Watching Baekhyun's office


Baekhyun is home late (very late, to Chanyeol's worried hybrid mind), but he has a nice surprise; Chanyeol will now be allowed to come to work with him. 


I don't know what's wrong with me, but I wanted more hybrid Chanyeol and owner Baekhyun so here I wrote this. And this was supposed to be a drabble or a short one-shot, but I think I'll write on this more. I don't think it will become a very long story though and the chapters will be short ^^ but they'll be fluffy, though I'm a bit of a er for so you could be prepared for that as well ^^ 

I hope you'll like it! <3 And don't forget to let me know what you think ^o^


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Chapter 4: Soft Chanyeollie is making my heart uwu
bobohu56 #2
Chapter 4: This is so cute ???
Luc4sLuke #3
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is so adorable in this story...
Chapter 4: Adfhkljdss ( ♥ω♥) I love that Chanyeol wanted to sit close enough for Baekhyun to pet him! So adorable!!!

Haha (⌒ヮ⌒;) Sehun being a little brat is so perfect

Aww (♥ヮ♥) they are so cute! I hope that Baekhyun saying something doesn't make Sehun act worse (⌒ヮ⌒;)
Chapter 4: Of course it has to be Sehun!
And Baekhyun is so... So sweet and caring it's making my heart melt UWU
Yeollie is such a sweetheart T.T
BabyEri #6
Chapter 4: Chanyeol is so cute! I think Sehun has a crush on him?
Chapter 4: I wonder what sehun wants
Chapter 4: Thank you for updating, im glad you did! Kinda missed this fic ♥️
Chapter 3: I'm missing you author :(
Hope you are doing well <3
Chapter 3: OMG Baek called him 'little' !
Wait till you see him in his first heat
Oh and I knew that the tall man was Krease!