Not on the desk

Four Ways
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"Kiss me."




"Just do it." 

Lisa frowned, obviously not understanding where I was going with this. Oh, for 's sake. We haven't got time for this. If you want something done right, do it yourself. 

I tugged the tall girl towards me and slammed my lips on her own. The idea of being caught in such a compromising situation seemed to have affected Lisa as the girl pressed her body even closer to mine and lifted her hands to tug the strands of my hair. I found myself grinning against her lips involuntarily at her enthusiasm.

Now really was not the right time to be enjoying this. I had a job to do. 

Reluctantly, I willed myself to ignore the tingles that rushed through my limbs with every touch of Lisa's soft skin against mine and pushed her backwards causing us to topple over onto Mr Yang's desk. Lisa broke away from the kiss with a groan as her back made sharp contact with the edge of a dictionary placed in the middle of the desk. Hastily, I pushed the book to the ground and reconnected our lips. 

Oh god, how long is this going to take? 


Just open the stupid door old man.


As if it was on cue, the door creaked open. 


Thank you God. I'll never miss church again. 


"Kim! Manoban!" I whirled my head around to face Mr Yang fast enough to hear the bones in my neck crack. The horrified look on his face normally would have left me in stitches but now was not the time or the place for that. 


Taking in our deliberately promiscuous position on his desk, Mr Yang gasped. His eyes were as wide as tree trunks as he blinked owlishly at us and pursed his thin lips into a line. I climbed off of the desk, grabbing Lisa's hand and pulling her up with me. 


"I'm so sorry, Mr Yang, we didn't mean any harm. We didn't realise we were in your office. We're both so very sorry." I babbled, raising my hand to my chest to rein shock. 


Finally catching on to my plan, Lisa stepped forward. "Sir, we didn't realise that it was your office. I know it's no excuse but we recently found out that we're soulmates and I guess one thing just led to another." 


"How many times do you need to be punished with detentions before you stop this - this unacceptable inappropriateness, Miss Manoban!" Mr Yang raged, his chin shaking. 


Lisa looked pleadingly at the short man, "Uh... how about just one more time?" 


"Miss Manoban! I command you to stop talking at once!" Mr Yang barked. He turned to face me, hands placed almost comically on his hips. "I expect this sort of thing from Lisa but not you Y/N." He tutted, shaking his head yet again and turned back to Lisa. "I'd always imagined that finding your soulmate would calm you down but evidently not."




"I feel sorry for you, Miss Kim. You'll have to deal with her for life." Mr Yang interjected before Lisa could even attempt to defend herself. 


For a second, Lisa looked like she wanted to protest again but quickly thought against it when she saw the man's frown grow even harsher. 


"I don't get paid enough for this." He sighed, "A weeks detention for both of you. Get out. Now." 




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SUPER SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I'm back, kinda, ish, maybe, a little bit. A nice lil filler chapter for ya to get me back into the groove. Only one substantive chapter left after this. Might do an epilogue - always wanted to do an epilogue.


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I hope you finish the story author-nim
Fire_trek 349 streak #2
Chapter 40: I just found this story and read it in one day I’m glad you came back! Talk about a legendary return! Brilliant work author nim!
I havent checked this website for a while now and came across your update when I suddenly remembered its existence. A pleasant surprise!
1197 streak #4
Chapter 40: Now what was this ending 🤣
jjjiminiep #5
Chapter 40: What the hell?!?!?! OMG Ur back!!!!!!!
Blink___ #6
Chapter 39: Actualizarrrrr
Chapter 39: wicked cliffhanger

Btw, this fic ends with the prom, right
Chapter 29: lol Blackpink members bribing with Red Velvet tickets
Chapter 2: wow so this is what winning the lottery feels like XD
AriaLoveLisaBp #10
Chapter 39: UPDATE!!!