chapter 09

Here We Go Again


Dahyun is the opposite of spontaneity, she isn’t the kind to take risk. She is rather a discipline and obedience type of person who always stick by the rules. Doing the right thing is her principle, she does it all the time and never break any regulation unless if it’s harming her or the people around her. Dahyun believe that by doing the right thing, it will make other people happy and it’s already in her nature that she practically grew up with that mindset. Throughout her life, she has always been playing it safe for herself and is very cautious when it comes to deciding to avoid herself from getting into trouble. But sometimes following the right thing cause her to miss opportunities, and it beat her soul that she eventually grow tired of it. For someone as young as Dahyun, she is aware that she should live her youth without any regrets so she took her first step by coming out and beginning to accept herself.


The clock shows 03:29 PM on the board just outside the corridor. Only less than a minute left before the school ends, but the time is moving so slow for Kim Dahyun especially when she is with Sana. Inside one of the stall in the girl’s lavatory, Dahyun’s petite body is trapped under Sana’s arm. Sometimes it made the younger girl wonder why is she always caught in this situation whenever she is with Sana. It’s not that she is complaining about it- not saying she didn’t like it either, but she just wished Sana could stop making her heart drumming out of the blue by being so unpredictably bold with her action. The close contact between their nose made Dahyun held her breath or at least breathe silently while Sana is still staring on the latter’s lip with a tempted grin.


“Escape with me.” Sana whispered seductively at the panicked Dahyun, who is suddenly unable to move or respond.


Maybe she just got ‘saved by the bell’ because not longer after that, the school bell rang announcing the end of period. Dahyun gasped when she hear voices murmuring from outside the restroom. It’s already too late for Sana to escape, or at least to leave without anyone noticing her trespassing because people are now scattering along the corridor crowding the hallway to leave for home. However, Sana didn’t give up on her plan so she grabbed Dahyun’s hand and quickly made a run from the restroom to join the crowd in the hallway.

”What are you doing?” Dahyun whispered loudly. Honestly, there’s no point of her to whisper at this rate because people can literally see them walking their way out from the crowd with their hand clasped together. “Get back in the restroom, you’re not wearing any pass. If one of the student council spot-”


“Dahyun?” A voice called, cutting Dahyun’s previous sentence. I have such a faulty mouth, Dahyun thought when they are attended by one of the student council.


“Tzuyu.” Dahyun stopped their track when they are facing the girl in the middle of the hallway. The ash-haired girl begin scratching the back of her head with a nervous grin.


“What are you doing here?” She tried giggling at the secretary to hide her nervousness but to no avail, it was already obvious. Tzuyu, being the wise and smart person she is, noticed the awkward atmosphere radiating around them which is mainly coming from Dahyun. So, the secretary furrowed her brows before she begin to explained herself- although technically, it should be the other way round because Dahyun is the one who is leaving question marks here, hence the one acting suspicious.


“Well, you weren’t back for so long after going to the girl’s toilet. Thought there’s something wrong so I went to check for you.” The student council member explained.


“Oh, there is nothing wrong.” Dahyun lied with a stifled laugh. How do I get pass through her without her realizing of Sana’s trespassing, she asked herself inside her head because that's her main concern right now.


Dahyun was hoping for Sana to remain silent so that Tzuyu can miraculously unnoticed her presence- at least that’s what she hoped for. But the blonde girl started talking and it made Dahyun to bit her lower lip anxiously.


“You look very familiar, where have I seen you?” The college girl asked Tzuyu while squinting her eyes as if it will help her remember. Tzuyu suddenly displayed an annoyed expression on her face when their eyes meet.


“Dahyun, what is this college girl doing here?” Tzuyu asked her friend instead of responding to the blonde girl's question.


Dahyun is stupid if she hadn’t notice the way Tzuyu's face expression changed because she personally haven't seen that before. She always knew her friend isn't a bubbly type of person, thus she always wear an intimidating look on her face, but the way she look at Sana is just straightly being plain rude- not that it's her business.. yet.


“Uh, she’s-” Dahyun stopped when Sana gasped hastily.


“I know you!” She finally remembered. “OMG, how could I ever forget?” She said again with an excited victorious tone after she managed to play a small flashback inside her head.


“Of course you would forget.” Tzuyu responded in her low tone. “After all, I’m not the only person you mess around with.” It came out really harsh like a direct punching in the form of words.


“Wait, so you two know each other?” Dahyun asked as she is slowly picking up the situation. She noticed how Tzuyu has already known that Sana is a college student before Dahyun even told her.


“Wow, I was right. I knew you will grown into such a fine lady.” Sana said to the secretary, completely ignoring Dahyun’s question and Tzuyu’s previous remark while she crossed her arm with a satisfied look on her face.


Tzuyu let out a light sarcastic sigh before she mouthed, "Get out."


“Oh come on, we haven't seen each other in a while. Shouldn't we be hanging out like we used to?" Sana smirked flirtatiously as she stepped closer to Tzuyu.


She wasn't called Succubus for nothing because for a moment, Tzuyu has lost her composure when Sana's hazel eyes glittered in front of her- not like a puppy kind but like a seductive vampire who wants to bury her teeth onto her flesh for blood. Tzuyu couldn't help but noticed the scent of her cherry lip tint, her luscious lips is forming a devil grin. 


Tzuyu gulped when Sana commented, "Works every time huh?" She gave the tall girl a playful wink.


"Y-you need to leave." Tzuyu tried to said it sternly while she take a step back from the college girl. But the latter only giggled in satisfactory as a respond.


“Tzuyu's right. You need to make a run right now before the other student council sees you.” Dahyun finally interrupted with a worried look on her face. Despite having her mind confused about the whole situation, she didn't want Sana to get into trouble so obviously, the college girl is still her main concern. She wanted to help her escape without getting caught, although she is fully aware that it was against her school rule. However with Tzuyu's green light, Dahyun knew that it is the only option she can take right now.


Dahyun isn't trying to break the school rule for fun, she just didn't want anymore troubles to occurred. Because if Sana is reported to the office, Dahyun could be in danger for being the reason behind the college girl's breakthrough.


"Alright fine, I will leave." Sana said with a disappointed look on her face that only last three seconds when her following sentence was, "Only if you follow me." She smirked at the high school girl who is staring at her.




"Yes you, Kim Dahyun. You're the reason why I got here anyway so you better come with me." Sana smiled before she bit her lower lip waiting for Dahyun's response.


"Oh- um, but I have soccer practice." Dahyun explained.


"So?" Sana lightly raised her shoulders while her hand is on her hip.


"So- haha, I can't go with you." Dahyun grinned awkwardly. 


"Nonsense. Yes you can. All you have to do is ditch the practice." Sana told her. Without waiting for Dahyun's answer, Sana immediately grabbed her tiny pale hand and pulled it with her as they begin to leave the school building.


While on the run, Dahyun didn’t even try to remove herself from Sana’s grip but instead she followed behind as she let her body being dragged by her. It was only just today but Dahyun already felt like she has gotten used to Sana’s touch when the blonde girl naturally intertwined their fingers together during the escape. Dahyun’s mind is currently elsewhere- she was supposed to be attending her afternoon soccer practice but now that she is semi-forced and semi-willingly to ditch her practice, that means she had just broke two rules in a day- Wow, I just broken two rules in one day, Dahyun's eyes widened at her own thoughts. But even so, it didn't change her mind because truthfully honest, she just wanted to be with Sana. 


They were running towards the front gate, heading to a silver-colored Honda which is parked eight metres away beside the road. Dahyun's world is in slow motion. Sana turn her head to face Dahyun at the back, her cheeky smile brought the ash-haired girl back to Earth and that’s when Dahyun's messy mind disappeared as she is finally with her again. Dahyun swear she could see ‘halo’ surrounding the girl when her face lit up like an angel which made Dahyun’s mouth to gaped by the view. Then her brain send signal to her heart making it to beat in a faster rhythm. She sighed at her pounding chest, feeling embarrassed of herself again that her cheek slowly burn red.


This girl is really reckless, Dahyun thought.


Unpredictable, reckless, unexpected and risky , those are the words that describe their little escape- it’s something that Dahyun had never done before so it personally intrigued her desire to go for it.


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wow look at all these dust! it's been sooooo long, phew. but guess what? CHAPTER 10 IS UPDATED!! thank you for the wait!! I owe you guys big apologies for not updating for the couple of months TwT ❤️


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Chapter 11: still waiting for you to come back (ಡ᎔ಡ)
Mineminer92 #2
Chapter 11: These rascals! Playing with their own hearts 😅💞 Can’t wait to see what will happen close to the party and how Nayeon and Sana’s talk will turn out!
Wolfdemongod8 #3
Chapter 11: Just found this and I'm loving it please update soon
Chapter 11: Niceeee!! Can't wait to you're next update... i hopefully you will update soon Author-nim. ?
Chapter 11: Dun dun duuuuunnn.... :)))
Chapter 9: I can see why most people get attracted to the "bad boy/girl" type. They make you do things you're not supposed to do, they take you out of your comfort zone and it is wonderfully exhilarating. Don't play too rough though Sana-chan. You already got our little Dubu wrapped. :D
Dannahlyn #7
Chapter 11: ❤️
Asianfanficreader1 #8
Chapter 11: D:
16 streak #9
Chapter 10: Cute
Asianfanficreader1 #10
Chapter 10: awwwww soft