Say you love me

Red is the Devil's Color

"Now eat up, sweetie." Seongah smiled, picking up the spoon to Jeongyeon's lips. 

"I'm not hungry." Jeongyeon said, avoiding Seongah's gaze. 

"It's not poisoned. If that's what you're thinking. Jeongyeon, I love you, I won't ever hurt you." Seongah said. "Here, look. I'll dine with you." Taking several bites of the food she made.

"See? Not dead. Now eat." 

Jeongyeon still cautiously lifted the spoon to her lips and into , and then, and then again. Before she realized it she had finished her meal.

Seongah eyed her every bite, a satisfied look on her face. "And you say you're not hungry."

Jengyeon kept quiet, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. "Thank you for the meal, Seongah."

"Time for your vitamins!" Seongah shook out a white pill in her hand and handed it to Jeongyeon. "This is for your health. Now drink and swallow." She giggled. "I'll check after."

Jeongyeon's mind was racing, she was thinking of a way to not drink the pill. She was sure it was a knock out drug, but she can't use trickery now. She would have to buy time.


Jeongyeon has lost all sense and count of time, the only way she could tell it was night time is the walls growing colder and colder around her tiny room. 

The duvet Seongah provided became her only source of warmth, it must have been at least three days since Seongah has taken her from the park, and the longer she has the cold shackles on her the weaker she feels.

She started to plan her moves.


The days have come and gone and Mina is still worried about Jeongyeon, though she did receive a message saying that her partner is alright and she need not to worry. She still couldn't help but worry about Jeongyeon.

'Something isn't right, Sana. I can't tell what it is but something isn't right.' Mina recalls her frantic text to Sana when she received Jeongyeon's supposed message. 

Sana re-assured her that Jeongyeon is capable of handling herself, but still Mina has this unsettling feeling in her gut; and her gut has never lied to her before.

A couple more days pass and Mina is going out of her mind, no one believes that Jeongyeon could be actually not on vacation. 

' Sana, let me try to find Jeongyeon. it's been days.'

and Sana would just say ' Maybe Jeongyeon is enjoying her vacation, Mina. She deserves this.'

And Mina would just sigh and try and text her partner, but it would always be the same text reply. 


" Can't talk rn. I’ll get back to you later.” 


But she won’t. Jeongyeon never did, in fact it took her days before she would reply again. She got Dahyun to track Jeongyeon's cell phone from its last tower ping, but the park wasn't that much help. Her location was still a mystery to Mina. 


She sighed, rolling her neck and hearing several cracks. She's been sitting far too long. But what can she do, there was no case, and as far as Sana was concerned the case on Jihyo is still the one she wants to prioritize.

She decided to go home, as she headed to her car her phone buzzed. The message she read made her run back to Dahyun in panic.


The angel still hasn’t revealed her name and Yeri’s nose is currently the itchiest it has been. 

“Hey, angel. Wanna come give your ol’ demon pal a hand?” Yeri said. 

Nayeon walked to where Yeri was held, she can feel the warmth of the holy fire burning, “What do you want, demon?” 

Yeri smiled, “You know, we’ve been here for days but I still don’t know your name. Wanna know mine? We can be friends.You know just an angel and a demon; vessels hanging out.” She further jokes.


“What do you want, demon?” Nayeon repeated.

The slightest twist of Yeri’s wrists burns, the heat of the holy fire is making her extremely uncomfortable and she can sense the Jihyo is in some sort of trouble. 

“I want freedom, dear angel.” She said.

“Well then, all you have to say is who you’re working for. I’m a reasonable angel, surely we can work something out. Assuming that you and your fallen friend are willing to the hole you once came from.”

Yeri sighed. If she dies here and Jihyo is out there in danger it would be even worse than ratting her out and not protecting her than not rat her out and not protect her and then see her back in hell. That would be her literal nightmare.

“I’ll tell you.” Yeri declared.

Nayeon was taken back by Yeri’s sudden declaration. The demon sounded sincere, but that is all farce for an angel like her as it was taught since the beginning of time, demons are liars, they are not to be trusted.

“Why should I trust you.” Nayeon asked.

“My demon name is Jolgorin. Now you have dominion over me, and you can send me to where I came from. I go by Yeri these days, but we’ve been everywhere in the world.”


Nayeon crossed her arms, still not convinced that she should trust the demon. But she wanted to know who the fallen were. 

With one swift move of her sword the holy fire was extinguished, leaving them in the lingering heat.



Jeongyeon’s heart was racing, her narrow escape was foiled, freedom was so close but here she was again, shackled in a dark cold room.

The blow to her head hurt so bad, she hoped that the text she sent to Mina went through.

The door to the room she’s in opened and revealed an angry and fuming Seongah.

“Jeongie, why? Why would you do that?” Seongah asked sweetly, her eyes though sharp and angry.

“I’m sorry.” Jeongyeon said. “I want to see my friends again. I’m sure they’re worried.”

Seongah shook her head. “Jeongyeon, you love me right?” 


Jeongyeon stayed silent.


Seongah almost flew from the door to the mattress Jeongyeon was on, brandishing a hunting knife in her hands. 

“You love me right, Jeongie?” Seongah repeated. “Say you love me, Jeongyeon.” She said, running the blade of the knife on Jeongyeon’s shirt, “Say it.”

It was fast, the cold edge of the blade on her skin left a huge gash, the warm blood now soaking through Jeongyeon’s shirt.

She clutched her arm, the blood flowing freely. She looked at the wound, it's about three inches long and deep.

“You’re still not going to say it?” Seongah screamed, fuming and crying.

She raised the knife again, slicing Jeongyeon’s cheek, the other howling in pain.

“I…. I love you Seongah.” Jeongyeon cried, bleeding and defeated.

Seongah stopped, her expression softened. “I love you too, Jeongyeon. Now don’t ever do that again okay?”


“I’m losing a lot of blood Seongah.” She said as she glanced at her bleeding arm, not counting the bleeding gash on her cheek.

Seongah kneeled in front of Jeongyeon, “I’m going to take care of you, Jeongyeon don’t worry.”

She struck Jeongyeon again at the back of the head, rendering her unconscious.


Mina was frantic, she gathered Dahyun, Momo, and Chaeyoung in a briefing room, while they tried to get Sana on the phone.

“Dahyun do we have anything on the cell tower pings?” Mina asked, pulling all of Jeongyeon’s employee files, and case files.

Dahyun nodded, “I’m trying to see the exact location, but the last ping after you received her message was in the downtown area. Not so much of a help, but it’s a start.”

Mina was on high alert, all the little details finally jumping out to her, she’s in her element, she rummaged through Jeongyeon’s files, contact list, and kept going back to the message her partner sent her.

I knew it, I knew she wasn’t where she said she was, I just wish Sana was here, she could help speed things up a lot.” Mina thought.

“Hey, I got a location!” Dahyun exclaimed, as the keys to her computer clicked and clacked away.


Her wrist was bruised and cut. And sure the human suit she was in will heal quickly, but her demon essence was bruised and cut too. Angelic runes are not to be ed with, especially if you are a demon.

Yeri looked at her captor, the features of her human vessel were not that bad, though she still radiated the aura of an angel.

“What?” Nayeon asked, dusting off her shirt.

“It’s nothing. So you want to know my boss? What for?” Yeri inquired, hoping the angel would at the very least make her privy to that information, which almost cost her life. Well ratting Jihyo out is gonna cost her her life. But she’d rather deal with Jihyo’s wrath than to die in the hands of an angel.

“She’s a fallen. She was once an angel. We keep track of all the fallen.” Nayeon said.

Yeri nodded.

“Nayeon.” The other said.

“What?” Yeri replied.

Nayeon shook her head, “My name, demon. Well, this vessel’s name.”

“Well Nayeon, you can call me Yeri. Though you can still cast me out of this vessel, because you know my real name. I doubt that there’s going to be anything left with this poor soul.” Yeri smiled.

“So…Your boss.”

Jihyo has been having these weird dreams. Dreams of Yeri getting held, maniacal laughter, and a shadow of a demon coming out the doors of hell.

She bolted upright, gripping the sheets, cheeks flush, she could feel the cold wall of her holding cell.

She closed her eyes again and muttered in her demon tongue, when she opened her eyes again she was in a quaint house, furnished with fixtures.

The woman has her back turned to Jihyo, well technically Yeri’s body but Jihyo’s cognition.

She looked down on her hands and saw healing ligature marks. So her dreams were true, not that she doubted, but sometimes they . She shook her head and rubbed her wrists.

“Hurts again?” The woman said, now facing her.

Jihyo nodded, “Yeah, whatever you put on me hurt real bad.”

The woman laughed. “Well yes, it is angelic runes. But didn’t you know that?”

Jihyo smiled. "Well duh, angelic runes and demons don't mix."

The woman chuckled. "Yeah."


It was fast, but the woman in front of her was faster. Inhumanly fast, taking out a concealed dagger under her skirt.

"What is your name, demon?" The woman said with such authority that Jihyo wanted to let go of Yeri's body. But she can't. she has to find out where she was first.

The dagger tip was scribbled on with angelic runes, the same rune she thinks is giving Yeri a hard time. She was strong in Yeri's body but she cannot do much with such a disadvantage. She closed her eyes again and muttered under her breath, and when she opened her eyes again she was back in her cell.

"" She cursed.

Mina had been calling up every judge she knew, the location they got from Dahyun belonged to Lee Seong-Ah.

"Hello your honor." "Need a warrant." "As soon as possible, we just need a signature."

Mina tried and tried for several judges to carry out the warrant. Finally, one said yes.

She suited up along with Momo, considering Jeongyeon's text she's severely distraught, they headed to the car and drove to the location with Dahyun on the phone guiding them to the location.


They're turning into the outskirts of the city, almost in the villages with big houses and mansions. They parked in front of the house.

Mina headed up the steps of the house, for someone living alone it was a pretty big house she noted to herself.


Momo nodded at her, covering her back as Mina knocked on the door of the house.

They waited for the door to be answered before they knocked again. But before Mina's knuckles touched the door again it swung open, with a disheveled girl behind it.

"Hey, I'm looking for Lee Seong-Ah. I'm Detective Myoui Mina, this is Detective Hirai Momo."

The woman that opened the door had red puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks, and a very flushed face.

"I-I'm Seong-Ah." She said, wiping her eyes.

"Can we come in? We have a warrant to search your house." Mina said, showing Seong-Ah the warrant that they have.

Mina took note of the details of the house. Inspecting the place quietly as Momo asked the questions.


"Do you know this person?" Momo said, showing a photo of Jeongyeon.

Seong-Ah nodded. "Yeah, she's in my yoga class. I heard about what happened to our instructor. That's so devastating. I was supposed to go to her class that day but I had been called into work that day so I skipped it."

Momo took notes. "Do you live here on your own?"

"Yeah, my grandparents left me their estate and some other properties. I'm the only daughter of my parents so it's just me." Seong-Ah said, rubbing her arms.


"Is it okay for me to look around? Detective Hirai will stay here with you to ask you some more questions." Mina said, not really waiting for an answer.

Mina started out on the first floor inspecting every nook and cranny that she can reach. She noticed security cameras in the place, jotting down that in her notes and mentally laying out the house.

The first floor is clear, she moved on to the second floor.

She opened door after door, after door. Half expecting to see Jeongyeon in every room she went to. She just sighs after every room, feeling dejected and even more frantic in her search.

She went down to the first floor again. Seong-Ah eyed her carefully while she still looked dishevelled and puffy eyed. Mina looked around again, double checking and triple checking the place.

Mina noticed an empty closet and opened the door. It was just a plain broom closet. Feeling frustrated, she called out Jeongyeon's name.

But there was no answer. Silence echoed through the halls of the house. She felt defeated, she was so positive that Jeongyeon was here.

Momo went to Mina, placing her hand on Mina's shoulder and accompanying her to the car.


Jeongyeon heard the whole ordeal, she heard the muffled voices of Mina and Momo questioning Seong-Ah. She heard Mina’s footsteps fading and getting louder again. She heard Mina shout her name and call hers out loud.

It stung, it hurt. She banged the foam walls, she screamed, she tugged on her chain and struggled. Rattling her chains hoping that Mina hears her, hears anything. 

But she didn’t. Not even Momo heard anything and she was sure of that.

Several moments pass and she hears the door of the room opening, she dove to the mattress on the floor and pretended to sleep. 

Seong-Ah got her up with a slap across her face. She bolted up and looked at her captor. 

“You want to go back to Mina? HOW DID SHE KNOW WHERE I LIVED? DID YOU CONTACT HER?” Seong-Ah shouted. 

Jeongyeon cowered in fear, the wild look in Seong-Ah’s eyes was frightening. Seong-Ah struck her: to the face, the body, and anywhere her punches would land. Jeongyeon could only steel herself from crying, but she can’t anymore.  

After the beating she was strewn across the floor, Jeongyeon was barely conscious, she could feel the bumps on her head, her body ached and she was sure as hell that she’s already black and blue.

She felt her body being lifted from the concrete floor and being carried out of the room.

Mina cried the whole car ride back to the HQ, she felt like someone crushed her heart, like someone was squeezing her lungs out of air.

Momo would just give her a sincere look between her sobs. She knows Jeongyeon is there and she’s alive. That much she can feel deep in her bones. But the frustration of losing Jeongyeon this long, and not finding her when she now knows her friend needs her. It shook Mina to her core. She wants to find Jeongyeon and she wants to find her quickly.

When they got to the elevators of the office her eyes were red and puffy. She pushed the button for their floor and waited for their stop.

The elevator halted and they passed the doors, the whole floor was in chaos. 


“Where have you been?” Chaeyoung half yelled, “We need to go. Sana needs you both quickly, it’s Jeongyeon.”

Mina hurried to Sana who was beside Dahyun staring at the screen in deep contemplation.

“Sana-” But before Mina can even start, Sana pointed at Dahyun’s screen.

It was a horror film coming to life. It was Jeongyeon in a car, hands duct taped to the steering wheel and a sign on on the wind shield saying there is a bomb inside with her.

The video feed hurt to watch as the entire floor scramble to figure out where this was happening and mobilize at the same time.  

Dahyun can’t even type fast enough to find the source of the video. 

“The location is jumping, it’s just jumping from one location to another!” Dahyun yelled furiously typing away on her computer. Her eyes panicked and her tone worried. 

Momo had already left to lead an assault team across the city with Chaeyoung and some of the uniformed officers. 


It was chaos, Mina’s ears were ringing. She’s having that feeling again.

“Mina!” Sana called, her tone frantic, Dahyun was still typing her fingers away like Jeongyeon's life depended on it. And it did. "Mina, we need you on the other side of town, she could be anywhere, the shot of her is too tight we still can't trace where the feed is coming from."

Mina got to her feet, her woozy feeling getting stronger. "Do we have the swat?" She asks, seeing spots in her peripheral and trying to shake them. Getting her gear as quickly as possible in the lockers. 

She passed Jihyo sitting in the visitor's lounge carefully eyeing the commotion happening on the floor. She wanted to slow down and ask, but another wave of nausea hit her and two more uniformed officers asked her if she was ready to go. She could only give Jihyo a curt nod. 


The sirens were blaring and Dahyun’s click-clacking was coming through her radio feed, her nausea had vanished just moments ago when she exited the HQ.

They have set-up camp on a high up building overlooking the south part of town, they still haven’t pinned the location for Jeongyeon’s whereabouts. She could hear the sirens fading in and out of hearing.

“They’re looking for her. We’re going to find her.” She reminded herself, “And when we do, I’m going to kill her.” She muttered to herself, balling her hand into a fist. 


Dahyun did her best, but this stupid feed signal keeps jumping, no matter how hard she tries, she wants to get to Jeongyeon and help, but this is what she’s good at. And Sana reminds her of that constantly by glancing over her and asking if she has had any luck of pinning down that feed signal. 

Which every time, she would say no. 

She could barely look up, Jeongyeon’s beaten face, her bleeding lip, and the bomb sign gives her chills. She’s seen countless of these scenes. But this is someone close to her. The one who did this made it personal.

She typed, and typed, and opened up all of the code and applications she could’ve used if she was the abductor. She wanted Jeongyeon to be safe. She’s going to do this. 


Her arms felt like lead and she has lost a significant amount of blood already. She’s feeling real cold.


“I’m going to die like this aren’t I?” She laughed dryly to herself. Jeongyeon’s humor has always been dry. Hers and Chaeyoung, she remembered. Which made her laugh a little bit more. BUt her cuts and bruises hurt and stung. Had she been more careful she wouldn’t have been in this situation. 

“No, dummy don’t say that.” A small voice in her head said. “They’re going to find you. I’m going to find you.”

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Chapter 8: I love this story so much (✪▽✪) It's so amazing, which makes me curious about the next chapter 🥹🥹 I hope Jeongie will be okay 🥹
Chapter 6: you're back! the story line is really good. I hope you keep updating
14 streak #3
Chapter 5: The story is spooky so full of mystery good job authornim please update hehehe
xZeiki #4
Chapter 5: That JeongMi tag gets me every single time. (☍﹏⁰) an I had a hard time reading those words authornim xD
Chapter 4: ohhh myy . dun dun dun dunnnn
cacalsi #6
Hi. I really love the story. It's like watching a TV drama that I can vividly see the plots in my head. Lowkey root for Jeongmi but Jihyo's character is such a charm.