

Chanyeol is an experiment gone wrong. Baekhyun is curious and not as scared as everyone advises him to be - or so he thinks. It's entirely Minseok's fault, though, that Baekhyun ends up in the middle of the desert with a flat tire and no living soul in sight. 


So my dear friend Tripping-Panda made me this poster to inspire me ^o^ I can tell you I am VERY inspired hahaha <3 I love the song Oasis, and wow this poster is just beautiful! <3 and then I was chatting with my other darling friend BaekyeolMcFluff about roadtrips and other chanbaek AUs and then this happened in my head ^^' 

I hope you'll enjoy reading this! <3 don't be afraid to let me know what you think! <3 


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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 1: I'm reading your "Awakening" story - hopefully you will find time and inspiration to finish this one too - has an interesting start!!
Avery-Tane #2
Chapter 1: I just hope you will be able to update it, it is a really fascinating story, I just simply love it! <3
Chapter 1: The cover looks cool
Chapter 1: Rereading this chapter again :3
OMG! I became obsessed with EXO song Oasis. And now there is a fic about it. I'm dead! Thank youuuuu ^^
Chapter 1: uber cute & well written, all i need tbh
Chapter 1: I'm already into this!!!
And gosh Chanyeol is so freaking adorable I wanna squish him UWU
Chapter 1: somehow i'm already into the plot and it's only the first chapter
yeol is so cute, the way he just ramble so much lol
i'm looking forward to this <3
Chapter 1: Oh gosh (♥ω♥) I'm only a few paragraphs in and I already love this! Chanyeol running next to Baekhyun's car is so adgjlljfdsa!!!

Aww (⌒_⌒;) I hope everything is ok with Minseok and Jongdae

Lol (>ヮ<) baekhyun reading how to pages cracked me up

*drools all over the floor* ヽ( ´¬`)ノ I love the way you always describe Chanyeol!!!

Asfhjlkgdsgjk (/♥ω♥)/ they are so cute and awkward with each other!!

Oh no (/⊙o⊙\) How is Baekhyun going to respond to Chanyeol saying that?!?! Ahh, I'm so excited for more!!!! ( •ヮ• )-❤