The Funfair

Four Ways
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It was happening. It was really happening. I was actually about to go on a date with Chaeyoung. 


“Y/N, do you know where she’s taking you?” Bobby asked as he flopped down on the sofa. 


I shook my head. 


“You excited?” He asked. 


I shrugged. 


“Have you lost the ability to talk?” He jested poking the side of my head. 


I glared at him. “No.” 


“Y/N!” My mother’s voice shouted from the front door. “Chaeyoung’s here to pick you up!” 


My eyes lit up. God had saved me from Bobby’s annoying presence. Thank you, Lord. 


I made my way to the door passing my mother on the way who winked at me before she walked off in the direction of the kitchen. 


My breath caught in my throat as I saw Chaeyoung at the door, staring right back at me. 


No going back now Y/N. 




"Hey," Chaeyoung replied shyly, her eyes never once leaving mine. "You ready to go?” 


I nodded. 




Chaeyoung stepped out the driver's seat and went to open the passenger door for me. She pulled it open with a smile. 


She truly was a natural beauty. 


I accepted Chaeyoung's hand and stepped out, my face alight from the sights and sounds of the fairground. I initially had been unsure of such a place for a date; I assumed the rides would be old and rusty. But Chaeyoung had seemed so excited I couldn't exactly say no. So here we were at the fair. Still holding onto my hand Chaeyoung led us to the entrance and paid. 


"So, what do you think! I can't believe you've never been here before! It's awesome!"


I couldn't help but smile at the blonde’s enthusiasm; she was such a big kid. I had heard all of Chaeyoung's stories about her trips to Disney land and other theme parks with her family when she was younger and seeing how happy she was just made me smile.


"It's great Chaeyoung. Thank you."


My positive words only seemed to encourage her enthusiasm. 


"Where to first?" Chaeyoung asked practically jumping.


"I'm not sure, what would you like to do?"


"How about we just have a look round until we see something you like, it's a pretty big place."


It was dark and cold but she didn’t seem to mind as it allowed her to sneak her hand in mine and pull me closer as we walked. 


We strolled around the fairground simply watching all the lights and listening to the music and people laughing. It wasn't nearly as boring as I had expected it would be, it was kind of magical. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Chaeyoung tug on my hoodie sleeve to guide me in the opposite direction.


"This way," Chaeyoung said with a smile.




I quickly noticed she was leading me towards the gaming stalls. People trying to hook a duck and knock over cans. Chaeyoung must have seen one she liked the look of because she began pulling me a little more insistently. 


Jeez, this girl is strong. 


As we got closer Chaeyoung had a coy smirk on her face. Why did that make me feel all warm and mushy inside? 


"Want to see how amazing and strong your soulmate is?" Chaeyoung teased.


I recognised the game.  


A man in front picked up a hammer and whacked the base of the tower as hard as he could, a little puck shot from the bottom and the dinging started again as lights flashed. 


"Have you done this before?" I asked. That hammer looked pretty heavy for Chaeyoung's delicate body. 


Chaeyoung simply winked. 


I felt a tad silly for even asking, the blonde said she loved the fairground so she must have done this before. 


"How strong do you think you are? Take the mighty hammer, swing and see where the buck stops! Are you weak and puny or the strongest one around!" The guy working on the aptly named 'Striker' shouted trying to gain more challenges.


Chaeyoung looked at me and started removing her suede jacket, even in the cold. She swiftly placed it around my shoulders.


"Hold that a second?"


I probably would have responded verbally if I wasn't so distracted by Chaeyoung and her lean stature, but instead, I nodded.


The Australian girl was wearing a simple white t-shirt that clung to her wonderfully toned body, she gave a tiny shiver as a cold breeze passed but she didn't seem to mind that much. 


Chaeyoung headed over to the guy and handed him a couple of dollars in exchange for the hammer.


"I heard you use to be a cheerleader right?” 


I snapped my head up to face her so fast I nearly got whiplash. Wtf? How did she find out my dirty little secret? I'd spent the last few years praying everyone would forget about that. 


"Where on earth did you hear that?" I asked.


“Bobby told me,” Chaeyoung replied with a teasing smile. 


I’m going to kill Bobby. 


“Well then, let's see some cheering shall we?" She quipped. 


Not likely. 






Chaeyoung chuckled in response to my lack of cheering and swung the hammer down. In the few seconds that movement took her biceps flexed, her t-shirt tightened even more around her body and her top lifted up ever so slightly when she had raised her arms. I felt weak at the knees, this girl was perfectly built. Although I’m definitely not going to be admitting that out loud anytime soon. 


This date had surprisingly gone well so far. I honestly didn't imagine I’d find myself having fun and forgetting about this messed up situation but I was. The more I got to know Chaeyoung, the more I began to like her. With her infectious smile and bright persona

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SUPER SURPRISE UPDATE!!! I'm back, kinda, ish, maybe, a little bit. A nice lil filler chapter for ya to get me back into the groove. Only one substantive chapter left after this. Might do an epilogue - always wanted to do an epilogue.


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I hope you finish the story author-nim
Fire_trek 349 streak #2
Chapter 40: I just found this story and read it in one day I’m glad you came back! Talk about a legendary return! Brilliant work author nim!
I havent checked this website for a while now and came across your update when I suddenly remembered its existence. A pleasant surprise!
1197 streak #4
Chapter 40: Now what was this ending 🤣
jjjiminiep #5
Chapter 40: What the hell?!?!?! OMG Ur back!!!!!!!
Blink___ #6
Chapter 39: Actualizarrrrr
Chapter 39: wicked cliffhanger

Btw, this fic ends with the prom, right
Chapter 29: lol Blackpink members bribing with Red Velvet tickets
Chapter 2: wow so this is what winning the lottery feels like XD
AriaLoveLisaBp #10
Chapter 39: UPDATE!!!