You ‘Bake’ Me Happy

You ‘Bake’ Me Happy

Junmyeon clears his throat for the second time to get everyone’s attention. Being one of the head chef’s of The Painted Bite, in situations like this he doubts if his fellow colleagues take him seriously or not.

Finally when he sees all pairs of eyes on him, he starts, “So we are gathered here for the much awaited announcement that you guys have been waiting for” making a gesture by spreading his hands in the air.

Everyone except Kyungsoo looks surprised as to why their head chef is being dramatic first thing in the morning.

“So after evaluating through the performance appraisal me and chef Minseok have finally decided on the promotion” Junmyeon points at Minseok who just looks up hearing his name being mentioned, nodding his head he goes back to reading the newspaper.  

Chanyeol can feel the exhilaration bubbling inside him like hot water, he can’t help but let his face break into the biggest grin.  

“Since Chef Minhyuk left, the position has been empty as you all know, so our new Sous Chef is drumroll Byun Baekhyun, Congratulations” Junmyeon says clapping his hands with a gentle smile on his face. 

Chanyeol who has already worn his chef hat, smoothened his crisp white coat, obviously prepared his promotion acceptance speech and taken a step further towards where the head chef’s are standing completely petrifies.

Wait What?  

Did they announce the wrong name because this is of course not happening. Chanyeol waits for Junmyeon to correct the obvious mistake and call him instead. But all he sees is Baekhyun walking up to the head chef’s with an expression quite similar to Taylor Swift’s OMG I won an award look, bowing, he accepts  the new red neckerchief and then he turns around towards everyone, “I really didn’t believe this, I don’t know if I deserve this position”

Of course you don’t Chanyeol almost blurts out but stays mum.

“I am so honoured to be promoted to Sous Chef and I promise I won’t let anyone down, thank you again” as another round of applause break inside the kitchen. Everyone starts congratulating Baekhyun, who is looking all giddy and showing off the neckerchief.

Ugh that condescending .  

“We will have a celebration for Baekhyun but for now everyone please get to your work, shift has already started. Good luck” saying both Junmyeon and Minseok head back to chef office.

There is literally nothing close to good about this day.


“What just happened?” Chanyeol spat out.

“Baekhyun is the new sous chef” Kyungsoo says matter of factly.

Even just hearing that Chanyeol’s insides are burning. “How the did that happen, when I was supposed to be offered that position after Minhyuk left” 

“Guess they changed their mind” Kyungsoo muttered while tying his apron around his waist.  

“Baekhyun doesn’t even know the difference between Rouquefort and Camembert” Chanyeol uttered crossing his arms around his chest.

“Well I don’t think unable to differentiate two cheese exactly makes him in eligible for the position” Sighing Kyungsoo walks to the patisserie section.

Chanyeol looks like a kicked puppy.

Jongin eyes him sympathetically, “maybe you should go and talk to Chef Junmyeon” he suggests.

Chanyeol stomps his foot on the ground, “Yes you are right, I will go and confront them about this mistreatment” he marches towards the chef’s office.

“You know that’s not going to change anything right, he will be just disappointed” Kyungsoo says eyeing Jongin who already looks like he will fall asleep on the work station.  

“Atleast this way he can vent his frustration”


“Chef, I have been working in this restaurant for almost 2 years, and Baekhyun has joined like 6 months ago how the hell did he get the promotion?” Chanyeol blurts out.

“Language Chanyeol” Junmyeon says as he fills up the kitchen form index.

“Sorry Chef, but please tell me how did this happen?” Chanyeol’s hand clenching into a tight fist.

“Well you see we evaluated, and he has got the most positive feedback’s from guests and he is quite good at what he does so we decided to promote him” Junmyeon replies calmly.  

“That is because he goes to the guests table, and keeps sweet talking to them that’s why he gets the feedback not because of his cooking” Chanyeol really can’t understand how everyone seems to be oblivious that Baekhyun just doesn’t deserve this.

“There are other aspects too, he has maintained a good attendance unlike you”

“I took leaves because my dog was sick, I even work late hours and...and Baekhyun doesn’t even clean the kitchen properly” Chanyeol complains almost sounding like a petulant child but he doesn’t care.  

Junmyeon shakes his head,”Chanyeol you can’t talk like this about your colleague, I am sure Baekhyun will never speak ill of you behind your back”

Ohh you don’t know him do you that little . Chanyeol knows how evil Baekhyun is.

“If this is your way of asking to make you the sous chef then il have to break it to you Chanyeol this decision was approved by the executive chef, If you want any altercation take it to him or go back to work” Minseok finally says as he types away on the keyboard placed infront of the huge desktop.  

“Yes chef” bowing Chanyeol comes back to his station looking completely dejected. He just wants to go home and curl up into a ball and maybe eat some mint ice cream.


“You are supposed to add the clam first then the halibut so it doesn’t get over cooked” Chanyeol takes a peek at Baekhyun cooking the fish stew.  

“Don’t worry I know how to make a Bouillabaisse” Baekhyun replies eyes on the dish.

“You should since you are the sous chef”

Baekhyun looks up arching an eyebrow, “If I didn’t know you I would think you sound really bitter right now”  

Chanyeol scoffs, “Baekhyun between me and you we both know you didn’t deserve the promotion” 

“I don’t know about you but I definitely did, I was just being polite that time don’t take my words literally” Baekhyun says in a honeyed voice.

“You only got this promotion because I don’t do kissing like you” Chanyeol fumes in anger.

“Umm so many flavours yet you choose to be salty Park” Baekhyun pouts.  

Chanyeol decides to take a break he really needs to go out and clear his head talking with Baekhyun is giving him a headache.

He starts walking towards the door when he hears Baehyun’s cheery tone, “ You are invited to my promotion party after shift”  

he really hates that short .


So obviously Chanyeol stays back for the party, chef or not, it’s an unwritten law to never say no to free food.

He just stands in the corner sulking and eating his 3rd slice of pepperoni pizza.

“Dude how are you holding up” Jongin asks while examining the fried pieces of chicken on the plate as if he is going through treasures.

“I don’t know..I am just really trying to understand, I had such high hopes” Chanyeol sniffs a little.  

“I know right life is hard” Jongin says while he contemplates over which dip to choose for his chicken, his fingers hovering over the mayonnaise and smoky BBQ.  

Chanyeol knows no one can possibly understand how much he wanted to be the sous chef. It is a huge step forward to the hierarchy. It’s not like he didn’t spend extra hours in this restaurant giving up on his social life to watch someone else snatch it away from under his nose. Someone like Baekhyun.  

Speak of the devil, He sees Baekhyun laughing and chatting with other chef’s. His dark chocolate bangs messily falling on his eyes, his cheeks looking glazed at the ambient lighting of the restaurant and the red scarf adding an overall glow to him. When Baekhyun’s eyes fall on Chanyeol’s  he immediately looks away, embarrassed that he was caught staring.

A small smile forms on Baekhyun’s lips which Chanyeol doesn’t see.  


Chanyeol walks towards the Storage room, to check the inventory so he can let Junmyeon know about the weekly order. He grumbles how this is supposed to be the sous chef’s job and he clearly shouldn’t be doing this.

Suddenly the storage room door opens to a flustered looking Sehun gliding past him. Before he can stop him the said chef is already gone.  

Then his eyes fall on Baekhyun who comes out with his hair disheveled, buttoning the top button of his chef coat, his cheeks blushing.

Seeing Chanyeol, Baekhyun looks like a deer caught in headlight, he immediately scurries towards the restaurant.  

The ? They weren’

Chanyeol just stands there dumbfounded forgetting what he was supposed to do. His stomach knots in an unpleasant feeling.


During lunch, Chanyeol pokes his untouched Caesar salad with the fork.

“Please tell me how does it matter if Baekhyun and Sehun were making out?” Kyungsoo asks.  

“Well it obviously goes against the work place decorum” Chanyeol reasons.

“Right, I clearly remember that you were wolf whistling when we found Junmyeon and Irene kissing behind the refrigerator last year”

“Yes but it was after shift hours, and they were doing this in the storage room where we keep our’s not hygienic” Chanyeol says making a disgusted face.  

“Eww am trying to eat” Jongin chides from beside him.  

“Chanyeol I don’t know how to tell you, but you sound pretty jealous right now” Kyungsoo looks at him with pity.

Chanyeol almost chokes on his lettuce,” Why would I be jealous?”  

“Maybe because Baekhyun chose Sehun over you” Jongin quietly adds his input.

“Pfft why would I be jealous of noodle leg, please” Chanyeol scoffs

“Well atleast noodle leg has a unlike you” Jongin cackles at his own joke thinking he is funny.

“I don’t think you should be talking about other’s when yours is non existent” Kyungsoo deadpans.

Chanyeol mouths a thank you to him. This is why Kyungsoo is his best friend.

“I have a ” Jongin whines and gets up, lifting his apron he tries to show his bottom when Kyungsoo pulls him down.  

“Stop acting like a kid”  

“But that’s not the point Soo, am not jealous am just saying” Chanyeol mumbles.

“For someone you claim to hate so much all you do is talk about Baekhyun...i am starting to think you like him” Kyungsoo says as he picks up his tiffin box.  

Chanyeol opens his mouth to protest but stops. It’s not that Kyungsoo is wrong but he doesn’t talk about Baekhyun because he likes him...obviously-ing-not, it’s because Baekhyun annoys the out of him.


At the end of the shift, when Chanyeol enters the locker room to change he sees Baekhyun sitting on the bench still dressed in his uniform.  

Baekhyun glances up at him and then goes back to playing with his fingers sprawled on his lap. Not that Chanyeol pays attention or anything but Baekhyun has long dainty fingers, and he has a mole on his thumb.

“Baekhyun I don’t care about your personal life as long as you don’t do stuff inside the restaurant” Chanyeol finally decides to let it out. 

“W-what?” Baekhyun looks genuinely confused.

“Whatever you were doing in the storage room with Sehun” Chanyeol tries to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“What do you think I was doing?” Baekhyun glances at him innocently.  

Chanyeol closes his eyes in annoyance, why is Baekhyun acting like he doesn’t understand. He just wants to push his buttons.

“Making out” Chanyeol mutters.  

“Why would I make out with Sehun? His boyfriend will literally come running  from China and kill he isn’t my type” Baekhyun says shaking his hand dismissively.  

Chanyeol never thought of the possibility of Sehun having a boyfriend. Who on earth would willingly date Sehun ? He is the definition of brat.

Chanyeol bits down on his lips, having no comeback he silently starts ing his chef coat.

“Also If i were to make out with someone why do you care?” Baekhyun asks challengingly.  

“I don’t, Its just that making out inside the storage room is extreme unprofessional behaviour” Chanyeol takes off his Chef coat, folding the material he keeps it inside the locker.

“Well I wasn’t so...” Baekhyun murmurs.

Chanyeol turns around to find Baekhyun staring at him, realising he is just wearing his thin undershirt makes his ears heat up. Baekhyun’s eyes don’t waver from him even for a second.  

“Then what were you both doing?” Chanyeol enquires, pulling his tshirt over his head to protect his modesty.  

“Me and sehun got into a fight” Baekhyun gnaws at his lips.

“And why is that?”

“Well he saw something in my phone that he wasn’t supposed to see, so I kind of got pissed with him and we had bit of a squabble” Baekhyun replied sheepishly.

“What did he see?” Chanyeol doesn’t even know why he is curious.

“Well I am obviously not telling’s personal”

“Right” after fixing his black hair in the reflection of the mirror, Chanyeol picks up his backpack “anyway go home, it’s late” 

“Yah I will..good night” Baekhyun replies awkwardly.

“Goodnight” without even glancing at Baekhyun, Chanyeol opens the door and walks out of the locker room.  

This is probably the longest he has spoken to the other yet the conversation has been the most uncomfortable.

Who is Baekhyun even waiting for in the locker room so late not that it’s any of Chanyeol’s business.


“Hey Soo can I borrow your measuring jug, ours is broken” Chanyeol says as he wipes down his hands on the apron.  

“Okay...but make sure you give me back, last time someone from your kitchen borrowed a knife and I never saw it again” Kyungsoo grumbled.

“I will, scouts honour” Chanyeol salutes and turns around to leave but he almost bumps into Baekhyun, and tumbles a few steps backward hitting the steel table with his back


“Sorry I came to ask for the measuring jug” Baekhyun said looking over the taller’s shoulder.  

“I already have it” Chanyeol wiggled the jug in front of his face to show him.

“Fine give me” Baekhyun reached out to take it from him.  

“I got it first but you can try” grinning Chanyeol held it far above Baekhyun’s head.

“Don’t use your ridiculous height on me Park” Baekhyun scowled trying to jump for the utensil but obviously failing.  

Chanyeol still holding it high enough for Baekhyun to keep struggling, while the other comes close grabbing one of his arms he leans on Chanyeol to reach out for the jug.

Baekhyun’s face is too close to his, Chanyeol can see the smooth pale skin of his forehead currently scrunched up in irritation, the eyelashes framing his almond eyes, the pink lips pouting.  

“Hah I got it” Baekhyun says proudly as he holds the jug in his hand and backs away from him.  

“Yah right” Chanyeol answers dazed.

“Are you two done playing?” Kyungsoo asks taking out a pastry slab from the freezer and places it on the table.  

“This looks so good” Baekhyun chimes at the strawberry cheese cake in front of them.  

“I just made it yesterday, you guys can have it if you want but don’t drop anything on the table or il make you two clean”  

Baekhyun immediately grabs a knife and slices the cake, taking a portion he puts it inside of his mouth.  

“I swear no one makes pastry like Kyungsoo this is sinful”

Kyungsoo smiles at the compliment and takes a bite himself offering one to Chanyeol. 

“Ummm so good” Baekhyun says with his eyes closed while eating another slice

Is he ? Chanyeol almost chokes on his cake.

Kyungsoo silently passes a bottle of water to him.  

From the corner of his eyes he sees the shorter male leaning forward slightly on the workstation, his elbows propped on the table top, his left leg bending a little making his through the checkered trouser look more prominent.  

Chanyeol instantly tears his gaze away.

“Your pants are too tight” It just slips out of his mouth.

“What ?” Baekhyun immediately straightens up looking confused.

“That’s not the regular uniform...yours are too tight” Chanyeol

“So you were staring” Baekhyun smiles cockily.

Chanyeol snorts, “You wish, but no I just made a general observation”  

“Well if mine are tight you should really see Sehun’s, you can even see his—“  

“That’s too much information” Chanyeol puts the slice of his cake down.

“So you only have a problem with mine then huh?” Baekhyun tilts his head to the side his eyes twinkling in mischief. 

“I...I didn’t mean that..forget it” Chanyeol stutters, his face is probably red by now. 

“Am literally standing right both are kinda gross” Kyungsoo says shaking his head.

Baekhyun wipes a bit of the cream from the corner of his lips with the pad of his thumb, throwing a look at Chanyeol he struts away forgetting the measurement jug obviously.  

“Ugh he is such a show off” Chanyeol mumbles.  

“You both need to stop”


“Please next time don’t use my kitchen to relieve your pent up ual frustration and I don’t know actually do something about it in real” 

“W-what ual frustration...I-I don’t” Chanyeol stammers looking perplexed.

Kyungsoo lifts a finger infront of the others face sniffing the air ,” the place  is reeking  of it...I need an air freshener”  

Chanyeol can’t tell if his best friend is joking or being serious when he actually starts spraying some freshener over the room and also on Chanyeol.  


Chanyeol starts working on his mis en place, eyeing at Baekhyun’s empty station.  

The kitchen is quite busy preparing for the company luncheon today. Even the trainees seem to be working diligently for once.  

Jongdae walks in with a sullen face and starts reaching for the pots and pans noisily.

“Isn’t today your weekly off?” Chanyeol eyes the obviously annoyed looking chef on the other side of the work station currently going through a recipe.  

“Yes, Chef Junmyeon called me and said I need to fill in for Baekhyun since he isn’t coming. For once I had an off on Saturday...I was supposed to take my girlfriend for a movie...” Jongdae rambles on.

So Baekhyun isn’t coming?

“What are you supposed to make”? Chanyeol asks softly because Jongdae looks angry enough.

“Baekhyun was in charge of Cacciatore Chicken so that one...” Jongdae bites back as he starts deboning the chicken. “Where are the kitchen assistants when we need them?”  

“All the trainees are working’s okay il help you I have made this dish before” Chanyeol says patting Jongdae’s back.

Finally after 2 gruelling hours of preparing his and helping Jongdae, he decides to ask Sehun  who is obviously the closest to Baekhyun as to why the sous chef chose to skip work today of all days knowing that they have lot of guests for the big luncheon.  

Chanyeol enters the Patisserie section to look for Sehun only to find Kyungsoo frosting the merengue on top of the pie and Jongin leaning on the counter and eating cherry’s.  

“Where is Sehun?” Chanyeol asks snatching a cherry from Jongin and tossing it in his mouth.  

“He went for a break” Kyungsoo answers, his face fully concentrated on the dessert.

“How come I never see him working?” Chanyeol throws his hands in the air, to which Jongin snickers.

“And you” Chanyeol points at him, “What are you doing in pastry section anyway?Shouldn’t you be making the salads with Yixing?”  

“I am helping the pastry chef” Jongin gestures towards Kyungsoo.  

“No you are not, you are just eating all the cake decorations...” saying Kyungsoo swats Jongin’s hands away before he can pick another spoon full of the  ganache and shove into his mouth.  

“Don’t eat that” Kyungsoo reprimands and takes the bowl away from the other.  

“Cmon Soo you know how much I love chocolate” Jongin says wiggling his eyebrow.

Chanyeol somehow does not want to even know what that means, he leaves the patisserie and finds Sehun leaning on the walk in freezer door  with his mobile pressed between his ear and shoulder, grinning ear to ear his eyes almost closing dreamily.

This is probably the first time Chanyeol has seen Sehun displaying some actual emotions. After waiting for several minutes, he finally bringing his wrists in front of Sehun’s face and taps on it gesturing him that they are on the clock.

Sehun glowers at him in return, speaking something in manadarin while smiling dazedly he finally disconnects the call.

Immediately his face turns to the usual bored expression, “What do you want?”

“Where is Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asked 

“He called in a sick leave” Sehun replies while texting.


“Um because he is sick”  

Chanyeol rolls his eyes at Sehun’s blunt response, “I get that Sehun, I meant what happened to him?”

“Oh he has fever, I don’t think he will make it tomorrow also...” 

Chanyeol remembers Baekhyun going back home the other day without any extra layer of clothing when it’s obviously gets pretty chilly outside at night. Baekhyun is all talks and no brain.

“Oh okay thanks” saying he starts walking but then he turns around with a cheeky grin to face the other who is still busy texting.



“Just so you know your mandarin is terrible”  

“ off Park”

Chanyeol quickly ducks before a spoon comes flying towards him. Pissing Sehun off is just so easy.


So Chanyeol currently standing in front of Baekhyun’s apartment door really doesn’t know why he is here.

He doesn’t know why he felt bad when he overheard Sehun telling Yixing that Baekhyun couldn’t even speak to him because he was so sick when he called the other.  

He doesn’t know why it bothered him when Yixing said that last time when Baekhyun was sick he took care of him but this time Yixing’s parents are coming over so he can’t really do anything other than filling in for him tomorrow since Baekhyun won’t come.

And most of all Chanyeol doesn’t know how he ended up preparing dried pollack soup which is the remedy for cold and ended up here.  

After 3 attempts at almost pressing on the door bell Chanyeol finally man-up’s and presses the damn thing, and immediately thinks of running away. But the door opens to a sick looking Baekhyun who just stares at him through tired glazed eyes, nose red and slightly puffy, his other wise pale skin looks even white.  

After rubbing his eyes as if to him clear his vision, he speaks in a throaty voice, “C-chanyeol ?” 

“Yah I erm I brought you Bogu gook and because I heard you are sick” Chanyeol says rocking his heels on the floor nervously.

“You came to see me?” Baekhyun seems like he can’t exactly believe the situation.   

Yes I came to see you, because I was worried.

No that’s not it.  

“I came because, this is like an employ policy in our restaurant maybe you dunno but if any employee falls sick, one of us goes to check on him or her, it’s written on the guide of Human Resource management” Chanyeol says too fast as if he rehearsed hoping for Baekhyun to buy this really bad excuse. 

“Oh I didn’t know this” Baekhyun’s expression darkens a little, “anyway come inside” he moves for Chanyeol to get in.  

Baekhyun’s apartment is quite big. The modern looking prints of the wall, lots of framed photos on the mantle piece, what attracts Chanyeol the most is the artworks adorning the only white coloured wall in the room. This is not what he expected when he thought of Baekhyun’s place it looks so much different than the devil’s lair in his imagination.  

Baekhyun quickly picks up the balled up tissues off the mahogany coffee table, “sorry I wasn’t expecting anyone and I have got cold..”

“It’s alright” Chanyeol mumbles still looking at the paintings. “These are beautiful” he says pointing at them.

“Thank you, I painted those”  Baekhyun answers wiping his nose with a tissue.  

“You paint?” Chanyeol asks widening his eyes.

“Yah sometimes, usually the restaurant keeps me busy” He turns, smiling shyly, not a look Chanyeol has seen on his face before, he likes this look it’s sweet.

“Anyway you should sit” Chanyeol motions Baekhyun towards the couch, internally he feels stupid this is Baekhyun’s house after all why is he so awkward? 

“Do you want something to eat” Baekhyun asks as he takes a spoonful of the soup.  

“No no I already had dinner,thanks” Chanyeol really feels weird not hearing sassy comments from the other. Maybe a sick Baekhyun is a polite Baekhyun.

“It tastes really nice” Baehyun says croakily finishing the soup.  

“Il clean it up for have fever anyway” Chanyeol mumbles taking the dish away before Baekhyun can protest.  

It’s just him being humane towards a sick person. Chanyeol convinces himself.  

He comes back from the kitchen to see Baekhyun resting his head on the back rest of the couch, his hands falling limply on the couch.  

“Hey you alright?” Chanyeol’s hand instinctively reach out to brush the bangs off the other’s forehead touching his skin is which is burning with  flush of fever.

Baekhyun just shakes his head.  

“Umm lets put you to need to rest” Chanyeol carefully lifts him up, his hand placed around the others waist. He waits for a second before moving so the other doesn’t feel dizzy. Baekhyun feebly points to a door with his finger.

Chanyeol gently lowers him on the bed, but to his surprise Baekhyun wraps his arms around his neck and rests his head on the crook of his neck. Baekhyun’s warm breath on Chanyeol’s skin makes his stomach flip.  



“Stay, don’t go” Baekhyun’s voice is muffled.

He wants me to stay ?  

“Sure” he can feel the heat radiating of Baekhyun’s body like a brick right out of the oven.  

“You are burning up, do you have medicines?” Baekhyun slightly nods, “bedside table” he whispers.  

Baekhyun swallows the ibuprofen with a gulp of water and hands Chanyeol the empty glass whose face is etched with concern.

“Sleep with me” Baekhyun mutters while tugging on the other’s shirt.

Chanyeol doesn’t know if this is a good idea but looking at Baekhyun’s face he really doesn’t have the heart to deny.  

So he ends up laying beside a scorched Baekhyun, who turns towards him, his hands still clutching his shirt as if he will run away.

Chanyeol feels a pool of warmth in his gut, it’s a nice feeling.  

Chanyeol slowly his hair, slightly drenched with sweat and Baekhyun curls hot fingers into his right hand, “Umm that day when I was with sehun..” Baekhyun mumbles under his breath.  

Sehun? Baekhyun is thinking about him right now?

Chanyeol doesn’t say anything and let’s the other finish whatever he is trying to say.  

“He..he saw y-your picture in my phone...accidentally...he started teasing me...I g-got pissed that’s why we had a..fight in the storage”

“My picture?” Chanyeol repeats because he himself can’t believe what he is hearing. Why would Baekhyun of all people keep his picture?  

“ looked so goood wearing a suit for the a-annual employee are not..supposed to know this....” Baekhyun trails off weakly.

Chanyeol wonders if it’s just Baekhyun’s fever talk or if it’s real. Either way, he wraps his arms around the other tightly, and listens to the his uneven breathing, realising that he has fallen asleep Chanyeol relaxes until he himself drifts to a happy slumber.


When Chanyeol opens his eyes,streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blinding him, he slowly sits up to see Baekhyun sitting upright beside him no longer in his arms, lips set in a straight line, eyes blinking and face a little exhausted. His hair sticking up from all directions it’s actually kinda cute.

Rubbing his eyes with the knuckles of his hands, Chanyeol asks “How are you feeling?”

“I am better...I am planning to go to work” Chanyeol registers that the gentleness from his voice is gone.  

“I think you should were really sick last night” Chanyeol says glancing the other who is starting to get out of the bed.

“No no i am okay, anyway thank you for was umm nice of you” Baekhyun replies eyes wandering somewhere in the room.

Wow that kinda hurt

“Welcome, anyway il leave...since you are feeling better” Chanyeol removes the cover and runs his fingers through his hair, fixing his now rumpled shirt he walks out of the bed room.  

Baekhyun reluctantly follows him looking visibly uncomfortable.  


Did Baekhyun just call him by his name for the first time ?


Baekhyun opens his mouth forming a small o, then pauses, “nothing see you in the restaurant” he forces a smile.  

Nodding Chanyeol unlocks the door and leaves.  

So that was awkward. Maybe last night was just blind optimism.


No Chanyeol and Baekhyun didn’t go back to being normal or whatever was normal in their dictionary but they are more awkward now. Baekhyun almost avoids him like plague the whole week making Chanyeol feel like a bad one night stand.

“Is something that we should know off?” Kyungsoo asks as they eat their lunch.

“Are you asking me?” Chanyeol looks up at his best friend staring at him with his wide eyes.

“Well I don’t see anyone else spending 90% of their time brooding”

Chanyeol smiles, ” nothing am fine”

“That’s the fakest smile I have seen Chanyeol” Jongin retorts while picking up a sandwich from Kyungsoo’s tiffin box.  

“Don’t worry am fine” Chanyeol hopes he sounds convincing.  

“No you are weren’t even paying attention when I showed you pictures of my new rilakkuma are obviously not okay” Jongin furrows his eyebrows looking serious.  

“Gotta agree with Jongin here he is right you are not okay” Sehun says out of nowhere settling down beside Chanyeol.

Chanyeol wants to roll his eyes because of how smug Jongin looks getting approval from Sehun.

“Guy’s please don’t worry about me okay...I am fine” Chanyeol shoves his food to the side loosing his appetite.

“Hey Sehun” Baekhyun walks in smiling and halts seeing him sitting with the others.  

“ talk you latter then” he mumbles turning around to leave.

“No no sit with us for lunch” Sehun says casually moving to the other side making space between him and Chanyeol.

Baekhyun hesitatingly plops down between them. Almost immediately Chanyeol shifts to the corner to avoid any physical contact with Baekhyun. Who glances at Chanyeol momentarily looking insulted.

It’s all very awkward.

Surprisingly Sehun gets along and Kyungsoo even laughs at one of Jongin’s bad jokes. Except the two of them everyone else engages in small talk. Chanyeol tries to nod along but not quite registering anything when Baekhyun is sitting right beside him looking stiff and chewing his pink lips anxiously.

This has been the most cumbersome lunch that Chanyeol has had to deal with. He has never counted every minute waiting for his break time to end so he can go back to making the Lamb Stroganoff and completely forgetting the faint citrus scent of Baekhyun’s cologne which is still lingering in his mind.  

“Who cooked the lamb?” Seulgi enquires standing in front of the kitchen in her crisp white blouse and black skirt.

“Me” Chanyeol raises his hand.

“A guest wants to see the chef who cooked the Chanyeol come with me “ She says turning on her heels towards the restaurant. Chanyeol follows the hostess nervously.

Seulgi putting on her cheery face introduces him to a group of 4 women sitting on a table, one of them wanted to him.

“This is the best lamb stroganoff I have tasted, and I wanted to thank the chef personally” the girl smiled attractively stretching her hand out.  

“Well thank you, am glad that you could enjoy the food” Chanyeol said while shaking her hand.  

“Not to sound too direct but i didn’t really expect the Chef to be so good looking” the girl replied batting her eyelashes.  

Seulgi internally rolles her eyes.

“Thank you again” Chanyeol uttered as he removed his hand from the girls hold smiling politely.  

“Maybe il comeback again for the amazing dish” the other girls in the table giggled at her not so subtle innuendo.

“Enjoy your food” bowing at them Chanyeol left.  

Can his day get anymore weird?       


As Chanyeol was done cleaning up his work station, he slumped on of the seat in the restaurant tiredly...he felt too worn out to even go to the locker room and change.

Baekhyun entered the kitchen from the back door, pocketing his phone he glanced at Chanyeol who had his eyes closed.

“You are still here” Baekhyun asked curtly.

Chanyeol opened his eyes instantly to see an annoyed looking Baekhyun staring at him.

“I can ask you the same” Chanyeol replied flatly. 

“Yahh well I was on a leave” instead of leaving he stood there at the spot eyes glued to the floor.

Chanyeol just sat there playing with the salt shaker on the table.  

“Since you are so self righteous please tell me how flirting with guest is a very professional behaviour Park ?” Baekhyun glares at him crossing his arms across his chest.

Is he for real?  

“I wasn’t flirting with anyone...She wanted to thank me for my dish..I was being polite” Chanyeol replied defensively.  

“Ohh right because holding a guests hand is soo polite OMG you are such a gentleman” Baekhyun’s voice dripped of sarcasm.

Chanyeol stood and sauntered towards the scowling male.

“Baekhyun I wasn’t flirting okay...why the do you even care?” Chanyeol raises his voice in annoyance. He has had enough.

Baekhyun flinches at his tone, “ I don’t whatever you leaving”

Before he can walk away Chanyeol grabs his wrist and stops him.  

“Baekhyun you are so ing frustrating, one minute you flirt with me like it’s nothing, the next you act genuinely nice with me, then you ask me to stay the night with you and go back to ignoring me the next morning and avoid me the whole week..and now you behave all jealous” he pulls the other closer to him, “tell me what do I do with you?” Chanyeol’s voice comes out hoarse.

Their faces are so close that they can feel each other’s breath mingling, Baekhyun darts up at him with dark eyes. Chanyeol stares at Baekhyun who his lips making Chanyeol gulp.


Chanyeol backs away Baehyun until his touches the edge of the metallic table, Chanyeol swipes everything off of the workstation with one swift movement making the utensils fall on the floor with clanking sound but at the moment he could care less, he lifts up Baehyun and makes him sit on the table...then he dives on to the other pressing his lips on Baekhyun’s soft ones, it is a kiss full of desperation, longing and want.

Oh god for how long has he wanted to kiss those thin pink lips senseless. Baekhyun kisses him back with equal passion his fingers tangled into Chanyeols hair and the other clutching the front of his uniform. Chanyeol could feel each and every nerve in his body  tingling with electricity. They moaned into each other’s mouth wantonly. Chanyeol draped his arms around Baekhyun in a possessive hold.  

Finally they break free to breathe some air into their lungs, while resting their foreheads together still savouring the feeling of the kiss.  

Baekhyun slowly looks up, his eyes sparkling,”I thought you hated me...I mean you had your reasons..i-i took away the promotion that you deserved. That night I really wanted you to stay but in the morning I got scared and acted out and...and I couldn’t face you..and today when I saw you flirting with the girl I was so angry” Baekhyun murmurs, his cheeks blushing.

Chanyeol cups his cheeks with his hands, “ Baek, I have never actually hated you, Yes I was angry about the promotion thing but it was really immature of me...I have been attracted to you since the day you joined the restaurant” Chanyeol smiles at the other. 

“I like you...I like you so much—“ Chanyeol pulls him to a gentle kiss, this time relishing every bit of it, his tongue tracing across the bottom of Baekhyun’s lip, caressing each other’s mouth.

Chanyeol let his hands wander off from Baekhyun’s cheek, and down to his neck, out to his shoulders and down to his hands. He grabbed the others hands gently yet firm, intertwining with his. Even if it’s their second kiss he felt like his heart is about to beat out of his chest.

This time Baekhyun rips away, still breathless, hair in a disheveled mess, “you didn’t answer me Chanyeol?”  

“I maybe in love with you..” Chanyeol answers  dazed.  

“You call me an behind my back...” Baekhyun grins.

“I-I umm I didn’t it mean it like that” Chanyeol scratches the back of his head looking embarrassed.

“It’s alright, I am an ” Baekhyun replied cheekily, “Just so you know my nick name for you was big ears” Baekhyun chuckles.  

Chanyeol’s hands immediately goes to his ears covering them, “Whaat?”

“Don’t worry I love your ears...and you” Baekhyun removing his hands from his ears and placed it on his own waist pulling him to another heated kiss. Sending fireworks to Chanyeol’s brain.


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ohhhh I love this, both of them are sooo cute 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 1: This was such a cute short story with just the right amount of sweetness and a tiny bit of angst. Loved it!!!
Soloist_loey #3
Need more of ChanBaek fluff ^_^
MarieJane #4
Chapter 1: Pity this fic is a one shot. It should have been a chaptered fic with 20 chapters at least.
Yeolsus #5
Chapter 2: Okkk... this was indeed a great fic... I loved it... short and sweet
Chapter 2: that "someone" did the right things not to give back the knife, i mean soo with knife is.. dangerous, no? XD
its a cute story tho....
p/s: can u give me their restaurant location?