TSR: Chapter 28

Through Strawberries and Raspberries
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"As a friend, may I ask something?" That night as they were both nearing Miseo's house, Nathan asks.

"Hate to admit it but, you just did." Miseo answered back.

"You're being childish." Nathan shook his head as he steered the wheel for the turn.

"Tell me."

"Just as a friend in concern." Nathan scratches the back of his head while the other held the wheel. "How are you feeling lately?" Nathan didn't know how and what to ask, he just wanted to know if she really is okay, after that day in the cafe.

That's an odd timing to ask, isn't this like a conversation starter? Miseo ponders. Not him asking when he's about to drop me off.

Despite that she answers, "As you already know I'm stressing up to write the last script." still not getting the point of his interrogation.

"I meant the past days... You looked rather upset from that encounter with your friend in the cafe." Nathan tried to be careful not to cross any line. "But today you're really bubbly and playful even, so I was uneasy if you're really okay."

Because of that Miseo was reminded yet again of the scene of Lily and Jongin at the cafe. She just had one untroubled chirpy day away from those thoughts, and here comes this ugly feeling she bottled up that Nathan unknowingly opened because of his concern.

She tries keeping her posture and not burst her emotions out on him.

"Was it because of your friend from the wedding?" Nathan brought up Jongin.

She turns at him with knitted brows. Despite facing the road, he could sense her expression from the periphery.

He didn't have to picture that out for me again. So much for being an observer, he even noticed that.

"Yeah, just people." That accompanied a sigh as she answered. "Let's just not talk about it." Miseo drops her head and played with her hands trying to suppress her emotions. Nathan definitely ruined the mood for trying to get his curiosity out as ‘a friend’.

Nathan turns to her and finds himself guilty of reminding her about that day.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I hope you guys could talk it out and settle things."

I'm such an idiot for prying.

What a way to spoil her evening. Miseo thought things were going just right, until everything went downhill. She did not want to blame Nathan at all, he was just being a friend.


The week went by just as usual as it is, Miseo stressing on her script, but for Nathan he couldn't help but feel so conscious around the lady. This led him to be distracted to work at his usual pace.

Miseo clears up catching Nathan's attention. "Ready to go?" She says swinging her bag over her shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. Just making sure I saved the file before we leave." Nathan excused, hating to admit that he was spacing out for a minute there. "The desktop is kinda laggy today."

"Even the system is overloaded now." She jokes. "Hurry up so we could clock out." The two of them come and dismiss themselves from work together ever since Nathan offered her a ride, they've been doing it frequently and it has become a routine now.

Him masking his small meaningful actions as a friend became a routine for him too.

Miseo got used with the scent she gets around him, she finds it rather mild and comforting without knowing the reason at all. But nevertheless, there are times she puzzles about her soulmate. Trying to care less about it, Miseo moves on.

Mrs. Lim heads out first after hinting that they will have another company dinner by next week, without letting the other staff know that it would be for Nathan's farewell. Their co-workers just found it suspicious for their team leader to propose so suddenly, but who would say no to food, right? Letting it go, they all left the company.

"You've turned quiet Nathan." Miseo noticed being on the ride together. Usually on their car ride to work and back they would talk about the script and joke around. She felt unfamiliar to this. Maybe because there's nothing much to talk about work? Or...

"Is it because of your contract?" She voiced. "Ah! That explains why you're taking so much time writing. You're usually fast, but I saw a while ago you didn't even reach half much of your usual work. I see how you're buying some more time to stay in the company." Miseo made an effort to lighten up the mood.

"That's one. But hey, I'm not slacking." Nathan turns to look at her with a playful scowl.

"That's one?" She echoed. "Then what's the other? May I know what that's all about, as a friend?" Miseo least expected to be concerned in his affairs but they got so used with the friend card ever since that day they spent half their day working and the other half being frolic.

"I'm afraid I might upset you again, because of that last time I brought up. I feel guilty for ruining your day." Nathan speaks out.

He's still worried about that day? Did I show myself too much that he's blaming himself?

"Hey, it's not your fault. I'm just the only one who's slow to moving on." Miseo mentions stretching her lips into a smile. "Don't worry much about it."

Is that why he's acting very careful and extra kind around me this week? Miseo felt warm towards him.

Nathan watched her retreating back as he drops her off at her place. The soft chocolate scent that she bore slowly fading away as she took her steps further away. Before Miseo disappears to the corner, she

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Hello dear readers, I'm sorry to say. But I'll be hiatus for a few weeks and won't be posting new chapters for a while. I would like to focus on my studies. I'll be back as soon as possible. Stay safe everyone! <3


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Chapter 30: im just so heart broken over the fact that jongin didnt even know about minseo's feelings. let me cry for a week QAQ this isnt slight angst at all yyyyy
Chapter 32: Oh I’m so happy for the characters in this story. They all matured so much and I really felt how real they were. Thank you so much for sharing!
Chapter 32: They did it! She grew into her acceptance of Jongin and Lily and Nathan and her. I’m really impressed with the depth of sensitivity shown in the characters and overall story
Chapter 30: I’m proud of Miseo, it’s not easy to get past a love like that; but I’m curious now about what’s up with Jongin.
Chapter 29: I have been binging on this story and I feel so bad for Miseo! I just know she’s half aware of what’s going on with Nathan but her heart and the scent of strawberry from Jongin is trapping her. And breaking her heart! I imagine being in love for years with someone who never Scents you as their favorite while you scent then as such is the worst form of one-sided love. Someone loving you to a degree but no further. Seeing you as special in their life but not to the point where you complete their day just by existing. My heart aches for her
Chapter 27: Nathan is Minseo’s “soulmate” but she wants Jongin and thinks he’s her soulmate lily is his supposed soulmate but she doesn’t exactly want him? Omg this is a mess 😭 lily you literally have ur friends man chasing after you Ohh this is so sick kckgk
Chapter 23: Is it juat me or Minseo and jongin ship dying 😭 what the hell this chapter threw me off hkhkgkI let's see where it goes tho I hope minseo heals and for her to stop using that colon ffs!
hachika #8
Chapter 22: With the progress, i doubt miseo and jongin would end up together
ikran12 #9
Chapter 20: Nathan is so cute 😂😂
Baekie_18 #10
Chapter 19: My heart just aches for minseo so much. But on the other hand I also pity lily too. I mean I just felt bad for them and also my heart felt heavy while reading this. Anyways thanks for the update and have a nice day authornim.