Chapter 6

Take Me Home
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My eyes fluttered open as the sound of keys typing away hummed in the background. Yawning, I sat up as I looked across the room. Sitting there in pure concentration was Sehun. His broad shoulders covered in the Champion hoodie I had bought him for Christmas. I believed it was probably one of the only branded things he own so he always took very good care of it.

"Good morning." I greeted sleepily as the typing paused momentarily. I watched as the male turned around and looked back at me. He sleepily smiled at me as he rubbed his eyes, "Morning, sleepy head." He yawned through his tired words. Feeling the concern bubble up in me, I crawled out of bed and walked up slowly to him. With my feet against the cold floor, I shivered a bit, but as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, I smiled. The faint smell of his cologne from the day prior and warm energy he radiated.

"You're the sleepy head." I said to him as he glanced up at me. Sleep was important and often a thing that many of us took for granted. Of course, everyone loves it, but sometimes we forget how much more it's a need than a want. "You should go to bed." I tried to persuade him as he reached up for my hand and intertwined our fingers. Pulling my hand down, he kissed my knuckles softly, "I'm fine. I promise." He said as he the top of my hand with his thumb.

Sighing, I nodded my head remembering how stubborn Sehun was. One of his flaws was that he never knew when to give up. Though the trait helped him, it also disabled him. "Did you even sleep last night?" I asked as he looked up at me with those piercing eyes, "Yeah, I told you I'm fine." He repeated as he let go of my hand. Feeling his defensive aura, I sighed and loosened my grip on him. "Okay. Whatever you say. Just don't overwork yourself." I told him as I let go of him.

Walking back to the bed, I paused and turned around. Sehun was already back to typing as I bit my lip. Be patient. He's young and irrational. I told myself. So as I sat back down on the bed, I looked around the room. His small apartment was littered with pictures of us, take out menus, and all work related things. However, the room couldn't distract me from how easily Sehun and I almost got in a fight. Had he always been so defensive? Or is it because he's tired? Shaking my head, I brushed the thought out of my mind and reached into my bag that sat at the foot of the bed. Rummaging through the messy Longchamp, I finally pulled out the red notebook that laid at the bottom. Opening up the book, I glanced up to Sehun to see him still typing away furiously. Smiling mischievously, I turned the page to our next important date. 

March 20th, 2019

This was the day I knew for a fact I had hurt Sehun. I had put my own needs before his like always. I used to live by that saying that you were your number one priority, however I soon learned that the number one spot wasn't just for one individual, but shared among many. 


I sat in my apartment eating cereal out of bowl as I rewatched a recording of my lecture earlier in the day. I sighed. It was eleven at night on Friday, but I just had to study for my exam. "You're pathetic, Eunji." I said to myself as I took another bite of my fruity pebbles. However, as my professor began to explain the next unit, I could hear a heavy dumping on my door.

Placing the bowl down, I paused the video and cautiously walked up to my door. Whoever it was, I'm sure they had no reason in coming here this late. So as the pounding persisted, I slowly tiptoed to the door. The loud bumping noise making my heart race. However, as I heard the drunken slur behind the door, my fear subsided and worry overtook me, "Eunji!" He yelled just barely before I opened the door.

What I saw was a picture of Sehun being carried by two other men who both had an arm slung around their shoulders. "Hello, Eunji." The one with pointy ears greeted through his strained smile as Sehun began to deadweight. "Uhm, hello?" I greeted as back a bit confused as his eyes connect with mine, "Chanyeol." He smiled as the other was strained himself to speak, "Yes, and I'm Jongdae. I'm sorry, but your boyfriend is really heavy." He said rushed as I could feel my eyes open up wide. "Oh, sorry." I apologized as I moved out of the door way for them.

I watched as the two men, of drastic height differences, dragged my boyfriend in and plopped him on the couch. Jongdae, free of Sehun's weight stretched his back and moaned out in pain as Chanyeol slapped the top of my boyfriend's head, "I thought you said you could hang." He muttered under his breath as he looked up to me and flashed me a toothy grin. "Your boyfriend's a bit upset tonight, Eunji." He informed me as both him and Jongdae approached me. "Yeah, so just make sure he doesn't get into anymore trouble. Okay, kid?" Jongdae said in a tone I could only read as attitude.

Yeah, they obviously didn't like me.

So as I walked them both out and slammed the door shut behind me, I turned around to see a drunk Sehun hugging Pan. "What are you doing?" I asked as I walked over to my kitchen and pulled out a water bottle for him. "I'm giving Pan love." He slurr

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Reported someone on Wattapad for plagiarizing me and got their story taken down. But then they reported me for harassment and got my account taken down. So who really won? *I told them they’re a coward and that they were pathetic to try and argue that I was crazy


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Chapter 19: I am back to re read this. I hope everything is well for you authornim.
nhmuhammad #2
hello there, it’s been years- 4 years alrdy- but i am still waiting here for your story TTT I guess this story has become my comfort story/fanfic which explains why i keep on coming back for this :’( i hope that you are doing well ! Just wanna let you know that i will keep on waiting for you to update this story :)
Elyxion_exol_ #3
I hope you're doing well authornim ! I just wanted you to know that although, It's been years yet this story still remains closest to my heart. You are amazing and so are all your works.
Chapter 19: How I miss this story and i think love again and cry for love will suit this story. I hope life has been good to you authornim!
Chapter 19: please update T^T
thank you for the story!
Arailym2411 #7
Chapter 19: I am still waiting for the next chapter. Autjor please, pretty please, write next chapter😭🥺IT IS SO GOOD mai gash
parkcarla #8
Chapter 19: This story is soooo good!
I hope you're doing okay! Fighting!
Chapter 19: I feel messed up omg I want baekhyun for her now sehun just seems like a mistake 😭 anyways this is so good I found it late but that’s okay I hope ur doing okay tho
Chapter 19: Omg this story is so amazing. Hope you are doing fine and I hope you'll update the next chapter soon :)