Flip Side

Sketches: Life is a canvas. Love is paint. We are the artists.

Hello. Once again, thank you to all those who subscribed, commented, and upvoted. Here’s a little gift to everyone. In Seulgi's POV instead. I apologize in advance for any mistakes. I wanted to post quickly and didn’t have time to double check. Anyway, there are bits of references in Seulrene’s Christmas VLIVE and Before series towards the end. I hope you like it!




“What are you thinking?” We are cuddled together in my couch after Joohyun came back. She immediately went for a hug and we didn’t say anything to each other for a while, basking in the heat of each other’s presence.

Of course, I know what she’s thinking. Joohyun’s been staring out far these days whenever she comes back from her Mother’s. They made up despite what happened, however, the same cannot be said in terms of her Father. They haven’t talked for a long time since then.

After a few seconds, Joohyun shifts to face me, “It’s In Sung’s fault.”

I tilted my head to the side, not getting what she meant, “Huh?”

She smiled, “It’s his fault why we’re together but I’m not blaming him.” Oh. She was referring to that drama that In Sung acted on. It was partly the reason why she went to Slovenia. It was also what made her interested in hanging out with me by the sea side simply because I told her the wine scene was shot there.

This caused a mischievous smile to appear on my face as I remembered something. “It’s not his fault! It’s your sense of direction that’s to blame!”

“Oh? But that was- Wait. So, you liked me then?” She asked with a raise of one of her eyebrows.

I scoffed a bit, “Like is too much of a word for what I felt towards you back then.” I playfully slapped her shoulder. “It was more like I find you interesting. Yes, right,” I added while nodding. “I mean it’s not hard to notice you when you passed in front of me for like 5 times while looking like a lost puppy.” I made sure to add a teasing grin after.

This caused the other girl’s eyes to widen, “I did not circle Piran for that much!” I rolled her eyes as I replied, “Joke’s on you! You did! I even thought you were desperately trying to get my attention.” This time I added a wink (that failed miserably) right after.

Oh man. I have yet to succeed in that part.


It’s that time of the week again when Joohyun would go to her parent’s place. I would sometimes accompany her. Her Mother has always been nice and polite. Unfortunately, I have never seen her Father. Joohyun told me he always went out whenever she visits.

When she’s not around, I make sure to visit the restaurant and help out as much as I can. There’s not much customers on this day of the week that’s why she feels like it’s okay to be away for a few hours.

It’s almost time for us to close the establishment. From the kitchen. I went back to possibly help clean up a few tables while waiting for the other customers to leave. I found this guy standing, looking at Joohyun’s drawing that we hanged up on the wall of the restaurant. I recognize him as a regular. He always come here on this day.

I approached him, “Sir? Is there anything I can do for you?” He was quick to look at me then avoid his eyes and attempted to leave, “No. Thank you. I need to go.”

I bowed, “Okay, Sir. Thank you for comi-“ He stopped causing me to halt what I’ve been saying. I lifted my head in time for him to look at me. I can feel him hesitating until he took a few steps towards me, “Actually, there is something you can do.”

“Okay, Sir. What is it?”

He sighed then shifted his head to look at the drawing once more. I get a feeling I know who he is. He smiled so sadly and after a few more seconds he replied, “Tell her I’m proud of her.” Once again, he was quick to turn his back but I was quicker in holding him on his arm.

“I’m sorry but I cannot do that, Mr. Bae.”

I added an explanation as he set his eyes back on me, “I’m sure she would like to hear it from you.”

I saw sadness evident on his face as he bowed down his head in defeat because of what I said, “I kept my distance this year not because I still haven’t changed my mind about these things but because I’m afraid that she hates me and that she can never forgive me. I’m happy for the both of you. Really. You look wonderful together and I like how you take care of her and how happy she is when she’s with you. I’m ashamed of what I did. Do you-“ He looked at me- desperation evident in his voice, “Do you think she can forgive me?”

Sometimes, silence can be mistaken as anger, but I have never seen that in Joohyun’s eyes, it was always longing and forgiveness. I know she had forgiven him even before he even thought about seeking forgiveness. It’s true Joohyun was hurt but she was not angry. She can never be.

I looked back at him and I found the same eyes I had when I couldn’t bring myself to tell Joohyun how I feel.

“Sir, sometimes we let fear get the best of us and we ended up losing the times we could’ve been happy instead because of it. I almost lost Joohyun once because of that. I don’t want you to lose her completely over the same reason.”

“Instead of wondering if she’ll forgive you, why don’t you go tell her and let her make the decision? If not her, what more can you lose?”

I can see him holding back his emotions careful not to spill anything over to a mere stranger. He’s letting my words sink in but he’s contemplating. I pleaded, “Sir. Talk to her. Please.”

He shook his head and the action broke my heart. No. Please, Sir. Talk to her. Say yes you’ll do it. Say-

“I can’t do it.”

My hand on his arm loosened and it weakly fell on my side, “S-sir.” I can feel tears forming up. It’ll be hard to face Joohyun tonight knowing I failed her. I know she wants this the most. I also want this so bad for you, Baby. “P-please.”

Mr. Bae brushed his thumb over the tears in my left eye. After, he patted me on the head, “Not yet. But I promise I will.”

I looked at him- surprise etched on my face.

“Thank you, Seulgi.”


“Just so you know, Boss, you are not being very discreet.”

I went to the restaurant’s counter and tried to pretend I was fixing stuffs while looking at the progress of Joohyun and her Dad’s conversation. We closed the restaurant a bit early and her Father had just arrived looking for her. I was mentally patting myself at the back a while ago thinking that I was doing a good job but then Byulyi, Hyun’s employee, just had to shut me off with that comment.

I was flustered, “Wh-what. I’m…I’m not.”

“Really, Boss?”

I glared at her, “Just finish cleaning up quickly so you can go home.” She laughed, “Okay. Okay.” She cleared some more stuffs on the counter and then headed to the locker room to perhaps change then leave via the back door since the others have left already.

When I was sure that she went home, I went back to peek at the two. I was intensely watching, trying to decipher their expressions when I suddenly felt a presence beside me. I nearly jumped from shock only to find Mrs. Bae beside me. I was actually about to shout but she was fast enough to place a hand on my mouth, “You’re not the only one worried.”

When she let me go, I placed a hand over my chest. My heart beat still fast. “You shocked me, Mrs. Bae!” I say in a half-shout-half-whisper manner. Where did she come from? Did she use the back door? I almost died.

Mrs. Bae laughed at me. It’s evident where Joohyun got her teasing genes from. She looked at the two lovingly and then said to me, “I hope things work out fine.” She added a smile and then looked me in the eyes, “Now, let’s give them some time. I will drive you back to Joohyun’s apartment.”


I fidgeted so bad as I wait for her to come home. I haven’t received any message from her and I don’t know if they are still talking or what. Is she crying? Is she okay? My heart worries non-stop and I partly regretted agreeing with Mrs. Bae to leave them alone.

As soon as I heard someone unlock the door, I immediately jumped from the couch and brisk walked my way towards the door. I saw Joohyun come in. Her eyes are very red and swollen- tears very evident on the sides of her beautiful face.

I always liked seeing all views of her but this is the only exception even though she’s always beautiful even when she cries. However, no matter how pretty, it still breaks my heart to see her in that state so I’d rather not.

“Baby, it’s gonna be oka-“ Joohyun rushed to hug me so tight. She sobbed.

I hugged her back, “It’ll be okay, Hyun. I promise.”

I can feel her face in the crook of my neck. She shook her head. “No, Hyun. Believe me. I will all be oka-“

“I’m so happy, Baby.”

I pushed myself a bit farther so I can see her. I cupped her face, “Excuse me?”

She smiled so widely as she pecked my lips, “I said I’m so happy.”

“You made up?”

She hummed in confirmation as she went back to place her face in the crook of my neck.

A huge grin is very prominent on my face as I hugged her tighter, “You got me so worried!”

I sighed in relief as I rubbed my cheek on her head.

“I’m happy for you, Hyun.”


This Christmas Eve, we spent dinner with both of our parents. It was very satisfying to see her laughing around with her parents and getting along with mine. My heart swelled up with happiness. I could never forget that sight.

After that, we went back to my place and now we are cuddled together in my room. Sleep hasn’t come to the both of us yet- maybe because we were both so hyped with how the day went by. Suddenly, she asked me, “What is there to do in your room?”

“Hmm… Well, we can do many things. Just tell how you want it,” I raised my teasingly eyebrows multiple times and grinned widely.

“Yah! Not that!” She said while chuckling and lightly punching me in the stomach. I laughed too.

I thought for a bit until a light bulb popped in my head, “Do you want to draw? Draw Santa Harabeoji?”

“Oh. Okay!”

“Okay, then wait a second.” I say while trying to get up. “I bought oil pastels. I want to try it.” I went to get those along with some papers. “Let’s try it!” She enthusiastically replied to me.

“I just bought these from the internet,” I say as I place the materials on my bed. I started drawing first and she kept teasing me, “Are those cheeks?  Is it a clown? Is it Anpanman?! Hairy ajhussi!”

When it was her turn, I was determined to get back by throwing in some rebuttals, “A Petty Santa! He looks like a thief! He’s about to steal presents!”

But then who am I kidding when I’m so whipped over her and I ended up saying a lot of encouraging stuffs too, “If you add red lips here, we can sell it as a merchandise! It looks cute. It looks artistic!”

She is so concentrated on drawing which I find very adorable. I looked at her very fondly with a smile on my face. She is so beautiful I didn’t even know it was possible. Her front side is pretty. Her side profile is pretty too. But I’ve also grown to love every inch of her inside and out.


It’s funny how I’m with a girl who called me annoying.

I saw her a while ago (she’s probably lost again) and invited her to the sea side which was also a shooting location for a drama she coincidentally likes. She immediately started drawing as soon as we sat in the cemented area beside the shore. She was in deep concentration that she probably didn’t know I also have my sketchpad and that I also like to draw.

I initiated the introduction after several hesitations because I didn’t want to interrupt her peaceful bubble and partly because she probably hates me for what I said earlier. I’m surprised how the conversation went smoothly right after. We just met but I feel like I’ve known her for a long time. How could two strangers talk to each other endlessly like this?

I found myself drawing her instead of the view. Maybe because I admired her more than it. Or maybe because she was just as if not more than beautiful.

 "See you around?” She said while getting up.

“Sure,” I replied.

It was dark when we bid goodbyes and she walked away. And as she walked farther, I kept thinking how even her backside is beautiful.


I was in my hotel room and for hours I just kept looking at the sketch of her that I drew. I kept thinking about what happened earlier. It’s like our time together is just ours. It’s our own creation- like I’m in her dream and she’s in mine.

My phone rang, and I picked it up, “Are you already in the plane, Seul?” I'm supposed to board the plane headed to London. Slovenia was just a quick stop in my itinerary.

“No, Mom. I’m still in the hotel.”

“Baby, you are gonna miss that plane.”

“I know,” I replied.

“See you around?” Joohyun's voice kept repeating inside my head like a mantra.

"I want to stay here for a little bit." I hanged up on Mom. Sorry.

I walked back, picked up my sketchpad, then looked at the sketch of her one more time.

“See you around?” I hear it over and over without end.

I flipped to the back side of that sheet and wrote, “Bae Joohyun, will I ever see you again?”





What are the odds?


As she came back to the bed from hanging our finished drawings on my wall, I cannot contain my feelings anymore. I just want to spend the rest of my life with her. I want to keep loving her for as long as life lets me. I stood up and hugged her.

I swayed our bodies side to side. For a while, we danced to the tune of our beating hearts. It was just me loving her and her loving me back.

It was just us- deeply, irrevocably, and blissfully in love.




There's no more sheet for us to sketch on. But that won't stop us.

We are still artists but this time our canvas is our lives and our medium is our love.

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424 streak #1
Chapter 10: loved the vibes for this, it was beautiful and i could totally imagine everything since you tied the plot into the LUP scenes. So good❤️
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
hope u doing great author nim🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #3
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 10: 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ this is too soft 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ meeeelllllttttt
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 10: Ohhh this is so romantic. I am not much of a first POV writing style. But i’m a simp for SeulRene. And honestly this is such a hopeless romantic trope that i can’t help but be in. Cheers
Spicycharmed #6
this is cute 😍
peachbear #7
Chapter 10: AHHHH CUTEEE
peachbear #8
Chapter 8: this is so beautiful 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 10: Oh woww it's so sweet :')
okay54321 #10
Chapter 10: Oh god, this is heartbreakingly beautiful