Chapter 12



When Yujin entered her house she heard her step mother talking.


“Now you come back after little drama”


Yujin scoffed when she heard those words. She entered her room without getting effect.




Minjoo came up to her room after having dinner with her family. She put a pile of clothes which were ironed, into the closet.


“Oh” Minjoo took out a jacket and scarf to look.


“This is Yujin’s jacket and scarf. I need to give her back” she took those to her bed and thought back how Yujin found her, piggybacked her, protect her.


“I need to talk with the girls” Minjoo took out her phone and started typing.



                                                                                                                               Minjoo – Hi guys

Yuri – Hi

Sakura – Hi

Chaewon – (wave emoji)

                                                                                                 Minjoo – I want to ask you something

Sakura – shoot

Yuri – about what??

Chaewon – (eye emoji)

                                                                           Minjoo – Uhmm, When you near with that  person or you think about   her, your heart flutters too much. And                                                                                           also unknown feeling in your stomach. Do you know why those happen??

Chaewon – Who to who???

Sakura – OMG!!!!!!

Yuri – Is that you??

                                                                                             Minjoo – no no… not me. My friend. She told me and I don’t know what to say  so I ask you guys.

Chaewon -  your friend?? Who?? I know you since we were kids. I might also know that person.

Yuri – I only know that you are only friends with us.

Sakura – don’t lie Minjoo. Shoot

                                                                                             Minjoo - …………………………..   



Minjoo didn’t want to tell the truth to her friends because she felt shy. So she lied but get caught in a second. She really didn’t know what to say. She took a deep breath before typing.



Yuri – Minjoo?????

Sakura – Ya don’t hang your topic like that.



                                                                                            Minjoo – Ok. Actually it’s me. I felt those things when I’m near a certain person.    


Sakura -  a certain person??? and that person is SHEEEEE!!!

Yuri – it really surprised me!!!!

Chaewon – don’t tell me that person is ……

                                                                                          Minjoo – ……………….. 

Sakura- OMG

Yuri – OMG

Chaewon – (roll eye roll eye emoji)    

                                                                                            Minjoo – so?? Do you know why I’m feeling like that?     


Yuri – it’s a big news.

Sakura – I’m screaming in my room and my mom shouted to me from downstairs. Am I that loud??

                                                                                           Minjoo – guys. Come on. Tell me. Answer my question.

 Sakura – ok. You watched a lot of romance movies and dramas.  There were some kind of feeling when actor and actress met.

Chaewon – just tell her. Will ya?

Sakura – Shut up.

                                                                                        Minjoo – Oh!

Sakura – just oh??

Chaewon – pff

Sakura – Don’t laugh.

Yuri – pff

Sakura – not you too.

                                                                                        Minjoo – when they met, they felt ohhhh. Is it same feeling??

Sakura – I don’t know :3

                                                                                      Minjoo – Please Kkura


Sakura – when they met, didn’t they feel like what you feel now?  When actor or actress fell…..


                                                                                       Minjoo – Stop it. That’s enough.

Sakura – I didn’t finish it yet.

                                                                                      Minjoo – I got it now.



“Did I fall- fall in l-love with Yujin??” Minjoo whispered. The notification popped up one after another. But she didn’t take a look. She was just thinking too hard about the answer. After a while, she read. Her friends ask who was that person and when did it start.




Yuri – I just want to know who that person is. How can she make Minjoo feel like that?

Sakura – Chaewon, did you know who she is??

Chaewon – I just guess.

Sakura – is she from our school??

Yuri – is she from our class??

Chaewon – (nodded gif)

Sakura - ………….

Yuri - …………..

Sakura – is it?? It can’t be.

Yuri – is it An YUJIN?????

Sakura – if it is true, I’ll tell Jjaerong that I have a crush on her on Yena’s bd.

Yuri – ohhhhhhh….

Chaewon – I bet you have to tell to Chaeyeon.

Yuri – Minjoo come out

Sakura – please tell me. It’s not her right? Save me Minjoo.




                                                                                  Minjoo – I don’t want to keep a secret to you all. And also I don’t know what to do.


Sakura – so who is she? Just tell meeeeee her nameeeeeee.


                                                                                    Minjoo – Yes


Sakura – yes what.

                                                                                 Minjoo – it’s yujin.


Chaewon – dan don dang

Yuri – Ohhhhhhh…’s true. How can you??

Sakura – noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..

Sakura – I shouted again and my mom comes to my room to check me if I am normal.

Chaewon – lol

Yuri – lol

Sakura – how can it be? Chaewon how do you know?

Chaewon – I somehow notice that. The way she looks at her, the way she talks to her.  Her eyes and her actions tell everything.

Yuri – I didn’t even notice. Lol

Sakura – can I take my words back.

Yuri – no.

Chaewon – you take it back or not. It’s your choice. But I already screen shot it.

Sakura – whatttt…you evil little stinky

Yuri – stop with your drama Kkura. I want to listen to Minjoo. Sshhhhh.



                                                                                   Minjoo – Am I that obvious when she is around??


Chaewon – I know you. Minjoo

Yuri – when did you start having a feeling for her?


                                                                               Minjoo – I don’t know.


Yuri – Is it in the trip? Or is it in the amusement park or……


                                                                               Minjoo – I don’t really know but my heart becomes crazy when she is near.


Yuri – Actually the ice didn’t melt. Minjoo melt to the ice. Our logic was wrong.

Sakura – I can’t breath.

Yuri – then die

Yuri – finally Minjoo got a crush or found a love??

Sakura – I’m happy for Minjoo that she found her love before I die (cry)

Chaewon – stop acting Kkura. We won’t let it slide.

Sakura – No fun

Chaewon – it’s going to be fun after a month.

Sakura – (angry emoji)

Yuri – So, are you going to tell her Minjoo??


                                                                                              Minjoo – No. 


Sakura – Why??

Chaewon – because she bites??

Yuri – bite??

Sakura – she what??


                                                                                     Minjoo – No she didn’t bite. It’s rumor. Chaewonnie


Yuri – I also heard that rumor.

Sakura – so you’re not going to confess.

                                                                                    Minjoo – Yes. May be because of her actions towards me make me fall for her. May        be it’s a puppy love. I don’t know.

Sakura – Minjoo got a crush. Minjoo got a crush. I’m going to tease you. (evil emoji)

Yuri – Yeah (evil emoji)


                                                                                     Minjoo – don’t.

Yuri – going to teaseeee.

                                                                                    Minjoo – that’s why I don’t want to talk with you.


Sakura – come on Minjoo. What if she also has a crush on you?

Chaewon – Pff

Yuri – it’s rude Chaewon

Chaewon – sorry can’t help


                                                                                        Minjoo – It can never happen Kkura.


Yuri – look. She talks with you more than us. Also she cares for you. Those signs hmmm…

Sakura – Yeah. She didn’t talk with other girls. And also I didn’t see Yujin caring to the others.

Chaewon – She’s a ice cube.

Yuri – but she seems melting now.

Sakura – don’t worry Minjoo. We’ll help you.


                                                                                           Minjoo – thanks. No need Kkura


Sakura – trust me Minjoo


                                                                                        Minjoo – No. I don’t trust you. I’m fine with this.


Chaewon – it’s late guys. Sleep now or we’re going to be late for school tmr.


                                                                                        Minjoo – Good night guys. And hope you don’t make anything in school.


Yuri – Good Night.

Sakura – Good Night.



Minjoo put her phone on the table and lay down on her bed. She shook her head as she didn’t want to think anything tonight and went to her dreamland.   




Minjoo is falling in l***...Yayyyyyy

Sorry for not updating these past days :( I was a bit busy with my work.

Guysss..... Aslo don't forget to stream the girls MV in April 1st. 

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J1nj00 #1
Chapter 16: Come back author-nim :(
Chapter 16: Still here :((
Chapter 16: I want more :(
284 streak #4
Chapter 16: Authornim! I just read this now and it was good! I hope you update hihi fighting!
Chapter 16: I missed this ;-; Thank you for coming back and updating :)
Pwyngng #6
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thanks for the update
bluejin #7
Chapter 16: now i need to re-read this fic ahhahahah
Chapter 16: Thanks for updating.
Chapter 16: I miss this. And awww minjoo
Chapter 16: I really miss this fic! Thank you for the update author nim!