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“So, how does Jongin appear at school to you?”

I was playing with the minuscule serving of noodles around my fork. Still entranced by the way they slide right off the metal—how do you eat this—I look up across at Jongin’s parents. Their son is, of course, sitting right in front of me, also with his head facing down at his plate. His stare seems to hold a little more… intensity, though.

“Sorry?” I ask.

Unlike my mother’s tight line of a smile that emits displeasure through and through, the other couple's chuckles at my inattentiveness sound genuinely amused. I retrace whatever had entered my ear just a few seconds ago.

“Oh! Yes, Jongin is… quite pleasant at school.” The lie slips off my tongue easily.

The boy glances up at me, eyebrows just a bit furrowed. His parents lean in a centimeter, encouraging me to go on about their son, despite his very much substantial presence at our table. My eyes flicker to him, asking an unspoken question. Somehow he understands and shrugs in what appears to be an affirmative manner. He’s probably also curious to find out what I have to say about him, given our limited if not zero interactions aside from obligatory greetings.

“He has many friends and followers.”

I breathe back in “and a loving girlfriend” before it can escape and lead to such-and-such consequences.

“Always smiling when I see him.”

A lie. Sometimes his face drops when the attention isn’t on him, which is rare, but

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Chapter 11: Hi! I hope you’re still around on AFF. I had finished rereading your other story, Where The Line Ends, and saw you had another story and an arranged marriage at that and I was was in! I hope you come back to finish it one day. You really have a gifted way of telling a story
AiiSoo #2
Chapter 11: I really like this story. The chemistry of MC and her friends and Jongin’s friends were good. I guess Jongin was just jealous? That’s just my guess though. I’d love to read more on the friends’ banters more. I don’t know if you’ll continue writing this story but it’ll be a shame not to. This is a good writing. Whether you decided to continue writing this story or not, I’d like to thank you for sharing this story here on AFF...!
1882 streak #3
Chapter 2: Loving this lot!!
Ode2kdrama #4
Chapter 11: Liking the drift of the story.
Archon #5
Chapter 10: I wonder what Kai's problem is
Chapter 8: I love this so much!!! It's so well written and interesting!! Happy new year!
Archon #7
Chapter 8: Ha! Trapped! This story should be getting more attention.
Chapter 2: I like the flow of the story!!! <3 I'll be waiting for the next updates!!!
Archon #9
Chapter 2: Liking it so far