A disturbing evening

we are in noir (let go of me)


"She’s upstairs, probably crying under the shower", Sana felt some pity for Chaeyoung. Of course Chaeyoung had the right to freak out after watching a horde of bees crashing against the mansion. But it’s been an hour since she shut herself down inside her room. Jihyo hummed at Sana’s thought and sighed.

"Next time you should have warned her, that all of this is just a joke !" Jihyo raised her voice for the culprit to hear. She heard a laugh coming from downstairs, a young and energetic one.

"Not my fault !" Jihyo rolled her eyes at the answer she got and looked right into Sana’s eyes. She was looking for a solution, one that wouldn’t worsen their actual situation.

"We are losing time, you have a spare key, we could get inside and explain", Sana shrugged. Indeed, this was a good idea but Jihyo wasn’t very incline to use this kind of resource. But it’s been an hour and they just wanted to go eat something and speak with their new guest.

"Okay", Jihyo whispered, arms crossed. She moved away from the door, looking at Sana and walked away. It took her five minutes before getting down, insert the key and open the door. She invited Sana to go first but they both got outdistanced by a tall silhouette, walking confidently inside the room. Jihyo tried not to roll her eyes for the tenth time and actually felt relieved.

"Hi, I’m sorry I scared you", the feminine voice spoke. It was sincere but strong. There was a little accent, not like Sana that mastered Korean perfectly, but more like someone that learned the language only a few years ago. Chaeyoung was sitting on her bed, face looking at the windows, hugging her knees.

"I’m Tzuyu, and I was the one controlling the bees. I wasn’t supposed to scare you, it was mostly to joke around, it’s like a ritual you know", Tzuyu’s voice was a bit rough but there was no doubt, she really didn’t intended to scare the girl.

"So… Are we okay now ?" Tzuyu tried to get an answer and Chaeyoung just nodded before looking at the tall figure. How come were they all pretty ? It was her first thought. How could she get mad at her ? It was impossible, Tzuyu was young, full of vitality, ready to help, not scared of apologizing. Maybe she’s like a fresh breeze and Chaeyoung relaxed a bit.

"I wasn’t mad at you, I just really thought I’d die.. Literally, it was horrible", Chaeyoung chuckled a bit to lighten up the mood, but she did it to convince herself that everything was fine. She had to get used to have women with abilities around her, even with those kind of abilities.

"Alright, I guess it’s time to eat !" Sana clapped with energy and walked away, she was hungry.




It was early in the evening, Tzuyu was explaining how she discovered about her power to control insects. It happened when she was young, playing with friends. They decided to confine insects inside a box and one night, when it’s Tzuyu’s turn to keep the box at her house, she made a special connection with them. She needed to concentrate and like magic, they would obey at anything she asked for. At first, she could control one or two ants, then ten and with the time, she trained enough to order around a massive group of insects. Chaeyoung was impressed and disgusted at the same time.

"It wasn’t my choice, but I’m living with this gift and I found good friends, a family ?" Tzuyu’s smile was so wide, we could see Jihyo and Sana being very happy to have her around. Momo was the only one missing, and maybe the picture would have been perfect if she wasn’t such an egoist Chaeyoung thought. But after all, what did she knew about Momo ? Nothing.

"I heard Momo’s already here ?" The question came from Tzuyu, shewing some meat inside . She didn’t noticed everyone looking at her with a worried look. Sana cleared her voice before talking, carefully.

"She’s upstairs but she prefers staying alone, for now", Sana looked at Jihyo, asking for some help or anything that could avoid what seemed to be a faux-pas.

"Is that because of what happened last time, when we-"

"Yeah, she’s afraid that when she.. when they.." Jihyo tried to give an explanation but Chaeyoung felt like they were hiding something from her. She knew something terrible was taking place between the girls, and this something was in part of linked to Momo. Chaeyoung made herself small, eating and trying not to listen but it was hard not to, since she literally was there, without any escape and excuse to avoid this conversation.

"You don’t need to say more, you don’t want to scare the newbie", Tzuyu looked up and smiled at Chaeyoung. It should have made her feel at ease, but not really to be honest. Chaeyoung tried to smile back it was a failed attempt.

"But we’re glad you are here, still by our side", Jihyo spoke after a moment of silence and they finished eating. The food was nice, Chaeyoung had pleasure getting her stomach stuffed but this conversation made her anxious. There was more questions, more secrets and more people to come. But now, since Tzuyu came, it felt a bit lighter.



Night came. Chaeyoung couldn’t believe she only spend two nights inside this mansion. It felt like an eternity. Perhaps this was because of the quantity of information she had to take in, and the events getting more real each time someone stepped inside the house. Are the others coming soon ? Will she have to wait a few more days ? She had no idea. The bees experience had already been a tough one and she prayed for her heart to be saved from another moment like this one. Chaeyoung closed her, touching the window with her hand when she had some weird feeling inside her stomach.

This feeling was soon accompanied by the lights suddenly switching off.

The room became cold.

Oh no, please don’t be it, Chaeyoung kept voicing at loud. This exact event made her remember about Momo’s scary ability, and whatever it means, she was scared of it. The sensation going through her body made her sick, this power had nothing positive and she could feel anger.

She opened her eyes and took this chance to get over her fear. She intended to walk upstairs and to ask for Momo to stop, this wasn’t cool from her to play around with darkness, no matter what it included but when she opened the door, Sana pushed her back inside, closing it right under her nose.

"Hey ?! What is happening ?!" Chaeyoung slammed her hands against the wooden door, and Sana had to use some force to keep it shut. The room was getting colder, she was scared now, and for real. Something was happening.

"Just stay quiet, I’ll come back for you later", Sana asked with a calm tone. It didn’t match the loud sounds she heard upstairs. Chaeyoung pressed her ear against the door and when she tried to open it once again, it wasn’t blocked anymore. She almost fell on the corridor, face against the ground but she found some balance and quickly got downstairs. But in the middle of her courageous escape, Momo walked past her, fast and reached the hall.

There was another girl with red hair, mouth full of blood. She was discussing with Jihyo when Momo grabbed her by the collar and smashed her against the wall. The red hair smiled, a devious smile, how could someone dare to challenge Momo ? Who was she ? Why did she had blood all over ? Sana noticed Chaeyoung presence and felt powerless. It was too late anyway.

"What a nice way to say hello, it’s been a long time now since we fought", the new visitor had a voice that Chaeyoung wasn’t liking at all. She was beautiful, yes. She had something special, hell yes. But the way she talked, she couldn’t be mad at Momo for wanting to hit her.

"What a nice way to come back like nothing happened, it’s been a long time since I didn’t reminded you that you are not welcomed here", Momo hissed, almost like an animal. The girl with red hair smiled, showing her bloody teeth before getting out of Momo’s grip. She took back her breath, massaging that got a bit oppressed.

"Thank you for inviting me Jihyo, if I knew I wouldn’t have came, you’re lucky I’m here for her", Momo was about to jump on the girl, ready to smash her against the wall for a second time but Sana prevented this from happening.

"Don’t play with fire. Go get a shower, you stink ! And come back once you think you’ve found some manners", Jihyo warned the girl while Sana was holding Momo against her chest. There was no way another fight will explode in this house. Chaeyoung felt relieved when the lights switched on, meaning that Momo calmed down. The girl with blood took the stairs, approaching Chaeyoung. She swallowed hard, not ready for a little chit-chat with her. She pressed her back against the wall, making a lot of space between them and counted until ten to calm down.

“I’m sorry for that, Nayeon is a good person but she likes playing with fire. Tomorrow morning she will introduce herself to you and maybe you’ll make a good friend.” Sana spoke to her, loud enough for Momo to hear. Chaeyoung heard a chuckle coming from , a dark one, and Momo walked upstairs, as fast as she got down.

“Don’t worry, it’s usual.” Sana sang, getting behind Jihyo’s back to hug her. Chaeyoung frowned at the scene, were they that close ? Oh, yeah she shouldn’t mind about that and more about this Nayeon girl and what just occurred but this, this was also disturbing.


A/N : Okay, so Tzuyu is here, Nayeon too. There is tension and it all seems linked to Momo ? Poor Chaeyoung, she's in the middle of chaos. + thank you so much for following this story and leaving comments. It makes me really happy !

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Chapter 9: I'm here to inform you that you're doin great authornim, do not for a sec feel that there's something wrong with your writing or English cause everything is perfect and now i have to calm myself and wait for your next update. Thank you for your time and effort doing this story, lovely. Will keep on supporting you no matter how long it takes for you to comeback with another update.. don't worry, loyalties ;) haha...
Chapter 7: So, this exquisite entrance is.. minari? Correct me if I'm wrong, as i believe she's the only person.. whom i assume got the abilities of mesmerising dear human. As usual authornim, such a breathtaking scenery. Thank you for the update ^^
SassyMushroom #3
Chapter 6: Minaaa where's minaaaa

Lol sokay ill wait
Chapter 6: Almost is never enough ;) hehe thank you for the update authornim.
Chapter 6: Chae's power is... lmao i dont know
Chapter 5: Wow.. intense namo, am very curious of chae's ability though.. anyway, as a loyal reader we'll look forward to your next update authornim, thank you for your hardwork ^^


By the way, could you please change - with " ? It's okay to not to, but I think it would be easier to read.

Great story, looking forward for the next chapters!
Chapter 4: We love it authornim, keep up the good work ^^
Chapter 4: the story is getting better!
Chapter 3: Love it, your ways of describing the scenery is excellent. An upvote for such a talented author :)