Sheet Fifty

Sketches: Life is a canvas. Love is paint. We are the artists.

The past days were spent in the comfort of my hotel room with us worshipping each other’s existence.

Each kiss was rushed but held a promise of reunification. Our touches were firm yet soft afraid it’ll break something fragile. We would lie on the bed with our sweat-filled ness every night and we would hold each other so tight like we weren’t meant to be apart.

But we both know how little time is left. It went by so fast I would hope a lot for it to slow down but it wasn’t meant to work that way.

And soon the little world of our own must come to an end.

But not our love. Never our love.


“Aren’t you gonna draw on this one?” Seulgi says as she points to the empty last sheet of my sketchpad. I’m currently sitting on the floor while packing my stuffs and she’s there in the couch helping me with the other things.

I went and sat beside her. “I’m not gonna draw on that one.” I point on the pad. “Not yet.”

I could see the creases forming Seulgi’s forehead like she was solving a puzzle she couldn’t figure out. I laughed as I raise my hand to straighten those.

“I’m leaving this to you with a promise that we would see each other again real soon. And I would draw on that page with our happy ending once we meet again.” I finish off by placing my hands on the back of her neck and pulling her into me for a peck.

She formed a smile as she looked at me with so much love. “I would like that.” She says with glistening eyes.

She dives in for another kiss. This one’s deeper, longer, and more passionate than any we’ve ever had. Our hands start to roam around each other’s body. There is so much more we need to pack but I don’t mind being interrupted.


The plane ride to South Korea is agonizingly slow and boring. Maybe because Seulgi’s not here with me. For the next few weeks to months, this will be partly the reality of my everyday life. Except it’ll be much worse.

From the moment I land, it’ll be the start of my battle towards my dreams- of what I want myself to be and who I want myself to be with. It will be hard and at times I will possibly think of giving up but I must endure it all. Seulgi wanted us to face it together but she knows it’s a battle I must face on my own for now.

I closed my eyes. It will be a very long flight but it doesn’t matter as long as I reach my destination.


I got off from the nearest bus stop. I’ve been riding the bus every day since I sold off my car so I can add more funds to my soon-to-open restaurant. Public transportation is fun though at times it can be taxing since I would have to walk a lot.

After a few minutes, I arrived to my apartment. It’s a lot smaller as compared to what I used to own when I was working in my Father’s company. I remember telling him I want to resign nearly a week after I got back. He was so angry he almost broke everything in my former office.

I opened the door and set myself in then took off my shoes. After that I lied on the couch and closed my eyes. Everything has been way too hard since then.

Today has been the hardest.

I went back to my parent’s house this afternoon. I had received news that he was planning on having me engaged with one of his friend’s son. He was still not keen in me chasing my dreams but it seems like it suddenly doesn’t matter anymore as long as I find a spouse that would take over his business.

He has a smug expression when I arrived. He thought I had gotten my mind back and would beg him to take me back. Instead, I went there and professed my love for Seulgi. That I was hopelessly in love with another female. He went berserk right after. I expected him to. After all, he thinks of males as the greatest. To think I prefer a woman above all men is surely a blow in his ego.

I left their house with a bruised cheek. There would have been more if my mother did not interrupt. I can feel tears starting to form so I closed my eyes.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing. It was a hard day but the name of the caller instantly brings a smile to my face.

“Hello, Babe?” I heard her say as soon as I answer the call. “Yes, Baby?” I replied softly. “Nothing. I just want to hear your voice.” I smiled. “Me too.”

We shared some stories and I also told her about what happened this afternoon. “Does it still hurt?” She asks after I finish. I can sense worry in her voice. I nod my head as if she’s in front of me. “Yeah. I only received a hard slap but why does everything hurts?” I say with my voice cracking. I start sobbing quietly.

“I’m sorry, Baby.” She says as she sobs too. “I’m sorry things are so hard for you right now but please don’t give up. Don’t ever give us up, Hyun.”

I shook my head. “Having things hard does not equate to giving up. It just means we have to endure more. And I can endure so much more for us.”

That night we cried like a river with no end as we whispered promises of forever that we’ll keep for the rest of our lives. From this day forward, we know things will get harder but we’ll endure it together.


“How was today?” Seulgi said as we finish cleaning the restaurant after a long day. It’s been a month since it opened. We have a decent flow of customers coming in everyday and their feedbacks have been so nice whenever they leave.

“I’m so tired, Baby.” I say as I reach to her for a hug. “But happy.” I added as I place my head on her shoulder.

“I’m happy for you too.” She said as she placed her hands on my back.

“When are you leaving again?” I ask her. Ever since that phone call, I finally let Seulgi accompany me. She has been constantly flying back and forth to be with me. I have long accepted her as a wanderer and as long as she comes back to me, I don’t really mind being apart for a short while.

“I’m not leaving this time, Hyun. I want to stay here for good.” She says to me.

I widened my eyes and pulled back so I can see her face. Then I opened and closed my mouth several times until I figured out what to say. “Why would you do that? Your soul is out there- always constantly seeking for a journey, always traveling, always exploring. It longs for art in different places-”

“No.” She interrupted me.

“No?” I ask with brows furrowed.

She chuckled a bit. “My soul is not out there. It’s not in any place. It’s in a person.” She leans close.

“It’s in yours.” She says as she kisses me on the lips.

And I kiss her back. I will always kiss her back.

“Smooth talker.” I say as we part. She laughed. “Let’s go home, Baby.” I nodded then went to the staff room to retrieve my bag.

When I got back, I saw Seulgi looking at one of the frames hanged on the wall of the restaurant. She looked at me as she heard my footsteps. “This is my favorite sketch of yours, Hyun.” She turns to look at it again after saying that.

I ran up to her then put my hands on her waist. “It’s my favorite too.” I say as I lean my head on her shoulder while I look at the same thing.

It’s a sketch I drew of me and Seulgi smiling while looking at each other.

“I love you.” Seulgi said to me.

“I love you too.” I say back.

We looked at it for a long time with happiness in our hearts.
















It’s the last sheet.

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433 streak #1
Chapter 10: loved the vibes for this, it was beautiful and i could totally imagine everything since you tied the plot into the LUP scenes. So good❤️
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
hope u doing great author nim🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #3
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 10: 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ this is too soft 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ meeeelllllttttt
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 10: Ohhh this is so romantic. I am not much of a first POV writing style. But i’m a simp for SeulRene. And honestly this is such a hopeless romantic trope that i can’t help but be in. Cheers
Spicycharmed #6
this is cute 😍
peachbear #7
Chapter 10: AHHHH CUTEEE
peachbear #8
Chapter 8: this is so beautiful 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 10: Oh woww it's so sweet :')
okay54321 #10
Chapter 10: Oh god, this is heartbreakingly beautiful