Something different

Waiting In The Clouds

The car ride falls into an uncomfortable silence. 


After Baekhyun unwillingly dashed into Chanyeol’s car to avoid the rain, the two simply sat in the car, not knowing what to say. Chanyeol grips tightly onto his steering wheel, there was so much that he wanted to say, but why can’t he say anything? Baekhyun was not helping either - everytime he tried to make eye contact with the smaller, he simply looked away or acted busy checking on the sleeping toddler in his arms.


The short ride which felt like forever finally came to an end, with Chanyeol parking his car in his grandmother’s garage. Acting like a gentleman, Chanyeol runs to the other side to open Baekhyun’s door and to hold his multiple gift bags from earlier. Baekhyun rolls his eyes at Chanyeol’s efforts, finding it amusing from the Chanyeol he knew before.


‘Thanks, Chanyeol. But I can take it from here.’ Baekhyun comments before heading towards the entrance of the house, but he didn’t expect Chanyeol to follow behind him.


‘Ah, actually, grandmother invited me over for dinner tonight.’ Chanyeol replies, smiling softly while scratching his head. Baekhyun’s face reddens in embarrassment, of course Chanyeol was not here for him, how could he forget that he was staying in Chanyeol’s grandmother’s house! Perhaps he was too used to Chanyeol only pestering him in school.


‘Oh, have fun then.’ Baekhyun mutters and walks into the house, with Minjun shifting in his arms, signalling that he was starting to wake up.


Baekhyun walks past the dining hall, and there was a moment when his face washed blank with confusion, his brain tried to process what he’s seeing. His muscles froze at where he was standing until a small and shy smile started to creep onto his face. Decorations have been put up at the dining table, colorful balloons that screamed ‘Happy birthday’ floated beautifully and colourful cups and plates have been used instead of the usual metal bowls and plates that the chairwoman prefers.


Minjun who was slowly trying to blink open his eyes similarly gasped once he saw the amount of colour in the room - it was truly amazing even for a toddler to witness this, and he might have thought it was his own birthday too!


‘Chanyeol, Baekhyun, I didn’t expect you guys to come back together. Come here and let’s start dinner.’ The Chairwoman suddenly appears, with her usual monotone expression. Though she looked strict and proper on the outside, she definitely had a heart of gold on the inside. Knowing Baekhyun never had a proper birthday celebration before, she brought it onto herself to give him a celebration he deserves, for the hard work and effort he has put in to raising himself and Minjun.


Baekhyun immediately recognizes the dishes on the table. A large array of traditional korean dishes are placed before him - a nice and hearty seaweed soup, tender and juicy beef ribs, the chairwoman’s homemade kimchi and most importantly the saucy and flavourful jajangmyeon that he loves. They were all dishes symbolic of a good birthday, and Baekhyun could not be any more grateful for the chairwoman’s hospitality and kindness. For once, he feels like he is truly feeling the warmth that a home should have.


‘Mom! Can I get a birthday cake this year? I aced my school test!’ 9 year old Baekhyun begs his mother, who was not paying attention to him at all.


‘That’s great sweetie, we’ll think about it alright?’ Baekhyun’s mother checks her appearance before leaving the house, leaving Baekhyun slightly hopeful yet worried that his parents might forget.




May 6th came quickly, and young Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel excited for his birthday - his parents promised they would come back earlier to eat dinner with him, and hopefully with cake too. And since Baekhyun was an independent kid with his parents often working late , he had the skills to cook his own birthday dinner - seaweed egg soup, meat and rice. It was simple, but to him it held much significance.


A few teachers in school came up to him to wish him a good birthday, but he couldn’t help but feel disappointed when his friends and classmates forgot. Baekhyun has never forgotten his friends’ birthdays, making the effort to draw them a card and give them something that his pathetic allowance could afford - so why was the favor not returned?


Baekhyun shakes that thought away, assuring himself that there was one more surprise left back home; he reaches home after school and starts cooking, and once everything has been placed on the table, he waits. And waits. And waits. 


It’s now nearing 10pm and Baekhyun is trying to blink back his tears. He’s hungry, yet holding onto a small false hope that his parents could be back anytime soon. But ultimately he gives in to his growling stomach and gobbles up the food he had cooked.


Tears run down his cheeks as he eats on his tiny stool. And the now 10 year old Baekhyun wonders why he is so worked up over a small thing like his birthday - it’s not like he’s celebrated his birthday before, but perhaps the envy that grew from seeing his classmates’ grand celebrations and the constant empty promises has finally broken him. Baekhyun could feel his salty tears run down his face as he chokes on a sob, he was glad that nobody was watching him eat for he was only beginning to understand this cruel world.


Seaweed soup has never tasted so bitter.


When he wakes up the next morning, the house reeked of alcohol, and his hungover parents are sleeping on the couch.


And so since then little Baekhyun has never looked forward to his birthday anymore. But when Minjun arrived, Baekhyun did not want his brother to experience the same things he did. Baekhyun made sure that Minjun’s milestones were recognized, even if it were through the means of a tiny cupcake with a lighted candle.


‘Baekhyun-ah, why are you so quiet? Is the food not to your liking?’ The chairwoman asked, noticing Baekhyun’s blank face while drinking his soup. Baekhyun quickly pushes away his thoughts, realising that he had not talked much throughout the dinner.


‘No, Mrs Park. The food is really good, actually. I’m just a little tired from this morning.’ Baekhyun gives a shy smile and continues eating.


‘That’s good to hear. Anyways, happy birthday Baekhyun-ah, study hard and always be in good health!’ The chairwoman wishes Baekhyun, pulling out a small gift box and hands it over to him, which he receives gratefully with his two hands. Baekhyun couldn’t understand why the chairwoman even considered giving him a gift, she had gifted him with way too many things!


‘Grandma, why don’t I ever get a gift from you-AHH that hurts!’ Chanyeol complained before getting his ear pulled playfully by his grandma.


‘Your parents give you so many credit cards to buy what you want, and you still want more?’ The chairwoman nags, pulling harder at her grandson’s ear. Baekhyun giggled as he watched their playful interaction. This is how he feels family should be - sitting together at the table and eating happily together. 


Just then, Mr Kim brings in a three tiered strawberry cake, causing Minjun and Baekhyun’s eyes to twinkle with delight. They have never eaten such a gigantic cake before.


‘Uwaaa! Minjun, it’s strawberry cake!’ Baekhyun says excitedly, observing the beautifully frosted cake. Minjun grunts in agreement, his small hand reaching out for some cream. Chanyeol couldn’t hide his smile as he saw how adorable the siblings were, seems like they both have a thing for strawberries. The two siblings had an innocence that was truly endearing.


‘Baekhyun, make a wish!’ Chanyeol exclaims, hoping that Baekhyun wouldn’t shrug him off this time. 


Baekhyun looks at him with bright eyes, before turning his attention back to the cake. 


‘Eung! I will!’ 


Baekhyun closes his eyes, and makes a long wish before blowing out the candles.


The rest of the birthday celebration goes by quickly, faster than Baekhyun would’ve wanted it to end, because isn’t this what he had wanted all along? Call him childish, but now if he were given the option to celebrate his birthday everyday, he would say yes. May 6th suddenly seems so magical, it was crazy to think that on this day many years ago he was crying and eating alone at home.


‘I’m heading to bed now, have a good night.’ The chairwoman announces after a while, it was now nearing eleven, and even Minjun has passed out on the living room couch.


‘Have a good rest Mrs Park, thank you for today!’ Baekhyun bows to the chairwoman. It’s now just him and Chanyeol in the living room, an awkward silence starts to take flight.


‘Hey, Baekhyun, can I talk to you for a minute?’ Chanyeol suddenly breaks the silence, causing Baekhyun to stare in his direction.


‘Hmm, fine. Since the chairwoman said that today’s celebration was your idea anyways.’ Baekhyun comments, and he wants to laugh when he sees Chanyeol’s cheeks heating up. It was obviously supposed to be a secret between the chairwoman and chanyeol, but the old woman couldn’t help but let Baekhyun know. Obviously, Baekhyun was pleasantly surprised.


`Urgh, She was not supposed to tell you that,’ Chanyeol groans, scratching the back of his neck.


‘But anyways,’ 


Chanyeol straightens up in his seat, slightly nervous and setting a serious tone, ‘I just wanted to give you a proper apology after much reflection in the past few weeks and I-uh am not very good at apologizing but I just wanted to let you know that I’m erm really sorry about how I treated you,’ Chanyeol mumbles as he observes Baekhyun’s gaze, and continues.


‘And I-uh was pretty ing stupid to make you do ridiculous things and I have also told my friends to stop pestering you and I hope that you can forgive me for all the stupid things I did and be my friend again because it was pretty ing stupid and I was stupid-’ 


‘You’re rambling, Chanyeol.’ Baekhyun giggles at Chanyeol’s self loathing soliloquy. Chanyeol couldn’t help but smile in return, Baekhyun’s laugh was way too angelic.


‘But fine, I’ll forgive you, and it’s for sure this time.’ Baekhyun replies. Though Baekhyun turned down most of Chanyeol’s efforts in school, his friends made him realize that Chanyeol was indeed trying to seek his forgiveness. And after much thought, he figures there’s no point in staying angry forever. Moreover, most of his injuries have healed, so why not give it a shot? Chanyeol seems genuine this time around anyways.


Chanyeol’s eyes widened, it almost seemed unreal after weeks of rejection from the smaller. This is probably one of those rare occurrences whereby Chanyeol felt true bliss - maybe because everything used to be so easy to get, and he felt like his efforts finally paid off.


‘Baekhyun-ah, thanks! I promise I won’t let you down!’ Chanyeol grins, clinging onto Baekhyun. Chanyeol doesn’t know what has gotten into him, but clinging onto Baekhyun’s shirt makes him happy. With a clingy Chanyeol on one side and a clingy Minjun drooling at the hem of Baekhyun’s shirt, Baekhyun couldn’t help but feel like a human pillow.


‘Yah, get off of me!’

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Chapter 28: Its wonderful and amazing!!!! I seriously love this story!!!!
Chapter 28: Its wonderful and amazing!!!! I seriously love this story!!!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 28: Rereading again - lovely story of growing up and learning to love 💕
Aubreyyyy #4
Chapter 28: Wahahaaa!! I absolutely love this story! The storyline is amazing and was told brilliantly!

If possible, can we have a sequel? Maybe showing how Minjun become curious about their real parents and more?

Sorry if that’s asking for too much hehe! I’m just so In love with this story and I didn’t want it to end.

You, authornim, are an amazing and talented writer! Love all your works <3 :))
Chapter 28: Uwuuuuuuu❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1379 streak #6
Chapter 28: Very sweet ?
Chapter 28: Such a loving story, glad that i'm reading it
Chapter 28: i never thought gakuen brothers can be like this, i alr watched the anime of it and so far this fic is sooo good. Mr. Kim character is still kinda same with the chairwoman's secretary and it's really a hilarious character tho. all in all, i love the parks here, they rly love baek and minjun, and for baek ans chan's relationship progress, i find it realistic since it wasn't quick to develop. I also liked how chanyeol's character development. lastly, im glad baek found friends like sulayxiuchen. Thank you so much for this fic!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 28: This was an amazing story!I really loved everything about the story- the plot, characters, the drama, the ending was perfect. Mr. Kim was a very good actor I really liked his character, it was kind of funny but nice. I really like the character development for Chanyeol. Baek was a sweetheart. Park family were amazing. Xiuchen and sulay were amazing friends! That yixing nosebleed was so funny! Minjun was the cutest baby! Thank you so much author for such a wonderful story. Stay safe! XOXO :-)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 25: The moment between Minjun and Baekhyun made me cry. It was such an emotional and beautiful moment!