Chapter 19

Rebirth And Will Love You

Li Na strolling around the garden of her parent’s house aimlessly. The soft wind blew her face tenderly made her hair fluttered behind her back. As she was surrounded by blooming flowers, Li Na looked like a fairy in the middle of her castle. Enchanting and bewitching.

Even though being in the middle of the beautiful landscape, continuous sighing can be heard from her direction.

Slowly her feet brought Li Na to the wooden bench in the middle of the garden. Lost in her thought, she quietly sat and stare at nothing.

Li Na scrunched up her face and then released, trying to remain calm but the scene before kept replayed over and over again in her mind.

“Mom knows that you were mad and angry at us because we forced and hurt you with our thought. No excuse can be given since we are the one that really at fault but Yun Tian is really a good person”. Li Na’s mother persuaded her.

“In fact, when we were not able to see you before, Yun Tian would be the one that always told us about your news, and even giving the reason why for when you were not able to meet us. Sometimes he told us that you were busy or else, unwell”.

Actually, Li Na’s mother knew that everything Shen Yun Tian told was all excuses. The truth is Li Na was not willing to see them at all but still, they come to meet her since she is their precious daughter.

“He constantly comes and visit us at home. He was even there with us when Hu Yi gave birth”. Li Na’s mother further told Li Na some of Shen Yun Tian’s good deed.

“Really?” Li Na lowered her head as she bit her lips gently. She never thought that Shen Yun Tian kept a good relationship with her parent and even told some lies in consideration to take care of her parent’s heart.

In return of her absence, he even took care of her family well and make sure to keep her presence alive in their heart. She never knew that! Her ignorant self made Li Na feels incredibly frustrated.

“Yes. So seeing both you and Yun Tian’s relationship becomes better made our heart feel relief. Thank you, dear. For opening your heart and receive him”. Li Na’s mother hugs her. Her embracement was full of affection and warmth.

Remembered how her mother becomes so happy with her current relationship with Shen Yun Tian made Li Na let out a bitter sigh.

How can she tell her mother that it took her whole life to accept her husband? Or even to forgive them?

Li Na quietly sat on that bench. It was the usual place she went whenever she became depressed and dejected. So like a habit, she will go there and drowned in her own thought.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eyes, she saw a pair of blue shoes come into her view. Li Na raised her face slowly and saw the incoming person.

That person hesitantly approached Li Na. Without saying anything he sat beside her stiffly. Actually, the bench can be considered big enough for two people to sit on it but since Shen Yun Tian’s body frame is quite larger, he tried to make his sitting posture small as possible.

Looking at how awkward her husband was, Li Na felt amused. The depressive cloud that came above her gone in just a moment. Just like that, without saying anything, Shen Yun Tian can make her heavy heart become lighten.

Li Na skipped and moved nearer to Shen Yun Tian. Slowly she turned her head to him and leaned on his strong arm.

“Why you didn’t ask anything?” Without looking up, Li Na mumbled.

“Do you want me to ask?” His deep voice came into her hearing. Li Na hid her face and shook her head slightly. If Shen Yun Tian does questioning her, she did not know how to answer him.

“Then, it’s okay”. Shen Yun Tian repositioned his posture to become more comfortable for Li Na to rely on him. He raised her and gently patted her back.

Those repeated movements on her back made Li Na felt secure and relaxed. She snuggled further into his hold and clasp the helm of his cloth. Drowning in his manly scene.

The scene seems peaceful. Gradually, Li Na closed her eyes. But the moment she completely closed her eyes, she felt a sense of deja-vu. Like this exact moment had been experienced by her before.

Instantly she opened her eyes back, released herself from Shen Yun Tian’s embrace and sat straight.

“Li Na?” Shen Yun Tian looked confused by her sudden movement.

“Mr. Shen, do we really had not met before being married?” Li Na asks seriously.

Shen Yun Tian shook his head. “We haven’t met before marriage”.

“Really? You are not lying to me?” Her tone kinda doubted in his answer.

Shen Yun Tian frowned. “Why are you saying this?”

Realize that her disbelief tone affected Shen Yun Tian, Li Na released a sheepish smile and immediately explain, “I just felt like the position we were before kinda familiar. Like we had done it before”.

Li Na saw that Shen Yun Tian’s face tighten after heard her words. Although he hid his feeling well, she still sensed that his mind was jumbled with many thoughts.

With serious and unfeeling tone, Shen Yun Tian said “No. We have never met before. Never. That’s just a momentary feeling. Understand?“.

Li Na opened , trying to deny his words but she understood that saying more only will make him getting more colder and expressionless. So, she bit her lips and nodded.

The moment she stopped her word and unwillingly agree to Shen Yun Tian’s word, Li Na felt an intense sense of sadness.

This is the first time Shen Yun Tian’s tone become so stern and the subject is her. Say that she is spoiled or selfish but Li Na’s heart truly was hurt with his cold and frosty response.

She realized that Shen Yun Tian had a big influenced on herself. Just like how without a word he can make her happy, he is also able to hurt her with a glance.

“Understand”. Li Na muttered slowly. Her voice was so quiet and indistinctly. The tears start to stagger in her eyes but her lower eyelid prevented it from fall. She hid her face from being seen by Shen Yun Tian by turning her head to the opposite side.

“I-I am going to meet my mother”. Li Na stood up. She want to leave and calm herself. Right now, she is so sensitive and even a slight stimulus can make her burst into tears.

But before her feet take a step, her wrist being grabbed and pulled down. Although the force was not great, it still can make her fall into Shen Yun Tian’s solid arm.

Li Na sensed that her tears were about to leak so she vigorously tried to release herself from his hold. She doesn’t want to be a weak woman that only know to cry whenever being hurt, especially in front of him. Just like begging for his sympathy so she can be comforted.

But in response, Shen Yun Tian tightened his arm and did not allow for her escape. The strong embracement doesn’t make her felt stuffy only gentle and warm.

Her determined pushing before gradually weakened and the dam of tears were finally broken down. Her body falls into his torso and Li Na let his arm entrapping her.

No matter how hard she kept telling herself to become strong, her nature as a weak woman kept resurfaced in front of him. Since she already broke into tears, Li Na let her restrain go and allow herself to cry. Shen Yun Tian patted her back in a circular motion to soothe her heart.

“I am sorry”. After Li Na calmed down, Shen Yun Tian apologized.

“For what?” After a long cried, her voice became hoarse thus make it seems so spoiled. Usually, one’s face would become messy after cried but Li Na’s face with those puffy eyes only make her become too adorable.

Shen Yun Tian wiped her tears away with his finger. Actually, he did not know why she cried and as a person that often dealt with the confusing situation, he truly did not know how to answer her but what he definitely knew was Li Na was hurt because of him.

“For hurting you, letting you felt pain and made you cried”. He kissed her red eye gently. The drop of kisses falls onto Li Na’s face from her eyes to her forehead, down to her cheek side by side. With the eye that never stop staring at Li Na’s eyes, he softly kissed Li Na’s red lips.

That gentle actions were full of love and affection. All of his love was being poured onto her. Li Na closed her eyes and letting herself immerse at that moment.

It’s true that a woman has a fickle heart. Just a moment before she was in deep sorrow but now, she fell into intense happiness. With just action from beloved, all of the unsatisfaction feelings was left forgotten. Yeah, Li Na totally forgot about Shen Yun Tian’s weird action before. But the important thing is they are happy. Right?

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Reislaufer #1
great story
Chapter 1: Oh ! This story starts really well (i.e. very badly!). It's brutal...
The staging of the first scene is good, first the break-up scene, then a flashback of the relationship.
It is striking, factual, the very fast rhythm, without dead time and without useless states of mind.
I don't know if the rest is at that level, but now I'm catching on, which is rare.
The part where Li Na hurts Ru Feng (which motivates revenge) is not very clear, I have trouble understanding what happened and why he is so angry with her.