuuunnn.... :)))
Chapter 9: I can see why most people get attracted to the "bad boy/girl" type. They make you do things you're not supposed to do, they take you out of your comfort zone and it is wonderfully exhilarating. Don't play too rough though Sana-chan. You already got our little Dubu wrapped. :D
Dannahlyn #7
Chapter 11: ❤️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 11: D:
15 streak #9
Chapter 10: Cute
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Chapter 10: awwwww soft