
Waiting In The Clouds

Baekhyun is rushed to the hospital after Chanyeol realizes that he was not regaining consciousness after a minute. Along with Minseok and Jongdae, they arrive at the hospital to wait for the doctors to finish treating Baekhyun.


The atmosphere was tense, filled with misunderstandings and an obvious hatred directed towards Chanyeol. Whenever Chanyeol glanced towards their direction, they would be shooting daggers at him. It made Chanyeol feel more terrible about himself. Jongdae and Minseok calm their nerves by ruffling Minjun’s hair, the toddler is still asleep, unaware of his brother’s condition.


A while later, Chanyeol could sense the familiar clicks of the sharp heel walking towards them. He looks up and sees his Grandmother, the Chairwoman herself, and it could possibly be the scariest he has seen her.


‘G-grandmother! What are you doing here?’


‘I’m Baekhyun’s legal guardian, the hospital called me. What are you doing here, Chanyeol? From what I have heard, have you not done enough?’ The Chairwoman gives a disappointing glance before choosing to sit next to Jongdae, causing him to stiffen.


‘But Grandma! Didn’t you see the evidence that Seo Hyun showed me? He’s a liar and a-’ Chanyeol was in the middle of his rebuttal when the doctor appeared.


‘We’ll discuss this later, meet me in my office.’ The Chairwoman cuts him off and walks away.


‘How is Baekhyun’s condition?’


The doctor adjusts his glasses before reading out the chaotic scribbles from his clipboard.

‘The patient has a high fever as a result of over working and fatigue, we have given him an IV drip and medication. We have also treated the wounds around his body. He has a fractured elbow on his right, we recommend that he uses a cast for around 6 weeks. Other than that he seems fine and can be discharged tomorrow.’


Jongdae and Minseok are relieved that Baekhyun’s condition is not life threatening, they plop themselves on the hospital chairs and finally decide to take a rest, after all - its three in the morning, they are beyond exhausted, but it can’t be compared to what Baekhyun must have gone through. They are overwhelmed with guilt - what if they stayed with Baekhyun throughout the party? Would things turn out differently? It felt like it was partially their fault.


The Chairwoman having just finished speaking with the doctor, noticed the two slumped onto the chairs, and Minjun who was adjusting in his sleep for maximum comfort. The moment they noticed the chairwoman’s gaze, they shot up from their seats to greet her.


‘You two have helped out enough, have a good rest at home. Baekhyun is still asleep so it is better that you visit tomorrow when he’s awake. We’ll take care of Minjun from here.’ The chairwoman signals for Mr Kim to grab the sleeping boy, and sent Jongdae and Minseok to the exit.


The chairwoman turns back around to see her grandson peeping into Baekhyun’s ward. Despite all that he has said, he really can’t control what he truly feels - it was obvious that somewhere in his cold and barren heart that there is genuine concern for Baekhyun.


‘Chanyeol, let’s go. Baekhyun will wake up tomorrow.’ The chairwoman pats Chanyeol on the back, noticing that he took one more glance before turning around to leave together.




‘Chanyeol, do you know what these are?’ The chairwoman asks him. On the table were stacks of papers that she told Mr Kim to retrieve - they were currently in the chairwoman’s office in her home, she was going to tell Chanyeol about everything from the beginning to clear his existing misunderstandings and confusion.


Chanyeol picks up the papers, scanning them one by one - birth certificates, moneylender reminders, part time job information.


‘How relevant is this? I don’t get it.’


The chairwoman sighs and starts explaining, from the disowning of Baekhyun, to the increasing bills, and the reality that was Baekhyun and Minjun against the rest of the world. The chairwoman snarled as she further explained how the Byuns abandoned their children for wealth and status, establishing Byun corp; this was why the chairwoman has constantly refused a partnership no matter how well they were doing - anything that was under the Park’s name will not be allowed to collaborate with Byun.


There were also a compilation of CCTVs (with Baekhyun’s consent) of everything that happened, and as Chanyeol continued watching, the more ashamed he felt. Baekhyun is just one of the many innocent individuals born into this world, and yet the hardships he has faced is just plain cruel and immoral.


‘Why didn’t he report this to the police? This is child abuse!’ Chanyeol exclaims, his hatred for Baekhyun’s parents is now beyond the moon.


The Chairwoman chuckles, thinking back at the time when she saw Baekhyun and Minjun at the local market - Baekhyun was peeling vegetables, while Minjun imitated him. Life was tough, and they were trying to make ends meet, but most importantly, they were happy.


‘His parents can easily bail themselves out of jail, given the amount of money they have now. But do you know what will happen to the two?’


Chanyeol shakes his head, like an innocent child.


‘Baekhyun and Minjun will be put into the foster care system and they will be adopted by different families. Minjun has a higher chance of adoption and will most likely forget Baekhyun, but you must not forget that he is the only family that Baekhyun has left. Baekhyun might seem strong minded at times but he is soft at heart; he can’t bear the anxiety and pain of separation. Now do you understand why I took them in?’


Understanding dawns on Chanyeol, and for once he doesn’t know if he can be forgiven. He made Baekhyun’s life so difficult- both at home and in school. Adding on the humiliation and accusations, for once he hopes that he can take it all back and treat Baekhyun better; the way he should have been treated all along.


He made a mistake before, he won’t make another.

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Chapter 28: Its wonderful and amazing!!!! I seriously love this story!!!!
Chapter 28: Its wonderful and amazing!!!! I seriously love this story!!!!
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 28: Rereading again - lovely story of growing up and learning to love 💕
Aubreyyyy #4
Chapter 28: Wahahaaa!! I absolutely love this story! The storyline is amazing and was told brilliantly!

If possible, can we have a sequel? Maybe showing how Minjun become curious about their real parents and more?

Sorry if that’s asking for too much hehe! I’m just so In love with this story and I didn’t want it to end.

You, authornim, are an amazing and talented writer! Love all your works <3 :))
Chapter 28: Uwuuuuuuu❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1378 streak #6
Chapter 28: Very sweet ?
Chapter 28: Such a loving story, glad that i'm reading it
Chapter 28: i never thought gakuen brothers can be like this, i alr watched the anime of it and so far this fic is sooo good. Mr. Kim character is still kinda same with the chairwoman's secretary and it's really a hilarious character tho. all in all, i love the parks here, they rly love baek and minjun, and for baek ans chan's relationship progress, i find it realistic since it wasn't quick to develop. I also liked how chanyeol's character development. lastly, im glad baek found friends like sulayxiuchen. Thank you so much for this fic!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 28: This was an amazing story!I really loved everything about the story- the plot, characters, the drama, the ending was perfect. Mr. Kim was a very good actor I really liked his character, it was kind of funny but nice. I really like the character development for Chanyeol. Baek was a sweetheart. Park family were amazing. Xiuchen and sulay were amazing friends! That yixing nosebleed was so funny! Minjun was the cutest baby! Thank you so much author for such a wonderful story. Stay safe! XOXO :-)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 25: The moment between Minjun and Baekhyun made me cry. It was such an emotional and beautiful moment!