Daddy on duty

The Return of Superman: Kim Twins(Ha Yeon & Hyo Hee)

When 9hours had past since Hani left, leaving Heechul with the twins were quiet tiring and fun because of this he realise that her wife was really amazing in taking care of the two whenever he’s out for work, its not that easy, Heechul decided to do something more like a mini thanksgiving he’ll prepare when his wife comes home.


“Alright we’re going to the market! Who wants to go with appa?” Heechul asked her twins while they are playing, the kids paused and look at their dad.


“Who am I kidding of course Ill take the both of you! Kaja!” Heechul chuckled and carried the two to dressed them up.


“Aigoo its so cute, the red onesies really good on them” the woman commentator giggled.


“Oh whats that? Oh its a twin stroller” the man commentator chuckled as it had showned that Heechul was pulling out the twins stroller out from the storage and place the twins as they went outside the front door and head where their car is.


The twins where at the back on their respective baby seats.After a 30minutes drive they arrive at the nearest market.


“Alright, lets buy some ingredients for seaweed soup and gopchang” Heechul happily said as he put the twins in the stroller and start pushing around the market.As they greeted every people that they passed by.


“Oh Anneyeonghaseyo Heechul!” An old lady passed by and said.


“Anneyeonghaseyo! You know me?” Heechul asked as he bowed in greetings.


“Of course my daughter was really a fan of yours and your wife!” The old lady giggled.


“Oh Kamsahamnida” Heechul shyly said.


“Oh the twins are so cute Anneyeonghaseyo Ha Yeon and Hyo Hee” the old lady coed to the twins as well as her companion with her.


“Anneyeonghaseyo heba..” Heechul said to the twins, and the twins understood as they gave them very cute bow while they are on their stroller.


“Omo kyowo, I always watch them in the return of superman” more like the sister of the old lady said.


“Kamsahamnida, please continue to support us from the TROS” Heechul gratefully said.


“Of course, the show made my day” the old lady said as they bid goodbye.


“Kamsahamnida” Heechul bowed as they part ways, along the way another fans greeted them.


“Aigoo maybe they went there for him to meet the fans” the man commentator laughed.


“Hahaha more like a mini fan gathering, he might forget they went there to buy some ingredients” the woman commentator said.


“I think its also the twins fans” the man commentator giggled.


“Aigoo the twins have so many fans wahh” Heechul giggled, finally they arrived at a stall where you can buy some of the ingredients that they are looking for.


“Ahm can I have some seaweeds, 1/2 kilo of beef and gopchang” Heechul politely said.


“Of course of course coming up, the twins are so cute” the vendor complimented.


“Hahah you’re maybe the 10th time who said it to them, Iam afraid my daughters head will get bigger” Heechul teasingly said as he face the camera this earned a laughed from everyone.


“Kamsahamnida” Heechul thankfully said to the vendor as he handed the ingredients he bought as they bid goodbye from the people of the market and went straight home.



“And we’re back!” Heechul said as they went in their house.


“Okay, appa we’ll cook something for our dinner later also its something for mommy, now I want the two of you to behave okay?” Heechul smiled to his daughters and place them to their kids mat as the twins started playing again with their toys, the twins giggled.


“Okay Ill take that as a yes” Heechul said as he closed the mini fence he installed around the kids mat so that the twins cant roam around anywhere, as he head to the kitchen and start pulling out and washing up the ingredients.



“I never been on a cooking show before but Ill try my best in explaining to you on how to make my specialties” Heechul teasingly said on the camera infront of him.While he’s starting to set up and chopping the beef.


“Wah he is already good in cooking” the woman commentator complimented as Heechul starting to deep fry the gopchang and boiled the beef at the sametime.


“You have to wash throughly the gopchang so it is safe to eat, after you wash it you need to put some cooking oil on the pan and your ready to deep fry it” Heechul said as if he was holding a cooking show, while he fun himself cooking, lets see whats the twins are doing.


“Omona what is that?” the women commentator gasped as they showed whats the kids doing.


“Omo is that a baby powder?” The man commentator said.


“Jinja omo ottoke hahaahha” the man and woman commentators laughed out loud to what the twins are doing, Ha Yeon unexpectedly reach out the baby powder beside the sofa’s table as she crawled back where her sister is as she paused and put some powder all over her face including her hair the child giggled, after a while she handed the powder to her twin sister,Hyo Hee did the same.It is really quite a mess without their father knowing.


“Hahahah yah, Heechulsshi stop that cooking show, youre daughters” the man commentator said as he cant hold back his laugh.


“Omo, their father didnt know, I think he forgot to place the powder in a higher place” the woman also hysterically laughed, its getting worst its all over the mat and the twins clothes.



“And then you turn it into a medium heat” Heechul said in a satisfying tone and then he just realise something.


“Iam afraid why are the twins are so quiet?” Heechul asked to himself and suddenly watched them from the baby monitor on his left side, he just couldn’t believe on what he is seeing.


“Omona!” Heechul rushed out from the kitchen as he head to the living room where the twins are.


“Twins! What is that?!” Heechul rushed in the mat as he bent down to talked to the twins, the twins giggled upon seeing ther father.


“Hahaha they always just laughed to their father” woman commentator said.


“Hahaha he’s trying to be calm and understanding” the man commentator giggled.


“This is not a toy, its a powder that youll put it on your face to feel refresh, and you just have to put only a little” Heechul said in an understanding tone as he gently rub off some powder on their faces the twins just smiled.


“Aigoo look at that you also have in the hair and in the mouth, yah dont eat it” Heechul laughed as he wiped their mouths.


“Next time youll just have to put a little okay?” Heechul said in a sweet voice. The twins nod as soon they understood to what their father said.


“Jinja, I think I really need to take both of you to the bath” Heechul chuckled as he carried the twins all the way to the bathroom.


“He did turn off the stove right?” The man commentator chuckled.


“He did, thats a relief” the woman commentator giggled.



“Aigoo lets get in the tub” Heechul carefully place the twins at the baby tub and grab a small chair so he could sit down as he runs off some water into the tub.


“Woah daebak he uses all the time his both hands” the man commentator exclaimed, they were amaze by Heechul’s skills in multitasking, he applied some shampoo and body soap to the twins at the sametime with his both hands.


“I guess its what you have when you have twins, I dont know if I could still wish to have twins” the woman commentator giggled.



An hour had past, after the twins were taken for bath, Heechul was busy in preparing for dinner cause Hani called she’ll be home in a minute but then the sound of the unlock door he heard.


“Iam home!” Hani called from the front door.


“Omo, eomma is here come on lets greet eomma” Heechul carried the twins out from their baby chairs.


“Hey hon” Heechul said as he kissed Hani on her cheeks and they welcome Hani with their embrace.


“Are you okay you look exhausted” Hani giggled as she get Ha Yeon from her father’s arms.


As they showed a comparison of Heechul’s face from the beginning of the day up-to now.


“Omo hahaha its obvious that he really did hard work today” the woman commentator said.


“Not really, come on I have something for you” Heechul smiled and guided they’re way into the dining room.


“Omo whats d occasion oppa? Its seaweed soup and gopchang!” Hani delightedly said upon seeing the dishes Heechul cooked.


“Ahmm I just want to cook for you” Heechul giggled, Hani suppose to have one spoonful of soup but a written letter was glued on the table caught her attention as she read it.


“Omo ahh thats why he asked the twins which color of the paper they wanted” the woman commentator giggled as they showed from earlier that Heechul was asking the twins which one of the letter papers they like and they chose the color pastel blue green.


“Thank you so much for the hard work hon, Let me cook some of your favourite dishes, the twins and I are really thankful that we have you in our life, I know its not enough to ease your exhausted day but we promise that we’ll always be your side in cheering you up.Love: Heechul, Ha Yeon and Hyo Hee” Hani red and lovingly looked at her husband.


“Oppa gumawo” Hani hugged her husband.


“Seeing you and the twins are enough for me to cheer up, it brings me energy everytime” Hani added and smiled.


“Iam glad” Heechul let a winning smile.


“Eyy you do realise how hard to take care of the twins huh?” Hani giggled.


“Well they’re energy are doubled” Heechul chuckled.


“Aigoo thats why you looked exhausted, come on free hug to paid your hardwork” Hani giggled and pulled again Heechul into another hug and Heechul kisses her forehead.Hani once witnessed the messy sink behind Heechul.


“Oppa” Hani giggled.


“Oh?” Heechul replied.


“Its not like Iam gone more than a month” Hani giggled looking into the sink.


“Oh right its not yet done, Ill clean it” Heechul giggled and said as he starts cleaning.


“Arraso, Ill change first then lets eat together” Hani said as she heads out from the dining room, while she’s on her way she spotted the bathroom door open, she giggled upon seeing how also a mess 

the bathroom is.


“Hahaha wah the bathroom also” the woman commentator said.


“Iam also like that the first time my wife left me with our kid” the man commentator giggled.


“Oppa! Why are the twins duck toys were in the toilet bowl?” Hani said from a far coming from the bathroom.


“Uh, maybe the twins threw it while Iam taking them a bath hehe” Heechul nervously laughed.


“Next time you close the toilet bowl!” Hani giggled.


“Arraso arraso, just go change already, Ill be the one who’ll clean it” Heechul smiled.


“Arraso Ill let this pass this time” Hani giggled.


Well its the stage that every fathers needs to adjust and cope up in taking care of their kids, especially when they are not use to without their wife’s assistance, Hani can say that she’s proud of Heechul in surviving the first 12hours without her.

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In line with au I made on twitter (@heenichild) & my lil gift to all HeeNi’s!🎉A whole new Heeni FMV! While reading d au you can watch d vid it will definitely give u d feels! Check it out! Link below👇🏻💕‬

‪Hani x Heechul - Best Friend (Jason Chen) via @YouTube‬


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Chapter 8: Oh... Will we have a real tros episode with this couple? I hope so..
:))) thank you for giving us a new chap author-nim
Yayaya92 #2
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating..they’re so cute ?
eekarus #3
Thanks for updating!!! Continue to write ;)) can’t wait for the next episode! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Really love it !! ??
Can't wait for more !! ?
Thank you for this ??
14 streak #5
14 streak #6
amiranasution #7
Chapter 1: ????