Time with Ms. Jung

Three Sides of A Heart
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It didn't take long for rumors to circulate about Jae-joong once the company put out an official statement about his hiatus. The company stated that he has been working very hard and that they would like to reward him with a break. Many not finding anything wrong with that but when it was mentioned he wasn't planning on updating social media, the rumors began to fly.

For the most part, Yun-ho managed to keep the rumors away from Jae-joong. The rock star wasn't allowed to use any social media. The company making sure to lock up his accounts. If Jae-joong did manage to get onto social media, it would be violating the contract of his recovery and his contract with the company would be terminated. Yun-ho being warned that if he let Jae-joong on social media, he would also be dropped from the company. 

Yun-ho couldn't help but feel bad for Jae-joong. He was basically being treated like a child. He wasn't allowed to really go anywhere unless he was supervised by Yun-ho or Chang-min. Due to Jae-joong being famous, he wasn't really able to continue his sessions with Chang-min in coffee shops. His home had basically become a prison for him, this being the most time he has spent in it since he bought it. Jae-joong was starting feel a bit stir crazy. He wanted to go out and drink, party, and work in the studio. All things he was prohibited from doing. He was grateful for the fact he was able to watch TV and play online games, but it wasn't enough. 

Yun-ho didn't think much of the statement the company put out until articles on those cheesy kpop gossip sites started hypothesizing about why Jae-joong was on hiatus. Some sites said he was secretly getting married, others saying he is going to retire, a few saying he was probably in the hospital from a suicide attempt. Yun-ho couldn't help but laugh and roll his eyes at the articles. It was easier to see the negative than the positive. Despite all the rumors, thousands of fans left comments on Jae-joong old social media posts, waiting for his return. Yun-ho found himself checking Jae-joong's social media to make sure the comments were still friendly and that his fans were still there. He reassured the rockstar that his fans were patiently waiting for him and that he would be back in business in no time. 

Jae-joong managed to get the alcohol out of his system. He dealt with withdrawals for about 48 hours but after the hell of that, he felt fine. He still craved the intoxicating drinks but Chang-min came up with a solution for that. He made Jae-joong make healthy fruit smoothies. Everytime he felt the craving of an alcoholic beverage, he had to make himself a fruit smoothie. The blender was being used practically everyday and almost every hour of the day. Yun-ho hadn't known Jae-joong's alcoholism was that strong. Jae-joong was just relieved that his cigarettes weren't fully taken away. 

His usual habit of about 2 packs of day now being controlled by Yun-ho. Jae-joong was being minimized to about 1 pack a day until he eventually only got down to smoking 2 cigarettes a day. The company really didn't care for him to drop the smoking habit, they had more concerns about his usage of illegal drugs but the effort was appreciated.

Jae-joong didn't quite know what to do with all his extra time. He tried writing songs but he didn't like any of them. He tried making use of the pool in his backyard but he got bored of swimming too quickly. He tried his hand at playing guitar and singing old songs but that also started to feel too redundant. He felt as if he had an infinite amount of time and his road back to being an active artist was light-years away. He craved and yearned for something new.

He tried his hand at forming a closer bond with Yun-ho but the chemistry was awkward.  Jae-joong not being able to get further than small talk. Yun-ho still had an active career and he was busy with producing songs and albums for different artists. When Yun-ho wasn't producing, he was always in his room with the door shut. Jae-joong being too anxious to bother him. He felt as if he was already enough of a burden on the producer. 

He thought having Yun-ho living with him would feel less lonely but it honestly felt like how he felt when he was in a group. s didn't take the time to hangout with him and he was often left on his own in his room. The memories of it made Jae-joong feel a cloud of loneliness. He felt isolated from the world. The only thing bringing him some sort of comfort were his sessions with Chang-min. He was able to rant and vent all his thoughts for a hour then Chang-min gave him some sort of task to work on. This was Jae-joong's new life and he wasn't loving it. He felt the journaling was redundant along with some of the small tasks he was given to do, such as putting sticky notes up around his home to remind himself that he didn't need alcohol. 

By the third week in, he couldn't contain himself anymore. He was tired and he wanted to go out. He didn't care where he went as long as it was out of the walls of his luxury home.

He finds himself knocking on Yun-ho's bedroom door. His hands running through his own dark hair as he waits for permission to come in. Once he hears Yun-ho call out to him, he steps into the room and lets out a large sigh. Yun-ho being wrapped up at his desk working on producing new music and writing lyrics. Jae-joong knows from experience that it isn't a good idea to bother an artist in their craft, but he was tired and bored. 

"Yun-ho..." He starts. 

"Yeah?" The producer responds. 

"Can we go out somewhere? I am so ing bored. I don't care where we go, I just want to get out." 

Yun-ho pauses from his work. His head turning slightly to look at Jae-joong over his shoulder. It is weird for him to see Jae-joong coming to him instead of the other way around. Typically its Yun-ho in Jae-joong's doorway checking on him. It makes Yun-ho smile a bit, his focus going back to his work. He pauses the music and pushes himself away from the desk. He spins around in the chair so that he is facing Jae-joong. 

"What did you have in mind?" He asks. 

Jae-joong shifts on his feet. He didn't expect Yun-ho to be receptive to this. He tries to think of something but nothing is coming to mind, "I don't know." 

Yun-ho taps his finger on his own chin in thought. There isn't too many places he can take Jae-joong without him being noticed. He would have to wear a pretty good disguise and they would have to stick to a place that is busy enough that people wouldn't notice him. Its a bit hard since Jae-joong is such a rare beauty. His looks are very distinctive and people can easily identify him by his tattoos. Yun-ho continues to think for a moment and shrugs. "I need to visit my mom. You could come with me."

Jae-joong's eyes widened a bit. He wasn't expecting Yun-ho to propose visiting his mother. He hasn't even seen his own mother and sister in quite a few years. His career causing him to be too busy and the fact they had a falling out about three years ago. He simply nods in agreement. It's something to do and they would be going out of the house. It's a win for Jae-joong. 

"We will have to take your car though unless you want to ride the bus." Yun-ho says casually. 

"We can take my car. Are we going now?" Jae-joong asks. 

"Give me a few minutes."

Jae-joong nods and walks away from the room. He rushes back to his own to shower. He takes off his pajamas and hops into the shower. He feels a bit giddy with excitement. Even though it isn't the funnest thing, it at least gets him out the house.

Jae-joong is careful to clean every inch of his body and behind his ears. He wants to make a good first impression. He hasn't even had a chance to get all dressed up in awhile. After he showers, he blow dries his hair and moisturizes his skin. He even puts on some bb cream and chap stick. He then goes into his room to pick out clothes to wear. He doesn't want to wear anything too fancy but also nothing too casual. He puts on a white v neck shirt, a black vest with black jeans to match, and a pair of combat boots. It's a bit of a bold choice but he likes it. 

Jae-joong then heads into his large living room to wait for Yun-ho. He hopes that Yun-ho's mother is nice and that he is able to impress her. He figures that impressing Yun-ho's mom would make the two of them closer. He wants Yun-ho to become more than just the man appointed to watch him. He wants a fri

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Chapter 11: Ame la historia!!
Y me parte el corazón que jae este en ese estado al principio... Que bueno que ya se este recuperando.... Pero porque!!! No hay mas T_T
me encanto espero que la puedas continuar y no la dejes asi por favor
Muchas gracias por estos maravillosos capos
2034 streak #2
Chapter 11: Although I was really glad that Yunho and Jae was having fun, I'm worried for Min now. Hope he is alright. I can't believe I have already caught up with all the updates and I can't wait to read more. But I will patiently wait for the next update ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 9: Been so long since I read the story! I'm glad Changmin and his wife have took a step forward in making up. And also I'm glad that Jae made up with his mother. I wonder if his sister is married to Kyuhyun. Anyway, can't wait to see how Jae and Yunho are gonna celebrate. Will be back later ^^

PS hope everything's alright with you. I was worried when you deactivated. Kept checking up if you were back or not.
2034 streak #4
Chapter 8: This chapter was nice and fun. Liked how Jae and Ms. Jung got along so easily. Also glad to know Jae's been making progress with his addiction. Can't wait to see how things will develop between Jae and Yunho. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 7: This chapter was so nice. Enjoyed the chemistry between Yunho and Changmin. I hope the poor kid can still save his marriage. Just my wish though. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
papadie13 558 streak #6
Chapter 3: The 3 of them are so messed up. Probably all of them need therapy not only jj XD Hope they can heal each other
2034 streak #7
Chapter 6: I did guess it had something to do with his marriage but never guessed it would be this. Poor him! But also poor her! I feel they both deserve an honest talk regarding the situation. Anyway, I'm not a counselor, so it's just my opinion. Nonetheless, hope he gets to at least get things out of his chest with Yunho. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 5: The thing Changmin had to do was something regarding his falling marriage right? I hope things get better with Yunho and Jaejoong soon. I mean I hope they start to get along better. And I sorta agree with Yunho that it's kinda YC's fault too for the problem getting out of hand. He shouldn't have covered up so much. Anyway, Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wait what! He might have considered kissing back if he wasn't a drunk mess? Does that mean he is already attracted to Jae? Nevermind, I'll find that out myself. No spoilers please. Also I cracked up hard both at JJ's reply to Min asking him to do something with hands or body and at Yunho's reply on how to sleep XD can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 11: Min’s wife wants a divorce...that’s the reason Min is a wreck.