chapter 07

Here We Go Again


When Nayeon came back to their house that night after her hangout with Dahyun, her face was gleaming while entering the living room. She smiled coyly at her own thought. Obviously something have made her happy to cause her to grin from ear to ear. When she enter the house, the lights from the living room were dimmed and it was quiet around the house since it is already late. Not until when she heard a voice talking to her which made her startled.


“Someone’s in a good mood.” Sana spoke when she noticed her friend closing the main door behind her.


Babe, why are you still awake?” Nayeon asked, approaching the latter closely.


The blonde-haired girl is currently wrecking her brain as she is typing on the keyboard, trying to finish her assignment. She is sitting on the floor with her laptop on her thigh while taking sips on the purple mug. She sighed heavily at the screen in front of her. That’s when Nayeon realized that her friend has been doing her work ever since when the sky was still bright judging through her now-tired state, the coffee on the table and the mess that she made on her surrounding.


“This assignment is killing me. Its due date is tomorrow and I’ve only started today.” Sana complained while stretching her arms above her head.


“Did you forgot to do it again?” Nayeon narrowed her eyebrows, knowing her friend who is naturally a forgetful.


“Yes, I forgot but it’s not like I did it on purpose!” Sana whined, making Nayeon to giggle at her antic.


“Don’t worry babe, I’ll stay up with you.” Nayeon told.


“Really?” Sana’s eyes beamed. This only make Nayeon to smile even wider.


“Yeah. And beside I have tea to spill.” Nayeon smirked mischievously while raising a brow. “But I’ll head for shower first.” She told her before she is about to leave the living room.


“Wait! I think I’m going upstairs too. Let’s meet in my room, because my hurt from sitting here. I need to charge my phone as well.” Sana informed as she start grabbing her stuff to move to her room along with Nayeon.


In her room, Sana started doing her assignment again to where she had stop. Her back is aching from sitting on the floor a while ago so she tried stretching and making curve on her body, only to produce cracking sound of bones. She widened her eyes and blushed a little when she heard cracks. I need to start to exercising again, she thought.

Few minutes has passed, Sana is still looking at the screen of the laptop with a plain-faced that almost look like a corpse while her fingers were running down the keyboard. Her mind is getting fuzzy with all of the thinking so she decided to take a short break, just in time for Nayeon to arrived in her room. Sana was lying on her back at the bed with her face looking up the ceiling, when she saw Nayeon coming wearing only with her towel from her upside view.


“Aren’t you going to get dressed first?” Sana asked, giving a glare at Nayeon who came fresh from the bathroom.


“I am about to get dress.” She grin proudly. “Now where is that new silky pyjama you bought? I want to wear it because I’m in a good mood right now.”


“Inside the dresser.” Sana pointed at the white closet that’s on her left. “You always wore my clothes during a normal event too, you’ve got to stop doing that.” She told her.


“But I like your clothes, they’re comfortable.” Nayeon stated with a satisfied smile while rummaging through the blondie’s closet.


“Thank you. Yes, they are so why don’t you buy the same but for yourself instead?” She scowled, as she start sitting on her bed to check her phone that is plugged on the bedside.


“Then it won’t feel the same.” Nayeon explained while grabbing the said pyjama. She instantly put them on once she has found it. Sana didn’t say anything after that and let Nayeon climbed her bed next to her.


“How’s your assignment going?” The dark coloured hair asked. Nayeon has a wavy brown hair with a length below her chest. Her best feature is her toothy smile that resemble a bunny, and her big puppy eyes that she tend to use to help her get away from troubles- it always work on Sana.


“Just a few more paragraphs.” Sana replied as she returned herself back to the centre of the bed where Nayeon quickly cling her arm around Sana and lean her head against the blondie’s shoulder.


Sana wrapped her arm around Nayeon and place her head on top of her after-showered hair. When she was caressing the other girl’s head, she smelled a familiar scent.


“Are you using my shampoo again?” Sana asked while narrowing her eyebrows.


Nayeon grinned cheekily, “Yeah because I’m running out of mine.”


“Man, what will you do without me?” Sana asked. Of course it’s just a rhetorical question so she didn’t really expect for an answer. Nayeon only laughed while turning her body to face Sana again.


“Okay, let me share you some bread.” Nayeon begun- if she was talking to Momo, the latter would probably think Nayeon will share a real bread with her but what she actually meant is ‘information.’


“Spill them out, sis.” Sana is sort of looking forward to it. She’s been wondering what Nayeon have been doing that made her so happy when she returned home from her outing with Dahyun. Although truthfully, part of her felt worried but she is more curious about it.


“Okay, you won’t believe what just happened.” Nayeon said, only making the blondie even curious that she only smiled at her friend’s remark to let her continue.


“Before that, let me inform you that our girl Dahyun is apparently a closet biual.” She told Sana whose eyes is widened as she is quite surprised by the news.


“Right? I expect her to be straight too.” Nayeon agreed with her friend’s reaction. “But that’s the fun part about her. It’s going to be a lot different than the rest of the straight or gay girls I’ve flirted with.”


“Totally.” Sana nodded, still with her eyes widened. “ So did she came out to you?” She asked Nayeon. Although she already guessed the answer, but she asked anyway.


“Yeah she did. And get this, I’m the first one to know about her. Isn’t it like a win situation already? She had put trust on me.” Nayeon exclaimed which made Sana chuckled at her friend’s excitement.


“Wow, I must have underestimate you.” Sana joked. Nayeon laughed on it and told the latter the rest of her stories regarding the hangout she had with Dahyun.


Flash forward, Nayeon has told her friend every details of the hangout- she spent so much time talking about the part where she fangirl over Dahyun when she came to watch her practice. She told everything except what Dahyun felt about Sana and the restroom incident. This is because she made a promise to Dahyun that she won’t tell Sana about it, and honestly she is also not sure about what’s in the younger girl’s mind so she didn’t want to mislead the information to her friend.


“You know what I noticed about her is that she naturally exaggerate with her reaction, like she would widen her eyes so big that it make her look like an adorable kid. It’s her eyes expression that would make you laugh all the time.” Nayeon talked with a chortle between her stories.


Sana can imagined it, as she smiled at her thought when the restroom scene between her and Dahyun played shortly at the back of her mind. She remembered the younger girl’s big starry eyes, looking at her with panic yet desirous. Unknowingly, she blushed when she recalled the scene of Dahyun grabbing her shoulder. She bit her lip and shake the thoughts off.


“Yeah, she has a funny expression.” Sana started chuckling as she agrees.


“She sure does.” Nayeon giggled while she is moving her body so she can laid her head on Sana’s lap.


“Anyway, I’m not trying to ruin the mood here but I really think I can win on this one.” Nayeon shared her opinion.


“Wow, look at you being so confident after your first outing with her.” Sana chuckled, while caressing Nayeon’s hair down on her lap.


“I ask her out.” Nayeon told with a sleepy tone. There is a pause between their conversation, a brief quietness until Sana started laughing to avoid the momentarily silence from happening.


“You did?” She asked in disbelief. “Isn’t it too soon though?”


“It is. But I feel like she is the type that can slipped away from my hand at any time. Not to mention how unpredictable she can be.” Nayeon told her after yawning.


“And she said yes, is that why you are so happy?” Sana asked in curiosity.


Nayeon didn’t reply to that question but instead, she giggled shyly at her friend’s remark. She got up from her position to face Sana who is looking at her with a curious face. She move closer to Sana until their face is just an inch away from each other. Then she gently let her head collapsed on her friend’s shoulder. Sana let her sleepy friend rest on her body as she rubbed Nayeon’s back.


“Do you want to go to sleep?” Sana asked, a little worried of her friend who seems to be dozing off.


“Not yet.” Nayeon mumbled on her shoulder.


“But you are already sleepy. You can tell me the rest of the story tomorrow.” Sana flashed a smile.


Nayeon immediately pulled her head back to face Sana again. “No, I’m not.” She tried to deny.


“Yes you are.” Sana giggled.


“Okay fine, I will sleep but right after I tell you what happened before Dahyun and I parted ways.” Nayeon told.


/Flashback start/

Beside the rail of the bridge, Dahyun and Nayeon were admiring the beauty of the full moon. The moon is glimmering, giving little light in the sky. Below the moon are houses with tiny yellow lights that looks like an ocean of twinkling stars. The ice cream they had made Dahyun happy that she begin to hum a melody using . In the meantime, Nayeon is becoming restless because she have something to say but is contemplating. She inhale a big breath before heaving a sigh.

“Say Dahyun,” Nayeon turned her head to face her.


“Hm?” Dahyun responded, facing back the older girl.


“I know this is too soon but, do you want to try dating?” Nayeon finally said it without losing her composure.


“D-dating?” Dahyun is stuttering because she is completely not aware of the situation, nor did she expect it to come.


“Yeah. Like you know, going out as a couple.” Nayeon explained. Obviously, Dahyun know what dating means but she is currently in shock that she started questioning herself again.


Dahyun gulped nervously. She didn’t know what or how to answer to Nayeon’s question so she stared on the ground for too long as if an answer will come out from it.


“Don’t overthink it. It’s just to see if you really are into girls. I mean you did say that you are still confused about it, right?” Nayeon said with her reassuring smile.


“Well, yeah I am still a bit confused.” Dahyun agreed. She is rubbing the back of her neck while blushing a little, which made Nayeon to bit her lower lip as she find the latter to be cute and attractive that way.


“So just think of it as a test. It can also help you grow, so you can see it as a practice as well. See, there are so many benefits from it.” Nayeon convinced her.


Dahyun nodded in agreement while finally looking back at Nayeon on the face.


“So does that little nod mean you agree to date me?” Nayeon asked just to be sure.


“Yes, I agree to try getting to know you in a romantic level.” Dahyun stated with her shy smile.


“Great! That makes today our first date.” Nayeon giggled making the latter to join her laugh.

/Flashback end/


Sana remained quiet after hearing her friend’s last story. She look down on the bed while pressing her lip together before she sighed with a smile on her face.


“That explains why you are happy earlier when you got back home.” Sana figured. “And over-confident about winning against me.” She teased at the end of her sentence making the sleepy Nayeon to laugh lazily.


“So anyway, that just mean you are currently leading now. Don’t get your head cocked thinking that you are already winning because I haven’t really started yet.” Sana smirked while challenging her friend. Yeah, the restroom incident was just a warm up. Sana thought to herself, suddenly feeling motivated.


“Okay missy.” Nayeon rolled her tired eyes on her. “ But I really want to beat your on this one.” She admitted with a satisfactory grin.


“Yeah well, I’ll let you flick my forehead if you do win.” Sana teased again by being sarcastic as she stuck her tongue out to Nayeon.


Nayeon pushed her friend in annoyance while chuckling at her joke.


“But what if one of us fell in love with the target?” Sana asked. It’s not like the question were never asked before. But in this case, Sana just wanted to know because behind her question laid some meaning.


“Then the other one need to stop trying.” Nayeon answered carelessly before she start yawning again.


Sana smiled at her friend, letting her to sleep in her bed. She put on the blanket for her and kissed her a goodnight on the forehead before switching off the main light to turn on the night lamp beside her bed. She leave the room with her laptop and her phone on her hand back to the living room to continue her unfinished assignment.


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wow look at all these dust! it's been sooooo long, phew. but guess what? CHAPTER 10 IS UPDATED!! thank you for the wait!! I owe you guys big apologies for not updating for the couple of months TwT ❤️


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Chapter 11: still waiting for you to come back (ಡ᎔ಡ)
Mineminer92 #2
Chapter 11: These rascals! Playing with their own hearts 😅💞 Can’t wait to see what will happen close to the party and how Nayeon and Sana’s talk will turn out!
Wolfdemongod8 #3
Chapter 11: Just found this and I'm loving it please update soon
Chapter 11: Niceeee!! Can't wait to you're next update... i hopefully you will update soon Author-nim. ?
Chapter 11: Dun dun duuuuunnn.... :)))
Chapter 9: I can see why most people get attracted to the "bad boy/girl" type. They make you do things you're not supposed to do, they take you out of your comfort zone and it is wonderfully exhilarating. Don't play too rough though Sana-chan. You already got our little Dubu wrapped. :D
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Chapter 11: ❤️
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Chapter 11: D:
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Chapter 10: Cute
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