What is Love?
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“—I’ve had enough of all of this.” As soon as those words came out of her lips, Joohyun pulls Seulgi out of the house and Seulgi holds her hand tighter as she led her into her car, stepping on the gas to go away from that house.

“We’ll pick up your daughter first, then you can explain everything to me.”

Joohyun can only look at her in disbelief. Seulgi is too nice, Joohyun sees that. If not, what was the purpose of letting Joohyun saw what was kept inside Seulgi’s old room that night?

On her way to the school, Seulgi couldn’t help but steal glance after glance towards Joohyun. It seems like Joohyun wasn’t the only one who couldn’t believe that the other girl was now sitting next to her right at this moment. It’s been so long… Seulgi wanted to see Joohyun’s face again. But she was never one who is brave enough to look for her. It has been thirteen years…even though Joohyun was in such a mess, she’s still the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life.

Thinking about Joohyun reminds her of her daughter. “Joohyun, your daughter…”

“Yes…?” The older raises her eyebrow, waiting.

Seulgi smiles softly, taking a short look at Joohyun.

“She must’ve been as pretty as her mother.”

Joohyun blushes.

What is this? It’s weird, why is she blushing?

She wasn’t sure what was happening and what was Seulgi’s intention saying that all of a sudden. But one thing for sure, Seulgi didn’t change that much—almost didn’t change at all. When she hugged her earlier, Joohyun can still feel how fit is Seulgi’s body, her muscles are still there just like when they’re still in High School—if not they’re even better now. Seulgi must have taken of herself really well, unlike her drunkard husband. And her scent—it’s so…Seulgi.

But what was the most important were her face and her smile.

Her voice when she calls her name.

Now that she thinks about it, she really has wasted Seulgi away back then. A lot would have wanted to be with Seulgi at this point. She’s just very attractive like that, the number of students who wanted to be her lover in High School were almost comparable with Joohyun’s own admirers. Yet, back then Seulgi always preferred Joohyun. She only wanted to stick to Joohyun’s side. Joohyun was her number one…

But it was back then…

Right now, Seulgi must’ve had someone else as her number one.

“Seulgi,” The said girl let out a soft ‘hm’ while keeping her eyes on the road. “Won’t your girlfriend be mad that you’re taking a soon-to-be widow for lunch than spending it with her?”

Seulgi only smiles.

“She’s a kind woman. Too kind, perhaps. She’ll understand.” Seulgi said warmly.

But her words got Joohyun frozen.

So, it was right after all…

Seulgi is in a relationship.

There are unfamiliar feelings in her chest and it stinks… One of them she recognized as disappointment. Why did she feel disappointed knowing the fact that Seulgi is not a single woman? She should’ve been happy for her. Joohyun doesn’t believe in herself to talk back, so she let it be. Thankfully, Seulgi doesn’t talk more about it.

Not long after the small talk, the car stops, across the street of an elementary school.

Joohyun got out of the car and Seulgi follows.

“Um, Seulgi, y—you can just wait in the car.”

Seulgi refused by shaking her head from side to side.

“So, which one is your daughter?” She asked, sounding quite excited and curious with Joohyun’s daughter.

“Just—” Joohyun sighs, “Just wait here, okay? I’ll go get her.” She ordered only slightly.

Seulgi didn’t talk back but smiles at her and clearly, she’s not going to listen.

The older woman crosses the street and approach a little girl who’s been chatting so animatedly with her friends.

“Yerimmie,” Joohyun called as she crouches behind the little girl.

The little girl instantly turns around and cheered, “Mama!” Before engulfing her mother with her small arms.

“How was school today, hm?”

“It was fun! I fed rabbits today at the park~”

Joohyun cooed at her cute daughter. “Good girl.” She careses her daughter’s hair, but her daughter’s eyes trained to something—or someone—behind her mother. Joohyun frowns and was about to ask, but her daughter was faster.

“Mama, who is that?”

That’s when Joohyun look back and there’s Seulgi.

She was just standing still behind Joohyun and her daughter, her face is nearly void of emotion. Joohyun couldn’t tell what was written in Seulgi’s expression, what was she thinking. So, Joohyun acted on impulse as she stands up, looking up at Seulgi who is now grew even taller than thirteen years ago (damn, growth spurt).

“S—Seulgi! I told you to wait—”

Seulgi ignored her whine as she crouches down to the little girl’s level. “Your name is ‘Yerimmie’?” She asked, smiling so sweetly.

The little girl nodded and then she steps forward to put her arms around Seulgi.

“You’re Bear Auntie!” She cheered, still hugging her tightly.

Seulgi looked taken aback and confused, she tries to look at Joohyun but the older woman only looks away, trying to hide the blush creeping up onto her fair cheeks. Seulgi smiles again, even though she was still very much confused why Joohyun’s daughter suddenly calling her ‘Bear Auntie’ earlier. But oh well, she can ask about it later. She specifically wants to ask Joohyun about her daughter’s name.

Without a single hesitation, Seulgi put her arms around the little girl and lift her up in her arms. “Do you like ice cream?”

The little girl’s eyes lit up at the mention of that particular food. She nodded her head excitedly and says, “Yes! I love ice cream!” Ah, how cute. The mother, on the other hand, was almost doesn’t know how to react seeing how her daughter and Seulgi interacted with each other.

Her trance was broke when Seulgi says, “Joohyun, let’s have lunch first and then we can talk.”

Seulgi was already on her way towards her car on the other side of the road while holding Joohyun’s daughter in her arms. Joohyun was too late to react and she wondered why did Seulgi acting so close with her daughter? It’s not like Joohyun didn’t like it, in fact, she kind of liked it… The sight was kind of cute too and it makes Joohyun smile unknowingly.

“Mama, hurry!” Her daughter insisted.

Joohyun did a little jog to catch up to them and they all get into the car. Yerimmie was placed at the back seat, Joohyun once again on the front next to Seulgi who’s driving the car. Seulgi told them that she’ll take them to a restaurant because it’s lunch now. Seulgi left no room for argument so Joohyun can only agree to her decision.

On the way to the restaurant, Joohyun couldn’t help but notice how easy it is for Seulgi and her daughter to get along. Seulgi would ask small things to her daughter and Yerimmie would answer more than she was asked for—Seulgi didn’t mind it at all. Joohyun was so immersed in paying attention to everything Yerimmie and Seulgi talked about that she wasn’t aware when Seulgi was done parking the car.

Looking around, Joohyun notices it’s not a random cheap restaurant.

It instantly makes feel self-conscious.

“Seulgi, what are we doing here…?” She asked, with a small voice.

“For lunch, of course. You’re hungry, right, Yerimmie?”

The said little girl nods her head eagerly, following Seulgi to get out of the car. Damn, Seulgi… Joohyun cursed mentally realizing how her daughter was now already so comfortable with Seulgi and Seulgi uses that advantage so Joohyun can’t say no and go pick another (preferably a much cheaper) restaurant. But what was more surprising for her was how cheerful her daughter looks. These days, Yerimmie always looked rather gloomy ever since she noticed her parents are not in good terms.

Joohyun doesn’t know if it was Seulgi or the ice cream she promised Yerimmie—but whatever it is, it’s working well on Yerimmie to make her at least forget the bad things happening in her family. She deserves to feel happy after all. Which now the thought left Joohyun with no choice but to follow her daughter who is now holding Seulgi’s hand as they walk towards the restaurant’s entrance.

The soon-to-be single mother can tell that this is not just a restaurant.

She doesn’t like the feeling knowing Seulgi is going to spend money on her and her daughter already. But at this point, there’s nothing she can really do about it because she did ask for Seulgi’s help on her case.

“Order anything you like.” Seulgi said once they all settled at a table. “My treat.”

Hearing those words coming out of Seulgi’s lips put Joohyun in yet another trance, as if suddenly she was taken back in time. Those words were one of the many words Seulgi would often say to her.

Seulgi then turn to the little girl. “What ice cream would you like, Yerimmie?”

The said girl frowns at the picture of different ice creams. She wasn’t familiar with any of the ice cream on the menu, she has never eaten ice cream looks like all these pictures. The only ice cream she ever eaten was the one at a market, the only flavor her mother always got for her was chocolate and vanilla. So, seeing the pictures of all the ice creams colored and flavored in anything but the usual one she used to have was a bit overwhelming for the little girl.

The same goes for her mother. She knew some of the menu, but there are also ones she had never eaten before. If she shamelessly follows her desire and give in to Seulgi’s offer, she would have ordered everything on the menu, but she still have manners. She may not be rich, but she has manners. So, she settled on a very simple menu she’s familiar with.

“S, Seulgi… Yerim and I will just get this one right here.” She said, pointing at a dish.

Seulgi smiles, “Just that? You don’t have to worry. I’m not limiting your orders.” She turns her attention towards the confused little girl, still contemplating the kind of ice cream she’s going to take. “Do you want a little help with that?”

Yerim nodded.

“Alright, do you like chocolate ice cream?”

Yerim nodded again.

“Ah, same with me, I like chocolate too. We’ll get that, okay?” Hearing that, Yerim’s smile widens and it’s as if she’s glowing with that happy smile. It makes Seulgi smiles almost as big as Yerim is, it was quite contagious, that smile of hers.

Seulgi ended up ordering for all three of them. She nearly ordered everything the menu offers. For some reason, she was sure Joohyun wanted a taste of everything but too shy to ask—well, it make sense since this is the first time they meet again after thirteen long years.

“Just eat as much as you like. The ice cream will come later as a dessert, so we need to be patient a little, okay?” The little girl giving her another nod, her eyes went wide in surprise seeing all kinds of food being served right before her eyes. Even Joohyun was taken aback. “Joohyun, why aren’t you eating? Please, dig in.”

It just didn’t cross Joohyun’s mind Seulgi would do this far.

In the end, they couldn’t finish all the food.

The rest of the food was wrapped for takeaway. All of them were heading to Seulgi’s office after their lunch. It wasn’t a long drive, only around fifteen minutes and when they arrived, there is this woman walking up to Seulgi’s car. The woman was so pretty. She has shoulder-length blonde hair, a sweet smile, pretty baby blue eyes and Joohyun was sure she’s not a pure Korean lady.

“Miss Kang, welcome back.” The woman greeted politely, smiling at her.

Seulgi only nods her head at her without saying anything and then hands the woman her suitcase. In that short moment Joohyun was paying attention to their interaction. Seulgi’s stare at that woman looked warm and for whatever reason, Joohyun felt her heart ache. What is this feeling…?

“Joohyun, Yerim, come inside.”

Yerim doesn’t even think twice to run into Seulgi’s arms and Seulgi willingly picking her up, then walks into the building. Joohyun was too late to prevent her daughter so she just let her be and follows them from behind. They stopped in front of a single door, Seulgi turns around, eyeing the person behind Joohyun. The soon-to-be single mother was a bit startled seeing the pretty woman was following them all along.

“Seungwan, please keep her company while I talk to our client.” Seulgi said to the beautiful woman whose name is ‘Seungwan’. She then sets Yerim down and crouch to her level. “Can you be a good girl and stay with this aunty?”

Yerim frowns. “Why? Are you going somewhere with Mama?”

The little girl’s mother then mimicked Seulgi, crouching down in front of her daughter. “No, baby. I’m just going to talk for a bit. Be a good

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You know, I'm starting to confuse myself about time placement in this story. I apologize if it confuses you too, I'll try to recheck the recent few chapters and fix all the timing I put in the story.


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missyJung #1
Chapter 15: Author where are you 😢
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
hope u doing great author nim
Soshi2122 #3
I hope you can update soon, Author🥹
AQMalaysian #4
Chapter 15: Please update author nimm🥹
Authornim. I miss your story. Are okay?
chabelo-sama #6
Chapter 15: Thanks for chapter
Chapter 15: This chapter so cute. It feels like they are highschool girls who are so deep in love with each other. Btw, why is 8th Dec is a special day? Is your birthday on 8th Dec authornim? ☺️
1059 streak #8
Chapter 15: thankyouu for the update author!
Yoonchoding07 #9
Chapter 15: I would agree with the rest in saying that we need somebody to tip the balance and have someone pinning for Seulgi. Maybe either one of these girls: Jisoo, Krystal, Sunmi or Tzuyu... we know in reality the list goes on, but I think having that person swooning for Seulgi and treating her how she should be treated would open Joohyun's eyes.. excited to see how the next chapter unfolds.

thanks for the update authornim!
holeinthewall #10
Chapter 14: so when is seulgi gonna stop being stupid here? give krystal