Coffee Talk

Three Sides of A Heart
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Chang-min cannot help but notice how troubled Jae-joong looks, as they sat around a small table in the back of a tiny cafe. Yun-ho orders black coffee, Chang-min matcha tea, and Jae-joong just a glass of water. The three men sit in silence for a moment as they eyed each other. Chang-min has worked with many idols on helping them get mentally sound again but he had not ever been called for someone in a condition as such. From what he was able to gather from the meeting, Jae-joong has a drinking problem along with some issues with drug usage. It makes Chang-min want to question what has pushed Jae-joong to that point. The point of using substances that can ruin his life and career in an instant. Especially since drug usage is heavily frowned upon in Korea and quite illegal. It also makes Chang-min wonder why the company let the rock star get that far into turmoil. It did seem as if President Kim cared, didn't it? 

Chang-min cannot help but glance at Yun-ho, who cannot seem to stop moving. His leg shaking under the table causing the small wooden table to rock a bit. Chang-min can tell Yun-ho wants to bite his fingers. It's the way he keeps eyeing them and then tucking his hands into his own lap to hide them. Anxiety is riddled all over Yun-ho. It is understandable. From what Chang-min gathered, Yun-ho was only a producer, who seemingly has nothing to do with Jae-joong. The situation is one that Chang-min is not used to, but he enjoys challenges. He feels that working with Jae-joong will give him a whole new perspective on idol life. Many of the idols Chang-min worked with always had one key problem, anxiety from the pressures of idol life. Is this what is causing Jae-joong to drink? Chang-min his lips as he sits up, the three of them have been silent for far too long.

"So, I'm Shim Chang-min. I am 32-years-old. I've been a therapist for about six years now and I also have master's degree." He offers up. He can tell Jae-joong is not being receptive so he glances at Yun-ho to speak next.

Yun-ho sits up, his leg still bouncing under the table. "Jung Yun-ho. I'm 34-years-old. I'm a music producer."

Both Chang-min and Yun-ho look to Jae-joong, waiting for him to speak. Jae-joong looks back at the two men, his expression stoic. He wants to runaway from both of the men in front of him and go home. He wants to light up a cigarette and pour a drink to forget about everything. How can he be placed on an indefinite hiatus? Did the label not understand how much his fans mean to him? Jae-joong droops his head on the table, deciding to remind silent. He glances up as he hears a sigh come out of Yun-ho. He then glances at Chang-min, who does not break eye contact with him. It causes Jae-joong to sit up. Why is he staring so hard? He starts to feel annoyed by the young therapist. His stupid smile is annoying and so is the way he looks at Jae-joong with expectant eyes. 

"What? You two already know who I am." Jae-joong hisses. 

Yun-ho can feel his own annoyance creeping into his body. It's not like the producer wants to be here, especially with the conditions of moving into Jae-joong's home indefinitely. Yun-ho barely knows the guy and has not even spoken to him since trainee days. Why did Mr. Kim think Yun-ho is fit to watch over this man? Yun-ho rolls the sleeves of his dress shirt up, he leans back in his seat and slightly glares at Jae-joong from the sides of his eyes. This bastard. Yun-ho thinks to himself. 

"Ah, I know who you are on tv but I don't know you personally." Chang-min says in a light tone. There's that same comforting smile on his lips, his head bowing to the waitress as she brings them their drinks. He holds his cup of matcha tea in both hands and smiles at Jae-joong. 

"Does it matter? What I show on tv is who I am behind doors." Jae-joong huffs out. He picks up his glass of ice water and takes a long gulp, his thirst being quenched. He raises his hand for the waitress to come back and refill his glass. She refills it with a smile and then heads back to the front counter. Yun-ho stares down at his own black coffee and lets out a deep huff. It causes Jae-joong to glare at the producer, his own annoyance rising even more. 

"Is there a problem?" Jae-joong asks. 

"For someone who was begging to not go on hiatus. You are not being quite receptive to this help." Yun-ho expresses.

"What do you know? You are not even an idol." Jae-joong snaps. 

Chang-min clears his throat, a worried smile forming on his lips. "Ah, I know there is a lot of tension right now but lets just try to relax and enjoy our drinks. My treat." 

Yun-ho lets out a resigned sigh. He nods his head in agreement with Chang-min's words. Fighting with Jae-joong won't solve anything. He has to move into his home and if they cannot get along during that experience then it will be quite stressful. Chang-min feels a bit better knowing Yun-ho is willing to comply. It means things can be much easier. He can sympathize with how both men probably are feeling. Chang-min figures this is a situation that is not easy for either parties but this does not discourage him. His soft eyes go back to Jae-joong, who has finished up his glass of water once again. He is sure Jae-joong is probably dehydrated from a night of heavy drinking and vomiting. 

"Ah, so how did your show in Tokyo go?" Chang-min asks. He figures he should start with how Jae-joong's night went last night. He wants to see if he can figure out what led Jae-joong to the club and to go on a quite irresponsible bender. 

"It went fine." Jae-joong responds. 

Chang-min his lips as he tries to think of a different approach. Jae-joong really will not open up. It is probably the presence of Yun-ho and the fact that Chang-min is technically there to invade in Jae-joong's life. He crosses his legs, taking a sip of his matcha tea. He then sets the mug down and tries a different route.  

"Did you perform 'Defiance'?" Chang-min asks.

"Yes." Jae-joong answers plainly. He does not want to be here. I just wants to go home and get his hands on some soju. His hands idly playing with his empty glass. Why did you fu

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Chapter 11: Ame la historia!!
Y me parte el corazón que jae este en ese estado al principio... Que bueno que ya se este recuperando.... Pero porque!!! No hay mas T_T
me encanto espero que la puedas continuar y no la dejes asi por favor
Muchas gracias por estos maravillosos capos
2033 streak #2
Chapter 11: Although I was really glad that Yunho and Jae was having fun, I'm worried for Min now. Hope he is alright. I can't believe I have already caught up with all the updates and I can't wait to read more. But I will patiently wait for the next update ^^
2033 streak #3
Chapter 9: Been so long since I read the story! I'm glad Changmin and his wife have took a step forward in making up. And also I'm glad that Jae made up with his mother. I wonder if his sister is married to Kyuhyun. Anyway, can't wait to see how Jae and Yunho are gonna celebrate. Will be back later ^^

PS hope everything's alright with you. I was worried when you deactivated. Kept checking up if you were back or not.
2033 streak #4
Chapter 8: This chapter was nice and fun. Liked how Jae and Ms. Jung got along so easily. Also glad to know Jae's been making progress with his addiction. Can't wait to see how things will develop between Jae and Yunho. Will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #5
Chapter 7: This chapter was so nice. Enjoyed the chemistry between Yunho and Changmin. I hope the poor kid can still save his marriage. Just my wish though. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
papadie13 558 streak #6
Chapter 3: The 3 of them are so messed up. Probably all of them need therapy not only jj XD Hope they can heal each other
2033 streak #7
Chapter 6: I did guess it had something to do with his marriage but never guessed it would be this. Poor him! But also poor her! I feel they both deserve an honest talk regarding the situation. Anyway, I'm not a counselor, so it's just my opinion. Nonetheless, hope he gets to at least get things out of his chest with Yunho. Can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
2033 streak #8
Chapter 5: The thing Changmin had to do was something regarding his falling marriage right? I hope things get better with Yunho and Jaejoong soon. I mean I hope they start to get along better. And I sorta agree with Yunho that it's kinda YC's fault too for the problem getting out of hand. He shouldn't have covered up so much. Anyway, Will be back later to read more ^^
2033 streak #9
Chapter 4: Wait what! He might have considered kissing back if he wasn't a drunk mess? Does that mean he is already attracted to Jae? Nevermind, I'll find that out myself. No spoilers please. Also I cracked up hard both at JJ's reply to Min asking him to do something with hands or body and at Yunho's reply on how to sleep XD can't wait to read more. Will be back later ^^
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 11: Min’s wife wants a divorce...that’s the reason Min is a wreck.