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Not For Sale
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“You are getting along well.”

We are back home again. I wonder if my mother will be updating me on the prospects of our engagement and her discussions with the Kims about it after every meeting we have. This is the second time she’s done so after the two that have taken place since the dinner. Today, we went to a golf course.

I find the extent to which I live the life of a chaebol kid in an overdone high school drama has intensified ever since the start of this ordeal. A marriage interview, an unreasonably priced and sized gourmet dinner, and golfing? It feels kind of shameful.

Of course, Jongin always appears in his element. His element is wherever he goes. He makes wherever he goes his element. It's fascinating, and to say I am jealous would be an understatement. I wonder if he gives out element-making tutorials.

Ah, tangents. They only make their appearance when I am tired. Which is pretty often. I guess my brain functions by going off on tangents at this point. It’s a stress mechanism. Golfing was a bit of a strain. I pat myself on the back for not collapsing on the field.

“Is that so,” I mumble as soon as I remember my mother still hovering around in the thirty seconds of bull that overtook my capacity to think.

Extended pauses are common in conversations with me, so, again with that selective patience of

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Chapter 11: Hi! I hope you’re still around on AFF. I had finished rereading your other story, Where The Line Ends, and saw you had another story and an arranged marriage at that and I was was in! I hope you come back to finish it one day. You really have a gifted way of telling a story
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 11: I really like this story. The chemistry of MC and her friends and Jongin’s friends were good. I guess Jongin was just jealous? That’s just my guess though. I’d love to read more on the friends’ banters more. I don’t know if you’ll continue writing this story but it’ll be a shame not to. This is a good writing. Whether you decided to continue writing this story or not, I’d like to thank you for sharing this story here on AFF...!
1882 streak #3
Chapter 2: Loving this lot!!
Ode2kdrama #4
Chapter 11: Liking the drift of the story.
Archon #5
Chapter 10: I wonder what Kai's problem is
Chapter 8: I love this so much!!! It's so well written and interesting!! Happy new year!
Archon #7
Chapter 8: Ha! Trapped! This story should be getting more attention.
Chapter 2: I like the flow of the story!!! <3 I'll be waiting for the next updates!!!
Archon #9
Chapter 2: Liking it so far