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Soft melody orginating from the crystal grand piano filled the spacious room. The woman behind those melodious sound, dressed in a white chiffon dress look like an angel fiddling effortlessly however still managing to produce such wonderful tunes. The rest of the venue fit well with such angelic themed and Jungkook can't help but stared amazed at the building's structure.


The building's topmost floor is in the shape of a dome and have a good distance between the marble floor and ceiling. The dome-shaped ceiling is covered with glass and give a clear view of the evening sky. Ornaments out of crystals and flowers draped on the ceiling and hung gracefully above the heads of the attendants. Every furniture is delicately decorated and white flowers are scattered beautifully. Every thing is perfectly positioned and it is one of the best wedding reception one could possibly asked for.


Jungkook internally praise whoever had organized everything and wished that his wedding can be as nice as this. He makes a mental note to ask his friend, the bride, who the mastermind behind all this is.


Unfortunately, Jungkook's fascination of the decor doesn't last long as his attention soon shifts to other things. His eyes land on the intricate pattern on his best friend's suit. "Are you checking me out?" Taehyung blurts out. Taehyung has always been adventurous with his fashion and often go for something eccentric. Often times, his choice of clothing rendered Jungkook speechlessㅡ not just because of how bizarre it is but for the fact that Taehyung managed to pull off such unusual style.


Jungkook snaps out of his observation and flashes a playful glare to Taehyung who is sitting right beside him. "You kidding me? Who would even spare a second glance on you?" He scoffs and looks around the venue for any sign of the soon-to-be-married couple while shaking his right leg and tapping his right hand at the same timeㅡ a telltale sign that Taehyung had long recognized when Jungkook is being impatient. "It's going to start soon. In fact, they're supposed to go out at thㅡ" Taehyung's words are cut off as the host's voice reverberates across the room, silencing soft murmurs of everyone in the room.


"Oh, you're right. It's starting." Jungkook whispers and shifts to sit properly. Close families of the couple walks in after the host declared so and before the main highlight of the event appear, a short clip of depecting their love story plays on the big screen. Jungkook has his eyes set on the big screen displaying scenes of the couple's sweet moment while Taehyung watch his friend do so.


"Let's welcome the bride and the groom, Ji-eun and Joon-ki!" The host yells, redirecting all the attendants' focus to the door which burst open to let the couple through.


Jungkook claps alongside the others and his eyes follow Jieun who is stunningly dressed in a simple lace wedding dress, clinging onto her soon-to-be husband's arm. The corners of his lips automatically turned up seeing the bright smile plastered on Jieun's face, screaming how she is the happiest human on earth at that moment. Taehyung also clapped and glanced at Jungkook who was staring at the ground.


"Yah, do you really still have some feelings for Jieun-noona?" Taehyung teasingly said and nudged on Jungkook's arm. "Didn't I already tell you that I don't like her and never had? Well, at least not in a romantic way." Taehyung snorted at his friend's reply for he knew that was a whole big, fat lie. Jungkook has always been enchanted by Jieun-noona since he was a small kid. Small Jungkook had even proudly promised in front of his parents that he'll one day marry her.


"Move on, man." Taehyung added and patted Jungkook's hand as a form of encouragement. He didn't remove his hands away and instead tighten the hold, a gesture to Jungkook saying that he was there for him and willing to listen to all of his . "I'm fine, Tae," Jungkook insisted as a response to the caring gesture. Taehyung gave him a pointed look, sure that something was troubling his mind as the melancholy glint in Jungkook's eyes grew.


"It's... nothing, really." Taehyung only caressed his hands withour muttering a word and Jungkook hated(secretly loved) moments like this. His friend just seems to know everything that's going through his mind and often times, his lies didn't get pass through him. It gave him a feeling of vulnerability but also appreciated and cared for.


"She looks very happy. I'm just wondering," Jungkook paused, in a deep breath and softly murmured only for Taehyung to hear, "whether they will be happy too in the future." Took a moment to a deep breath and resumed with a wavering voice, "whether they would end up in a..."


Taehyung had been friends with Jungkook since forever and knew what he was about to say. Jungkook didn't dare to say it out loud scared that he might jinxed itㅡ it wasn't exactly an approriate things to say in a wedding too. Thus, all Taehyung could do is intertwined their fingers together and tightened the grab. He knew at times like this, Jungkook's hands are always trembling violently, as if waiting for anyone to grab it and assures him that everything is going to be okayㅡ for someone to hold onto.


Jungkook appreciate the comforting gesture and flashed an appreciative smile to Taehyung for his presence. His friend had always been there for him and that such instantly made him feel better. "Did your parents fought last night?" The taller asked.


"Mom came home drunk and started screaming at Dad to kill her." Of course, his parents was nearly the cause of every of his miseries.





On one sunny day of July 2006, 9-year old Jungkook came running to a park in his neighbourhood where he knew Taehyung was waiting patiently for him. A stream of tears constantly ran down his plump cheeks and his body shaking, bouncing occasionally as a hiccup came over him. He crashed agaisnt the older's small chest and wet Taehyung's shirt with his sobbing. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" A concerned 11-year old Taehyung asked.

"M-mom and Dad are sh-shouting at each other a-and... and I-I do-don't what to-o do s-so I ran out." Jungkook said with much difficulty. Although Taehyung was also confused at Mr. and Mrs. Jeon actions, he put that aside and prioritized on calming down his friend. "It's okay, I'm sure they're just having a quarrel." Taehyung assured.

"Qw-wuarrel?" Young Jungkook's vocabulary was very limited therefore he couldn't understand what Taehyung was saying about.

"Yup, a quarrel! I learnt that word today at school. It means a fight between people that's usually on good terms. So, don't worry! It's just a small fight..." Then Taehyung drawled on to tell Jungkook the things he learnt that day.













Oh, how Jungkook wished it was just a small quarrel.







"Why didn't you call me or come to my place?" Taehyung softly asked. Growing up with Jungkook, he knew that his friend had developed a fear of loud noises or shouting.


"I want to try and handle it on my own." Jungkook feebly said. Truth is, he was very tempted to drive out of his parent's residence and run into Taehyung's embrace where it's safe and know that the older would never judged any of his stupid acts.


The two isn't anywhere shy of physical contact. Half of the time they are together, their hands are placed rightfully in each other's different body parts. They have come into terms as both of them rely heavily on physical contact to express their feelings.


They have long came into an understanding that others might misunderstood but it isn't going to stop them from being affectionate. They decided to not care of other's opinion of the dynamic of their relationship. As long as they're fine with it, other's can think all they want and no would be given by them. Lingering touches and 'I love you's are often exchanged between the two. They know that it's all platonic.


It comes to such extent that they would think something is wrong with the other if they abruptly refused any physical contact.


"Well, I'm proud of you for handling it on your own but if, it gets too hard you can come to me." Taehyung beamed like a proud parent would for his children's accomplishments. How nice would it be if his parents are at least half child-loving as Taehyung is. They can take notes from him.


Jeongguk briskly indulged himself in Taehyung's praises before snapping back to his bratty self. "You're so sappy." Even though he said that, deep inside he thanked God for giving Taehyung as his friend.


Their dialogue was cut and they went along with the wedding ceremony again. They had a taste a few of the delicacies served that had Taehyung over it and Jeongguk distancing himself from the older because of how embarrassing he was being. The wine collection also amused them and the two had a few good sips.


"Now that my stomach is full, it's time to explore the hotel."  Taehyung's exploration basically consist of taking photos after photos to overload his phone memory. Unfortunately, his phone isn't the only victim, Jeongguk's phone is also. Jeongguk is pretty sure that more than half of the 5000 photos in his phone is of Taehyung.


"Yah, take a photo of me here." And Jeongguk just signed up himself to be Taehyung's official photographer for the rest of the evening. After multiple photos in one location, they moved on to another location and take even more photos.


"Haha, hyung! Your pose is just ridiculous." Jeongguk laughed and almost toppled over with Taehyung's phone in hand.


"You're equally ridiculous. You were doing all this stupid pose just to take pictures." Taehyung retorted. The younger is a friend that would go overboard to take fabulous pictures of you and make sure it looks out of a Vogue magazine. With that being said, he is willing to twist and fold his body in a weird way just to get the right angle. All his sacrifices were probably one of the reasons of Taehyung's almost half a million insta-followers.


All in all, the two are a pair of extra, headasses who do stupid things together 'cause they ain't letting one of them embarrassed their selves alone. People passed by and indiscreetly gave them weird glances but they only care each other's presence and enjoy the moment itself.


The pleasant night quickly comes to an end. "Tae-hyung, I'll be staying in your place for the weekend." Jeongguk informed. He had stayed over at Taehyung's place so many times that it didn't surprise him anymore when he would randomly find Jeongguk splayed over his couch after a long day at his father's company.


They had arrived together to the venue and returned with Taehyung's car. Belted notes of the songs playing from the radio and giggles only for both of them to hear as it fades away with the honking of cars and traffic. The night's cool breeze brushing passed by them as Taehyung drive slightly past the speed limit and drowning in each other's laughters.


"Hyung." Jeongguk whined, making grabby hands as his main source of comfort strips away from his clutches to change into something more comfortable. Jeongguk was already lying down on Taehyung's massive bed dressed in comfy sweats, ready for a night of cuddling with his favourite hyung. Even though he took the clothes from the elder's closer, he wasn't sure that it was Taehyung's. The two stayed over at each other's houses for too many times to count and shared a lot of things that they didn't even bother labelling or claiming which is whose.


He definitely prefered Taehyung's penthouse as he lived alone while he was stuck in his parent's residence.


They cuddled the night away and fell asleep in the middle of watchung a re-run of some weekend drama. 


Both felt contented, lying side by side in each other's embrace with little to zero worries at all. Jeongguk loved their friendship, always working in the same wavelength and wished that things could stayed that way forever.



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Chapter 2: Read the first chapter & I already love this book !! please continue