The pianist

we are in noir (let go of me)

A/N I am sorry, it's a very short update. (╥_╥) ps ; don't forget to click on the link once it shows up to you.


The sound of turning pages was slowly getting on Chaeyoung’s nerves. She could be courageous and speak first, because it was her room and Momo invited herself inside her safe bubble.

This Momo seemed detached, almost serene. But inside Chaeyoung’s mind, the souvenir of last night was still fresh. Nayeon’s face with blood, Momo’s strong grip over the new visitor and the cold atmosphere each time the monster living on the tour made an aggressive appearance. Little by little, the tension disappeared, the air was warm and it meant Momo had no plans on smashing her against any hard surface inside the comfy room.

"I’m no demon", Momo’s voice cut the silence and found Chaeyoung’s heart without hesitation, like a sword would slice its target with precision.

"Don’t act like you’re agonizing because I colonized your bed, ask me to move and I will", the reader kept talking without looking away from the seemingly absorbing pages. Momo had a little nose, it was a very uncommon one. You’d find those types of cartilage on a fighter features, not a woman but that’s maybe one of her most noticeable charms. Chaeyoung also noticed her muscular body, no wonder it took her zero effort to lift Nayeon’s body and smash the poor girl’s frame against the wall.

"Ask me questions, I’m an honest person", Momo lazily closed her book and met with Chaeyoung’s dark orbs. It was a fatal stare, leaving no way out for the youngest. Chaeyoung finally detached herself from the door, sitting on the edge of the bed. Momo wasn’t the talkative type but she couldn’t lie to herself; she had a special interest towards Chaeyoung and it was now or never.

"There is too much questions and I don’t want to seem rude… But, I don’t really know you, it would be weird if I start opening up and express my confusion at loud about what’s going on between you and Nayeon, Sana and Jihyo and… this cycle never ends", Chaeyoung’s hands kept moving in the air, her words barely making any sense. If she’s afraid of Momo, inside her heart, she always had courage ready to burst. Speaking those words felt good, she was free from the fear Momo might reject her or think, she’s weak.

"I guess it to be the last one", Momo’s words weren’t mean but it hurt the youngest feelings. She never asked for being the last, she never asked to be ignorant and now, she tried her best to comprehend without stepping too far on the line and she got was a snarky remark. Momo didn’t looked away. The gaze was intense, being analyzed this way was uncomfortable and Chaeyoung wished she could dig a hole or possess some strong ability that would make Momo less confident.

Another minute of exasperation flew by. Momo continued reading, infatuated by the story while Chaeyoung tried to puzzle out every detail she got from the start. This was a mansion to keep safe people with abilities. There is in the world, danger. Today, nine girls must save the planet from darkness and create a bound to succeed on fighting against ? Who ? Mystery.

"Maybe I do have a question", Chaeyoung blurted out without being able to control the flow coming out from .

"Go on ?" Momo mumbled, more interested about the book than anything coming from the latter. Chaeyoung shrugged it off, she knew Momo would listen or else she wouldn’t have asked. The only infuriating thing about the woman was her carelessness.

"Who are they ? I mean, the ones we must stop from doing bad things ?"

"They didn’t tell you ?" Momo suddenly became tense. A melody started playing somewhere inside the mansion. Even if the silence fell between the two girls, Chaeyoung could almost hear Momo’s heartbeat. Chaeyoung didn’t recall the mansion had a piano and wondered who would play so exquisitely that it send shivers through her spine. It was slow keys being pushed in a determined order, high and low cords arranged in a manner that sirens couldn’t compete over. It was meant to lure, blind the Man. She wanted to abandon everything to follow the sound but Momo was faster.




Sana and Jihyo were inside the small office, arranged for Jihyo’s personal work when the piano started playing. Nayeon was talking with Tzuyu inside the kitchen. Dayhun and Jeongyeon were both inside their room while Chaeyoung froze inside her own safe place.

The melody rang through the walls, calling for their names. Each note was made to speak, to vibrate through the girls heart, to connect them in a deep level. Chaeyoung could picture the thin and delicate fingers hitting lightly the keys.

All the girls slowly merged out from darkness after being enchanted. The doors were wide open, giving into a large room with a black piano in the middle. Chaeyoung never saw this luminous side of the mansion before, never saw a woman so beautiful and wondered if it wasn’t just a dream. She didn’t noticed Sana’s tears rolling down her cheeks, Momo looking at the scene from another hidden door, Nayeon missing and Dahyun closing her eyes, a smile upon her face.

The respect emanating from the girl held everything in place. Chaeyoung couldn’t see her face but she bet, just by her silhouette that indeed, she’s the most beautiful physical soul on earth.

If an artist peered the scene, he would paint it with a trembling hand. If a singer over heard the melody, he would sing with a trembling voice, and if a dancer halt to feel the emotion the woman put in, he would dance with a trembling body. The only person able to reach excellence was no other than the girl creating the magic. No human could escape the spell, she shaped a special language to express herself.

Sounds faded, little by little, until silence fell.

The woman sitting in front of the piano, closed the valve and sighed. She had an incredible pose, her outfit matched with the house’s setting, it was unreal.

"Welcome back home, you hadn’t to make such an entrance", Nayeon came out of nowhere, passing by Chaeyoung and the girls still mesmerized. This was a scene coming for a theatre play, nobody had the right to step in and wreck the fragile perfection their interaction was holding. The woman still sitting on the black bench, looked up.

"I bet yours wasn’t better."

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Chapter 9: I'm here to inform you that you're doin great authornim, do not for a sec feel that there's something wrong with your writing or English cause everything is perfect and now i have to calm myself and wait for your next update. Thank you for your time and effort doing this story, lovely. Will keep on supporting you no matter how long it takes for you to comeback with another update.. don't worry, loyalties ;) haha...
Chapter 7: So, this exquisite entrance is.. minari? Correct me if I'm wrong, as i believe she's the only person.. whom i assume got the abilities of mesmerising dear human. As usual authornim, such a breathtaking scenery. Thank you for the update ^^
SassyMushroom #3
Chapter 6: Minaaa where's minaaaa

Lol sokay ill wait
Chapter 6: Almost is never enough ;) hehe thank you for the update authornim.
Chapter 6: Chae's power is... lmao i dont know
Chapter 5: Wow.. intense namo, am very curious of chae's ability though.. anyway, as a loyal reader we'll look forward to your next update authornim, thank you for your hardwork ^^


By the way, could you please change - with " ? It's okay to not to, but I think it would be easier to read.

Great story, looking forward for the next chapters!
Chapter 4: We love it authornim, keep up the good work ^^
Chapter 4: the story is getting better!
Chapter 3: Love it, your ways of describing the scenery is excellent. An upvote for such a talented author :)