
You ‘Bake’ Me Happy

Bcz am a er for Chef AU’s myself :P


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhh I love this, both of them are sooo cute 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 1: This was such a cute short story with just the right amount of sweetness and a tiny bit of angst. Loved it!!!
Soloist_loey #3
Need more of ChanBaek fluff ^_^
MarieJane #4
Chapter 1: Pity this fic is a one shot. It should have been a chaptered fic with 20 chapters at least.
Yeolsus #5
Chapter 2: Okkk... this was indeed a great fic... I loved it... short and sweet
Chapter 2: that "someone" did the right things not to give back the knife, i mean soo with knife is.. dangerous, no? XD
its a cute story tho....
p/s: can u give me their restaurant location?