What is Love?
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When Seulgi woke up, it was because she feels something on her thighs. She opens her eyes slowly and was met with a sight of her little angel crawling up to sit on her thighs. She turned to the other side, the weight that’s been weighing her the whole night yet Seulgi didn’t mind it one bit and there… She found the love of her life, Joohyun, who’s still sleeping so peacefully in her embrace.

This got to be the best thing Seulgi ever wake up to.

Speaking of waking up…she wonders what time is it now.

Her eyes shot open, suddenly very awake.

! What time is it now?!

She pulls up one of her wrists that’s still circling around Joohyun’s body, to check the time and she was quick to let out a relieved sigh when it’s only six in the morning. She couldn’t believe she was so panicked about being late to work and was actually ready to jump off the couch with both Joohyun and her daughter attached to her.

“Good morning, Bear Aunty!”

Seulgi’s eyes darted to the little girl on her lap, she smiles sweetly then run one of her hands to Yerim’s bed hair. “Good morning to you as well, little angel.”

Yerim felt giddy being called that way, along with Seulgi’s smile that always makes her want to smile even wider than she already is. Seulgi always makes Yerim want to hug her, besides Seulgi’s hugs are always so warm and comfy.

They spend around ten minutes just laying together like that on the couch. Joohyun hasn’t moved, neither did her daughter. Unfortunately, as much as Seulgi would like to do this for the rest of the day, she still need to go to prepare for work. Besides, she is also in an immediate need to go to the bathroom.

So, she asked Yerim to get off her lap with a promise of cooking her breakfast.

Yerim agreed and was quick to grab the TV remote, going through her favorite kids’ channels. Meanwhile, Seulgi maneuvered carefully, trying to not wake the single mom in her arm and also tries to lift her up in bridal style. She wanted Joohyun to sleep more comfortably in her own bed. She also didn’t forget to put the blanket over Joohyun’s small figure before leaving the room to fulfill her promise for little Yerim.

Seulgi was an all-rounder if only she can cook as well as her mother. Unfortunately, she didn’t have that same talent but even so, she had been taking a few lessons in her spare time from Seungwan. Seungwan is a great cook. She knows it and she love doing it. She used to cook for Seulgi whenever she caught her eating takeout for a whole week. Seulgi felt bad that Seungwan had to look for her, so she asked her to teach her how to cook.

It wasn’t anything fancy, of course. There’s only so much Seulgi can take on the lessons.

She planned on taking more lessons just to impress her Joohyun.

But for now, she’s got to use what she got to impress the daughter first.

Even though it’s only as simple as an omelet.

To her credit, the omelet she made Yerim tasted good enough that the little girl was smiling as she eats her breakfast. “You like it?” Seulgi asked, curious if Yerim has things to say about her cooking. As far as she knows, Yerim didn’t know about Seulgi’s lack of cooking skill.

Yerim hums, then nods her head. She then gives Seulgi a thumb up.

The older girl grins.

I’m totally gonna learn more about cooking.

Once they’re done with the breakfast, Seulgi asked little Yerim to go take her shower. She asked Seulgi if she will be the one taking Yerim to school today. Seulgi said yes, but only if she goes to the bathroom soon and take her shower. The huge smile Yerim sporting makes Seulgi want to smile just as big.

Seulgi clean up everything on the table, not forgetting to put aside Joohyun’s portion of the omelet. She hoped Joohyun liked it, it may not be the best but it’s got a thumb up from her daughter, so it better be good enough to eat.

Finished with cleaning up, she then stopped by Joohyun’s room. The single-mom was still laying in her bed, sleeping like a baby. Seulgi couldn’t seem to put off the smile on her face. There was this fluttery feeling in her chest that sees how everything played out since last night and up until this morning.

How Joohyun waited for her to come over, how they fell asleep together on the couch, how Seulgi cooked for Joohyun’s daughter in the morning, and now she’s about to take the little girl to school before heading to the office. Everything feels so domestic already, as if Seulgi is actually living here with Joohyun and Yerim, as a part of their little family.

Yet somewhere at the back of her mind, reminded her that they’re not exactly a family.

They are, in a way, but she still can’t hide the fact that Joohyun is still vague when it comes to her feelings for Seulgi. Maybe she’s still confused, or maybe afraid—or maybe both. All Seulgi knows is that she can only take everything for granted now. She will take what Joohyun can give, without pushing her into giving more. Even though, yes, of course, Seulgi wanted more.

But she still can’t be selfish like that.

Seulgi woke up from her early morning trance when she heard Yerim whispered, “Mommy.” From her bedroom door. It almost alarmed Seulgi when Yerim calls her with that name again. But Joohyun was still asleep, meaning she must’ve not heard it. She made a mental note to have a private conversation about Yerim addressing her as her other mom.

Seulgi turned to Yerim, she was wearing a small towel around her tiny body, and Seulgi thought she looked so cute like that. “You need help putting on your clothes?” She asked.

“I can’t find my uniform.”

“Oh… Um,” Seulgi walked over to Yerim’s room, entering it to help look for the girl’s uniform. “It’s the blue one with a blouse, right?” She asked, unsure if that’s the only uniform Yerim has for school. As far as Seulgi remembered, there’s gotta be at least three different uniforms but Seulgi had only seen Yerim in a blue uniform.

To her dismay, Yerim shook her head. “It’s grey.”

“Grey? Alright, noted. Wait, I’ll… Oh, here it is!” Seulgi grins, proud of herself for finding it so quickly. She was almost nervous for some reason that she wouldn’t be able to find it.

The uniform was hung on the back of Yerim’s closet. It’s clear that Joohyun had prepared the uniform last night and it may be something so small, but Seulgi loves seeing that motherly side of her.

Seulgi helped Yerim putting on her uniform, making sure she has all her books she needed for today and then told her to wait on the couch. Seulgi went for the bathroom, having a really quick wash. She frowned a bit seeing the wrinkles in her shirt due to her sleeping position last night. However, she didn’t dwell much on it because she needs to take Yerim to school soon. Besides, she can change later in the office with some of her spare clothes she’s keeping there.

Before leaving the apartment, Seulgi came by Joohyun’s room again.

This time, she’s not only standing by the door. She walked inside and leave a kiss on Joohyun’s forehead. She also did not forget to leave a small note on the table, right next to a plate of omelet she prepared for her. Just so Joohyun wouldn’t freak out when she wakes up and not find Yerim nor Seulgi around.

Seulgi sighed in relief when she arrived at Yerim’s school and did not come late.

“Alright, there you go.” She grins, half proud of herself and another half because Yerim looked so cute in this uniform other than the blue one. “Learn well, be good and have fun, okay?”

Yerim nods, but refused to move further into the building.

Instead, she gestured Seulgi to bend to her level.

“What?” Seulgi kneeled and once she’s low enough, Yerim stepped closer then plant a kiss on Seulgi’s cheek. “Oh…” That was quite unexpected. Seulgi almost didn’t know how to react to that. Should she say ‘Thank you’?

“Now, your turn.” Yerim pointed at her own cheek.

Oh, now it’s my turn.

Seulgi got the idea and then gives Yerim a small kiss on the cheek. She can see how Yerim blushes a little when she did it. Seulgi thought that’s really cute. It made Yerim look more like her mother when she’s flustered.

“Me and Mama always do that if she’s taking me to school.”

So, it’s their thing… And then there’s that feeling again. Does that mean, it’s our thing too, now?

Her thoughts dispersed when Yerim thanked Seulgi for taking her to school and then she took a run for the main door—Seulgi had to shout to her to stop running, worried that she will stumble on something, or her own feet. The girl listened and stopped running, making Seulgi grin even wider. Yerim listens to her so well.

She made sure Yerim walked inside the building and waited for a good five minutes before heading to her next destination. When she arrived at the office, she was greeted first by a text message from her one and only love of her life, Joohyun. It started with a protest because Seulgi didn’t wake her up that morning but then followed by a gratitude for taking care of her daughter, took her to school and even made breakfast enough for Joohyun as well.

Seulgi’s reply was only, “You owe me one, Joohyun.” With a teasing emoji at the end.

We all know she was never serious about Joohyun owing anything.

Seulgi was about to clear her recent used apps on the phone when she noticed that her camera was recently used. She frowns, it was odd because she didn’t remember ever pulling out her phone and open the camera app at all the other day. She was too busy to capture anything on her phone anyway.

She wondered if she purposely took a photo of Joohyun last night, but she was sure she didn’t.

Curious, she opens up her gallery and there, Seulgi was greeted by a photo.

A photo of her and Joohyun, sleeping and cuddling on the sofa.

A smile played on her lips. She has an idea who took the photo. It had to be Yerim, and that’s when things started to fall into place. The weight on her thighs, the slight tickling feeling she felt this morning before she wakes up and finding Yerim already on her lap. The little angel must’ve tried to put Seulgi’s phone back into her pocket.

Seulgi feels great, simply because of how eventful her morning has been.

It must be good if this can be a daily regular thing.

However, Seulgi still need to go back to her real life and now she has to do her work as a lawyer. She’s still wasn’t done with the client from yesterday, the one who held her back at the office for hours. As much as Seulgi didn’t like her, she already agreed to help her by taking her case. Seulgi wasn’t really aware that this client can be such a hassle to deal with. Not until yesterday and this afternoon.

Seulgi had to move two appointments to a latter hour, all because of this one annoying client. When she finally had a bit of time to spare, she used it to make a call for Joohyun. She was feeling a bit too stressed now that she thinks hearing Joohyun’s or Yerim’s voice will help her think more clearly.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Seulgi greeted. Mentally surprised at her newfound confident.

There was a short pause before the other line respond to her. “Yah, you…” She can tell it took Joohyun by surprise. Then she heard a sigh. “Why are you calling? Everything okay?”

“I miss you.”

Joohyun scoffed, “Isn’t it too much? We literally just met last night.” She can see Joohyun rolling her eyes. “You even slept here with me on the couch.”

Seulgi couldn’t help but smile.

It’s just the way Joohyun mentioned the fact that she stayed the night, gives some kind of giddy feeling to it. She can also tell that Joohyun was smiling when she said it, despite her eye rolls.

“Right, true…” Seulgi tries to not let it show. “Anyway, where’s Yerimmie?”

“Yerim was—” As if on cue, Seulgi heard Yerim’s high pitch voice. “Mama, I wanna talk to Bear!”

“Hyun, give the phone to her, please.”

“Bear Auntie!”

Hearing that nickname never fails to put a bigger smile on Seulgi’s face.

The two then continued to chat for a few minutes. Seulgi asked if the little girl already ate or not. Then continued on with Yerim telling Seulgi nearly everything that happened today at school. She even told Seulgi that some of her classmates saw her coming to school in a car and with someone they never seen before. She told them that Seulgi’s name is ‘Bear’ and that Seulgi’s hug is so warm and she’s also so nice and always make her and her Mama smile.

Seulgi was unable to stop smiling hearing her stories and how she’s picturing Seulgi.

It’s clear how much Yerim adored Seulgi now.

Their conversation ends because Seulgi’s time is almost up, so she asked Yerim to pass the phone back to her Mama.

“Are you really done now? I swear she enjoyed talking to you too much.” Joohyun admitted, but then again, Joohyun couldn’t blame her daughter either. It’s Kang Seulgi. “Anyways, it’s my turn to ask. Have you eaten? I’m guessing, right now you’re using your spare time to make this call.”

Seulgi smirked, liking the fact that despite being separated for so many years, Joohyun still knows her best.

“Wow, did you have a copy of my schedule?” She joked. “I haven’t eaten but I guess I’ll get some takeout…if I have the time.”

“No, Seulgi, if you don’t have the time, then make time.” The older woman said, tone indicating that she’s not open for discussion nor argumentation. “You work so much, so you can’t miss a meal. I can’t believe you haven’t really changed from back then, Seul.”

Surely, being told off is not fun, but Seulgi finds herself enjoying Joohyun telling her off that she should look after herself better and not miss a meal whilst working so many hours. Seulgi liked the attention, the fact that Joohyun cares for her, makes her happy. No, she knows Joohyun cares, but to witness it show is totally a different feeling for Seulgi.

“Seulgi, are you listening?”

Seulgi grins. “I am, I am.”

“Yeah? What did I just tell you?”

“I work a lot and I need to make time to eat.”

There was a small pause before Joohyun talks again. “Good then.”

“Would you rather have me changed?”


“Would you rather I changed?” Seulgi can see the gears in Joohyun’s head turning. “You said I haven’t really changed from back then, so I wonder if you’d rather have a different me.” Seulgi wasn’t exactly being critical. She knew the answer, she knew Joohyun would rather have this Seulgi, the old Seulgi who would always be there for her no matter what.

And she was right. “No,” Joohyun sighs. “I’d rather you fix some of your bad habits, Seul.”

She gives another pause.

“You don’t ha

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You know, I'm starting to confuse myself about time placement in this story. I apologize if it confuses you too, I'll try to recheck the recent few chapters and fix all the timing I put in the story.


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missyJung #1
Chapter 15: Author where are you 😢
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
hope u doing great author nim
Soshi2122 #3
I hope you can update soon, Author🥹
AQMalaysian #4
Chapter 15: Please update author nimm🥹
Authornim. I miss your story. Are okay?
chabelo-sama #6
Chapter 15: Thanks for chapter
Chapter 15: This chapter so cute. It feels like they are highschool girls who are so deep in love with each other. Btw, why is 8th Dec is a special day? Is your birthday on 8th Dec authornim? ☺️
1059 streak #8
Chapter 15: thankyouu for the update author!
Yoonchoding07 #9
Chapter 15: I would agree with the rest in saying that we need somebody to tip the balance and have someone pinning for Seulgi. Maybe either one of these girls: Jisoo, Krystal, Sunmi or Tzuyu... we know in reality the list goes on, but I think having that person swooning for Seulgi and treating her how she should be treated would open Joohyun's eyes.. excited to see how the next chapter unfolds.

thanks for the update authornim!
holeinthewall #10
Chapter 14: so when is seulgi gonna stop being stupid here? give krystal