Baby Geniuses

The Return of Superman: Kim Twins(Ha Yeon & Hyo Hee)



Long Ago back to the time where the fans of the two think what would be there children look like or what characteristics would they get from their parents? Others said that probably the beauty of both parents inside and out, Heechul’s naughtiness or Hani’s cheerfulness, also most probably the intelligence of the two.Well they are not wrong.


Hani have been known to be one of the idols who are gifted with intelligence with an IQ of 145 aside from being the rose of EXID she’s been said to be the brain of EXID, and its been proven with the different reality shows shes in,like throwing her some difficult math or logical questions she easily answered it, she studied english by herself and learn it just months and took the english exam with outstanding grades, she’s such an language enthusiast.Of course God is so amazing that shes been paired also with a genius partner, Heechul been said to be music expert just a short melody of the song even in mini second he definitely knows what song and who are the artist who sang that song he even knew what year it been released, he answered also easily some math and logic questions just a split second and he prove it many times in different shows he is in, no wonder he finished the course bachelor in science of statistics and theres more Heechul’s had this ability of remembering the past in detail, one thing for sure you cant lie on him.


“Alright almost done” Hani said excitedly as she wrote 11 months on the cake using the different colors of cake icing, then she supposed to place the candles on the top of the cake but a sound of clashing coming from the kitchen stopped her.


“Omo whats that” Hani said curiously and went from the dining table where she stand to the kitchen, Heechul and the kids are still sleeping so she taught that could be fatty and queen their Persian cats but Hani just saw fatty and queen comfortably sleeping on their cat beds, well she thought shes the only one who is awake.But then as soon she reached the sink she knew who are they.


“Omona Hyo Hee yah, Ha Yeon nah beoya?!!” Hani approach her twin daughters basically eating the scattered cereals all over the floor.


“Hahaha yah hajima you guys still dont have fully grown teeth you might be choke” Hani said as she carried Hyo Hee first and then Ha Yeon on the other arm.


“Where is your daddy huh? I told him to keep you both in pace to bed but why are you here?” Hani said to her twins but the twins dont pay attention they keep on reaching out their arms as if they can reach the cereals from the floor, Hani struggled in keeping them in place in her arms by their action.


“Let us wipe your mouths, you just melted it” Hani chuckled then went to the living room to get their bibs in their walker but as soon the twins did not see the cereals anymore they begin to cry.


“Aigoo gwenchana, just a minute mommy will get your bibs!” Hani was startled as Hyo Hee begin to let go in her arms and want to be put down but Hani trying her best to keep her in her arms.


“Arraso arraso, cant handle this with my two arms, ayst jinja why he is still sleeping?” Hani complained.


“Yah! Kim Heechul!, Jagiya!, Oppa!!” Hani shouted from the living room enough to wake up Heechul.


“Wae Wae Waeyo? Whats wrong?” Heechul panickly went to the living room he dont care about how he looks now the important is he is concern why Hani called him panickly then he got Ha Yeon from Hani but Hani welcomed him by her loud laugh as it contemplates to the crying of the twins.


“Beoya? Why are you laughing?” Heechul gave Hani a confuse look while rocking the crying Ha Yeon.


“Hahaha why do you have stain lipstick on your face you look like a clown hahaha” Hani keep on laughing.


“Mwo? I cant hear you the kids are crying” Heechul went closer to hear her wife.


“Its good you cant hear me hahha” Hani replied as she walk forward to the kitchen to put Hyo Hee in the baby chair, Hyo Hee stop crying as she seated  to her chair she know that shell be feed this time looks like we know where she got that characteristic her love of food.


“Yah! Hani ya! Waegurae?!” Heechul whined then went together with Ha Yeon in the bathroom sink near the kitchen to let Ha Yeon wash her hands as its time for breakfast then Heechul looked at his face in the mirror whilst washing Ha Yeon’s hands.After that he also place Ha Yeon to her baby chair besides her sister.


“Ahn Hee Yeon, did you just kiss me last night without me knowing?” Heechul whispered as he wrap his arms to Hani whilst She’s washing the baby bottles for her to sterilised later.


“And why would I kiss you last night?” Hani replied chuckling while washing thy bottles.


“Cause just this lip stick stain on my face proves it, who else will do it?” Heechul said.


“Think about it” Hani face her husband this time and keep on laughing then Heechul turned his face to his children while sitting in their high baby chairs.


“Jungmal, this two little nuggets again” Heechul shake his head and laugh the twins face their father giggling.


“You just went to the bathroom a while ago and then you didnt manage to wash it?” Hani said while she’s placing both twins breakfast and their breakfast.


“Thinking its from you Hee Yeon” Heechul pretend that he is disappointed but actually he is.


“Why are you that disappointed?” Hani laughed.Then Heechul replied with a straight faced.


“Arraso arraso Iam just kidding, come here, you just look cute when youre mad” Hani said while wiping her tears from laughing.


“Ill wipe it, now great I have already 3 children” Hani said while pulling out some wet wipes.Heechul let a winning smile.


“Probably its my 10th lipstick already that the twins snatch from the closet, we need to be careful now the twins can crawl already” Hani said.


“Thats what Iam thinking we need to keep away from them the things might destroy or destroy them” Heechul replied.


“Says who last touch with the cereals, I told you to put it away from the edge of the table, they can reach it and that happens” Hani said and remind Heechul what happened earlier.


“Hehe I forgot” Heechul said.


“Anyway did you make a cake?” Heechul asked while looking at the cake hiding from the other side of the kitchen.


“Oh yes I almost forgot and shh they might hear you its a surprise” Hani whispered and slightly slap Heechul’s arm.Hyo Hee might freak out hearing the word cake as well as Ha Yeon.


“Oh yeah its their 11 months, time flies so fast” Heechul pretending to cry and Hani just shake her head.The two seated now beside their children to eat their breakfast.


“You know they are gen-i-u-sses” Heechul said while chewing the food he is eating.


“What? Chew it first” Hani chuckled.


“The twins are genius” Heechul said.


“Yes I can see that hon, and it proves us many times, you know that the last time Hyerin visited she was amaze by the twins intellegence how on earth a 10months old know the different basic colors they even say it in english, I didnt teach them” Hani said amused while eating her vegetable salad.


“Our times we just eat our feet” Heechul let a small laugh.


“You mean your time?, your 9 years older than me” Hani said teasingly to her husband.


“Dont argue with me with the age” Heechul said with a straight face then  help Hyo Hee with her food.


“Alright alright” Hani laughed.


“Anyway back to the topic, Ill show it to you, Ha Yeon nah, Hyo Hee yah? What color is this?” Hani asked her daughters while pointing the red table napkin.


“Wed!!” The twins said in sync while giggling at their mother.


“See!” Hani amazedly said.


“You know that’s their first word right, even I dont know what to feel why they still cant say Eomma and Appa but its red its fine” Heechul chuckled.


“Yes its their first words,lets try another one, how about this?” Hani faced again her daughters while pointing a green chopstick.


“Gween!!” The twins answered their mother in sync again.


“Very good” Hani cheerfully complimented her daughters then looked at Heechul.


“Thats what they did when they were with Hyerin last time, daebak” Hani said still amuse by her daughters.


“As far as I can remember I learned colors when I was 2 already, how come its too early in them?” Hani said worriedly.


“Hon come on kids in this generation so different from before they can catch up easily more than you think, its normal theyll turn one next year anyway” Heechul smiled at her wife.


“Next year probably they can memorize the alphabet and even the periodic table” Heechul chuckled.


“But its weird we never heard them said Eomma and Appa Iam waiting for that day” Hani said.


“Kyuhyun called me last night that his 9 months baby boy first word is “Appa” he boasted that at me last night, how jealous Iam” Heechul said while pouting.


“Me too, theyll say it eventually one day” Hani smiled then picked up Hyo Hee from her seat and the child gave her mother a sweet smile.As well as Heechul with Ha Yeon then they put the kids down while the both of them comfortably sitting in the sofa.


“You silly, dont worry about them being genius they are just fast learners, they got it from you obviously you learned to love me instantly” Heechul smirk, here he goes again.


“Woah woah I did? Solji Unnie said Iam slow learner when it comes to that one, I lately realised that this might be sound cheesy that after all this time that we really meant for each other, more than siblings” Hani smiled.


“I have love you from the very beginning Hee Yeon” Heechul smiled.


“Well those arrows help us to realize everything” Heechul said while he wraps her arm arround Hani’s shoulder as she lay her head comfortably on her husband while the kids are playing in the mat.


“Speaking that knowing brother’s episode when our arrows collide then everyone teasing us you are so obvious that you are persuing me on that days because of that silly dance of yours why did you dance that way?” Hani asked letting out a small laugh remembering the scene.


“To break the awkwardness and tension between us we are not yet ready to announce it yet not with the brothers” Heechul laughed.


“You are much obvious than me, you even touch or tuck in your hair behind your ears in a sweet way” Heechul said while imitating Hani.


“Yah! Beoya? that is not like that” Hani said as she slightly slap Heechul arm and laugh.


“The fans made a comparison with it, that you have that habit everytime you fell in love at me that hairstyle of mine way back style for you days versus knowing brother incident explain it all, youre the one who making it obvious missy, then you know how many notifications I have that day in my sns, youre deeply in love” Heechul said letting out a winning smile.


“Hey hey dont be full of yourself mister, says who I can feel your eyes staring at me on my back on knowing brothers even I dont face you, then fans start to compile videos of you staring at me in knowing brothers like they will caption it like “get a man like Heechul who stare at her woman like that” also you wear our engagement ring presenting at the SMA people got suspicious why there is no other rings on your left hand, I also have many notif in my sns mister, youre so deeply in love” Hani reason out and let a winning smirk.


“Yah! Alright you won, we both love each other deeply, we wouldnt have that two little nuggets there if we dont” Heechul laugh.


“Hahaha alright Ill wash the dishes first” Hani said as she threw the pillow shes holding at Heechul.


“Youll let me play with the kids again?” Heechul said.


“They love to be with their dad, its not like you havent done it before, just imagine youre at the concert” Hani chuckled as she knew what will be the situation if Hani let Heechul stayed with the kids even shes just in the kitchen, Heechul end up wearing crowns and dresses.


“Hayst arraso, Hyo Hee yah, Ha Yeon nah its tea party time!” Heechul said then the twins excitedly clap there hands as they know what their father meant.Hani just chuckled by her husband action then went to the kitchen.


“Ha Yeon wah you assemble it really good” Heechul complimented the baby as she successfully assemble the big legos like a doll house.Then Ha Yeon giggled and she let her father wear a crown, then Hyo Hee came over putting him lipstick on his face again.


“Here we go again, wah Hyo Hee yah yepuda!” As Heechul playfully get the toy mirror and act like a lady, the twins giggled.


“Wah look at them, you guys look like a satisfied costumer who paid tickets expensively, the pass is not free little girls you have to pay daddy” Heechul said while opening her palms to the twins, the twins gave their dad a play money.


“Well this is a big amount if its real” Heechul chuckled then he gave the twins kisses then went turn on the television.


“Alright its time that you two embrace music, your daddy was a handsome k pop idol before” Heechul said like telling a story the twins gave their dad a confuse look then averted their eyes at the television.


“Its been a while the last time I played this song” Heechul stand up and went to the center near the television and dance to the music video played.


“Sorry, Sorry naega naega” Heechul starts to sing like he is at the concert wearing the crown Ha Yeon gave him and Hyo Hee fairy wings.Then the twins swaying left and right like they know the song and giggled at their father, Heechul just feeling the moment.


“Appa?” Ha Yeon pause in swaying as she recognize the person singing at the music video and pointed it.


“Mwo mworago?” Heechul was startled upon hearing his child he pause the television at his part in the music video.


“Appa!” Hyo Hee replied pointing the tv letting out a sweet giggles.


“Omona! Mackdong-a!!!!!!” Heechul run to the kitchen where Hani is.


“Wae waeyo?” Hani faced her husband as she’s startled the way Heechul panickly went to her as if there is an incident happen to the twins.


“Pali pali” Heechul grab Hani by her hand.


“Chankaman my hands are wet” Hani hurriedly wipe her hands by the hand towel hanged in the refrigerator.


“Whats wrong?” Hani asked Heechul


“Watch” Heechul replied.


“Yedera, who is that?” Heechul asked his children excitedly.


“Appa! Hihi” Ha Yeon and Hyo Hee said while they excitedly clapping their hands then they crawl over near the television and tapping it with their cute hands.Hani and Heechul couldnt believe on what they heard finally the day has come.


“Omona! They finally said it!” Hani said while jumping up and down happily with Heechul.


“I might cry right now” Heechul said.


“Aigoo wait I wouldnt just let them say only Appa” Heechul said as he get the remote then switched the music video to another music video this time EXID.


“Wae ari wae wae ari” Hani and Heechul dance to the music video just like old times the twins giggles as they witness their parents dance as the twins also swaying by the melody of the song.


“Omg thats my part thats part” Hani said


“Shh” Hani and Heechul pause as they looked at they’re twins expecting to say the magic word.


“Oh Eomma?” Hyo Hee and Ha Yeon said happily pointing the television the time its their mother’s part.


“Hallelujah Hallelujah” Heechul open widely his arms to the air as he happily jump with amusement.


“Ahhhh!!!” Hani and Heechul hugged which is a familiar scene where they won the game at A Style for you years ago this time its different they jump for joy because of their children.


“Mommy and Daddy loves you” Heechul picked up her twins and spin them around.


“Aw you making mommy emotional again, dont grow up so fast” Hani said as she hugged the three.


“Can you remove that wings? Its weird” Hani laugh and said, while she is hugging her family.


“Oh haha Iam having a fun time that Iam their fairy” Heechul chuckled, remove thy fairy wings then hugged them this time tightly.



The day continues with full of dancing and singing of the couple as if they are in a duo concert with their number one fans who resemble them so much, their children.Its cute that the twins also dances to the rhythm even they cant stand up straight they’re trying to stand up and dance cutely then eventually will stumble again these made them laugh.Being a first time parents is hard and fun but definitely as days past by they will learn something new for the good of their children, But one thing Hani and Heechul want for their children is the best and good for them to let them grow with love and happiness.













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In line with au I made on twitter (@heenichild) & my lil gift to all HeeNi’s!🎉A whole new Heeni FMV! While reading d au you can watch d vid it will definitely give u d feels! Check it out! Link below👇🏻💕‬

‪Hani x Heechul - Best Friend (Jason Chen) via @YouTube‬


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Chapter 8: Oh... Will we have a real tros episode with this couple? I hope so..
:))) thank you for giving us a new chap author-nim
Yayaya92 #2
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating..they’re so cute ?
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Thanks for updating!!! Continue to write ;)) can’t wait for the next episode! Fighting!
Chapter 3: Really love it !! ??
Can't wait for more !! ?
Thank you for this ??
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Chapter 1: ????