Chapter 16

Take Me Home
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I watched as Sehun placed the pastries on a plate. His suit fitting him perfectly almost made me forget how upset I was as I hugged onto the pillow tightly. I wasn’t exactly sure where he had dug up the suit as I had never seen it. I expected him to dress professionally, but not like this. I thought he would cop out for one of his dress shirts that were too baggy for him in high school, but that had nicely filled out as he grew older with that pair of slacks we had gotten him for a job interview. On the other hand, I did like looking at Sehun dressed up like this, I wondered if Nana got to see him like this everyday.

Closing my eyes at the thought, I shook it away from my head. I had this skill for being optimistically pessimistic. My cynical thoughts that dragged me slowly to a dark place that years and years of self therapy taught me to stay away from. So as Sehun placed down the tray of sweets in front of me, his bright smile reflected back in my face. He knew me down to the most minute details. Sehun knew that if I was upset, acting upset would amplify my feelings. Comforting me didn’t work if you were the one who wrong me and getting angry would only cause hatred to brew deep in my core. Therefore, by acting warm and light was the best option.

Trying to force me to leech off of his energy, he light heartedly jokes with me.

“No point in letting these yummy croissants go to waste.”

He took a small bite out of one, but I knew better. I knew those eyes. The eyes that were just so bland with the twinkle taken away from them. He was upset as well, but did he have the right to be? He got everything he wanted. He got to get his first investor of the many to follow, he got to have the pastries my dad barely made, and he even had me wrapped around his finger. So as I nodded softly, trying not to breakdown in front of him, I told myself that I was stronger than this.

However, Sehun must have picked up on my signals as he began to try a light conversation again.

“Today went really well.”

The softness of his voice caught my attention as I looked at him. Most men wore some type of BB cream nowadays, but Sehun was the exception as his dark circles were apparent. His hair tousled but freshly washed as he continued. “My presentation was really smooth and-” And then I just tuned it all out as white noise as I stared at him. The frown line that I first saw on him at our Alumni Dinner was beginning to form as I’m sure he was stressed out from all of his work.

Sehun worked hard, but he was still young. Time management was an acquired skill and so were social skills.

Sehun had just begun his lessons on social climates and reading rooms, so of course he wouldn’t realize that I didn’t want to hear about his day today. It wasn’t that I didn’t care, I would love to hear it any other day, but right now just wasn’t the time nor place. So as I finally looked him in the eyes again, I thought that maybe it would be best to help him and not torture the both of us.

“I really like your suit.”

I watched as he blushed and looked down at his attire. Stammering with his words, he rubbed the back of his neck before looking back at me, “Thank you. I, ugh, like you.” I smiled softly at him as I was still emotionally drained from the day's events. So as Sehun finally sat up straight and stared at me intensely, I looked back at the man that was over dressed in the middle of my apartment. “What?”

Balling his fists on his lap, he stared into my eyes as he began to speak. “Go get dressed.” The sternness in his voice caught my off guard as I eyed him. 

I watched as he stood up and looked down at me, “Get dressed, Eunji.” He reiterated as I finally spoke a real reply to him. “And why would I?” I could see the indecisive and insecure Sehun bounce back in his eyes. If I were younger, I would have thought nothing of it, but I knew now, it was insecurity. Therefore, I tried to calm myself as I waited for a response.

“Let’s go to the arcade.”

The slowness in his voice told me of the confidence that was building up in him as he made sure to pronounce every syllable. So nodding my head softly and agreeing in silence, I watched as his eyes turned into those crescents that I was too familiar with. So as I turned to my room to change, I asked him how I should dress as he pushed in hands into his pocket and kissed my forehead softly as I crinkled my nose.




Walking into the huge rooms of neon lights that were filled with the laughter of teens on dates. Sehun stuck out like a sore thumb in his suit, but he looked unphased and he took my hand and dragged me over to the virtual coin machine. After exchanging our money for the arcade’s currency, Sehun looked at me mischievously. 

“I understand you’re upset with me.” He began as I crossed my arms and eyed him. I had gotten over most of it, but I couldn’t let him know. Not just yet. “An understatement.”

He flashed me a pout as he shoved a card into my hand that held half of the electric coins. “Eunji, if I know you, I know you’re competitive. So try and whoop my in these games if you think you’re down.” The confidence in his voice making a smile finally crack as I tried my best not to let out that big one that fought it’s best to show. “Or are you scared?” And with that, I had lost my inner battle as I beamed at him.

“Oh, you’re going down!” I watched as his laughing face shone brightly even in the dim lights. The rainbow tints of light making it seem like we were in some kind of time warp as he grabbed my hand and led me around the arcade. This was Sehun’s element. This was Sehun’s favorite place in the world and he was sharing it with me.

So as he nudged me into the seat and himself into the other. We both swiped our cards a

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Reported someone on Wattapad for plagiarizing me and got their story taken down. But then they reported me for harassment and got my account taken down. So who really won? *I told them they’re a coward and that they were pathetic to try and argue that I was crazy


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Chapter 19: I am back to re read this. I hope everything is well for you authornim.
nhmuhammad #2
hello there, it’s been years- 4 years alrdy- but i am still waiting here for your story TTT I guess this story has become my comfort story/fanfic which explains why i keep on coming back for this :’( i hope that you are doing well ! Just wanna let you know that i will keep on waiting for you to update this story :)
Elyxion_exol_ #3
I hope you're doing well authornim ! I just wanted you to know that although, It's been years yet this story still remains closest to my heart. You are amazing and so are all your works.
Chapter 19: How I miss this story and i think love again and cry for love will suit this story. I hope life has been good to you authornim!
Chapter 19: please update T^T
thank you for the story!
Arailym2411 #7
Chapter 19: I am still waiting for the next chapter. Autjor please, pretty please, write next chapter😭🥺IT IS SO GOOD mai gash
parkcarla #8
Chapter 19: This story is soooo good!
I hope you're doing okay! Fighting!
Chapter 19: I feel messed up omg I want baekhyun for her now sehun just seems like a mistake 😭 anyways this is so good I found it late but that’s okay I hope ur doing okay tho
Chapter 19: Omg this story is so amazing. Hope you are doing fine and I hope you'll update the next chapter soon :)