Two of a Kind
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The taxi pulled up to the front of Seoul Star Hotel, Suji leaned forward and handed the driver the cash before exiting. She bent forward a bit and pulled the end of her dress down, making sure it was above her knees. As she stood up, she felt the dress shift up a little. She groaned in annoyance and took the first step into the lobby area. Suji felt her feet hurting as she walked but kept her calm. She boarded the elevator along with two other people and clicked on the third floor. She waited and soon enough the elevator stopped on the third floor and she got off.

“Hello, welcome to Wine Yard Restaurant.” She said.

Suji walked towards the counter and placed her bag on the top.

“Hello, table for one?” She asked.

“Um... I reserved a table under the name Lee Suji.” Suji said.

“Oh, there was a call to upgrade it. We have your reservation in VIP room 005.” She said.

“Who upgraded?” Suji asked.

“Our President Oh Sehun.” She said.

Suji mentally cursed Hana, who forgot she picked a place owned by Oh Sehun which he bought a few weeks ago. She was going to get back at Hana for doing that. Suji smiled and bowed her head to the receptionist.

“Where is…”

“I will have a server lead you there Ms. Lee.” She said.

“Thank you,” Suji said.

Suji mentally cursed herself again, she should have done some research before coming. Instead, Hana told her not to research him because that will only make things complicated for her. Her sole mission was to make Oh Sehun ask for another date and Suji was not so sure anymore since he had upgraded their table to a VIP room. That was mistake number one and she knew the points would keep adding up tonight. A few seconds later a server came towards them and bowed to Suji gesturing her to follow him. She followed him towards the back of the table to a hallway with many doors. They stopped at the fifth door and Suji took a deep breath as the server opened the door. Instead, they were greeted by a table and two servers who were setting up the table.

“I’m sorry, we were in the middle of preparations before your arrival.” He said.

“It’s alright, I came too early,” Suji said.

“Well come in and have a seat, what would you like to drink as you wait?” He asked.

“Just water, maybe wine later,” Suji said.

“Alright.” He said.

Suji walked towards the table, there were four seats. The walls all hung up either a painting or a mirror, it was decorated really well. She placed her bag on the seat and turned to the two servers.

“Where is the bathroom?” Suji asked.

“It’s is by the entrance, would you like me to take you there?” She asked.

“That would be nice,” Suji said.

Suji followed the female worker out the door and down the hall a bit more and there were signs for the restroom. Suji saw the bathroom and thanked her before entering. Suji walked into the bathroom and into the first stall she saw. She sat down and did her business, she came out shortly afterward. She washed her hands and then looked at her reflection. Her curls were beginning to look dead but thankfully they covered her bare shoulders. Suji wore Hana’s dress that was off the shoulder and it had a short length that was above her knees. What she liked about it would be the royal blue color. She did a full 360 turn and checked herself to see if there was anything out of the order. She stared at herself and did a fist pump.

“You got this!” Suji cheered.

Suji realized that made her dress rise up and she quickly pulled her dress down. She exited the bathroom and walked back to the door. She took a deep breath while closing her eyes. She opened it slowly and peeked in, she felt her heart almost popped out. He sat there with his crisp black suit, platinum blond hair combed back, chiseled jawline, and eyes focused on the menu. Suji just wanted to walk out of there but she had left Hana’s purse there and also Hana’s job was on the line. So she let out a small sigh and placed a smile on her face as she approached the table. Suji sat down in front of him and he didn’t look up at her, she grabbed the menu and looked at it. A few more seconds of silence as they looked at the menu. Suji felt so awkward and tried to act like it was not. A waiter came into the room and Suji looked up, he greeted them with a smile.

“What would you like to order?” He asked.

“Steak with fries and an extra side of fries.” They both said.

Suji looked towards Sehun who smiled at her. The waiter let out a chuckle and they looked at him.

“What kind of drink?” He asked.

“Red wine,” Sehun said.

The waiter looked at Suji and she nodded her head.

“Red wine for me also,” Suji said.

“Alright, anything else before I go?” He asked.

“Can I get a few lemon slices for my water,” Suji said.

“I’ll be right back then.” He said.

The waiter left and Suji turned to face Sehun who was smiling at her, she felt so uncomfortable. He lifted his glass of water and took a sip. He placed it down and crossed his legs as he leaned back a little bit. Suji tried to avoid his gaze as she looked around the room.

“The results were right,” Sehun said.

Suji turned to look at him and thought why was the first thing he said would be about the result. There are many things you could say like hello and introducing yourself. Instead, she leaned closer to the table and acted lost.

“What results?” Suji asked.

“From Love Co,” Sehun said.

Suji felt like it was only right to get back at him a bit for acting a bit rude to her.

“So you don’t believe in love either,” Suji said.

“Same,” Sehun said.

He lifted the glass of water and took a sip and placed it back down. Suji didn’t know what was wrong with him, he seemed like he was abnormal.

“Don’t tell me you also wrote that down,” Suji said.

“I did.” Sehun chuckled.

It got Suji wondering what else they had in common because Hana would not let her look at the file.

“What else did we have in common?” Suji asked.

“You didn’t look at it. I’m hurt.” Sehun said.

“I was too busy these past few weeks,” Suji said.

Sehun looked at her like he didn’t believe her and Suji started to feel like she wanted to go home.

“We are 98% compatible. The only difference was what we do in life, how much money we make, our genders and age.” Sehun said.

“How old are you?” Suji asked.

“I’m 32, you’re 24. Are you alright with the ?” Sehun asked.

“What if I’m not?” Suji said.

“You’ll be after this date.” Sehun chuckled.

Suji felt kind of creeped out when he said that but at least he was indirectly asking for another date which is good. Suji was about to speak when the door opened and the waiter returned with a dish of lemon slices and placed it down on the table along with the bottle of wine.

“You’re food will be ready shortly.” He said.

“Thank you.” They both said.

The waiter chuckled again and left, Suji grabbed a slice of lemon and placed it in her glass cup. She took a sip to calm her nerves and turned back to look at Sehun.

“You didn’t have to say thank you,” Suji said.

“You’re a really tough nutshell just like me,” Sehun said.

At this point, Suji could not hold herself back anymore. She wanted to clear things up and leave right away and never see this man again.

“Why did you have to meet me? They told me there was another woman who had a 90% match. She was much better than me.” Suji said.

“98 is closer to 100 and also I don’t like someone because of their looks. Just like you.” Sehun said.

“Can you stop doing the “just like you”. It’s very annoying.” Suji said.

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