Two of a Kind
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Suji’s phone rang as she was in the subway coming home form work. She looked and it was Sehun who was calling her. He didn’t really call her because he was busy all week but he always texted her when he was free. Suji picked up wondering what he wanted from her.

“Hello.” Suji said.

“Just a hello, no name or how am I doing?” Sehun asked.

“How are you doing?” Suji asked.

“I’m doing well but that’s not the topic of this conversation.” Sehun said.

“And what is the topic then?” Suji asked.

“I’m meeting some of my friends later at a drinking lounge. They wanted me to invite you.” Sehun said.


Suji tried to get off the subway but her bag got caught on an old lady’s cart. Suji unhooked the strap from the cart and got off. She placed her phone by her ear and all she heard was Sehun yelling.

“What?” Suji asked.

“Why didn’t you answer me. Are you alright?” Sehun said.

“I was getting off the subway when my backpack strap got caught on an old lady’s cart.” Suji said.

“I thought you were hurt.” Sehun said.

Suji walked up the stairs to the exit and she could see her apartment down the block. She walked as she talked to Sehun.

“I’m perfectly fine.” Suji said.

“What you said earlier, I’m not…”

“You’re not busy, it’s a friday night and you can sleep in the next day.” Sehun said.

“I was going to say I don’t want to come.” Suji said.

“Great. I’ll see you there at 8 pm.” Sehun said.

“Did you not hear what…”

“I haven’t seen you in two weeks, we should hang out.” Sehun said.

“Sure, I guess. Do I have to dress up?” Suji asked.

“What do you think I will be wearing? Let's see if we match again.” Sehun said.

Suji rolled her eyes, she did not want to match her outfit with his again. This time she was going to make sure they were not wearing the same color or things.

“Fine, what time should I be there?” Suji asked.

“I was going to pick you up but I’m leaving straight from work. It’s not that far from where you live too. It’s called the Marquette lounge.” Sehun said.

“That’s a 15 minute drive by taxi.” Suji said.

“I’ll drop you home after.” Sehun said.

“What if I don’t come?” Suji said.

“I’ll be outside your apartment making noise.” Sehun said.

“Fine. I’ll be there.” Suji said.

“Don’t be late, I’m expecting you to be there on time.” Sehun said.

“See you then.” Suji said.

“Later.” Sehun said.

Suji made it to the outside of her apartment and greeted the security guard before getting on the elevator. She got off on her floor and walked to her door, she got inside and threw her backpack on the sofa and went straight to her bed. She threw herself on her bed and laid there for a few minutes. She turned her head and looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was already 4:30 pm and she had to get ready to go meet Sehun and his friends at 8pm. Suji thought it would be good to take a nap but she knew she was not going to wake up on time to get ready. Suji got up from her bed and went to the other room to pick out an outfit. As she opened all the closet doors, there was nothing fancy enough and she didn’t want to wear a suit because she might match with Sehun. Then it hit her, she ran towards her backpack and dialed up Hana who answered.

“Hi Suji.” Hana said.

“I need some clothes.” Suji said.

“What kind?” Hana asked.

“Are you home?” Suji asked.

“I worked from home today.” Hana said.

“I’ll tell you when I get there.” Suji said,

“Want anything to eat?” Hana asked.

“Pizza please.” Suji said.

“It'll be here when you get here.” Hana said.

“See you later.” Suji said.

“I can’t wait. Bye.” Hana said.

Sehun walked into the lounge and up the stairs towards the private rooms. He opened the door and looked around to only see his friends. 

“Hey, you made it.” Suho said.

“She’s not here yet?” Sehun asked.

“No, it’s just a room full of guys.” Baekhyun said.

There was laughter around the room and Sehun took out his phone. He dialed Suji and waited, he heard her ringtone coming from down the hall and he turned his head towards the end of the hall. Suji was running up the stairs and she stopped to fix her hair. She grabbed her phone and tried to remain calm.

“Hello.” Suji said.

“Look up.” Sehun said.

Suji looked up and there Sehun was, in the same color she was in. Suji mentally sighed, the color of her dress was a dark green and Sehun was also in the same shade of color as her. Sehun laughed out loud and that made everyone in the room rush out to look at the view. Suji saw many men come running out of the room and her eyes caught one person. She pointed towards Suho and then looked at Sehun.

“You’re friends with Suho, the actor!” Suji yelled.

This caused Sehun to laugh and everyone to look at Suho who took a few steps towards her. Suho reached out his hand to Suji who shook his hand. She couldn’t look up at him in the eyes directly. 

“I’m a huge fan of yours. I watched all of your dramas from star of the universe to how you are bread.” Suji said.

Suho smiled at her and Suji felt like she was about to explode from happiness. She thought to herself that if she died in this moment there was nothing she regrets.

“Suji!” Sehun yelled. 

Suji snapped out from her thoughts and saw that Sehun was by her side fixing one of the hair pins that was loose.

“Shall we go inside now.” Suho said.

Everyone gathered back into the room while Suji watched Suho walk back into the room. Sehun turned her face towards him and smiled.

“I didn’t know you were a fan of Suho’s?” Sehun said.

“I love that man.” Suji blurted out.

Sehun chuckled and took her coat from her and eyed her outfit as Suji was lost in her mind somewhere. The dress was off the shoulders with puffy see through sleeves. It came to her mid thigh and it was not too tight or loose. Sehun acknowledged that she had a good figure and saw how she was even wearing heels too. He looked back at her and she was fixing her hair. Sehun grabbed her hands and put them down.

“Are you going to keep making your hair even more messy.” Sehun asked.

“Does it look good? My friend lended me everything I’m wearing.” Suji said.

“You look good and we match too.” Sehun said.

“I went with green because I thought you were going to wear red.” Suji said.

“I was thinking about wearing red but then I was like you might not wear it and choose this green color.” Sehun said.

“Should have gone with red.” Suji said.

“Are we going to stand here all night or are we going inside?” Sehun said.

“Let’s go inside then.” Suji said.

Sehun walked in front of her and they walked inside into the room. Everyone had a drink on them and some were standing or sitting. Everyone seemed to not care about them and that made Suji feel a bit out of her space. Suji peeked out from behind Sehun and he pulled her up to his side.

“This is Lee Suji. My new friend.” Sehun said.

Everyone cheered and Suji bowed her head to greet them. Sehun led the way to the u-shaped sofa and Suji sat in the middle next to Sehun. She could feel all their stares at her but she couldn’t help but look towards Suho. Sehun proceeded to introduce her to all his friends and Suji tried to remember their names. The only person she could remember was Baekhyun because he was loud and Kai because he was sitting next to her.

“Do you want a drink?” Kai asked.

“Sure.” Suji said.

“What do you wa

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